Show j kl Ibi CHIPS ltlFJ i t r Tbere 5s a perfect epidemic of EXt ex-t enraions r L1 There were 200 passengers on the fl east bound train on the scsnlc route I yesterday 1 r The great American tragedian iL Lawrence Barrett will HOOD appear t 1 t at the Salt Lake Theatre hii The Knights of Pythlai will givo t i t nn excnrson to Wasatch on theD r I Is B G next Wednesday r f The Bohemians will get otf their gaga and tricks at the Salt Lake j I Theatre on Thursday and Friday f r 7 I i ayeuiuga 1 k I About 4000 pounds of express t t matter arrived here yesterday from the west to be forwaidsd through ly the D R G ri f t Gustaveson the check raiser was I t bound over In 5500 to appear before d t the grand jury Failing to get 1 i ionda he will remain in jail if The old folks who cculd not go on i i1ir the lata excursion from being blind t erippled etc are receiving pments i r f from the committee of rocking f I chairs shots clothing and other i t j uEeiul articles I 71 H ln I Why does not some enterprising ti party get up an excursion at reduced I I f ii re-duced rate to Denver by way of 1 r the D RG We think a great i pt rt many people would take advantage j or each a trip i I 1 President John Taylor end George t1i t j l i I Q Cannon and a party of ladles i and gentlemen left the city yesterday r yester-day on a tour of the settlements of 1 I I j f northern Utah and southern Idaho H t f 1hey expect to be absent about t I 1 f three Week r i r j Louis Ordntr and Themis Jones 7 J were arrested last night on a charge 1 of permitting mnsi drunkenes llJ i 9tcj and keeping adsorderly house t I i They gave bonds in S200 each and b i were rolea = ed Their case will coma i1 i iE j up this morning 1 j l 1 i In the oaae ball conte3t yesterday R Ii J < at the square between the Red Boys i d i and a picked nine the former were f r slaughtered considerably the picked nit e scoring 21 and they It peering 19 The plumes of the Red I 1 U l f Boys will droop for a time at least ft JI j41 Mining matters in Bin ham are t I flourishicg Messrs Hazelgrove k tl i and Mullett Ie3 es of the Old Tee t jfl graph are working ten men snd I H4 r getting where the ground is Inter j 1t sating The Yosemite is also doing U Lii 17611 and promises a big seasons iork fi The case of the toldiers nan n-an Sheridan came up for discussion I ion yesterday in the Police Court and they were released on a requisition E requi-sition from General McCook All soldiers who break the city ordinances I ordi-nances hereatter will be turned I over to tho military authorities for punishment t I The friends of Mr and Mrs Geo I E Bourne will be pained to read I the notice In another column under She head of died The dread disease diphtheria has entered their home I and carried away their eldest child Cteitrudo Edith aged nearly 4 years The funeral took place last evening I Mr Bourne wishes us to express his i thanks to many friends for kind attentions r at-tentions 4 A great family picnic t J SohoBel J 1 on the D B G has been planed plan-ed for the 9th instant People r will join from Ogden KayBvillo and other points and the Fort Douglas I band will supply the music The 1 Deseret Salt Lake and Ogden shooting I shoot-ing clubs will take part in the out and give eome exhibitions of their ip i ekill The excursion will continue l z for five days and a sleeping car will bo side tracked for the accommodation accommoda-tion of ladies The old folks committee cf i t which CB Savage is the active I member now has in preparation a grand excursion for the poor children r chil-dren under 15 years of age which I will take place at Black Rock on I i the 19th Instant W W Biter superintendent of the Utah Nevada t Ne-vada railway has offered to furnish ken passage for GOO cf the children and Mr Anderson of BlackRock uas promised to give them the use 3f the btth houses free of charge Xeiesuments and prizes will be i given to the deserving ones and every child who is poor is cordially 1 Invited |