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Show THE DES E R ET: NEWS Sall Lake City, Utah . , Thursilay,' May 21, 1P42 - 21, , , . , 1101n11MMENNIMMM,MIMIIIIIMMIEW . 0 - When- You Lose Something. a LostAd To 45 521T- - .' ...--' -, , - :Br- ., .. . .News-Wgent'Ad- ,,, - , . - ,.,, .2- - , .,-- , , ' , - --- For, You ,To - it fasy, Make s Return Lost .. ... , , , , . , 100ANNOUNCEMENTS ''. Statistics LICE NSES MARRIAGE I - 101Lost Finder of brown leather nurse, vicinity MONEY. Ave. KEEP Kensington Please nuni purse and contents to Mrs. 114oilleyilitiittAnAvenne.,- - Senn-- - KODAK 27 W. So. Temple. .3a i ,,HEMORRHOIDS tulles). hernia. rupture Norval Hardy Lambert. 30. Salt Lake: GENT'S green cot lost on W004 1: treated without knife. Osteopathic, Beth Vance.,17, Salt Lake. Reward. ,1171 highway. cnd lionsurgica.1 Surgical Thayne M: Wheeler, 20, Rigby. Idaho: 1511 Templeton Bldg. Arzella Bowles. 111. Rtgby. Idaho. Areel Coles Milian. ID, Rigby, Idaho: 1GRAY HORSE, brand R. Reward t Hot N DR. LEVI DELK, foot sPectalls . corns. - club 2703 Tot - Ruling Academy. Lois Bowles, 20. Rigby Idaho. Sunnyside nails, bunions, calluses, illgTOWD Slat feet, seat arches corrected. ComAve. Fred Francis Hoggan, 35, , Brigham , City; plete treatment. both Leek 11.60. Hadley. '31, Dorothy La Vero LADY'S rose and told Bulova watch bet.' 304 Felt ' Bldg. Brigham City. 1s1 on Is on No. So. Main or and State Carl Henry Schreep- 20. Salt Swedish massage relaxes. bus. Sentimental value. Reward. 85350. St.2qINTIFIC -Shirley Crawford, 23, Sala Lake. soothes. Daily. Sunday. Miss Petersen. George Charles Kohl Jr.. 25 Duchene: in .ealiu loid Rimmed Gla4setr 2751 Gold 212 Ai Ills bide. nurse, 3.1 arlann Victoria Foster. 18. Salt Lale.. So. 201h East and Snot House. Reward. H Wendell .George 2. Idaho L. D S. DOME Ica' Elderly Penni and , Falls, Idaho; Delore Nelson, 0, Idaho Invalids, LEAS. RATES 111 E. W. TemIdaho..' ple. Phone Robert Thompson Snow, 23. Los An. DR. GRIFFITH. pocialist for men. Cali geles: Marjorie Eloise EpperagimL-3-2.-- -BLOSSOM ART FLOAAL-3-7- 880 234 South Ifni!' Street.. Phone 'Calif. FLOWERS OUR spEcIALTT FUNERAL But-Richard William Buchanan, 24, FREE PARKING 719 so. MAIN BOYS GET IN CONDITION for the draft. . lerville: Thelma Margurite Christensen.Enroll LOW. Deseret Gym FLORISTS. AND CRAMER. HILTON 19, Midvale. FUNERAL FLOWERS REAS. PRICES. Jens Eldon Day, 21. Downey Idaho: 41606 PHONE 14 EAST. FIFTH Analysis Downey; Ida. Beatrieeg Jana Sego, 10, r ha. COLDNIAL FLOWER HOUSE ASTROLOGY. hirMBERS. hire. Reppier. Wileon----GranBarkrlitli, Qt. Montoe- - FUNERAL FLOWERS OUR SPECIALTY, 852 E. 8th b O. Th. 1 Reader Teacher, her, Idaho: Mary LAV011 Stoking, 170 Eait 9th South. Phord Soda Springs, Idahee., Jerome Henry Mooney, 20. Eat Mill 1,0N 'AEPlettse make appointment to Vaults ANIP time. Hrs. Shepherd, 18. Salt ... p.m. MA Templeton Creek; Bonnie-MarLake. Bldg ASKED DIVORCES ADVISE, CONSULT MADAM MERLE on Alearcib.. Salt Lake County 1211 E. nit problems. Rescioss &Ws AutOMATIC "pax Henrietta Smith Ahderaon froth (17,4.; 3 a bth south. Ph. Anderson. Neils burn 1111PrOVd Vaudis B. Seal from 'Glen T, Seal; PERSONAL ADVICE. AND BUSINESS ' : GRANTED DIVORCES BY APPOINTMENT, COCO. READINGS ?tat:, suotic:fnerbrat , Vrroolts- iSalt Lake County AND PERSONAL. ADVICE, BUSINESS Eileen Clayton from Merrill 'Clayton. Grays& Mrs. Erickson. 45 Emit 3rd So. Apt., 406 desertion: plaintiff awarded child. .. Ph. Elaine TRitung from James: plaintiff awarded children, eruelly Month, 875 attornel watch" . ' my - 1111SI-14- Estahimbed 33 Years. tTAH PHOTO MATKKIALF1 119 - "J Attni 1121Personal and Found - eaif; ot Salt '1 11r3. tj 400WANTED , (Continued From 402Rubber 411Old ' furniture,' oarne. 875 attorney----fee;- restored. Ranick, awarded automobile. Sadie 'W. Campbell from Walter S. n, 816 funeral-- a week. Ethel Nay Jones from John W. Jones. tonsupPort Anetha Rushton from George Rushton. nonsupport: plainliffs former flame,Nielsen, restored. Grace K. Farris from Joe W. Farris, chidlren. cruelty: plaintiff awarded $75 a month, real and personal property.. Philis Wheadon Emery from Thomas awarded JIL. Emery, cruelly; plaintiff - , month.---87- real and personal property. NEWS Or RECORD Building Permits J. C. Turnbow, frame residence. 2690 South Seventeenth East 83.000 ',Street J. t'. Turnhow Dame residenee; 1671 East Twentyseventh South 3.000 Street J. C. Turnbow, frame residence. 