Show IN TIlE THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court State of oC Utah County of or Salt Lake s 8 S. S Hays plaintiff vs Mining company a corporation defendant No No o lice tice Notice Is hereby helch given to all ull whom It may concern that S. S Hays Bus plaintiff In the entitled above action has said action In the tho above obo entitled court to foreclose foreclose fore fore- close dose a 11 lien on the tue property of oC the he said defendant company consisting of the tho Cuba Silver Belt Hell Akron AIron U tj on arid l I. I Eliza Jan Jane Crown Point Sweep Stake and Cuba No Xo U 2 loden and mining ml- ml ning and tho the Shawmut mill and mill file site situated In West Ves Mountain mining ml- ml ning el district Salt Sal I Lake county Utah All Al persons holding or claiming Hem on said sahl premises are arC beret hereby notified to ho be and appear lr before said sait court on the nth da day of oC u Au-u August t. t If We nt ot the hour of oC 10 o'clock n. n m. m and antI exhibit their suld ld claims and liens lens an and make malte ItO IP and uil legal proof there there- of or FRANK HOFFMAN IN Attorney for Cor or Plaintiff P. P O. O a address TC 76 G W. W 2nd So s sL l. l Salt Snit Lako City CIt Utah Dated July Jul 1 12 Jr 10 |