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Show I 2 HE DESERET Salt Lake City,' Utah WPB Freezes All Supplies On Order --From Many Confused About Relief Measure A I BY JAMES t ce -- NEW 10RK, May I t I 'Association. GIVING SERVICE 1 " f purpose by the American Bar ' These' lawyers are contribute Ing their services to ease hard- ships for those left at home of up the morale rand to keep and sailors who, with-- I out such help, might be troubled bv worries for their future and that of their families. I Some army camps are visited I on regular days by lawyers from I nearby -- towns or cities to con- suit with soldiers needing adyiee. I At some camps soldiers Vho J were lawyers in civil life are as- signed the 16b of advising their ; fellow soldiers. One of the attorneys for the 2 New York a where the Legal Aid Society, number of draftees I seeking advice is multiplying by i the hundreds monthly, explain-- ! ed- 4 4- X T - We will give anv man enter lng the service, or his family, ad- vice on his civil problems. That advice is free. Then, if he or they ran afford a lawver to handle their case, we suggest thev hire one. That is, after we have ad-- " vised them. If thev cant afford a lawver. we wllLhandle the case tree and represent them In court " CONFUSED ABOUT ACT Attorneys sav manv men en- - tering the armed services now are confused about the meaning of the soldiers and sailors civil relief act of Oct 17 194Q, which was passed as a sister-ac- t to the selective service measure of the same vear when this country was raising a neacetlme armv That act affected certain obligations contracted before that date Wallpaper Linoleum Window Shades our oxports odrito you on It you; interior docoratlnq prob lorn without obligation. ARMSTRONG-ENGBER- G CO. - 19 WEST FIRST SOUTH PHONE 21 (AP) of Brings Down 8 Nazi Raiders Lieut. , . t hatter), is shown smiling beside the rer mains of bis latest victim a Messerschmitt 110. has shot down eight Nazi raiders. (Central r- - cerA year ago it seemed tain that we eould meet all needs and foreseeable of have plenty of all kinds and food for all other uses, even some to spare," he explained. RIO DE JANEIRO, May 21. (CDN) At the request of the American State Department, the Brazilian government has decreed that all dollar bills In the hands of firms or Individuals throughout the country must be converted into milreis (Brais tomororw. milreis zilian currency) by (A currently quoted 1940. But that suspension of a small, unsecured loan may not be all blessing was pointed out by one legal aid society attorney who said. Some loan companies may not attempt to do anything about the collection of the money owed them on a loan because it is to their advantage to wait till the wars end to collect for this , reason: Suppose John Jones borrowed $300 and was diafted a couple of days later. The interest loan companies which some charge, depending on the state law, may be slightly less than ,1 per cent a month or about 30 per cent a year. If Jones made no payment on that loan for a year the Interest would be $90- If he remained 4 years in the army Without paying, the interest at the end of that time amount to S360. or more than the loan It-- - self. at approximately lend-leas- cents). iion-icall- y gen-tin- 000,-00- While this leak is not imthe plugging of it is another economic warfare blow against Germanv. True, it comes somewhat late since Europe was looted long ago and the swag mostly disposed of Rut United States Ambassador Caffery has expiessed himself as ven well at the Biazilian govpleased ernment's cooperative action The number of motor vehicles in operation in Brazil at the fust of the year was estimated at 184,254, an increase of 10,234 in a vear. mense, SfttJtesnrt'Neina Member of The Audit Bureau of Circulation PnbllihM A her noon Eroept Sunday Entered at the poitohiee at Salt Lake Crty ae aecond clan matter ar cording to Act of Congrcca, March 3. 179 One RATES wwk $ 20 x montba (paid In advance) 4 75 One year (paid in advance) $9 50 The above rates apply to Utah, Idaho. Nevada and Wyoming All other afatea month. The Associated Press is evclunlvelv entitled to the use of publication of all news dispatch credited to or not other wise credited tn thta paper; alto the local newt published herein. LIFES LIKE THAT e 'it looked as if farmers would have to produce Of This move is designed to prevent the Nazis from realizing profia on the looting of occupied Europe and the State Department has made similar requests of the other South American countries. It has been known for some time that comparatively large amounts of United States currency have bepn coming into South America through various channels A great deal was carried in by the now grounded