1679 East Twenty-sevent-South 3.000 Street C. Turnhow, remodel residence, '449 Denver 1.000 Street , Tooele High Prepares For Graduation Rites t Graduation exercises honoring 91 seniors will be held Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Tooele High School Auditorium. The theme: America is Worth out Defending, will be carried in short talks and music. The 'program follows: March of graduates; Invocation, RosieMorrellof .Ophir; cornet solo, Nelson Thomas of Tooele; song by class: talk, "What is Defense," , Melba Nielsen of Vernon: talk, Shall We Defend?" Elva Mae Benson of Stockton. Girls' trio, Jose Gordon, Lucille TOOELE I J . - CO 425521: MCGRIEFuneral services for John - - . I I ,.. '. . ' in-t- Genevieve Ethel , G. TinmittP, Warr, EUCenta Martell Lueille William.. and Samuel Yee. laa Loins Louise Students' Work - r , DaviosValuttior at. the South School in Bountiful andat the Davis High Schoot in I3swvilll. In college -- ie4L High the TOttrwereaffiliated with. KaPpil: 'tp,ba ., .fraternity. -- Tonkin. Wright Parents To See . graduating 'class ussitil...; Define-- tide, Margaret Ityilalich.- Ralph Dcan Iteb Harry Seko Robert Sheets. Gail Ralph ,libilia ley. Helen Jane Shield,. B.,. Shields, George Shields.. Robert Sheeted. Skiegii. Pal Vol G. Simpson. Earl Staplee Jr.. Neleon Srorth.--Mario- he army. , Caldwell. Glen A third member of the quer. Cardagno.- Dean Clark, Alice May Clen:b tet. Don L. Fisher, this week ents, Ruth Mavis Cochrane. Ethel Davis, Viviin Ve Davit,. Calvin received his commissiod'as First aVon DroubaY, Ceed Dobson, Ruth Lieutenant in. the,.U.,I. Medical Jay Ervin Dyrnouk, Keith E, Ensign, Ilene- - Eriekson,-Venice Marjerie -- .May. - Corps. He Wq11. graduate with an M. Ar Vincinet M. D. degree next January from ,, Evans, Joseph Gaspar, Donna 1PTIC Gillette. Jo ye Gordon. the University of Washington at Ruth Gowan's, Victor Hammond, St. Louis, Mo. Lieut. Fisher, who Dam R. Hamm Stanley L. Hanks, Mae Ilie Vivian was graduated from. the Univer- Beth Bartell, : Lorraine Hope '' Hill. Medical School last sity Faye Hitegman, Donna E. Holt, June June, is the son ' of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine E. Hoyle, Horrocks Erickson, L. Orville Leland T. L. Fisher. Jonee, William Jones, Don D. Elm 'George Alvin Kra--fourth member of the mer, Madeleine Krarne6 Robert G. Lee,' - group- isStuart-Jardin- eof MeRache rn.LeflION Dorothy meAda Eileen Jardine of Bountiful, Voiic, Frank D. hi is doing post graduate work who John Hai Louise LaFern Mt:Laws,' at the University of Utah, pre- Mastronardi, Marsden, John Josetik paring for the role of ensign in Flora Anne Mile., It arey130,11116,11 Miner, ttuk navy. Mr. Jardine will leave Wayne D. Morgan, Amite Morrell, Ralph. Melti Nelson. for- the East in June for further Jay Nelson. Vivian Gwe Nix Wiltiarn Thomas Nielsen, Juan ha Intensive training before being , H. Bar. E., Orton. Bier; Jr, --Erma John - A.-- Panto., CitIV't s Bberson, ..1stationedaboard ..., one - of -- 4 hektomolo Lim,' Penovich. Reo Polies . 'eountry's naval units. . Jack Polidori. Leonard Earl Reyno ,',ittll four were in the same Ridine. Ernest - M. Rinaldi. kndofph Ronkovich,-- 40 CUM. San Dicto: Tree than cot - Pillows 201Work WontedMole We re Lien Need-Mo- Aircraft Consolidated Corporation. who have employed over 2500 of ow the sent following tele. graduates. gram: "This will confirm our acceptance of your otter to train 150 male stu dents weekly for the next 10 weeks, subiect to letter of May 12. 1942." C. H. BATCHOLDER, Consolidated Aircraft Corp. San Diego. California. (See telegram and letter in our office) Students must be American born. have birth certificate. and a diploma have showing you completed o4 I After 10 days weeks training. in school your application will be sent to the factory and you will receive an otter of inployment, providing we accept you tor training and you are physically fit. you can't pass a physical xamin ation and still want to help our groat country in whipping the laps. we have this Civil Service offer; (telegram). "Applications are being forwarded this date for your students to fill 11 Out and return to this office. they meet the Civil Service requirements for General Mechanics Helpers. 91500 per annum. they can be extended employment." WAR DEPARTMENT Fairfield At Depot. All of our student who hose plied, have been accepted on above appointment. Cotne In cmd sire us at once. ap- the fryeAircraft Co. of Utah 158 MOTOR AVENUE Salt Lake City, Utah 1 , Church Notices: i i 4 Gold Wonted MONTGOMERY free estimatea. lit COMYORTABLZ man. WARDS-41s- ta So. at for NICE WARD, Ph. Main- - Rooms meals SINGLE ROOM.. Room for 1 rentio line. 1451 Kensinirtaa 8110 BI. . 