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Show InfoodTi Sarsaparilla Will purify your blood, 'dear pour complexion, restore yom,' appetite, relieve your tired feeling, build you up. It leads all other medicines in merit. r Cet it today in usual liquid form hocolated tablets colled 8areatabe- - PARKERS HAiR BALSAM ludt. tU rtetnM n.mute sud beulifiJ ft .. luiumnl growth- . - ortf Thompson's Eye Water HsaMlWaiHMUIwaNkliS.MliSi HOWARD E. BURTON asSemVtn MWClUiell pmB (juld bi iVBT, Lettd. IU,Malilng Tto Gold, 60c, Zioe or CAippof, n vel 'in' and full pile line, tent ob uppliatnu LttdvUM Control and empire work toUciutd. Got ttofMbMMs UrtBiit bUoiuU iUuifc. illvpi, RCLtCVCS SORE EVES so that she la crippled for his house almost to pieces. Injuring his IHtle girl least for a time, from the at would hare Retired, he than men Weaker life He stuck to the not but attack. the Stolypin. policy which hd engendered to do their he had outlined and dared the revolutionists and assassins Inworst, geve'al times It was announced that bis reign as minister of the terior was t an end. but he kept the portfolio Just the same. was too great for Stolypln was a marvel of physical energy. No problem blm to .assume. He carried a heavier official burden than any statesman of Europe- His dally life, from which he never varied, was a model for the officials of 8t. Petersburg. In some cases he tempered the exercise of his authority with humanity and In other cases packed courts and sunrise executions spelled the end of whoever disputed him or the emperor. Throughout his political life he played the dual role of murderer and humanitarian. To those whom he condemned he was the hangman, but to the enemies of those he condemned he was a great humanitarian who lived for Russia. He ruled as the will of a cowardly monarch made him. In the offBut to the peoicial life of Russia he will forever be known as the courtier. ple of the lower classes there will be one synonym for the dead premier, and that will be, "Stolypins necktie." , Distance. Knlcker In the suburbs you live Jve miles from a lemon. Bocker And from a peach. pr to Mother the first of the English woman to essay the delights and brave the dangers of the aeroplane was Mrs. Hewlett, wife of the well known novelist. She liked flying so much that she became an expert and linally established an aviation school at BrooKJands, England. Many pupils are being Initiated Into the art of aviation by her, among them some women. The picture shows Mrs. Hewlett In the acv 0f mounting her biplane ' preparatory to a flight ONE - of TRAVELS IN AFRICA English Authoress Tells of Trip. Well-Kno- MAYOR UNDER INVESTIGATION Thomas EL Knotts, mayor of Gary, Ind., the steel trust's "Magle City," has been arrested for the alleged taking of a bribe of $5,000 from T. B. Bean, who was endeavorlDg to get the city fathers of Gary to give him, in behalf of his company, a beating franchise. "Mayor Tom," as Knotts H called, dentes the charge of bribery and says that the whole thing ts a "frame-up.- " He avers a base plot has been batched to get him and bis aider-meout of office, a plot to blacken bis good name. Dictagraphs, Bucb as were used at Co I umbus, O.. to get evidence against bribed members of the Ohio legislature, were used In Oary to get evidence against the mayor as well as against seven other officials. AH these officials are alleged to have sought bribes ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 from Dean for the purpose of putting bis franchise through the council. Dean claims the mayor demanded $5,-The mayor signed, 000 to sign the franchise after It had passed the council. In an envelope In a pigeonhole In $5,000 found officers be after signing, and, his desk at the city hall. Mayor Knotts went to Gary "broke four years ago, living In a rude hut on the sand wastes. Today he Is rated a millionaire and lives In one of Garys finest homes. tmportant Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castori Mlsa Mary Gaunt Rode 700 Mile Hammock Through Tropical Country Where White Woman Never Had Been Before. In everything rusts and rots. Including ones clothes. "On May 18 1 lost my medicine chest, my boots, knives and forks, and nearly all I possessed. This happened on a 360-tobar steamer In the mouth of the Volta river. The surf was so bad that It smashed the bulwarks, the boats, the cranes, the galley, and the water rose In the engine room flush with the fires. We thought we were going down. The waves were mountainous. "I was the only passenger, and a woman, too, so I did not say 1 was frightened. 1 said to the captain: " It is Wgniflcent. Isnt ltr he said. Good "Magnificent! gracious; we cant stand any more of it. We are going down! "AIL the blacks, crew and all, ran up crying and walling. The engineer, a German, stuck to his post. He was groping about amongst scalding steam. He said: think It finish, but I may as well go out this way as another. "We came through all right. In the n I He end, but his face was ecalded. saved us alL "I traveled 700 miles In a hammock all over the gold coast, carried by men, four at a time. "At Angomeda my carriers were afraid to go any further because of the danger from the Krobo Hill. The Krobos used to come down and catch men and sacrifice them to their blood fetish. "At Angomeda I heard a leopard crying and 1 wanted to get on. We went on and found a bright, moonlit spot, where I thought we would camp, but they said: Oh, no; bad place! and raced on. "Close at hand was a gloomy eminence, which they said was the Krobo Hill. They clapped their hands and tried to make noises Uke a very large company. A black clerk riding by on a