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Show DOCTORS TO FAILED TO 1ELP HER Cured by Lydia E. PiQkbam3 Vegetable Compound Pound, "I "Wls. rounce that I am glad to an, have been cured of and female roubles by your medicine. I had been troubled with both for fourteen years and consulted dys-peps- -- ciffierent doctors, but failed to get any relief. After using Lydia E. Pinkham's d Vegetable and Blood Purifier I can say I Com-poun- I principally to doctrinal rubfiots. The or righteGUARANTEED speakers urged (he, lvad-sin that troin tree o llv lives ous s, BE PURE. they would stand M Mlent testimonMormonlm. They ials to the truth directed especial attention to the small temptations of life, and Butd that to remain unallotted the latter-da- DEMAND FOR Saints must fight the small tempSPEAKERS at conference of tations even as they would the greater Annual of OnReport olProt, Graham ' Glvea pitfalls ot satan. LATTER DAY SAINTS DEFEND Agricultural tario College street on car," the , When you get FELLOW CHURCHMEN. Intereiing Flgurta. said Apostle I). O. McKay, don't fortoe to fare because you pay your get The following is a part of the last for it It U a little thing, not annual report of Prof. Graham of tha President Smith Says Mormon People but D is the thing that makes the Q tarlo agricultural college: Mormons stand out as servants of the Have Nothing?? Fear So Loni.as Is an Increasing demand for There Lord. The employe of the car They Lead Pure and chickens; In fact, tle deno does not see you, probably , Lives. mand exeecd3 the ffuppiy and dealer one but God sees yon The corixira-tiofind themselves forced to fatten tha can afford to lQRtJ)at nickel, hut thin live chickens offered In the maw the Latter-daSaints can't afford to kets In order to get the supply of fat- Salt Lake City The speakers at take it " ted chickens required by the trade. tyugmrate Tbiffofti says you r the opening session of the Besides McKay, Apostles C. Dealers Inform me they can pay high broached your wife, apo and l confeieuce of the W. PenroseApostle and George F. Richards rentals for buildings and have sour she fainted. Cliurth of Jebu Christ ot LatteMay Rastus Dats right, Jedge. spoke at the afternoon session. The milk or buttermlls shipped in by exSaintg, held in this city on Oetobefc, were press, and yet have a nice margin of Magistrate What did you all made reference to attacks being speakeis at the morning session M. Lyman, do her? Francis could our President Hyrum grower Surely profit. s made upon the' church and its Rastus Jes tole her dat I lo Mi. Smith and George A. Smith, and this cheap. critics in difby would-bPresident Joseph F. Smith. President i During the past year t la depart-- , her, sah. ferent parts of the world. f ment has had over 60 different indiover both sessions. The morning session was attended Smith presided AT A CRITICAL PERIOD. In viduals fatten chickens, and nearly evLatter-daehou'iJ Saints That by a larger crowd than at any semiThe avdwell eryone has been auccessfuL and a be pegple pecu'iar reality annual conference in recent years. Of Peculiar Interest to Women. Finest In Quality. Larntt In was the erage bird gained about one pound in President Smith was the principal apart front fcthe world of sin two on the weeks' Each bird the feeding. of polishing shoos of all AOoUa ao4 oolurfc McKay, declaration-Apostle at session, the speaker morning Mr. Mary I, Remington, Elgleberry consumed four pounds of average ses the at afternoon speaker principal of his remarks to a defense Vain and six pounds of milk, for the BLaGUcc, CaL, lays: I suffered so the Mormons against the attacks and sion. pain and soreness pound of gain made. Poor gains were leven-- ' f mean I not do By this, he said. scandals that have been waged in over the kidneys that made from Leghorns, Hamburgs and with to not are we ouf that mingle dedifferent parts of the world. This It waa a task for me such cockerels. These birds made fair fense he accomplished for the most friendb who do not believe as we dp broilers, but to turn In bed. My