Show PURSUED BY BYA rA A DEBTOR E. E H. H Marine larine Seeks Arrest Arrest Arrest Ar Ar- rest of Man fan He Says Owes Oves Him E. E II Marine appeared at the ell city hall hail this to lo tell his troubles to a policeman a and d his stor story is 18 probably probably ably without a a. parallel in history Marine sats sars he has held a bill for tor against another man for Cor two i iI I years ears and a half haIr He lie presen presented this I bill two yearn ear a n he declares and falling Calling to collect it put it In the han hands of a lawyer lt This is where the trouble beta n. n Tho The lawyer lawer reported that he ho met with no success success nothing nothing more than a a. few round oaths oath for lor or his trouble Since that time Marine 1 had dropped all an hopes of or collecting tho the bill and had decided not to r the he man an any further According to the story tory contrary to all nil precedent the pursuer be became became became be- be came the pursued Mr Marine says he has never met tho the ct subject of his com I since or ot come within earshot of oC him without being being- made the tar target et for or all lie tho abusive language Inor Inor in inor or out o of the dictionary This abuse he adds Is also followed b by threats of personal harm He lie ns asserts he has haR not mentioned the bill to his persecutor nor offered to approach him in any anya war a Marine announces that he will ill have havethe havethe the man arrested for disturbance of or the peace and the U use of or profane language |