'ear 22 Ave. a " ' GIRL OR WOMAN, PRIVATE DATIL CO WEEK. DIAL . VENETIAN BLINDS or cedar, AT r all us with facial board. SATE DOOBLE ROOMS. IMO So. Ith Elgto .011 optional., 622Board EMI-1M- West 2od So West DEAD OR USELESS HORSES, COWS, SHEEP AND HOGS. PHONIC OR 0288, COLLECT. COLORADO ANIMAL BYPRODUCTS COMPANY. article-S- For Results It's Deseret News Wont Ads Dial ERvic Es 20s 301Miscellaneous Kennels er Fox raring. Top dead or Cash Prime for anima Phone eollet Murray ,211S. WE Dar bithast primp for useless bonen, or for food and halt1 them &WU. Mar' ray NO. . .LELAti or .firs ontaislsbest prters.--WoleFinn snd Fos Farm tdutTer H. 21 (Continued Prom Pronedii4 Column) UNPAINTED FURNITURE Sears Roebuck ANTS. Sloss. Tertmtes. E. 27th ottehes, Misc.. pest, So. , - SPENDLOV E t 671 NURSERY SCHOOL, BlioWNING AVE. BEND1X plII.DREN. DIAL "61321 201 523Music $1300- -3 It1IIi Terme. rm. home, partly mod.. reeds 0 work. fine lotv near kfurrel - firrbrkk borne. firm ply". bd mt. floors, bemet, wily dbl. chase mind. $41b0-4-AL to. sascriou OF 34411, Sun,, - and Rados-- , Building Services - -, CLOSE IN alao 2 rm. House & lot me. loos Ior spot soak. Coll 4 1682, Week 331Cleaning It $1200 . 4- BrosMusic Co. GLEN tor 4 defense housese Thomas l Rolland. Vies Prac- -74 So. Main St. Phone - REPRESENTATIVES CHICKERING PIANOS EXCLUSIVE wuluxrzER AND $600 defense Iota, Colorado North. All, esseeements Good Used Practice Piano ONLY $39.50. SUMMERRAY'S 17 & - $425 MUSIC, .50 loot south front lot If tut & tip West 1st South. donna. SEE OUR NEW AND USED PIANOS, CA811 FOR YOUR USED PIANO $4250 UTAH MUM CO. 12 Eaat close to 12 So. .1 183 East Third South. Phan PIANOS, RADIOS. BOUGHT, SOLD. Rome $4000 Servico Ca. el 1'4 3rd Phone. .4 & 10 sores Ihh North So. Weat.,, 524Coos and Wood WALTER MEEKS REALTY CO. WEAL COAL CO. Stove coal. 07.00; Dom. Le.. $1 55: Seem. Dom. 00.25: Nut Coal. 06 50: Pea Coal. $525; Oa Slack. NEW - COAL STORE COAL NOW FOR NEXT 'WINTER'S DIAMOND BLUE CARBAGE CANS 212 Utah 011 Bldg. - FIREBRICK. Oak floors, fireplace. lull basement, heat. Price reduced to automatic 64500 for a quick sale. Immediate possession. FIVE-ROO- Porn. CO. Phone Le. 117.40, Store Le. e7, Tr,, Rik. et1.25, Stoker NI. $4.76. HARKER, COAL- - SIGH LOCATED ESE In porch, stair railings and Wise problems may Impede the iron work, Crater Wire is Iron Works Transportation coat next fallPlay sal a and hauling of Phone 3762541. store what you need now. Mina SCALES, Slicers, Mixers, Coffee NO DOWN PAYMENT Now Or Cord. Hobart la I rrindera. Long Time To Pay W, Tomb la. CO. ON F I rst Secürl 4,13112 TRIO AVENUES condition throughout. One apartment with sleeping one and tiveroom apartment. pilreh, Glistening hardwood floors. all through Attractively decorated. Can gips int Lot gaVaxialS, mediate occupancy. LandecgOad.----doubigarage,- - aIBABB;- terms arranged. imminent COAL CO, HUNTINGTON Stove Main lump $7: nut $6.50: Tr.. Black $5.40. Co. ty Trust Dial at Zachanac ' inch tire, and wheels for sale, good 'You've tried the reg. now try the best' ROMENow rented tor VP Per condition. 151 South bth East, Apt. 5. Call tor attractive twiete month. Out ot town owner wishes to NEW ISSUES of Stamps now available sell for ill,000; less or rash. 44731. CO. RIO GRAND COAL Complete assortment albums books for 1242 So. West Temple $1300$500 down- -4 largo rooms. modern. stamp collectors. Deseret Book Co, 44 , East on South Temple. Phone lot ttO x 123. Ith W. S. T. Utah's Best Oil Slack .$4.60 800-FINA- NCIAL BREAKFAST SETTable and 4 chairs Granite Furni- Nut WO; Special Dom. $5.9. Dial 71933 good condition, $10.00. ture Co.. 1050 E. 2151 So. and Fertilizer Opportunities Vaouum Cleaner, a real baraain 115. 1801 So. State., .8111. E. Loma. LAWN Seed. Pax Fertilizer, Peat Moan. NEW ROME & GROCERYS. two County. Real opportuluty to Mak Seed. LAWN MOWERS, Grams and rakis. Farm, Field garden hose. 4466. money. Pax Worm Killer, Dandelion Killer. Cleanup prioes. 