unsatisfactorily roiystera. I mean that were to Je part by a comparison of the belief of Ntiu-rdt of one third kidneys ot- God The ration used consist acted, aery as church exclusive. But the the Mormon jseoplewlth that of tips each of oats, buckwheat frequently, . but the hurling the slanders. The Mormon we must dwell apart. Now in wlat and corn. This was mixed to the consecretion 4, were repeople, he declared, have nothing to way should we remain apart from the sistency of batter with sour tarded and passages pancake chilas a The world be ashamed of, and nothing to fupr iu peculiar people? milk or buttermilk. The birds are-scalded. I waa weak these attacks so long as they lean dren of the church should be as pure lightly during the first1 few days or l and run down. After with should as the stars. follow and lives and tnflgle They pure righteous their appetites become keen, after other remetaking back sons of the and men the footsteps of the Savior. Replying bring thsm which the ration is gradually Increas- lies without benefit, I GILT EDGE tha only ladles shot drsastaa an using that to the attacks on him personally, he to God, but they must not partake of ed to all positively contain OIL, Blacks and BoJfchas they will eat But two feeds Doans Kidney PUfs an Was tadies aod children's boots and Shoes, atlas said he would leave it to the Latter-dathe sins of the world. i without rubbing, 2V, French Oloti," lOe. a day are given, and as near equal jiletely cured. X was 1 A NO Y combination for cleanhur and polishlna Saints to Judge for themselves, parts as possible. The chickens will the critical period rirf A mans lifo allktndsofrussrtortaiishotS'itiA &tar"slsa. 10a F.L1TK combination tor 'emlemcn who take and defied the world to show where a The Closing Session. readily cat by lamplight. If there Is In hevltiu look tbetr and afte shot Hestores time at color Doans Ji. the prldo ng he had transgressed the laws of purity and lufctrotoail black Shura. lYiih with a brush The closing d&V ofthe conference secret to the process a ell, 'It la In Kidney Pills there w iraculous or clotb,J& cents. tu cents. lie Elite Hatty and chastity laid down by God. If dealer does not keep the kind you want,' was marked by one of the greatest rtver overfeeding, but giving all they change' for the bettor fn my' health." send your us his address aud vtha prtos la stamps fot In conclusion President Smith rehas ever assembled in will consume." Your BackTyLame, Remem-a full size parkcurA. that gatherings When ferred to the tabernacle speech of the WHITTCMORE BROS. & OO.r the Name DO AX'S." Temple grounds. 6 President Taft, declaring that it was Albany Cambrld... Mm. TURKEY The PULAR Bale BRONZE to devoted was session For "Aa by OUlnt ana It, lstgjtnd morning general jAirgrat Alanujaclurtrt of. full of sentijnentsbat voice the reel' Wum raliahe in th World. ere. Price' 60c. memorial services in honor of Orson Btorekeeperi Saint. ings of every true Latter-dauftalo, N. Y. Pratt, the of the state, Frenchwomen Malta Italian Varlgy ffosteMilbu; I indorse, said he, every sentiment to Orden Bourbon . Red la and the afternoon gathering was ausin that great speech on the subject AlsoGreat Favorite. picious as the occasion on which the Whiner. LaugHng Dofc of Universal Peace. The church authorities were bluff, cheerioptlmlsm of Sen sustained, The music at each session of the Bronze the England Cambridge ator Frye, said a xewiston divine, the rank Relief Permanent Cure conference was highly praised by all Overflow and file of the membe i A fftas been more or less popu-sicould not brook a whiner. Once at, Prompt In the meetings attendifcce. CARTERS in LITTLE the being by displaced a dinner here In Lewiston a whiner hall and in the open air Bronze. The Black Norfolk seated opposite Senator LIVER PILLS never Apostle Reed Smoot delivered a said all wore that .Frye sary might faiL Purely vegeta forcible sermon at the a'jLnoon sesdolefully: in the official procee ble ad aurdy sion. He urged the Mormbn people part I have onk earth'on triend ; only