Italian airline Lati, for example. And enough, much of it has been used to finance Nazi espionage and propaganda activities against the United States ' "Figures aie tacking a a n the amount of United States dollars e brought into Brazil, But At imports of U. S. cutrencv during 1940 and 1941 amounted 0 to between $1,000 000 and $2 SUBSCRIPTION This Roof Costs less to Own! 6 they4esmbed as War Department shut gun" methods, said the "fiecze' af- Responsible government offi etals in -- Washington have beea a predicting the creation of war food administrative body, possibly headed by Wickard. The agriculture secretary said In his speech that demands for Nations food for the United had increased beyond expecta-iion- course, more of some things, and processors handle more But generally speaking it seemed that the normal methods of pspduc-ing- , processing and distributing food could go on, as usual Declaring this was nd longer true, the secretary said America was sending its Allies much more food than officials had expected a year ago. he It is still safe to say, said, "that everyone in this country can havew enough nourishing food, but e can't be certain that we w'ont run shoit of of some paiticular Kinds food and have to make up the lack with other kinds of food And it's already a ceitainty that many kinds of 'food will reach consumers in different packages or different forms from those they are used to, and that many methods of distiibutlon have to be changed" Mexico To Declare War (AD May 21 from dispatches Germanv said today that Berlin expected Mexico to declare war ing receipt upon the Reich followdemand for of an answer to her satisfaction in the submarine-sinkinof a Mexican tanker. The dispatches relaved here from Berlin via Stockholm, said that Nan circles also expected t republics-noother now at war with the Axis to follow Mexicos lead It was said the German reply would be LONDON, Roundabout g Latin-Amcrica- delivered todav. the The time limit which for Mexican government set Germany's eplv expires at midnight Mexican Time tonight (2 a m EWT Fridav) with of the tanker Sinking Sturd a loss of 14 lives has violent public reaction in Mexico and produced outcries foi an Immediate war declaration. The protest, demanding full reparation, was filed last Thurs1 day. By Fred Neher r. ... . Mav 2uH(AP) OTTAWA. Canadians who have been using oil for heating will have to find some other fuel or go cold next winter. This fact was disclosed last minister night when munitions House of C D Howe told the w no ill he There Commons heating bv oil next winter in homes and factories anywhere in Canada In iesponce to a question from said his statethe floor How-ment could he interpreted as meaning that all heatingfoi with the fuel oil will be stopped the coming winter and warned convertpublic it had best begin fuel ing all oil heaters to other Howe also said the natural gas supplv was dwindling andthose It was likclv that whose furnaces could he convened to other fuel would have to ronvert them The munitions min ster made his statement in a general dis oil cuMon of the gasoline andattensituation dui ing which on ms tion was again focused order last week educing the value of gasoline ratton coupons in the thire maiitime provinces fiom five to two gallons 1 Mechanical Guard Invented To Free Soldiers For War LOS (p) small I A cal which guardman of the oldieis some e guatd-in- g dpfen'c plants for fiont line wai dut guatdman, The mechanical technically an inteiceptor fence for sevtested been detector, has eral months at Northrop Aircraft, Inc Army engineeis said on they were very much sold They explained this svstenf defe ts often that it elimin-te- s found in such devices as high voltage bairieis, photo electric cells and m phones Geil.ev s guaidsman. Invent, ed bv hint and a staff of engineeis at his Telcction Engineera warn-ining CocWtantlv flkslves box and to a sectional sentiw to a master boaul it someone attempts to tiespass or to cut the bafnei around a war plant It not onlv flashes the warn- - Government regulations allow you 12 months to pay for home repairs. Ask about our Budget Plan. . & Morrison-Merri- ll ''Building Headquarters BOUNTIFUL MURRAY MtDV ALE HUM KO militarv aiea Co. 205 North 3rd West 190 West 13rd South SAIT. LAKE CITY 50 She's straightening np her crib all day long now, since the boy next to her said he likes the domestic tjpe. - e Hot-fou- suit- - .VldH & ttl a. HtfH g A ! MAY WE DECO-- I RATE FOR YOUR SHOWER? &vurerA z Jxom v No 1. Sportswear Takes the Center of the Stage The (lavs for outdoor living are at last at hand; the great double Memorial Day holiday is fast sport coats, slacks, loafer jackets and things of that sort. The place to look is the new Arthur Frank store, which has prepared for Americas greatest sportswear season in a big way. If its new and smart, its here; if it isnt new,. it isn't here. Our firt of last October destro) ed the few sports things left from the previous summer- You couldn't find an old sportswear - item here if you tried S por tsc o atS fr oiiittt.'