4- -16 801Business 542Soil 245 Rug Cleaning Co. for the best 1016 For Solo -45 x 135 loot lots to 15 ft. aner. us low as 10 paL down and as low as II months la pay N.W. corner of grant & 4th Worth between I ik 7 Weet. Curb & Sutton balance. Sewer. sideweik It water., A lute cornet TERMS PLAY SAFE BE SENSIBLE REASONABLE W. 16579, 5 Rooms and Bath, 711Lots BALCONY. MARREp wIRE Mon,, 750 So. 3r4 Terms Mallory, Beardshall BEFORE YOU BUY SEE OUR LUGS , Intermountain PLEATING. covered buttons and buckle. CARPENTER wanly remod. or bide by day Reniat. ilresernaking: alter. Tomlinm11 or contiact. Free estimates. & Co. 24 8 So. Main. Phone ELECTRIC SANDING MACHINE anti Pet usher or Rent. 350 So. State. tool, sharpened. LAWNMOWERSgarden JACK FLOWERS, 69 W. 3 So. ILOOR eandIng and Polishing machines for So rent. Burton Lumber. UNION ASSAY OFFICIO. INC.. 61623. West tremolo. P. O. box 1528. THOMAS & THOMAS, U S. Reg. Patent Seryices attorneys, 413 Beason Bldr. Phone COLLECT HANGERSIn Each in trade, S. COWAN. 160 So. West ASSAYERC. Suite plain Weasel, 135. Call & Temple St. Shit Late City. I:tab.. Ph. SOUTH STATE CLEANERS. 1117 So. State. KILL bugs $1.75 per rm. guar, 115e. you DEsERrr CLEANERSFinest nig clean do work. Jensen. 242 E. So. Temple. log In the city. Wilton, oriental or AxWork tfEANING. minster. desiredat it horne le PAPER PAPERHANGING CALL EVESINGS. RCGS, CARPETS, FURNITUREExpirt St. Cleaning Rota 31 Plehards ()rental Speetaity. RMGES ENGRAVING. FRANK MARTIN CO. MO So. State. THE best and coat lea& Prompt orrice. Phone SALT LAKE t.LEANING & DYEING CO. lContitMed At Top Of Next Column) Cagh 8, carry. 75c. 265 E. th So. non ROMNEY ESTATE 700-R- EAL garage, TRUSSES washing maehme. demonstrator. 119.50. now 159.00. New altar- so. 1:tallies. FO,R. MOWERS E. 2ND SO. Co; 312Nursery 1171 SHARPENED AND RE.1 PAIRED. GUTHRIE BICYCLE CO. LAWN -- WEEKLY RAWLS West 3rd So. St. I 501Misiellaneous for Sale 'UNCLE SAM" URGENTLY wants BUN. DREps tit Typists and Stenographers. and Start unnecessary. Experience $IM Special $1440 year. ktenwomen VI up. Help Magazines and Volumes the Government. Salt Lake eity examinFacilities Unexcelled In ations frequently sanwie flome coacDESERET NEWS PRESS hinefull particularslist other 'prem.. Phone 20 Richards. ment lobsFREE. Apply Immediately. Write Box C39, Deseret News. EVERY PM'S, SMOOTHLY SANDED MODERN EQUIPMENT FRENCH, GERMAN. RUSSIAN. READY TO PAINT AND Expert teacher (Nat Iromt Europe) trans: " -- Sninndle Bach Chair FOR PUMPING SEPTIC TANKS .72 SLEDGE lator. TANKS, . Conversation, theory. corresponFILLING STATION 25.95 4:hept dence. literature, composition. Irnmeh and FREE INSPECTION, JAMES DOUG, 4.49 itehen Tabin Droplf German shoi thaud. PM T. STATE Children, adults. 2966 SO Hmai WHILE QUANTITIES LAST; Mee. Perkins, 940 Bryan Avenue. Ph ' 3221, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. MANY OTHERS p.m. - (Furniture Dept.. Second ROOFING INSULATION BARBER STUDENT TUICAN EARN For) TION. SALT LAKE BARBER COLLEGE Roof CI and Painting Repairing 170 REGENT STREET: Free Estimate. WAR Co. INCREASING TO APPOINTMENTS Superior insulatiori GOVERNMENT JOBS. all pore., rence, Ph. 'V311101. $2423440.38 USED Weetinghouie 1123 Jefferson. 824 50: late new. week. MENWOMEN. Prepare now HOMER HANSEN MAYTAG SHOP portable for Salt Lake City examinations. Sample WELEINGBy Experts, 426 SO. STATE shops on coach n went, electric or aceielyn, partioupositionsfull 3REE. Boa Deseret News. aheels, anywhere or anytime. Sharp En-- I MINERSA real bartain. Small portable gineeriny Co. 60 ell. It. air compreasor on 737 Main. Pb. DANCINGJACKSON'S. wheels. Classes. tor trot and salts Mon. The best for lts site. A steal. able So. CLEANING SEPTIC TANKS and Thuradays. I pin. Old time State. days 66 dancing Wednesday And Saturday Eva. NEW AND CESS POOLS, 7-and Used Snow Cases, Restaurant Free inspee Stores Fixtures, Salt Lake Cabinet a Sanitary work. guaranteed. two. Mr. Morrow, 1123 Jefferson Ave. ture Co. 32 Richard. St. Schools WE 110 Sarateal Stockings and Rohs rittsd by Exports So. Main. Salt take City Realtors SALE 500-F- OR 311Schools High Grade Edition and BELTS, WRUSSES. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, Arch CRUTCHES. ETC.. Supports, Balt Lake Artificial Limb snit 'Nom Co.. 130 W. So. Temple. limit Lak WASATCH 300-SER-VICES Services 514Trusses WILL CALL FOR, AND PAY CASH FOR Binding Catalogue Consideration Given YMENT 147 472Livestock Wonted Iwwwwwswowsswomwwwww $9.50 Phone 621Furnished THOMAS ELECTRIC; CO. Pumps; 'swifter', shoe, motors. Mess Sod South. Pbon so. SPECIAL . Separate Duty Wanted Immediately Younfr Farmers Separates Four r, Experienced Mechanic Utah Inseparables To Build Cellar PAINTER. FENDER - - your lost MILE-7- 1c Pony2nd Express Stages So. East '200-EMPLO- Me- I Ruth thony Busico. buses. Gine of 1150 Garfield Ave, husband of Sussannah Wagstaff MeGhle. will be conducted in the Sugar Notice Ward Chapel Saturday at 2 pm., Bishop Er,I nest Nelson officiating. Friends maY call at