In his remarks at the gwotly to guard well their manner of living the iiver. President Josep. that thog mlgtft Stand thg. test, of the sion. " Why dont you get another dog? Stop after world'sscTuMny "as directed upon notinced' what he calledhsaid Senator Frye. dinner distrthem by the recent slanderous pub- racy of labor, which ess-cure civme be and a menace peril facifigj lications in eastern magnzines indigestion," BEAUTIFUL PbST FREE He invoked CARDS ilized divine world today. final The apostle declared that the Send 3e sump for flvs samples of aiy wry cbnio improve the complexion, brighten the eye laws to be that shall aid end the tst Gold Bmboesed BlrtSdkf, Flower sod Motto SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PMCS. result of the slander and falsehood of Post oolois beautiful and Cards; loveliest dmirns. these articles would undoubtedly re- passed protecting the lives and liberty An Post Card Club, 7Ui Jaefcaon Si Topeka, Genuine must bear Signature dound to the good of the Mormon peo- of all the people of this nation from i. of the rule mobocracy. It la still about as easy to find a ple He said he had given the matter The president grew eloquent In his man who will sell for deep study and Investigation and he mess of pottage as it was in the was convinced that for every 100 un- fiDal appeal to his assembled flock. time of Esau. thinking persons who read the arti- Briefly but with much feeling, he Will YOU TRAP THIS SEASON! cles and condemned the Mormons at touched upon many topics of interest IT SO YOU WILL WANT OUR COMPUTE PRICE truth-lovinand perimportance to the members of the least fifty intelligent, Why is it that so many people suffer U5T0N ns FRE( with Lame Back? Hamlins Wizard Oil sons had detected the false ring of church and in conclusion voiced many will cure it and for Ache-- . bits of sound advice Sprains, these accusations and consequently touching the SOU) US Bruises, Cuts, Burns, etc., there is nothSaints sympathized with the people so ma- everyday lives of the Latter-daing better. 1NAME He invoked divine blessing upon the . ligned. n I heads of should woman every man, and child Other speakers of the afternoon say sincerity, a deep, great were President John Henry within the fold and pleaded that they genuine sincerity, la the first characteristic of all men In any way heroic. Bronze Turkey. Smith and Apostle HebCr J. Grant walk in upright paths and live true Wt I mv wiper I lives in sight of God and the world. Carlyle. President Joseph F. Smith presided. we ( a favorite In some sections of. Great The sustaining of the church lead' In his discourse President John QUOTE Ital-aIn France the Britain. Mrs. Winslows on the ers dwelt and Children was officers Soothing Syrup for broadly done with an imHenry Smith variety la commonly kept These teething, softens the gums, redi-rsInflammaMormon doctrine, citing its history pressive unanimity. DIRECT BUYERS OF FURS As each name as much tion, allays pain, curea wind colic, SSc bottle. used are and batchers olrds and achievements as proof of its or set of names was read in stentor- brooders Of common chickens. The LOTZbros elm stSt Louis version ian tones by Apostle Heber J. Grant genuineness sa the latter-daCharity organizations uncover a peasant poultry women of France unHe referred to the of Christianity. ,d submitted for approval, almcst derstand bow to make the turkey multitude of sinners. W. N. U, Salt Lake City, No. intolerant attacks against the church person in the vast concourse hens sit to order and often keep them American people, as unbecoming the is herright band in eilehl incubating eggs for months at a time. In that they are a direct violatioh of ; According to the best authority the spirit of the Declaration of Indethe afternoon ses-.