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Show swys' .The Sevier Valley. V IS UTAHS Garden of Eden... k II JisL VISIT IT DavoG VOL. P ps kkH t'j the Growth and Prosperity of tlio'j I RICHFIELD, UTAH, FRIDAY, CCTOBIR 1. 1 ED. HOFFMANN IS P!EAT 'llVLiil ypi r1 Mackinaws airl Ctlier Lake Fish Hii'-- Captures e IsCntll't , llrtfeutof 'E (') Til wetU, hi in.. I mid iijVivtivc at tbn I vliich has it..'oiit in Otvala. Poor x( rviee "d i u luodation the Inn o eofi-tit- i k - I iJru w V 1 SUNSHINE h iv - hui-li- j IlWY was M K -- - MigMMiaawraBgaMPgi ,! It r hy IV, ge nh Tre .t iuu! on t ! url Chide-le- nia'L" a t.i tie met t i u g of He WedO'-s'idj- ..ireetors' iii i- pf-- n Jus 1i MO INTEREST SHOWN 1M'BOC0 " ip to Sig it mEURB , the .A k" oiept-n- uy. vi W CITE POLITICS - r t". udets Held General Apathy Seems to be in Particular jfiea Fvideuce y. 4, It certainly is D plaint. v will In Thanks-0 h v and any loan, woman or eti.id (y n t) of puini kme .1 ones vr MnrtinAs" paretoiBed ty and aneinnt i"u0, occasion to travel over tim li 1 tiiMu bfing Iliehlield was te,aDdia tba fact that i E if well known e l ."k'jir f, K Ilnffmiint-garbed in yyun. lied in making a roar aud ti r t tbit ur e 0 ,r"P- - cifv J ut h r of tiiis vit), f t la a new the m gi ;atl) Friday. tb, tbroaaof pings magi merit of the tw n I record as a pGca'u j,.i a! I.avern Chi til ud etocK, j., low corner rust in tiruis of ohloquy am. r i.n Bud w hilt crepe tin sobriquet u) Its one passengt r tram is n t n ni'irrui'1 upn, mighty r I ""vussion 'Die few etrangty n tow n week Trcm a going once cmre ofter H 4 t vier :i v week. it L.,l county did the r xe angler of Utah. ir, hud J t ab ilial away Death n is hours four late. But this a e. I'll out ret id m Hi rti e at f If loci-lLast Week Ji. i.f Kichiield's prominent hunk! , i passenger who pays money :s nud ,lO')ction and Ihi' d at 'he Utah and altogether Uu! of hoi , Richfield to tlie n on asan m up merchant. The Draper dill' e w' aboard 000 and aftr getting la Idi' Ist iv, T r L9 was a deserted s ilia :i , mariy i very body ho-to Ml its1 this and leas! ob moreing ilabora'ely the de luxe errs, hopes to at aftr tbs Bret of cote aud ebara t r ati tiding the r rB'd next biumi I son.bt-be per., wiih uiortuiiry and ,.v for d. end cilia. tain a seat. However, if the tar January, bacooii privsift State fair in Salt Lake C'ily. So he God hrl citixeog Not ooe J W Goodin, fii mamivoi ,f the trip.', ,'ihe '.ty went up: he can stand. That makes no of .'ODCiu led to malie a run up to difference to t VV the raffroad company greater prestigei ijttiorc betid, retires Inin ttn'iioe La! J tin ltood is dead chti-ltiled are It Sunroils og v ge I'l.ti !a , fe a led capture peck ll ic were other who contended rndaeent or United States seems to be: "The public be next Send 15. It is nut bea dies and perhaps bag a uunioer of th e in tr io fur deer h'.i.drng. ,p damned! ioued il.jwe.kS the tiiui, tue lav is U display of black doth his retirdg c e will 1, pace mud In' , whiub, at this tiuie of yeur, aro more t. u e v that after tdo'-iiiiiLast Tuesday, the morning train that 01 ine aniiniU I'S'ckeo w - to give emphasis to tho fact that Chrisienaeo 'i ht) eru la a solid are numerous t the lake. ilo could K hen edis any died. had tcLItdd They suddenly leaves Salt Lake.Ciry for the south, a. it velt, will go ou a'kunuiag expk discover no ut.e who cared to go fishing was crowded with people wiio tiai f"eo Wire ud fur from the truth. During British Afiica. fflf This fact made him hot andhe "may not go ths ' The wbie'le .f Ihe new sugar faeton ltd be; viest iocl.leildnn,"' ill himsfd tho while of lust week this city came so far. Grate valley is about 'J is eixe.. out Sfili'ary an t alone on the long, pet attending the conference and fair, leri, bait! ft a near that women and children stood in the aisles st Autin graveyard 'corpse diet (ictly be Good Mr. tierd Is chi, quite ilous trip, ever the ountams, knowing The prase lit city couocil very idke c L at go of the hotel af'er odor n us apparent to the 'nostrils ol in the coaches until the train reacbd M ie oi.'leretond that the iu tba ChJ;' ji.iiuaard was at the Like ell dignified bodd.iwo and out. 