Sunset-LasvMortuary, 2350 Ea..t, 13th South and at the residence Salt Lake Interment Saturday morning. City Cemetery under direction of Sunset Lawn Mortuary. for Ilia services JOHNSTONFuneral Johnston will be announced- later from South where,friends may 36 East Ith call until further annournsmlents. Funeral Directors Deseret Mortuary.. BATEMANSet-rive- s for Lydia R. Bateman of West JOrdan will he held Saturdav at 1 p.m. in the Rose Room. 36 East Seventh South Street, Mahon Lawrence T.' Dahl otticiating. may call at the Gold Room in the of servires. until time mortuary Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary. HARMONFuneral. service! for Frank Hansen Harmon of 130 East 7th South. ithattand of Dora Strashura Harmon., will he announced later from 36 East .71 h South where' friends may tIt until further announeementg. Funeral Directors Deseret Mortuary. mervices WALTONFuneral for Melvin Hyrum Walton of 279 West 33 South.. son of Hyrum and- Cora Vershum Walton will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. at 36 Fast, 7lb South with Bishop Niels H. Hansen ,officiatinc Friend a may call at the Paradise Room in the mortuary um til Friray evenint and at the family residenee Saturday from 9 a.m. until I:30 p.m. and at the. mortuary 45 minutes prior in PPrvices. Funeral di rectorsDeseret Mortuary. MACADAMSFuneral for Ida cervices ilI be held FridaY Maeidat at 1030 a.m. in the Roce Room 38 Fact 7th South with Charles S. Mr rut officiattor. 'rind a may call at the l'ontmental Room in the mortuary until time of cervices. Funeral directors Deccret Mortuary. Beck, Gail Shelley of Tooele,accompanied by Mrs. Wayne Shel talk, "The Citizen and .De-' fense," Flora Miles of Tooele; talk, "Education in Defense," Mary Eileen McKenna of Too. ele; saxophone solo, Stanley Hanks, of Tooele; talk. "We Also Service," Donna Bleazard of Lake Point; accordion, Tony Bu- sico of Tooele. Presentation of class, Principal Jesse F. Steele; presentation t of diplomas. Pres. A. T. Cran.dall; eight hand piano solo, Ruth . BOUNTIFL'L--our--Bount- ifut Droubals- of Erda,- - Donna ilolt of Tooele, Arlene Gillette of Too-dyouths. bosom pals in prep schools and fraternity brothers' t,aReine Bradford of Too-etin college. find themselves in talk, "Wake Up America," four different branches of the Merle Tietjen of Tooele; girls' armed forces. double trio, Joye Gordon, Vivian Two of the young men were Nelson, Lucille Beck and Gail recently commissioned captains. Shelley of Tooele, Deon Clark Lorin D. Briggs was made a capof Lake Point, and Helen Shields tain in the Army Air Corps, of Lincoln, after having served as squadron St. Benediction, Marjorie Evans of John. commander at Westover Field, The graduates are: Keith LaMare Mass.. for mot than-ayear, and Allred, Harlan V. Bank head, Naomi Merrill G. Hatch was promoted Lucille Beck. ' Darrejl W. Beel, Elva to captain after nearly two years Irvin .1. Black. Donna Mae Benson, Elaine Bleasard, LaReine Bradford; rof service at Honolulu, Havtaii, Brown,- Violet M.. Brunetti,--An--- . Los Angeles Junk Wanted 591Miscelianeous 401 WEST OM For Solo .' From Preceding .Coinmn) (Continued PRIVATE - BUYER. NEED FURNITURE VOR finest wedding, birteday, party imam mid rues right away for my home and call neagult Baling Co.. several rental apts. Pay gash tor any ' amount. d 4-55- Pioche 13.5k Las Vegas $510, PPrvwe for Thressi E. PREMOFlInPrai Premo. of- - 6423- - So. bate wilt be held I at 4760 So. State at p.m. Saturday with Reverend E. F. Ceske officiating. Friends may eall at 4760 So. State Thursday and Fiiday evening and Satufslay The body of services. prior to time will be cremated at the Sa)t Lake Me, moral .Monoletim under direction of Geo. A. Jenkins mortuary. 'Me .1amily flowers-b- e omitted. . ,- cA 600RENTALS Preceding Column) 630Hotels "Deseret' News" who have located valuable Dept. possessions with the help of the Want-AWhen YOU lose or find anything call The Deseret News and let a Want Ad bring back 131Transportation FUNERAL nutmeg must be in The News to, ...Off len 1:,y 11 s.tulor Publication-irtay's paper. It is recommended that the kindness and sympathy of friends be pub hely acnoWledged by running a, Card of . IP The News this day alter the H Mrs. Day is only one of many readers of the r 113Funerals - (Continued 513Wedding WANT-AOTDEPT.