-, known, the Bourbon Red variety was Constithe resident Smith, . were developed from the native turkeys of pendence and the spirit of tution, with its provisions for freedom F.gmith, Jr.. Seymour Bourbon county, Ky., and have been -of speech and worship. ... vaiembe of the first bred up from what in early days waa k he said, The Mormon doctrine, Simple Way for Any Family to Retain the Good HealtR of All Its Member. Yellow Turkey." The Is, and John Smith, named came as an essential message to the standard weights are adult cock 30 Jie church. All The editors of Health Hints and use of human family, which needed again to pounds, heb 18 pounds, cockerel 22 waters, stibng cathartics subjects, Questions and Answers" have one ques- and auchsalts, things. Syrup Pci.sln. by train14 pounds. hear the original word, of God as va tion pullet This . pounds, that la put to them more often than ing the stomach in faith their and bowel to other, and which, srangely enough again do their work naturaNy,muscles brought to the world in the long ago and with rlety is tf great favorite In some lo- any .religion. , find the moat difficult to answer. Its tonic Ingredients they the Christ As of in strengthening the calities. dqy by the Savior. That la How can cure my constipai nerves, brings about a lasting cure. tion? this message had been scoffed at by Among Its strongest supporters are Mr. r Manner. Dr. ysterious an tn Caldwell, eminent John 98 Graveline specialist Ave most of the world, so has the latter-dadiseasea of the stomach, liver and bowels Detroit, Mich., Mr.of J. A. Milwaukee Vernon of Oklay. Anthony BertlUl, looked has field the whole to brunt homa pracover, had the has and bear It thousands of others. It " revival of City tised of the specialty for forty years and Is can be obtained of f Joint proprietor druggist at of misunderstanding and intolerance." convinced that the Ingredients contained cents and one dollarany a bottle, or If fifty you city, and proprietor 04 In what is called Dr. Caldwell's-Syruto want of bis It a devoted first free Grant much try .Apostle sample bottle at Bingham, was shut Pepsin, has the best claim to attention can be obtained by writing the doctor. Morthe to of the importance from constipated people. speech For the sample address Dr. W. B. under strange - circumIts success In the cure of stubborn con- Caldwell, free 2ui Caldwell building, Monti mon missionary work. He said Jr'.nfi while he was rabbit hunting has done much to display the cello, I1L stances stipation the church is spending $40,1)00 a Lawn clippings and green waste Sunday ( in the loneliness of theOquir month in the mission fields and has one mile from the garden make good chicken mountains about Oquirrh 2,000 missionaries preaching the goswest of Lark. BertellDs only', com- feed. x A Catarrhal Fever pel In all parts of the world. That Give the fowls a variety of feed. at the time of the shooting was panion ever no natter bow horsesnt any stag mn Infects had missionaries none of these or exposed. of the are Liquid James Beef Nick, Joint for proprietorscraps good young xptiUila blttoo-rotn Dogs nod ehwp ul Cholera returned to announce that they had Victoria lm, , store at Bingham chicks. . grocery human being. X,P"A friMona salvaI of W a a i vio a dtco, Cut tbit ouV found better conception aad bottle, Sweet oil will rdmove tar from Is Nic kis held at the city Jail at Bing tion than that of Mormonism, ham on suspicion of hairing bad some feathers. SPOHN UEDlUAl CO.. 60SHEN. INP (I. proof, he said, of Its supremacy-- " Always crush egg shells before feedconnection with the tragedy. - , the He warned the people against . J ... ing them to hens. dangers of commercialism dulling on tha Mule. V Neglected poultry will soon develop their higher ideals, and he urged that Into unprofitable poultry. Philadelphia. While harnessing Salt la just as essential to pigeons they ever hold in mind ljie precept thirty-threWilliam Piffen, colored., mule, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50 & 4.00 SHOES of the great Teacher concerning the and fowls as It is to man. years of age, was kicked in the are spot each at all times; so Men and Womea wear W.CDouglaa shoes Eggs fallacy and emptiness of riches that fowl or chickens. because they ore the beat shoes produced in are gained at the expense of the head