'rin-sbody, diguilied steps latter sensiiMit Provo. At this place additional Jia fces latliiscbj. beings. hvu'g, Oiacbinen in and ti u'lis cioiy wiljlie in mo considered the flulieriug insignias of ies, it is a elow mover. 6 till, durlog. could have beeo attached to the train, t ' of c.rn .par, tion of xt Moi. iy . the past two years it has accomplished not did death arli.sticallv appropriate, of was triiiu sort afternoon' the The done. Si nday Mr. liollmann returned to Hichtie a iut nothing some good work. Cement walk bSf, in died no had utter ut. all, railroad company labors under the pem Dut, ir,c" here until lata in the evening Monday, the proudest pr ifessiunal man been constructed aloog the principal God ned y In iu .1 m tv ffo ieto has Itichhdd. this fact, door of to the g'oriuus th that tho crowded fisyea people weie Sanpete j i Te i:,m.-liWho .Vi r strode down tb pdie. .An udul ldoiu i fl die, absen i. weeke1' and Sevier valine are merely animals homo t except slreetu; the water system has been exe jrid , ' h jiveii clmiiue, pHOplea of fresh tish i xude'i troiu his person, iuiruog fair and conference vis Hum . . tended to Third North street; Improveor visa 0pfn.1t. d accident. old and not entitled to conoidi ratiuu. I.m his age ere Salt he (fit! iu Kicbbeiil, ttore, but, after arriving bis clothing was t raved, und lie lookd ments have beeo made has been ihe policy of the company upon for a city 1; was all a juke. DOW 19 d. i Hie Hr It relieved. whb tho ipi greatly like a uetv mvoii of k.p Van ink'l congestion of tlie students of the a was since its road extended south from gaining it: hf.il- h and ' eogth. It prank to the Bee looked like n circus day here In answer to vuriuus Mr who conceived the idea of histle. Soils day. maybe, another line It is now definitely sattled fiat the crowds s among up frnu the depot High school, Hoffmann Haiti that t.e hud beaten any will be cause a itepublicana of Richfield;, will put a of that might in this part Utah, something doing operating tndn-vethat the W. L Easton inter jed Sunday from Actually tb- for previius reeord he ever made at the and atiout that Imre the U. & It G. vV. ' of excitement in town. strsight city ticket in tb field. lihve iien u failure rippiecarno lake and (hat he hud iu his possession tutu fair wouiu and Lake Jonclvoe Grand Balt (V.ji God .Jell as of business. out, late m the afternoon, may go out is likeljt that aa lode) endent tickit It tbo goods to prove it. patronage. that tho kids prupwjgid burying the only where he bad ben with biw race hmset. hud it Lot brou fir t. peed the day! et alto will b Isuoched, which will Exhibit V was a monster Mackinaw vwurteJ it by toevier uountv piople. I he 1 kuooaer in KlcUtmld. rolling atock on this branch of the lio brought wt'k him toother have the support ot Demcv rata, Social trout, weighing lo pounds, on exhitn O. & R, LVV is in awful condition tioree, Uno, from the etate fair, paying Friday night, at boit 8 o'clock, ists end Insurgent Republicans. lion at the Sluudard Meat market. Ex Engines are continually breaking dowu side on west the for tbiieLtmah Who, you pull down the town in procession was formed, (ewtismes being