Show r Special Advertisements = BUCKS FOR SALE Like Oily about the in Salt A tall Aneuet hs with a larga and superior 16 h nf Merino Hacks neo ft lot oi Hninieh tbe vrPpch and BpenhhlCal crof of r x which I will sell reason Ised toms salted JOBS MUNSEN t sort SrRAYED WOTk > Horse with three Drownw ° A are brown white Etsr 11 forehead And white l feet btrewnded by leavinggat wm The finderWdl t Dent Vanhorn FOUND Third South street between Tn the In Fourth Fifth East etreeti one vfaillcg Sheep white and marked with tar on tied together The owner and lead bAck it br paying tharije LV have South ftrioD TaylorB Old Siore Third South between LarloD Fourth y and Fifth East streets t I FOR TENT Oli SALE and cheap a good Work Shop Very opposite tho Continental Hotel Office ApplY to Armstrong Butterfield Dorner Kimball Block LO TOn T-On Thursday last at Black BOCK ft Black and Tan Dog with a crippled hind Answers to tbo name of Dot The leg finder will be suitable rewarded by leav leer I SPLENDID CHANCE The finest water power near the centre of BalL Like City never fails capable of driving a ten or eleven horse power For Sale by BOCKHOLT OrraHraaa July 17lh 1884 LOST V Diamond Ring with throe settings The fnd > r will be suitably rewarded by MtvinK at this officer + FOR BENT SlejzHntiy Furni = bed Booms with till icdtin corveniencef in caste i and HriRle at the Thompson Building 72 W Soetnrt South street f S DENTIST JB Spyor lately connected with Dr JR Van Aukin has removed to the HZKALD New Building where he is ureparcd to do all kinds of Denial work I Snlifeclion euaracteed I E R OLUTE GENERAL TRANSFER I Agent and from all depots experienced experi-enced DfBjman EatiBactioii cuaranttod fetatd Jennings Sons andKsminRton JobcwDUo E B Olute t ACCIDENT lol oil fluid and glassware cheap Pioneer Lamp tore four doo west of Tb tre + DENTIST F C Nichols Dentist Office opDO = it Walker Route over Seabury John onl drug store AncEthttics given f Telephone in office BKOKEKS U1ETBMANN fir CO D Office in No 261 Union Block ttiln street opposite theOverland HCUBB iirl floor room No 2 Loans made in Jewelry Diamonds and Watches Ac Railroad tickets bought and sold Unredeemed pledge sold at very low tea Business strictly confidential t WOOL ROWERS REFINED SULPHUR By the Car Load I arCr0r cbhin from tho Bnlphur Work I d31r Cove Creek Utah For lnforma 6n ad dresr FEUD BICKBRT 1y20 Salt Lako City Utah CALL AT H DIWOODEYS = your you-r EXTENNI l I REFRIGERATORS i BEST VIRii1 CLOTH t A Choice Line of 0RINA MATTING I = A Fine Assortment of R TT AN Chairs And a Jplendid Lot of New Iron Wtoel 6ABY ° CARRIAGES = It hen l8 2tcJu 1 Jl t7 Z 4t PllJo 01 tlwl lltJQD yI lnitn111 Ol iliaW r e11t1tt iJlJAO UO 0a1Crakni E q 11 Dol 4 1nml1ln I th I r t Acv V1 iJJSlfI 110J j JL HotelslBestanrants Etc WHITE I HOUSE BEST FAHILY HOTEL Main Street Salt Lake City 2totes31SO to 32OO per d ey Hpc Ial Bate by the week or month AUGUSTUS PODLECH Proprietor ST JADES HOTEL MAIN STREET A GREENWALD Proprietor FIRST CLASS FAMILY HOTEL 813 THE MfTROPOLITAft Cor Wet Temple aid Third South Streets Salt lake City New Brick ardNowlylFurniehed Large and well ventilated rooms Fintelss Sample Booms fir Commercial Travelers BATES S3 and S25O per Day ti Special Batebylhe Week UKCHIOL 4 RYAN Prose GLIFT HOUSES I 1 S C SWING Proprietor Main Street Salt Like City t Hates per day 2 Special rates by week or month FIRST LASSSAIlJPLE ROOM ONCROUHO FLOOR fee PETERSONS MEAT MARKET J W2WJEST BTJTOBEER tUSAGE A SPEUUILTT Family Trade Solicited Ordeby lot lhne 24W TIRST SOUTH > ills T OOEHOLT UMMJNGti OOKHOL j CUM 0 BOOK HOLT OOKHOLI UMMING J OOKHOL UMMINGV OFFICE tN THE HERALD BLOCK owm Opposite Qforh Conlfaentt Hold Salt Lake City Uuh I SEARCHERS OF TITLES 03 HEAL ESTATE And of other Records LOANS NEGOTIATED On Reasonable Terms LEGAL PAPERS Carefully Drawn COMPANIES iNCOBPORATED Wills Drawn and P obated I SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES Of Deceased Persons specially solicited Applications for Divorce nnd Alimony conducted a O TJ S m S Rented and Accounts Collected Col-lected I WATER RIGHTS 07HER STOCKS Territoral nnd Oonnty Scrip Marketed