bicycle had disappeared there. The Krobos come down with pronged forks, with which they seise their victims by the neck and carry them . up the hill to torture them. F'rom there 1 went to Labolabo, scaled the steep Eveto mountains and got Into the German colony, where the roads are very good. The English roads are not. Not Knocking Slattery. Mrs. Coogan An the little thing la .he divlls own image of his father. Mrs. Slattery Yls, but I don't molnit hat so long as he kapes hiltby. Puck. Not In Circulation There. An error of a new clerk in the mailing department of an eastern publisher was responsible, the other day, for s the mailing of a prospectus to a statesman, who had been dead for some years. The letter was reworld-famou- turned a few days later with the fol- London.1 After traveling 100 miles , lowing Indorsement: "In Heavea, 700 of 'them was In a hammock As your publi 1911. Gentlemen: cations are not permitted to circulate through tropical Africa, a largo portion of her journey being ft rough here, I believe It would be useless for me to subscribe for them. Yours recountry where no white woman has ever been before. Miss Mary Gaunt, spectfully, and here followed the rethe well known authoress, ha aame of the famous statesman. turned to London' to write a book of t her experiences. HOW NASTY. The other day she narrated some of her experiences.'. She. Is a pleasant looking, resolute lady. I have been all along the gold coast," she said, "from the western to the eastern borders. I also visited Togoland (the German territory) and Sunyanl, In the northwest province of Ashanti, the back of beyond, where no other white woman has gone. 'Altogether, I have been away eight months. Now I want ,to go to Tlmbuc- too, put j mUgt write my book first In Ashanti I created quite a sensation. None of the natives had ever Dont Like to Get Wet and Continuous aged of their large cabbage the last seen a white woman before. Rains Force Little Animals to two wepks. "They turned out with guns and Make Uae of Wlta. When the squirrels found a leaf shot them oil, and they beat deliciouslarge enough to cover their body they Crowds came to ly upon N. Y. Automoblllsts would bite a small hole In it, put their Tarrytown, look at me. who drove down the Gorybrooke road tall through and travel to and fro, procraven-ettedashed' me sheep reported that as they passed William tected in their cabbage-lea- f The new constitutional president of andTheychickens and (gave me) like to get wet, some of Rockefellers place they saw two gray dont Squirrels eggs Portugal, Dr. Manuel Arriaga, has a which were hoary with age and squirrels crossing the road with um- but It rained so long they were forced hard task before him. When the re- even onions. That meant, of course, brellas over their heads to protect to use their wits to keep dry, with was In proclaimed October, that I had to dash them, which cost them from the rain. public vuu.,,iv.e My, but Its hot In the above successful results. doncherknow. I feel as though I 1910, a provisional government was here, The story was laughed at when first were being cooked. S. established and, beset by reactionary money. In all the time 1 waa In Hungarys Maize Crop. told, but Irving Revere drove into lobster Miss Causteque Broiled tendencies on every side. It found dif Africa I never felt the heat sotropical maize much town, bringing along a dead gray crop tsnt so bad. Budapest. Hungarys Acuities In maintaining itself. The as I have done since 1 came home. Revere said the squirrel for 1911, according to the estimate of squirrel. monarchists were active In underminNinety-fou- r degrees In the shade had been hit by a car and near by waa county Adalbert Serenyi, Hungarian A FINE NIGHT-CAreand Us of many the stability ing was the hottest my thermometer regia a cabbage leaf. He said It explained minister of agriculture, will be 30 per The Beit In Thing in the World to Go to aided the who overthrow publicans tered, but It waa very humid, and why so many gardens had been rav cent below that of 1910. . Bed and Sleep On. of the monarchy became lukewarm in their support of the republic because "My wife and I find that 4 teaspooncorrespondence between the two. Mr. disappointed In obtaining the sweets of Grape-Nutand a cup of hot fuls , was unable to return office. to Haugh of political France to get his fiancee, and so she milk, or some cream, with It, makes Not long since the National Assemin the world, says agreed to come to him. Tbe other the finest night-cably chose a new president and adopted a constitution. The choice lor presi- Indianapolis Business Man, in Lovo when he might return to France was morning he met the French . Line an Alleghany, Pa., man. We go to sleep as soon as we strike steamer La Bretagne, and Miss Casindefinite. dent, Dr. Arriaga, la popular, but With French Girl, Carries on Mr. Haugh, after a restless period, talgn landed and that afternoon she the bed, and slumber like babies till whether this popularity will remain Courtship by Telegraph decided he could wait no longer. He became Mrs. Haugh. rising time In the morning. after he la In office long enough to and Wlna the Last. "It Is about 3 years now since we bemake enemies Is another question. approached the wireless operator of to use Grape-Nut- s the vessel, and a few moments later gan food, and we Dumb Meantime the supporters of the exiled Cured an aid York. as by Lightning. wireless The New It for have breakfast and bealways New King Manuel are active both In Por- to bashful swains who cannot muster a message for Miss Castalgn was Orleans, La. After being fore borders mastand lunch. and sometime Its at outstde the for