- t Ernest awarded former Defendant SALE 500FORFrom- 42IFurniture DES-ERET-11,Elli- 12Burial Ruby Sanck Riour from Otho Doer, eruelty: plaintiff -. , BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. and Room "EvorYthint for tho Builder" 64651 Phone South 4th Wanted ROOM AND BOARD In exclusive home toe 16" 5 blthle, ruhher tired lawn mower" snip. Vacancy lor two. Close In CASH--5-440, $9.49. Rends Iliteway. 7 all eonVeniewes. ,Apt. No. 11.- - 60 West 'WE pay more for need tnmittire. North Temple. rugs, ANGEL RADIO SERVICE. Work peer BtoN es. lwaoher, pianos, ete. Appraisals 111.45 Radios sold formet - 1341 IIEUNITUILE. CAPITOL, , up 130 Jeremy IL bet. V Lb 4 Stb W. LARGE Irt RV. tor two. 3 good Atm& tOUTI1 STATE. 353 eth Ave. ' 44414. SALT LAKE FURNITURE CO. We boy ROOMSGood board. Moilp !bell or trade. SPEtIAL THIS, WEEKRecordl DESIRABLR 33 W. lot Phone soluble. 43 So. W. Temple. So. Felt base Ruin size Ilx12$4.33. Furniture 2607 So. lime. Dial BEST PRICES Furniture. pianos. rugs. 1622,4Nursing Homes FURNIHeatrolas. Ranges FISHLR TURE 331 So. State. CONVALESCENT AND REST H ME Specialties Excellent Viutsing, good food. Rims. floss. HIGHEST PRICES paid tor used washers. UTAK 14ADSE1'SMURRAY, Bost References, 92. Apricot Avis., L9930. BOWer'll 638 So. State. Cambridge GlamRoarrille . pettel7 , GIFTS WRAPPED PREE CASH - OR EXCHANGE - WE NEED- YOUR FURNITURE WEDDING ENVITA'rIONS: iron our medal CALL AMERICAN It URNITU13.1.. PEERY- - IIOTEL prima. Antra It Pries. Somon WId1ui. 4 5081 EXCHANGE. 44 0 - 122Character ' Column) JEWELER. W. M. MeCONAHAY, $4 S. RAIN LICENSED GOLD BUYER. HIGHEST PRICES for DIAMONDS axtd OLD GOLD. TANNER MFG. JEWELERS 111Florists , & PEPPERS ella10 "Thanks to the fine service and efficiency of the Preeedinr EASTON'S So. State no 7th E. LARGE coats KELLY-WESTER- Dial 3 SEED CO. N 4463 No. 1311 trd Went, - GROCERY STORE bOING GOOD BUSINESS. will to sickness. 1311 So. Ith W, BEAUTY' SHOPLarreclientele: must fell, - Dell tItio portable air gomprestor: 'ALL,N.ONE GARDEN AID dump truck. Felt Wrecking , The Balanced Soil Builder a inos' BoweEloctrie ranee A4 condition, 1187 Laird AUTOMOBILE HIGHLAND BRAND LAWN SEED and Storage Dial WITH Avenue. SALARY MAN. BETTERFOR LERn . -"' - Bear cITYThe - -- r. AID pRoDuers 811--Atio- ney MOVE thPaply. oafelyLocaL long die. 10 BOOTHS To Loon CAFE FIXTURES. W. L. 1160 So.. Main. River Young farmers PAULOS AUTO co. tenon Phone Rodman. WEATUERBEE CO.. 70 P. O. Place. Phone 9 a.m. In 7 p.m. lion has completed plans for Magna 5291 MT. SOIL CINDERS, SAND, GRAVEL. I LARGE Motor Vascity and out of the construction of a GENSIAI. HAULING. DAN SMITH. 64017 Eorim-erin-r salesman for 'old established town haul. Mollerup. Phan Chev. truck. 20 Pontiac Or PIANO. Gar-4632. selling defense industries.producta to pre. cooperative potato cellar at '39 BEAT BOUNTIFUL, SOIL .. Dodge body parts. Reo parts. sedan, FINANCE co s vent plant and loss of man land. S. A. idellus. LOANS UP TO $2000 gas Sum. conversion unit. Sell or swap HADLEY TILAV8TER ST0114011 hours in the boiler room. Liberal cam. 00 6 D. Milton and Bunnell 237 Modern Ct. Rates-Reduced. LeRoy to Months 13 No van MIPSIOn. eervicoa. Phone 44411. Pay, Auto required. Mayflower objection Plants, Shrubs xo 11 Garfield. in charge of the projg IS I line. INTivartile bBan.d11,7i3 REAL BARGAINS Loan Mos. kos. - tog. Moe., ect, said a washer and grader altomato annuals, PlaIlts GIANT pansies, Reach-i30 5 celCu. box: ft. It.. the in be installed so will 0 60 47410 .611 25 613.75 rock plants, evertreeno. BrIm- $ It3 hiPt al vvrr000rkro ,a& an ted cateseen case: counter lea cream mixer. perennials. Gpaariangte 1;141117 tgels 200 1614 27.35 - 22 20 Gowen. s ow 15,47 lar, so that potatoes :can be Act now. Winter a Distributing Co. 15 roses, cut LOUISE 300 40.75 33.20 28.17 23.14 GARDENS, . class REPAIRED , in first marketing 4th South. 5 2226. East placed 44 20 64 25 400 30.80 1542 37,50 So. Silt West Mail 131141 orders Oiled protn011Y condition. - 15.20 600 62.35 46.84 38.47 ELECTRIC RANGE 2211 50. Studio Couch ROSEBUSHES 2 YR. oLD.IPTELD GROWN. 64 20 goo 81.35 66.17 46.14 The cost of the cellar is esti- Generstor 215 West 2nd South. Dial 2 pc. Living Room Set $3914 1112.50; TYPIST 68 choice varieties 25c....eab, TEARSON . 210.20 3610 63.50 135.2$ will be GUARANTEED WATCH REPAIRING. Se Presser a9.25. Taylor 'rot 2225. Bargain and at $5,000, mated FLORAL é Nursery. 1384 E. 33rd So. Loral girt. over 18. Typist geneDoe Olen. 212' East bth South Why Basement, erected on land adjoining the I2039. al attire work.. Some PBX , Experience -MORE or WESTERN pay CO. FURNITURE quality work. wtli be- et VIltiA- - Wages APPLY II A .M, railroad tracks at Garland. and Chicks- - -- -EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING TROY LAUNDRY. 