BaCKbIT Ib CUMMINGS THE HERALD BLOCK < i Banking U S DEPOSITARY DESERET NATIONAL BANK SALT LAKE CITY Paid in Capital 200000 Surplus 200000 H S Efcedge President 1 ft Jennings Vice Prest I Fenunora Little 1 I John Sharp rffirecto Wm W Niter I LB HUlaCashier I I Jag T Iiittle Azat C sherJ 1 ° 1 4 I Receives Deposits Payable cu Demand Buys and Sells Exchange on New York San Francisco Chicago St Louie Omaha London and Principal continental Conti-nental Cities Makes Collections Remiiinq Pro i cads Promptly ICORNICK COu BAN K ERS SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Transact a General Banking Business Careful attention given to the Sale of Ores And Bullion We solicit Con ligaments guaranteeing the Highest Market Pices Collections made with prompt returns at lowest rates Execute Orders for Purchase or Sale of Stocks and Bonds at NEw York I snd San Francisco I We Sell Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers on Leading riltlcs of the United Stales i wino Furnish Sight Drafts or Remit Kunda to London Dablln Berlin Copenhagen Part Stockholm and all other Prominent Points in Europe ILt Lowot Rates of Exchange 1 CeniSc t of Deposit Issued Payable on Demand tCUTC tccoisniE SOHcUlct CORRESPONDENTS NEW TOBK ImrocttTs aid Tradcn National Na-tional Bank Eonntza Brothers OBIOAQO Commercial National Back SAN FEHCISCO Kirat National Gold Baa OMA1IA Oonha National Bank ST LouisStates Saying Aviocintion Jour TiTLCTS B H HOHESItEB Prealdant ttst Gishlei ZIONS SI1E S BANK AND TRUSr UO lPANYJ ISO > EASo TEMPLE STREET DOES A CESERAL BANKING BUSINESS Pays 5 pt t cant Interest on Savings Deposits iVIOMEYTO LOAN On Approved Becurltiea at Low Bates of Interest + SALT LAKE FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY TA PIERPONT Superintendent Office and Woiks One Block South oi Utah Central Railway Depot Manufacturers of ry and Portable Port-able Steam Engines and Boilers Mining and Hoisting Machinery Saw Mills Shafting Hangers Pulleys etc Boiler and Tank Work of alt Kinds Made to Order Castings in Inn Copper and Brace Wrought and Cast Iron Woik for Builders Iron Fronts Columns liintola Sill Plates Grating etc etc J A DIAYNES CO I News Dealers AD a ENlllt > ile AGiliTtJ I ILL OPEN osfc OF laosn FINE WILL in the I HERALD NEW BUIiDiMC About MAY FIRST with a care fully Eeleelo Stock or ooks Stationery Periodicals Magazines American ant English Newspapers etc Also a choice assortment of Cigars Tobaccos To-baccos and a general line of Smokers Articles Will receive subscriptions for ell Publications Special attention paid to orders for English Newspapers Wo have the agency for Enlarging Photographs in Oil or Water Colon and will guarantea firstclass work nt reasonable figures We solicit a share of public patronage sndwill endeavor to give general satisfaction faction Orders by mail promptly attended to Address P 0 Box 1071 Salt Lake City a18 I i I 1 i J i t Miscellaneous Advertising Cheats It has become FO common to write the beginning ol an article < n an elegant in tereaing manner Then run it into some advertisement that we avoid all such And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitten in as plain honest terms as possible To induce poopo uTa give them one tral which EO proves their value that they will never use anything else THE REMEDY so favorably noticed In all the papers Religious end secular is Having a largo sale and is supplanting supplant-ing all other medicines There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown great shrewd flees And ability cIn compounding A medicine whose virtues are eo palpable to every I ones observation Did She Die Not I bbo lingered and suffered alon pin luc away al the time for years The doctors doing her no good ClAnd at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the vapors say so much about Indeed Indeed How thankful we hould be for that medicine A Daughters Misery Eleven years our daughter suffered Ion I-on n bed of misery I From a complication of kidnoy liver I rheumatic trouble and noivous debility Under the care of Ihe best physicians Who give her disease various names Ii But no relief I And now