tieoliooed by hibits H and C" were t ao otto r Mack a.,d the coaches are Noah arks that one school of Nearly building. the which ib your huuie, you are .pulling as possible caedidstee foe maws, weighing respect' !y 7 aud 9 years ago were discarded on the main down youreuif,- und wbao you build up Pete UaftK-- aioi Chn M- - Jones, Robert D. . are SThs was D" native a f George Exhibit trout, pounds. , bnsy Inir. you are buddiug up yoursell aud youi John Gbrieteoeen and Geo. Vfj Exhibit Klcoui iee of Mil are enjoying lbemeHe during is the buui-s- t weighing fli 4"iidk. It October weather la touring the ueigBbor. aiTry eml i.auien from your " Virginias Beeu is seidtobs ot eastem tiroulc trout, r and the tbo prised a o' country iu their little Metx cars. The mind tie' mistaken idea that atl good .hue we e tuners ' car, V.riiped in v 7Exhibit F'wa a Pftdke coast. each jan a beauty.' reoeptfvq candidate. ho prio fm d Bu it. iBHchiitL; are epaed. earib. coptr mviiut MlWMMliinHured by Char .wterw The ontaiM' wknijayv pm 4, jaoJdiBgL AzioXjii cfunijn f If of r Maj fl kVl ing the bloated remains of a woehtield timber for the mtyormlity. Candida will It bear. costw a tbeir certainly Sun iegitimaiely ilb fuu. it porter, iiiuee cm3 faNcjjwversation knocker.' Upon the breast at the befog proposed are U N. fiaye . r tpu said that he liad enjoyed Jo you no barm and will cost you sy I I. VV, i'ftmHjae from a waok eurpoo reposed a tiny hammer. Johnston, James Kameej, J, W, Werner, above all, patronize your i en hoys acted as pall bearers. trip of his life. The pent n Salt Lattu City Th vi, rlil is full of women who can lotbing; and, W. H, Seogmiller and C. M. Heppler." me were favurablo and The procession moved north akmg man. .Cim Biug tinoie luttitutioos ibe The only name to fa; mentioned by f ordinary Vwas h house, boluiy aud de First W eat street, down second North to . INi or rerite for him; can paint or as a caod.Iaia for tha city ' Republicans as a resulwl pUt, 1Jlfcm w,re a HmsT'ift ami II. 1 LGonbse Main, thence south to a point opposite council is that of H. H. Peterson, tbs iu a manner most pleasing, of decorate At last mZ an assayer, O TRY OUR L eu uttorl to ge Monroe Thursday nights meeting vei frici. Tuevday where it came to welt known druggist. No better man hut the pour man often goe begging the city council onich time waa spent he Lyric theatre, -j one fTh.U halt. Then and optimistic could facetious j jira, Elastic Hosiery. on sew buttons 01 can ho woman vnvi a for to be named for the position. He ia or i street uarauteed 10 the propo--iiHu money refunalaHi. lighting diet'usBing going talks were made by Hsrold Foutz, Miss is cor. vales Mrs. (j.orge L tlum-ea stem winder, a parliamentarian and ineD'l his clothe.-- ; who can cook bb hasten tha matter of not did hut ..,0 .made a complete oABKUO CO. iq Jack Christensen and others, feVi-,cUf ft in the leg fio.n e atiHck of lyphtnd public-spiriteIf auiLij food with economy and flavor it to his signing a contract with tba Telluride Nebeker, citieen. allege vi ilford Nielson was master of cere mao Third So, and Wep d.nple. ig lh"lie? K Hansen want tone u ud of A. Friends lade. Isn't company. For a time ai least, Richfield ies. were rousted to a dull Knockers tue him re nominated fat councilman. Mr, John L. Miller spent the first of the will continue, to remain in darkness, brown and boosting was the f paramount me, ie Hansen is active in Mar.li, enjoying a visit with and conclusion tba the a SrJf reek that but aggrea-Biait really Expens idea foregone of each speaker. sMm Eva Roecquiht gsre a very inter Campaign friends. that of will and soon be made between Joho Bays member the present council. final