431 So. 6th EAST. An advisory committee named LOANS All Work WRINGER. ROLLS, parts for all washers. Guaranteed. Dept. incluaes: Jewelery the to 18 & project YRS. 157 So. State. supervise GIRLS OVER WOMEN Phone MONTGOMERY WARD Bower's Furn;", 638, So. 'State. BABY CHICKS TODAY Clark PEERLESS Abbott, chairman, LAuNDRY. George Main Floor apply 4WEages, Turkey COMBINATION Coal & Gas Range, on ALL LEADING VARIETIES 118 So. Rudd. Horace Richards. Lester , To Order Complete line of RADIO REPAIR leaf'. Good ionable condition. New grates ,g)CPEILT pool, - Coombs. Howard Bingham and AIL makesWork Guar. Lowest Prices. Foultry Equipment, and linings, $29.$0. 1050 E. 2Ist South. Packers Rhodes. Berrien Arnold Ward. Experienced Radio RAMSHAW'S Dept. Montgom. "''BEDROOM SET- -4 ',incise, includes bed, Aoply Ready for Work CALL Western Foundry for all kinds of Sweet Tandy Co. 218 So: 1st West Utah .Pioneer Hatcheries vanity heneh, chest. spring and mat, At Low Bonk Costs water jackets and stove repair. Phone Granite Furnitnea Co., trees. 449.50. AND MURRAY fM, PHONES CAM - 1060 E.- - 2Iat So. ' GIRL to' help with housework, private sTATH STREET' TO SOUTH PAT YOUR BILIS, REMODrIs MI in MT. PLEASANTWinrwrs room, stRy, night. 97.00 - week. 444 12thSALT-LAK- E MODERNIZE OR FOIL ANT OTHER CITLUTAH Rehmk1 Them WILL, BUY your old rrtrigerstoy, washer .., East. Jen; FINANCIAL NEED TO RESIDENTS CIT the thirtpnifitliThlitalât THE MT RIGHT WAY or vardanm. Does noC have to run. DEPENDABLE BAB CHICKS ai DUCK. SALT LAKE COUNTT Look For The Rik Miro Phone seri literary çontest held here all DINGS. All kinds st the store at UTAK AROE REP. CO. times. Vogeler's 32 W. 1st So. Ph. A YEAH. To PAT lop Quarantoad Motors, Tuesday evening were announced 1111 So. Maio. nook Bank,-:Brakeo or Clutch Job any ear. Cull Mali VildDALYRFLIt'S BLOOD-TESTEONE OF e THE LEADING 110111t Thursday as follows. Olations, WILLIAM& Furls. Pleipair Co. Finisidee - :1 Stttdy t'ar-Bemire. " ated'a Complete Bo: at 1st Dial 949111 ISs. Schools-lno: Briscoe Piers Why of Ft. to 3s Buddle America would hite to eon-MrPay pullets, firgt place, &mobilo. upholstering. 663 $e. Igth 0973. Open I a.m. to 10 pm. 61 East lnd South. Ph. s tact a Educational Salesman. "Meas. OBILES ), Rsaliablia Entirgelle Man esti earn rood Defiance, Ariz., subject, 5000- SREADPANS, like all new,ZOS, . Income. .uresToward Permanent Peace." WATCHES cleanea. reaardleaa of 384 W. Sth So. Salt Lake Ctiotrynitaeoreltorytittursati alga 2 wheel trailer. kward. cond. Meyers Watch Rep. IT E. 2nd So. Leads TRAILERTrott type. brake have ear. He received a $6 cash -GOOD Write. HEAVY commimoo. wellbuilt; 6 rood 19.1n. tires. See tiVint smrperience Sprinser cows and Sse. Second place, Harvey Nay of mind Tues. or eT44:1111111. 2461 Adams bulls. Holsteins and wurnseys. let house Shops-- -references, J. Sher. Art Instruction. Makes rd "Youth 'An & Rd. W. ot 1000,So. Redwood Inc..' Minneapolis. Minn.. (We n. rden rden. Antimony, subject, Washers. Vacuums, Floor Polishers, eta. SALON HELENA BEAUTY This $4.:cash World," Warring BIG Money - Maker. Sensational r Dodge Appliance, Sth So. is Main. WIT. SEM, OR TRADE. mulch cows, Beet, 1941 FORD De Luxe Coupe, like newExtra Razorxharlist tiarcellisc Hatteuttintr l A. T. Saunders. rood tires, 615 BEASON Blit1G. - prpaoirnzino;t ill; movf orCkeingera GoMranceAlerat IT r 't!rctoll SHADES. VENETIAN BLINDS, 43e. - Bill 5451 So. State. Ph. Murray :t -wisnow Terms ean be arranged. Call Declamation,--fir- st place, KIRsCH CO. Free wood op stoet, by ilig Corp- - ,216 West 18th. New cork. SAS re SANDERS. So. eAtunates. Grand Ariz., and Samples, itA0i0 Canyon, SOWInq Dowling, Moving main Service, 5 2595. Deseret 'blab ingeratot rettnincg--Consu- lt subject. "My Mysterious Pup." BONDED House Paul go News Want Adc. - essn--award Havens. 124 ROLLS Locran LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS Louis Gross, Helper, subject,. Makes Parts and ger; teeA Washers. 600-REN- TALS Hold 400-WA- NTED "Mr. and Mrs. Brown Dodge Appilance. Sth So. J. Main. 44044. Hands," 83 cash award. ' other washers. Rent MAYTAG, "a Essay-Cha- rleg 'Wonted like new. $10. 1120. 1130; reconditioneo, $S guar. ,Carlyie, Dar1.4WA'N.--..losepof BUY SELL TRADE Quayle FURNISHED COMPLETELY rolls. all submakes. service Wringer parts Idaho. first place, FMLogati;,,... '4'2 graduate of Utah , - lington. in Two bassment with HOME YURN. home BOWERS SO. ES STATE. ! 