ether into from the flashing and retiring tugal speechless two years, as a result of a to tell their love In their head of t rep!.l A I the retreating steamship. It long Illness, Miss Jessie Ffsbel in- I was so sick from what the doctors weeTearts presence Mepp la to the present time Portuguese troops are being called acute Indigestion end brain fag ot dots and stantly recovered the other said. In the Invasion by monarchists from the Spanish province day when before I marriage solemnized In dashes of the language code: accomplish It and that I certain seems requires began to use Grape-Nut- s In telegraph Portugal order vivid a flash of lightning frightened by discontent of a widespread New York the other day. could 1 love you. neither eat, sleep nor work with me? the Will you marry republic. and a loud peal of thunder. SevenA French girl. Miss Marguerite strong man to stem the tide and popularize After more restless days the liner teen specialists In several clles bad any comfort. a daughter of Colonel Jean I was aflllcted at the same time New York. There was a ca- tried to restore her voice. Her fathreached was the heroine of the Jules with the most Intense pains, accompanI Mr. for the blegram Haugh. er Is waiting declares the result recovery Vernllke romance that the wedding ied by a racking headache and back"I certainly will" it said. of offered Inprayers the an by constantly James Guy Haugh, disclosed. The cables between America and family. A big family celebration has ache, every time 1 tried to eat anywaa the The recent appointment of Frederic dianapolis manufacturer, hummed with other rapid-firFrance been planned. thing. Notwithstanding an unusual W. Taylor as director of agriculture hero. The various scenes are laid in pressure from my professional duties, the on recalls three and Islands, America France and for the Philippine I was compelled for a time to give up most at of Atlantic the Interesting career of one liners that crossed the , my work altogether. deAnd Various times this summer. personalities associated with the Is on a I diet of Then put myself neither the cable, which runs far bevelopment of agriculture. For this a Grape-Nut- s and cream alone, with an nor made who ocean, of the Mr. Taylor neath the surface the same occasional cup of Postum as a runner-up- , One It to Be Set Up on the California heard at the Farralloue Islands. 33 worldwide reputation as superintendie ether above tbe water was withand sometimes a Little dry toast. 1 exCoast and Can Be Heard for miles out at sea. As a sample, how- assure out Its share In conveying the mesent of agriculture at the SL Louis you that In less than a week I 12 been of Distance a ho prominentMile. has brought which love and finally ever, he decided to order one with a felt like a new man; I had gained six sage of position, ex- tbe two together. range. It will be Installed Im- pounds In weight, could sleep well ly Identified with the agricultural San Francisco. The time when a mediately on Blunt's point. Angel hlbltlons at nearly every American Haugh met Mile. Castalgn on ind think well. last .June. He was attracted ship will be welcomed twelve miles island. exposition of any Importance, from The good work went on, and I was the to lands and arid to sea by national airs, popular out to the charming young woman, the Irrigation of soon or ready to return to business, and the Cure for Hay Fever. reclamation of the swamp lands the In her turn appeared to regard tunes and, perhaps, eventually phonohave been hard at it, and enjoying It D. Warren Louis. in Arrived St from a favor. bellowed records with Feurst, gigansouth. . the American graphic ever since. financier, has cured his hay fever by Mr. Tayloirs appointment to his new France Haugh managed to make tbe tic fog horns, seems not far distant. Command me at any time any one an few hour half for each day for Pleased with the tuneful tooting of spending post Is especially merited, icquaintance ot Colonel Castalgn. tbe In the beer cooler of a SL enquires as to the merits of Grap weeks He two tne visited development of lather. Lieut. Com. woman's automobile agricultural electric horns, phases joung the great an- Nuts. You will find me always ready are unknown to him. A borny-nieCaelaigns seerai times, and bis ac- William A. Moffatt, lighthouse Inspec- Louis Brewery. When e "Name given by postum he In came-hsneeze long born lows, nual in didnt have time to testify. tarmer himself, tor of the sixteenth district, made quaintance with the daughter grew. . Co., Battle Jcreek, Mich. . The ago established an enviable reputation time came tor his retuin to quirite as to the possibility of making to go to a mountain resort, 0 he deRead the little book, The Road to cold on cided the horn as a most capable student and writer summon a service not storage similar lor could treatment lighthouse America, but be n pkgs. "Theres a reason. was such a rush that the brewIn the advancement of practical agriutpcleut courage to ask tbe fateful to replace the dismal blare of tbe log There letter! A w " tne nbove to a culture. so soon after be bad first boms now in use. He learned that ery has put up sign: This Is tlrnoi question tin tan from a sub most hi supervision The government may well expect under troo, soet her They parted. TUe time one could be made which would be itarium. tlal development of agricultural reeourcee In the Philippines. h Sers, n k, "I Umbrella for a Squirrel I PORTUGALS NEW PRESIDENT tom-tom- s. s. . P Is Wooed by Wireless f I wjf plyf ti '! s . ,t a' Cas-taigCas-talg- TO TEACH FILIPINO FARMERS ( e ,1 -- Fog Horns Roar Out Tunes t Jfi snip-boar- A t d d A ' 1 rx, I T t . Ep. i |