deal festi, The procession then moved north to WIUA9U Nf0RMAT3()N e. Out of the eating lal to the children of the Ctb M rti la a good running mate for Keh before the L STERN tonTRARPERI one da) ine t week, the topic being the city and the Telluride company, the ball park and the lat,t sad rites His record ia A 1, and he could wio eut trade i lie d xt present. There is nctoing doing rmrixvj cucM committee which ttuid Life am Mexico" Mies Borg Die disposition of the lightn will be the were here conducted. Howard V. Al- with both bands down. FJll, A c" . R.itiphens t Mtc that Within a week the woods wiff be full , ' 4 in either town. ie aa outlined' in the Sun several ston delivered the eulogy and it was of co. ff jgrges t spent some time in Mexico end qui-fi.tT. OFJvta.eeiaioo. election of a so nature of of candidates for city office. The Bun weeks the . that ago. touching ! corpse und customs el.e made the manners devlfc h;,ort is at .. was the knocker in the catafalque emitted will endeavor fo keep case, on the ait-- ft m uti. Messrs. Jame Edwards and Ed An u.e pe. p v rai ful stud). be child V y " , T T ,R awful groans. The rug carp. I bearers and uation. . " Vo it under X ersoD, who departed from here a fort no lore tnghl) entertained sdh her Clarence Isabel ha a fine patch of many of the students pall Vt CL I bool.. .1 lV so h hod lugubriThe primaries are yet to be called and favm intl-en- ! elte that were aid an end. nixht ago fo take over the Grill Batin la,k t.. mgtit tha c.H'bga out on eset Third North street ously. It was a sad scene. held. In the meantime, let ua keep put dh another in the near fJturo' e? Ac seized Rinebaui Canyon, have returned to thie them aiio i ought to bring him in a nice wad Under the direction of Jack Christen- shirts on and nonchalantly await morn Actually, when Uit was of sav thRt the tho hook it tin bueinpav a ?VV myrigy thie fall. Growing cabbage sen, tbo Oxwprerf the knocker'1 was deboits sad tangible problems with They aity f rrfiaritet is a boat. Aud oghi! VvR.'iho crvwiiur' what they expected it o b and ,,tr,oua and painetak plant' beneath a clump of Canada which to wrestle. Sabna parliea were here lat Frida itie growing crop re thistles, and tho band played soul stirvjnvorted hkc au uytaw broncho. 1 ws they diiposod of it to a residaof of with a load 0 tine watermelons So few ' r tuug ho lish within Bio.ihnin Meesra. Edwards and Vnderv Sun office tor fine job printing. twenty nunul'-iwere left in Richfiehlori aecour.i qaKs conrtant( at," irtu.n and, unle) ring rag tiqie dirges.' , people tor ouurii But I ot toy reach B. gatl. liontires were lighted iu tha ball park supervised, y f be devoured by ar undetermined a to b t Thev qf tt'" slate fair nt conference, tli: clo-l- y H'11 niutic refi, i v. ouid not have fi.e-- as not brisk, iail,r caused Mr. Isabel and potatoes ware roasted in the ashes. wll dn here, but they expect to make the nia-Bah', worms. Francis Christensen, a lad employed .u aw as 1 had to oep in M'mh the end the of no t at least Double, but he got busy with Revelry and high jinks continued until in the Sevier dyrina this ci'y their home, however, ude, vulgar boys r.vVi Valley Planing mill, bad with lue moiJ,,r's movimeuts hd give and a late hour school Mbs High schol winter. Thev tire free to cay 10 which wm tht W sgou enr.t .iniuc a spray punp and p.rrtii.lly saved (be hip right hand caught ia a planing maars punched holes in the thin air. it a taut Lr miusu hue as circUmbiances eomirg Richof There head urti in towns wiih tb crop. there are other cabbage the melons and made away chine, on Tuesday, injuring tha index demauded. The 9 pound Mackinaw i ,'hat Anyway, the kuccker