she is restored to us in good heath b > a simple a remedy 1S flop Bitters that we had shunned for yoga bstora using itrn PARENTS Father Getting Well My daughters say How much better father is since he used Hop Bitters He is gatting well after his long suf faring from adisoasa declared incurable f And we lire eo glad that he used your Bitters ALATT ofTJtlca N Y d EQUESTRIAN STABLES One and one bait Blocks West of Walker Bros on Second South Stroot First den Saddle Horses for either ladies l or gentlemen m20 JAB X FERGUSON Proprietor r XA1TC > 8 DECKER I 1 AT D 0 CALDERS MUSiC PALACE iThB Wamtch Paton Roller Oils Best Grades of ROLLER PROCESS FLOUR pRANDS HIGH PATENTS STHAIOH1 BRANDS warranted as good as any made n Utah JtahTho se The nisbeat Cash Price paid for Good Wheat Telephone to the Mills Bo 105 Office Idaho Bakery No 20 Second South Street E Q HUSLEE Prop Bi f SlEIi1l1 t SPECIALIST Former Partner o DR MINTIE SAN FRANCISCO No 2t > l Mala Et opp Overland House In Union BlocK Room I No 1 First floor Can bo consulted daily from It oclock to 12 oclock am and from 2 to 6 oclock pm Sundays from 10 am to 1 pm He has had twentyfire years experience ex-perience in the special treatment of all Venereal Sexual and Chronic Diseases and guarantees to cure all urinary Diseases Syphilitic or LEcicnriaL Affections Af-fections of the Throat Skin or Bones NEEVOTJB DEBILITY IMpotency and Lost Manhood exhausted Vitality Seminal Weakness Spermator rhea Paralysis and all the terrible effects bf SelfAbuse youthful follies and ox esses In maturer ynsrs Nocturnal Emission Emis-sion the effects of whim are various mtvldeniDc nnd destructive to both body end mnd and unices cured will or minato fatally The presence of the disease causes a continual consciousness of a slow and gradual dcoty oi all the power of body and mind with loss of manly power and vigor defective memory mem-ory heart affections loss of sight noises in the head and ears confusion of idea aversion to society excessive prostration trembling of tho hands and limb consumption con-sumption marasmus and ultimate derangement de-rangement of the mind The will power becomes BO weak that the person seems to lose control of himself and cannot look one equaro in the face It also causes Dyspepsia and Indigestion with Hear I and Sidney Disease Tapeworm Expelled In 21 Soars PILES Treated and cured Successfully I Consultation at the office is TBBE aid invited Thorough examination and advice ad-vice including analysis of urine 8 Como at oncedc lot put lUfl All cortsspoodenca strictly coalidanttal r S Railroads UTAH EYADA HAlLWAY J On and after WEDNESDAY JUNE 4m 1834 The Utah and Nevada Railway Company Com-pany will run their trains aa follows Sundays escopted Standard Mountain Time Leave Salt Lake City 840 am II Garfield 1000 II Tooulo 1110 Arrive at Terminus 1WO II Leave Terminna IJ03 pm Leaver i pm Tboele 1J0 to Ii Garfield 230 It Arrive SaltLaka City 3i5 THE BATMINC TRAIN Will leave Salt Lake City Sundays except ex-cept d tor the L io at 510 pmi returning arrive at 8SO p m SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Bait Lake City for Black Bock and QMflold ony it 10 a m and 4 SO p m ro turmoil arrive at 230 and 800 pm FARE To Bleak Book and Garfield and re tuiu on all TraiDBCOo Children between 5 and 10 years of age 25a t27pecfal Rates given to Sunday SchooLs Societies eta No freight will bo received alter 411 rai 8 F Tenton W W RITER enlIrt and PMS Ast bupt SALT LAKE tJ WESTERN RY On and after THURSDAY MAY 1ST 1884 Trains will run as follows STANDARD MOUNTAIN TIME oLe an Leht Junction at 8 45 a m Cedar Fort atM 950 Bosh Valley at 1065 r Doremas 1145 1 Ironton at 1220 pm Arrive at diver CIty at 1240 Leave Silver City at ioo p m IrontoDM II LSO DoroznuB at HHMMM 225 Rush pall y at 3 CO Cedar tort at 400 Arrive at Lohi Junction at 610 OoDnecti with Utah Central train leavln Salt Lake at 730 a m Connects with Utah Central train arriving at Salt Lake lot 6CO I p m W W RITEB anrtl Snnt Fa Crowton Son RUBBER ROOFlr u nutsaER itOOriNQ PUT ON BY TRTI SlJ af K0BHBR cr sold bf theFquarealso all kind of MTAi HOOtIJ repaired and pointed with