3 6 6 51 story 5130.1dA1N American-Wa-yof 'State Agricultural Z7ollege and a months 'Ngilintbir PIANOS WANTE erti Heights. ssestksosetss Otaktia001, $5; Faye Hansen, Howe, Life," We are looking for several used Sias" USED COAL RANGESail makes, kinds Jiln0 I. lour roomer. now ,111. Rouse in vocational aa! major . end sleek ail redonditioned. Low 'agriculture.. -second Ida., place, ucks subject, on which the tone can be restored. has signed a contract as a voca- 534.50. Remain Basement. WANTED- -2 "Time Out For War," $3 award. unfurn. baltp....rooms In or t911 WILL PAY CASH WESTERN FURNITURE CO. tional agriculture teacher at At Call .41,4 yd. and 2 yd. dump bodies piek 'mar city,. for ogle. elderly man. 135 So. State ton. Wyo.. Prof. L. Hum liPaith store, 64 E. ist So. truelc. Felts. 645 So. State. 41071. 1 I Dark laahotany dining room art food eon. e pherys, bead of the. college de- HADLEY TRANSFER a STORAGE CO 74 Sirklain St. Phone Ports and Repairt dition, cha&pr 1871 So. 2nd East .partment bad announced Thurs- moving. 44491. City and outof-atat- a INSULA1'E-44.: 05 , s. L. TEMPLE NOTICES per e. It.: Ira GI smooth. GRENGS day. dl.. $4 95 per e. It: Cellowoll $240 per ROI E PEONIE t Mr. Quayle gradtTated front - 1,15- sesPhone tame Phone.- - Itedman to 1287 So. Main. eu 2441. It Monday daily : Wheel Friday axle straightentng, allaming, patio. fol- Pint'S. 31 SO. W. TEMPLE.: .34131 .gan nigh School hi 1937,sions: , -dynamic. eentrlf &mai wheel balanning. USED PIPE For -Rent, Ist--t-- 8 lowing a studv of his present to 8:45 a m. Auto Top Co., Class, Seat Wil, 3 CARS nand Vic. ail sizes. fitting. also USED. Cash Resister. nce4 at cm field of interest while at school: 2nd-9- :15 new pipe, steel rail', machinery. nom to 10 a.m. Deteret Ntsss pay cash. Wylie Box Welling ' HILLCRESTHe 'was also president of tors, ele. Donee, tron Metal. 7607-Sthe 3rd--12 noon to 12:4,5 p.m. 141, hfittog Mo. , --WE PAT TOP prices tor cash wester', r1 W. Phone 4th-3- :30 in anti elliatied high school Chapter of , Future with to 415 p.m. add machincs, store .,tiettirea, 16 11; 4113 DE GARAGE t ROOM'S Beau. , 5th-5- :00 FLOOR Sanders, waxers, Farmers ,of America, which he 1 sleeping poreh. UNFURNISHED. compressors. honOt, to 545 p.m. Paint Inral equtD, sold or rented. A. C. tilully clecodated. All outside windowo, COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVID gEttlifICS IN ' fith--6:0- 0 to 6:4$ p.m. represented . in the Mate FFA e hardwood WANTED Kea. 84492. floors, free cooking gash East gth So Whitaker. liSe So. State. 44827. g public-speakincontest. He en. Uped ohonoprtion records. Toy prim, 2nd The and 5th and refrigeration. Adults only. Call companies on parts; seash tor tors.. LOW PRICES FOR BOORS. paid. We will leotwe atter pour reoordp include living endowments and college in 1937, was state CA MTI roll BOOKSWil Tourist Auto Wrocking Co. ISIS State. it poi erish to PP fr. Phone ' buv el your old COVEY INV. IFA . reporter his first year, marriages. , CONSOLIDATED books"?' Zion's Book illors. 16 Z. Ind AMUSE35E,NIS AUTO and Truck Parts. Cash for ojd cars.' or cstea. 5 So. ,, W., SND SO; and later reporter of the collegL. Chipman. .Stephen Auto Salvage Co.. 130 Mato. Phosto 1 I late , I AContinued At Top Ot lint Colunmk I ACoutinued At Top 01 Next Column), I President. chapter. .(Contimmul Al Top Of jión$ Column). more Phone ALSO - a, So. 34IMoving PEOPLES ratan 541Seeds, 35IRepairs 212Help WantedFemale PEOPLES' 571Poultry Personal Loan Service MO to $1 Winners Atmouneed 231Salesmen 1st National ' 572Livestock 361Beauty . RepairingAll ' 381House FINE USED CARS Man Is Signed Fo'r Teachi no In Afton ,, - n. 601HousesFor 401Miscellaneous .t - ' It , Ward Choir will,pirsent must; cal program, "The Gospel In PROVOWork accomplkhed Song" ' Sunday, M y24, at 7:30 the Dixon: p.m. hy the students-o- f In the B lvedere Ward Junior High School will be 607 Do Ave chapel. at the 'nue. Pres. Thomasington played for the parents E. Towler final session'of the' Parent-Thoth- . . will be the s p eaker . . er Association to be held 'et the McKAY WARDpre. Frank Y. school Thursday night. Mrs. Byron Dastrup, president, will be Taylor will be guest speaker at Sacrament Services in McKay 's in charge. ,Ward. 1621 Fifth East - Street. Included In the progrArn Special he a fashion revue, showing of Sunday it 7:30 p.m. Aaronic Priesthood services-wil- l shop work, and art, and a musi be ,... held. I cal program. a ' ,,--- - Glen Bros. M usic Co.' Temple Notiè 1921Auto Cosh for Anything 611Apartments. - Cas , . e. |