is dead. are almost insufferably quiet melon in sight. There is ft strang. ihi 5 toil weigh twenty pounds. a field up put siA Snger so badly it was thought that amconsidered, caught, 1 at the present time. affinity between boys aud melons. would be necessary. Francis, dandy tight, 'and several times thought Fred Black has succeeded his broth- putation 'v, I was gouiK to lose him. Capturing Te woiilvriftbe merchants of this however, tooled the doctor. Ha will Mt er, Prime, asdelivary and general utility loso the ' Mackinaws is the greatest sport I ever , Mrs. Elizabeth Laws, wife of Bet j s.iley protiteo digit. any extent last week Lad Fridav pvpfiino Mie Cara Ram Model st of. Prime will atengaged in 1 want to crawtish in my tnc r. rved a emirv Airrer st the home Laws, died in this city last Saturda) oecacsv of ths big ciowda going up to boy io the . tend school this winter. former ..pinion of tho sport. Funny, of X a her pirenta on en t First orth afreet night, after a brief ryUjess She hnd halt Luke City 1 hou at. da of d' ,:n A party has been io Richfield this isnt it, bow a fellow sometimes chaDges in were of Zionluwt wtLgbfield the paat spec, honor of Mr and Mr. A W. Herring. bbeo a resident by visitors. week' buying koraes for tha Pareah bis mind! fcSu. 1 want to tell you oov in and years and whs bortAic London, Eng'ar.d, And mao o grtmied to Hy Christensen, who at'epded the Mining company. Animals ot about Mackinaw jTbemenu wne v and elaborlv thing: If you are alter stute fair fast week, says that the only 1100 homes uutl The funeral far their 1 the larvices 6,1844. wer vinnde delectabln Jaouar) credit the beDt14tU utu Bn pounds seem to fill the specificaa waete of liali ,0 Ml from the slorav afternoon were until the who held living beings he recognised on the fair tions and the beet is alter parThos (CI lueeday hv the guo-t- s crop lake of and the shore the on buyer insists that thegr btclla Patiorb:' home ioatitu grounds were Presides Taft and ijot must be took of Mips Claras hoepilelily were: Third ward meeting houre end were harvested well broken and easy sound, angle as you would tor a carp. eii'y slogan fora of Jersey cow. Meacre. and Moedarree Veule Bean, G largely attended. The decrft'ed leaves lions seem to he to He is experiencing some Tbere wore three of us at the lake and so sg"d busbaid and a s.ster, Mis newspaper man to foed his reuders up difficulty in getting wbat he wirhei, to Charlie Skougaard counts for twio. And 3 McDonald, Meedam-- e McBride some tine Ramloee and Mr. J L Mi'ler. Ofcooree, Ward, the latter residing io Ogden on Department stores and mail order Charlie caught that net The Joliukiou hotel is now nearing tbere are few horses here for safe, you tiouseft catch them eVory day. And the Mr and Mrs. Henning sleo wer pre" Mrs. Ward attended the funeral. fish, also. completion and it Is one of the most reaon is' simple, Department stores modern hotels south of Salt Lake City. V Our Mackinaws we captured in deep ent. It wan one of the most enjoyable has been wrong with Richfield water, opposite Twin creeks. Here, too, dinner parties of the ee iaon That plate glass front in something new .What Next month some handsome cash and mail order houses adverliae. lately? The old town has suddenly each evening, I would anchor the boat, in Utah. of fishermen swutdt-this part , by tie prizes will be for Dativts gone as dead as a last years bird's nest, men of R.cb get out my flies, and cast O. P. IVaebburr, of the Sevier Valley a bundle business and Tanner Freeman Mrs g soihe I it can not bt that tbo closing of the caught aDd eatern brook. wnl be for large trout Stud iartu at Monroe, la home from the ft Ine week m field. 