SLATE ROOFiSriC PAiNT Also PLUMBING and GASFITTING Sttam Pipes aid Coilta covered to tare fuel F CKOWTOH h tON No 12 E Third South St P 0 Bex 966 I SALT LAKE CITY jell I HY ALL ODDS THEKpCT FOUIPPFO U V I Liyi3JLSJ RAilROAD IN THE WORLD Let It Da forever remembered that the I C111E i E OOTl fsTEO r I RAILWAY Is tho best and shortest route to and from Chicago and Council Blnffa Omaha and that It is preferred by all well posted traveler I when passing to or from CALIFORNIA AND COLORADO It also operate the beat route and tha abort line between Chicago Rnd st Paul and M maall9lis Milwaukee IA Croue Sparta Madlioa Foil nCr JI sW Howard Green Bay Wh Wlnona nol no-l l s Uankato Webster City Minn Algous i Cedar Clinton Rapids Mar Deg Bhalltown Iowa Freeport Elgin Rockford 111 are amongst its 800 local stations on its 1JIes I Among a few of the numerous points of superiority o su-periority enjoyed bj tho patrons of thia road are Its DAY COACHES which are the finest that human art and ingenuity can ornate its PALATIAL SLEEPING OARS which arc models of comfort and elegance its PALACE DRAWING ROOM CABS which are nnwr parsed by any and IU widely celebrated NORTHWESTERN DININO CARS The like of woicn aro not run by any other road anywhere In short it Is asserted that it IsTBB BEST EQUIPPED ROAD IN THE jVfOHUX AU points of Interest north northwest and west of Chicago baiinrsa centrej summer xesorta aid J lJu hunting and fishing ground are accessible by tha various branches of this read It owns and controls over 6000 miles of road and baa over 400 passenger oondnotora constantly caring for ito mlllionj of patrons AsSyocr ticket went for ticket Tia this route AND ffaKU NONE OTHER All oading Uctot agosls sell them It costs no more to travel on this route that gives Bret ass iccimmodationi than it doe to so bye by-e poorly equipped rod per map descriptive circulars ana seamen Ton papers or othor information not ob > Ejcable ILt your local ticket o ace write to tho GENL PA88AQ1 0 tli NWMJ RtOAqO TLl ra 6 JW o SIMPSON A New Involoa of PUHCH LEDAa AND OBELISK l O X O AIR S r VU oi wa will ell to the Trade at tea very Lowe Figures A Full Liao Calcilciccrs General SnppIifs Miscellaneousr 1 i MARK HoKIHHinS t LIVERY FEED STABLES The Finest Baronohw and Carriages la own NoaSSS 2lS and 2O Main St n9 f + w i 3 5J5 STAR ME Office No m Main street Snot dcor north of Borratt Urea Telepaoue No 112 rO O rt + lockage Transfer and Fxeursloa Wagons always in readiness Moving Planes Or Jan and Furniture a Specialty y Have the finest fourlahand Wagon that r i was ever brought to this country 1 Are pre eared for any sized parties r Tonrlats will do well to call od the Stat 1 Express i l i Lion Orders Taachon receive pioaipt atten j I y lt J H EDGERLY 1 l f wl5 Sole ProDriator i j Jfl STANDARD VARNISHi WORKS r D ROSEHBERC Ii SONS s NEW YOlK CBIOAQQ Stannard Garriaao e Varn j sJIBf a I t Jj 0 > icr Sale bv SEARS LIDDLE Salt Lake City Utah and f HENRY WACNE3 t l SALT LALE CITY c u CALIFORNIA BREWER Lager Baler Ale and Porter Ii Wholesale a A Retail I eoond South Street Three doors east l ° f I from bin Street I j OITY DRUG STORE f A C S j I tllTR tO PDOPHIJDTOns tl Corner Slum and Second South StrceU I J l OLD ELEPHANT CORNER t t + o II I PBESG COiPllo1l PIIA OM1c Gfc J Pure Drugs Patent Medicines Toilet Articles AND STBRTXHINQ BOUND IK A FIRSTCLASS DRUG STORE f I t x 0RE80ItlPTIOjy8 FILLS r i At All Hours cf the Dir Cl Right by Competent PharmacJila f WHOLESALE ORDERS I PrijaJ t3 low ti3 any Drug Ja nsa In th a t T0ritory 1 1 i l r f 1 ° IIEADQrARTIUl II i i FOB i l la DIAMOND8c r W AICBES x JEWELRY AND I SILVERWARE t 4 li1 T l JOSLINPARKa I a II t 150 East Temple St SALT LA KEa i a a Ordla ty Mall will receive Prompt Attzo j doD q NEW LUiUiER YABDi Ii E3 SELLS At that t 1 tha-t iloneer Lumber Ear xl a I Of ARM JONa A EAGLES I x I FIRST RCJTH STREET i E Opposite filth Ward Meeting EOCK jara rt WHOLESALB AND RETAIL t i i LUMBER OP ALL RADES j i pi Consisting In part of Ploorln t5ca Unc ry i Koofini OeiUnei Piekcta Lath Sttltloa Ucldlnj Jcist Uoora vVtado < rf Tr n5Tu t i t d tf wbich wlllbc and cheap 1 l i r4 I y4 i i 1 |