Show E CHAffI-E TO COME HOME WASHINGTON July H. Chaffee Chartee has been relieved of or tho the command In th the tho Philippines and ordered to the command of ot tho Department of oC the East by an nn order order or or- order or- or der Issued today by Secretary Root The order Is as follows n By direction of oC the thc Pr President l Gen George George W iV l Da relieve 1 Gen Chaffee of ot the co command mand of oC the division divi slon sion of or tho the Philippines September 30 l C. C On Ou being relieved Gen Chalice Chaffee will with his auth authorized aide repair to GovernOrs GovernOr's Governors Governor's Governors Governor's Gov Gov- 1 Island New York and a assume suma command of oC tho the Department of ot tho East |