1 he pMZs. is a bibit and a deluafoo among saloons Is at the bottom of There latter the bower part me let tell you! it, for that beauties, he room, gaugbt in Fish lake this season, and state fair with a gorgeous assortment of many people in this valley to make a is a too recent occurrence. Edna Ob5Do I think there are many Mackin hooorof Mi It is more of trout-- oa he for three vpc. blue ribbobs wbiih were awarded him trip to Salt Lake City two or three charitable to believo Japanese ef that the prenatal aws in the lake? Ido. That species of were prettily decors brook and Mackinaw. of in on some the tine norsee he there bad tirnea a year to do their Up tse' eterD ,,ir,d Pre shopping, they depression is caused by the hegira of as planted in the lake twelve feet and the lHdw flirt. ' ir was suppl'fd to the present time I'rovo anglershold on exhibition. Mr. Aasbhuru made a evidently believing that they save mon- Sevier been A tmv have aud Xi.nnnaa to Sait spawning they ago years Hb8 17 Ib great showing of Suffolk stallions, mares ey by ao doing. Those people may be and thatcounty peopleall the Lake City, 1 waR pipnt ia th9 m'orJ fur T and increasing for ten years past. to Mch caret they spent ready cash George Mortens has and colts, hat was the talk of the fair. buncoed and a sob- - Mackinaw-r- od of them in believe there are thou-anby their owo thought. They they had on hand for goods they could games and olhW occupations of number whoppers rangiog Die animsls coDxtituted bis latest iin should reckoa tbeir carfare and their have The caught a the lake. I believe that there are larg stantial lunchn was served. bought of home merchants. It Ibeseasuo la not yet pupation and were fo splendid condi- incidental expenses in tba Mesdames from 0 to 15 lb were or ones than any yet caught. and the looks es if business ie going to bo dull present: city, following guests wr conditions favora tion He was awarded prizes as follows; time lost, before Ottlit over. It weather The Bun office is indebted to Mr. Hoff Lamcionfl, Jonh Ogden, making auch a trip. If io thie veto of tear until our people hi- -, October G the bauner month of the Mm! son, 3 veers and under 4L, Geheker, mann for the present of one of bis big Genevrs Misses first; stal- borne mercbinta show a disposition to wake up to the fact that a dollar Coot'S, way, J. apanl home from is some lion. 2 ver nod under 3, Kio year. Ud H..ffnaa fish a 7 pound Mackinaw. flrsi; stallion, soak you or do not have what you at home ia a dollar that will circulate Ella and Alta Parker, Ella Nielsen, ind lake W 1 now L the st and under 2, first; mare, 3 years want, jthen.of course, you are somewhat at home and that will pay many bills th AJ, swoon, Cleo Gardner, Avis Ivie, Ivy ,o)l sport nd over.seeoM); tidy, and Easum will make bis tkai try for big Luciie in making a trip to tba city, the Irene jP(tr HD(j under A dollar taken up t SeegnsilU., Oriokrobi e vommuoity. The stork this week left be to L Vquetti. It ir i. " goirg i;r maoj jCoi t, first; sweepfirst find out and see what your Salt Lake City ia a dollar that Mil ireal Callaway, M awd of Mr. home tvy st the UJL' bU0n? k) pajd.By ftgs, first, uiM'baoti hava to offer you. never return, . ra Ramloee and Maude GriihYjf I y bar-rist- J . 1 n.-a- , u- li'uiuii . i' - . y f- n, ' r;:.1 av f , ofe 'h. ,'! -- tl-a- Surr. 1.- - v A lai ml i . n-- 1 t va( , i tt sthe i V vei . otaa-eter- , . J - spU-milt- j (: j -- ler Aae ; ryti U' i- JJjuig IE la d,-.- 'i It J O- nrt d . " 7 s s D . !, 3 L-- f ? t f-- s 1 iJt? 1 !i- i" t .,-- The et ih tin-lo- f al.-.- o S tht J 2-- Usipiiti ta-t- gr-st- 1 t . prute-won- - 1 ds Jfr - ,Bluiajj 6utifetie J Bcertaln I r |