. Mav 21 7 . . S 1 T.00 $5.d0 Slack suits from $7-5- Loafer jackets from $7.30 Sport shirts from . rrr $2.00 Tee diirt from $1.00 Sweaters from $3.50 Sport belts from $1.00 fiom whirh thev have been moved for strategic mtlitaiv icasons However, the wqik'eis will be pci nutted in other zones whole a gieat deal of the Wests food Thu', is raised foi the nation a supplv of, experienced Jai m la made available been bor has reif the Japanese evacuees spond to the opportunity Tortland gioup leaving to dav two hundied strong, will work tn the eastern Oregon sj gar beet fields, chiefly in thin rung the rows. 70I-2I0- J. MAIN STy ) nd civilian clothin- g- .convinced-wa- s HELEN KIRKPATRICK .pence (50ents) NORTHIN SOMEWHERE Three times a week theie Is a ERN IRELAND WITH TfJE U. dance with music supplied by S one of the many swing bands ARMY, May 21 (CDN) Within the next months the formed in the diffeient regi American Red Cioss will be ments Except on those evenings five hostels and canteens guls aie not admitted Fnday fot American foices in the British Isles. The fust one to open nights aie hamburger nights. We visited the center on Friis in Londonderiy. Shoitly hqstels will open In day and sampled the results of Belfast, London, Glasgow and Eda. weeks instruction givn Irish inburg for ti oops on leavp Thp cooks by American exports in the Red Cioss field canteen was at art of producing jnst the tight the docks when lecent continblend of meat, onions and bread. gents of troops armed from the Thev seemed pretty good to us United States its been so long since your In Londonderry the Red Cross but cot respondent tasted one, the took over the hotel and has conopinion is not that of an expert verted It into an atti active ser-Ice club wdth a canteen, reading Both jnboaid and outboard and timing rooms and accommomotois opeiated bv charcoal oi dation for 60 men The cost of wood gas or bv calcium eaibide a bed and a real American breakhave been invented In Sweden fast is two shillings and six for small boats. J'port slacks from flashed the The aimv light todav foi a move of Japanese evacuees back lai m bv Lieut The ouii i Gen LI, Dewitt specifies that volunteeis Lorn the Japanese i dotation ramps will not be allowed to vvoik in the coastline ( D giecn ment to the Month Maj Worms they said, shouted at the tolonelThen You can't do that now he climbed out of the under suigibund foit and committed cide Meanwhile, the Russians were closing in so fast that the colonels older vyas never earnedcea-e-out. d At night fell the Hung and the la-- t remnants of the 20Sth dashed out trv uig to m ail direction, but the weie killed or gloat maoutv colonel was raptured file He was lat seen in a unprivate's uniloim, a bundle der his arm which his men weie it is time to he looking to jour supply of outing clothes Mav 21 ANGELES K Get key owner of a to- engineering plant 'aid dav he has invented a mechaniwill S A ing e Japs Permission To Work On Farms I V jQ ate lpdustrv opei-atin- Arm y Grants Call us today for complete information about this f. A new roof, completely ap- new way to plied on the average home, costs as little as bi eakdown. That aftei noon, they said. Col. Wolf assembled his officers and told them to divide up into small detachments and try to break thiough the Soviet encirclement. The colonel, veiy excited made no mention of the pledge thev had taken hut oideied that all tapUve Russians be lounded up in one building instructing buildhi-- , majoi to dj namite the -- BY feet long-live- d 11 Canteens For U. S. Soldiers Will Be Opened In Britain Canada Bans Oil Heating tempted bieakthrough Within And laying these shingles right over our old roof is the best way to apply them no litter, no damage to shrubs, gives a double roof with double in'sulation. BY LELAND STOWE deMOStOW, May 21 -- (CDN) How a German colonel when officers his from man last a to the manded pledge fight iherrsubterranean fortress was surrounded by Soviet troops ' and then slunk on the away, disguised in a privates uniform, third night of th6 siege, is told'bjz a repoiter for the army Red Star. colonels prla0neis xold of the TOPEKA, Kas, May 21 (AP) Tire and1 a"UT0 rtibb e .rationing a headache to many, may turn out to be a life saver for wheat farmers and elevator operators The grain men, with bins full and one of the largest nops on recoid coming up in a few weeks1 are evelng garages, tilling stations and outomobile sales