and knocked down.' STtaggering la the well-feto his feet Piffen discovered the mule this country for the price. Insist upon hav Charcoal and grit, are two of the higher riches of miad and soul. ing them. Take no other moke. lying on the ground.; Examination necessities around a poultry yard. Second Days Sessions.. THE STANDARD OF QUALITY If you want to make the chicks Both sessions of the second day of showed that the animals leg waa was shot work, dig up a spot, rake In some milthe general conference were devoted broken. The mule FOR OVER YEARS let seed and let them scratch for It. Loot Stricken City. were If you unsuccessful at this The assurance that Interested. is with an estabgoes Russia Lacrosse, Wls. Two companies of season's shows, now Is the time to prelished reputation is your assurance in buying Russia Is negotiating state militia from Mausten and E,u St. Petersburg ' pare for the next W. L Dougl .hc with Turkey In connection with the Claire have taken possession at the No one-casucceedwlth chickens U I talc could Turkish reroried intention to declare Black River Falls and are guarding kept In a hot. flark and filthy coop. Such action the atrlcken at Brockton, The larger tkeben, the bigger the grain con&rdband of city against the looters, the Rus who have begun care(u!lyW.LJ feed bill. end,..M a Irule, the smaUer their work. by Turk' would paralyze " would then uni the egg money. slan Plan Welcome for Duke. ranted to hoj now are Young henrthat and bright ? Auto. ' Ottawa, Ont. An eiborate we active, that have always been well, wear longer -- Mrs. Charlea Bas-lea- wim U being planned "tor the Duke that have laid right along and that and her bus-- of Connauabt. chosen Auecessor ol have good ancestry back Injured as the Earl Grey, governottedt 0f Canada tie ohea to choose for who Is expected to arrive within a etock. tween Bassart ' few, weeks to assume hLa ottir. tin. am a well woman. cant find words to express my thanks for the good your medicine has done me. You may publish this if you wish. Mrs. Hekjias Sietu, Pound, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, made from roots ana herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women who suffer from displacements, Jnfiara. matlon, ulceration. fibroid tumour irregularities, perioaio pains, backache, bearing-dow- n feeling, flatulency, indi. gestion, dizziness, or nervous prostration. For thirty years Lydia E. flnkhams Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills, and suffering. women owe it to themselves to at least give this medicine a trial. Proof is abundant that it has cured thousands of others, and why should it not cure you? If yon want special advice write Lyun,Mass.,forit. It is free and always helpful. Mrs-Pinkha- 1EPLI 10 CBII5 y , torn-pan- y well-fatte- n eighty-sAc-on- ap-he- d gUGHS semi-annua- 'COLD wttemom j Shoe Polishes - - finely-groun- d dn-ti- corn-throu- . y first-pionee- r then,he got worse. i Constipation Vanishes Forever s . my'-flog- 1 Ki-- nt RAW.EURS i- V k V, T The Angry Man I see the scoundrel In your face. The Calm Man Thats a personal , eflectlon. k . The Kind. Dont laugh at Mfks GladysjGoose-berras trivial, Syjie is a scientific woman. ses-slo- . n She scientific? What kirn!? "You must admit she is a chemical blonde. e U3-I1- 3 y Hopeless. 11. have driven a car for two years and Ive never yet run down anybody. Second Motorist (disgustedly) Why dont you quit trying and hire a chauffeur? Puck. First Motorist I Early Standards of Mendacity. Eve meditated. "I think that story Adam told me is a lie out of the whole leaf, she announced. A Roador Cures His Constipation-T- ry the-Wll- d X y Saves Worry i Time, and Trouble DISTEMPER - Post Toasties Can be served in- stantly with cream or milK. It makes - a breaK-fa- st or lunch so supe-r'o- r to the ordinary, thct it has become a velcome pantry necessity in thousands tf homes, and adds to the comfort and pleasure of life, The .Memory Lingers" Grocers - Koaitotoiifu-actonllaBloodaaaoiaiid- J? i -- W. L. DOUGLAS d 30 J w W r -- It Free ,y |