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Show A TIMELT SUGGESTION. This Is the season of the year when the prudent and careful housewife replenishes her supply of Chamberlain's It Is certain to be Cough Remedy. needed before the winter is over, and are much more prompt and satSai Pedro, Los Angeles and results hand and isfactory when it is kept at contracted given as soon as the cold is and before It hBS become settled in the oiLi i mni iiujiiuuui In almost every Instance a sesystem. TOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. cold may be warded off by taking vere Read Up. this Read Down. Station. flrrt remedy freely as soon as theThere Daily. Indication Daily. cold appears. of the Ar. P. M. Is Lv. A. M. nq danger In giving It to children, for 5:35 1:00. .Salt Lake City It contains no harmful substance. It f 1:10. .Buena Vlita Hi pleasant to take both adults and t 6:15 Is ( l:20..Riter children like It. Buv it and you will 9:40 .Garfield .... ...... ......... .6 5.00 get the best. It always cures. For f 4:50 side 1:51. .Half May Spur by 6:00. . Rrda .... ...................f 4.45 Merru- - Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. 4:60 6:15.. Tooele M. E. Brown, Stockton. Utah. 9:21..Buehl .... .... .............. 4.26 . .. 4:20 005. Stockl in. Mr. Joseph Lee has returned to try f 4:07 f 6:40.. St. John f 6:61 and Interest capital in his bonanxa f 6.56. .Ajax The gentleman f 3:42 property In Arizona. fl0:10..Fauat we hope to 710:25.. Vernon' f 3:30 has good holdings there and ; 710 :40..Lof green f 3:15 see him make a fortune out of them. 11:00.. Boulter Summit f 3:00 THE LONE STAR STATE. 11 :15..Tlntlc Junction .. .. 2:47 2:44 Down in Texas at Yoakum, la a big dry 11:10. .Mammoth Jet 11:37.. Mammoth goods firm of which Mr. J. M. Haller Is 2:40 the head. Mr. Haller on one of bis trips 11:45. .Eureka i ...... Mammoth .. .. ............ 2:22 East to buy goods said to a friend who 2:05 was with him in the palace car: Here, 11:59.. Silver City A. M. Lv. P. M. take one of these Little Early Kisers Ar. Trains at Silt Lake make direct con- upon retiring and you will be up early nection for all polnta north and east. In the morning feeling good." For the S. W. GILLETT. taste, headache and "dark brown Little Early Ckner&l Passenger Agent that logy feeling DeWitt's use. Sold by J. L. MOORE, Kisers are the best pills to Commercial Agent. Mercur Meat & Gro. Co., Stockton, Utah. Leave your orders for business and Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. Utah. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. pay bills due this office to Mrs. W. N. Gundry at the postofflee. THE DISTRICT SCHOOL. To . Improve and the appetite strengthen the digestion, try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and From Mercur Miner. Several pupils from the schools enLiver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Belts of Detroit, Mich., says: "They restored my joyed their vacation In Salt Lake. appetite when Impaired, relieved me of There will be full day sessions In the a bloated feeling and caused a pleasand satisfactory movement of the primary room after January 4th,Itthe adant ' bowels." There are people In this com- dition of another room making possimunity who need Just such a medicine. ble. Every box warranted. For sale by School opens on January 4th and will Mtrcur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. continue live months longer, four M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. months having been completed before Christmas. MERCUR NEWS NOTES. Mrs. Glidden will remain In Salt Lake for the Patti concert on Monday evenFrom the Miner. ing, January 4th, and will make up the day lost on the following Saturday. OUR NEW VOLUME. The Janltress has scrubbed the rooms and furniture and has In many ways We begin this issue our ninth, year. worked durlhg vacation for the comfort During that jierlod Mercur has under- and convenience of teachers and pupils. gone many changes, as has also the Her work has been most gratifying to Miner. We are here, however, not to all concerned. complain at fate or fortune, but to work, as. In the past, for the bent good of MerThere were only three families having cur. We hope to better please them children of school age left In Sunshine. in than the past. Mr. Jackson. Mrs. Householder and Mrs. We .hope our friends will help us by Reynolds. The schnolhouse has been sepaying up their arrearages and thus curely closed, to await more prosperous give an Impetus to the paper that will duys for the camp. enable ua to do more good