looms, vacated ince the oulei fot ue as rationing auulidiy stoiage space Most of these buildings have , ciron goncieie floors... and pi op, Iv cleaned could hold laige ei qiMnKies of grain The icgular elevators throughout the gram belt are filled and theie is no immediate prospect of movement of any of this stoied wheat, most of it securfor ity government loans The elevatois at KanSas Citv, for example, have a capacity 3 000,00(1 bushels and now of hojd moie than 45 000 000 hush els of wheat Most of this vacant space is needed as woik-inroom and Is not available foi storing additional giain With this picture, Gov Pavne Rainer heeded a of men today and directed giam Ei land Cailsson state giain to determine if the abandoned bv the buildings automotive fected private as well as public construction, I ot example, farm-ei- s who cannot ship giain to filled elevators will be unable, in, many sections of the to build bins for their country-spring s heat crops. It was indicated that the order was rushed through WPPs lumber branch under armv instructions before high tanking WPB officials realized its lull effect There ceitainly was no intention of stopping defense housing, James S Knowlbon, dnee tor of industry operation, and something today, w ill be done about it." ,' Compare the cost by the years they last (25 to 40 years) and youll agree it costs far less to own a Red Cedar Shingle Roof. 9 g ci Hu al of wha't of food. Press), Brazil Orders U. S. Currency Converted v its-fu- l! Ku-lie- two years ago by men going Into service. Many of the same kind of obligations contracted after t,hat, date were not affected. Thus the hundreds of thousands of men going into the army and navy now in most cases are untouched by the benefits of the act which in no case, however, cancelled out any obligations contracted before Oct. 17, 1940. but merely suspended them for the wars duration. This is what that act of Oct. 17. 1940. did in part-I- t suspended installment contracts entered into before that date by mengolng into the service and also suepended collections on small, unsecured loans. The general provisions of the act also suspended collection of small, unsecured loans for .pirn entering the service now and hereafter even though those loans were obtained after Oct 17, lck-ar- d Gro-cei- the commander of a Russian Army X. Kuller, Secretary Agriculture cautioned anew today against possible food shortage in Amcticg and sajd thecountry needed a unified national food policy to meet war demands In a speech piepaied for a meeting of the Associated Manufacturers of America Wickard said his department would lie glad to assume responsibility or "cooi rtinatmg production, processing and .anti-aircraf- llcome Bv communicating with one of the 86 legal -- aid societies, Io-- t catcd in most of the large cities, or with one pf the local commit tees of lawyers created for the today. In at least 11 cities manv. with hiaw corn end auuns of war inductile', housing projects have been stopped enluelv and at least 53 other tints hate lepoited 'critical situations because of dwindling lumber stocks Sim- ilar reports from other defense housing areas aie flooding into W ashington daily. Duett cause ofthe thieatened collapse of the housing program is a W PB order, issued a w eek of the War ago at Dipailmrnt, fieeing' all salts and dolivtiies of soil wood constitution lumbei by laige produces foi 60 dajs except foe the aunt, navj ot tleltvtfi iec-- tp mutiume. commission PB shaiply Some officials at Wickard Again Warns U.S. Of Food Shortage eniPg free-advi- Military Authorities ' ' WASHINGTON, May 21. (AP) Defense housing throughout the country is .slowing to a standstill as a of the armys hold on virtually all supplies of softwood construction Humber, War Production Board officials -- disclosed MARLOW AN Wile ' LIAM TINKER TON ? fWide NEW YORK, Mav 21. Men World) ' services and their families can on their finan f get as loans. cial problems such , rents. Installments on furniture . rf they will just ask for it. They should ask for it, say the lawyers willing and ready to give the advice, if they are 4 not positive they can satisfactory fly settle or adjust the obligations contracted in civil life. Going into the army does not cancel those obligations .for a man or his family. It may cause r some of them to be suspended but not all of them until the y War is over, Men enlisting or being drafted A ran get the fice professional Je I gal advice on their civil prob-- l lems in several wavs and so t may their families and be We- Nazi Colonel Asks Pledge ToDie Then Sneaks Away GarageslVIay Defense Housing Halts Be Over AsA rmySeizesL umber IntoMade Granaries Service Men Given Free Legal Advice J Thursday, May 21, 1942 NEWS |