Show The Anti ainers New York Brooklju Independent Inde-pendent llepublicans held a mass meeting tonight in that city Every seat in the music ball was filled from the orchesta to the ccckloft and many were unable io gai i admittance A large portion of the audience vera Democrris and there were many Blake Repub leans present W H Maxwell called the meeting to rrder and introduced in-troduced Horace E Darning ae charman Mr Doming is chairman chair-man of the Young Manse Democratic Dem-ocratic Club of Brooklyn Deming in a epeeeh said such an immense assemblage wns an ind cation 01 > the widespread dissatisfaction of Republican and their desire as American citizens for good government Because they believed that the Republican candidate candi-date wss not a fit rersou to hold the office of President they were opposed to his Election cheers and hisses Deming was frequently Interrupted by slmi Ian demonstrations when the names of candidates were mentioned and before be finished the uproar was so great he could not be 1 eird 3arl Schurz was then intrcduced he said he wished to address himself him-self to the Republicans and appeal 10 their reason as men who loved their country Tariff was not the quest ion which they > re to meet and the cuargu taut tney were free traders was false The question was whether honest government gov-ernment cjuld be obtained wcu d not the endorsement or such a man I as Elaine be dangerous to gofd government gov-ernment It had been attributed bat Blame was an abused man and that his enemies were iecuting him If this were EO it was not right He ShOUd not make any charges against isluice which had not been made against himself Mr Scauiz then read some of the Mulligan letters and remarked hat Blames friends dlsli td very rruci to be brought face to fice with these j Icttera Voice No Thriden beers and hlsste Sehuz went into lisa history of the Mulligan letters the 1 aucience at times b c > ming so demonstrative I dem-onstrative that he was obI gfd to I stop speaking for several mimics I In conclusion Mr ° churs pke in sulrgistic terms of tho character of Gov Cleveland and sad he was ia every way worthy of sufpjit |