In our held than la possible without a cash reserve There will be another teacher to take on hand to druw from. There Is sufficharge of the room fitted up some time cient due us to ease us of the few obli- ago. The school at Sunshine will close gations 'we owe and give us a small sur- on account of the few pupils remaining plus. Friends, wont you kindly remem- there, and Miss Van Hoose will take ber this next payday? A few dollars charge of the new room at Mercur. each you will not miaa and the aggreThe pupils ranking highest In general gated amount will help us materially. We shall make this volume as much average in the principals room for the month of December were: Edith better as our friends will help us to James Spendlovei Delpha Keren, not by giving us anything but simply May Timmins and David Peterson. paying us our dues. Edith also ranked first In November. A glass or two of water taken half They are present every day and on time. an hour before breakfast will usually See? keep the bowels regular. Harsh caBefore vacation Mr. J. W. Lee, presithartics should be avoided. When a dent of the Board of Education, visited purgative la needed, take Chamber- the different rooms and gave the pupils lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They a Interesting account of his trip are tnlld and gentle in their action. to very the Grand canyon of the Colorado. For sale by The pupils were so much Interested In Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur, Utah. the narrative that they voted unaniM. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. mous for Mr. Lee to continue his discourse through the recess period. MINER BRIEFS. I Time Table. KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE The Miner begins a new year with this number. all classes of food, tones and Digests o the stomach and digestive strengthens too closed The school at Sunshine lias organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, tow pupils left In that camp. Stomach Troubles and makes rich red Kodol health and strength. blood, Principal Van Hooae of the Mercur Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds worn-otisschools spent part of t)ie holidays in Halt sues, purifies, and sweetstrengthens Lake City. ens the stomach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson of W. Va., says: "I have used a Mark Wicks, who skipped his cred- number of bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia itors here. Is working for the Short Line Cure and have found It to be a very efin Salt Lake. fective and, Indeed, a powerful remedy for stomach ailments. I recommend It In consequence of the discharge of so to my friends." Sold by many men at the mine a number of Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. families have left Mercur. Mercur Meat & Gro. Co., Stockton, - o Mr. Fred WIttich took his family Utah. 51. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. home after the holidays and Is now In Salt few Lake. a days spending REDUCE THE FORCE. o We are all pleased to learn that Mrs , Alf Evans is improving so rapidly and Halt Lake Tribune. Last night's arrivals from comp rewill aoon be out again with her friends. port a steady reduction of the forces Last evening the old City Counell employed! on the properties of the Con. went down and out and the new one Mercur Mining company, and that the took their places. We shall any more of new year has begun with the payroll reduced to about 300 namea the output this next week. of the territory, which has added nearThe Board of Education, J. W. Lee. C. ly 610,000,000 to the nation's supply of W. Corfleld and Charles Connor, Hre to gold, to about Ii(H) tons of ore day. be commended for the Interest they have Until such time as a solution has been found for certain dilemmas, said a taken In the schools and for their generous expenditures for all things needed. miner who came In from camp to seek employment elsewhere, the manageMias Cudabach. a very popular and ment has decided that retrenchment is the better imlley, and it Is this. It Is highly esteemed young lady from Ka- said, that has Inspired the reduction of to was visitors Xmas among the lina, the forces underground. The trouble Mercur and was the guest of her sisters, has not originated. It is claimed, with Mrs. Nelson and Miss Huntsban. The quantity of ore now blocked out, young Indy Is teaching the third and the but with its if imposition, the sulphides rourth grades In the Kalina district or arsenical ores having materially in- school and Is a great favorite with her eased during the past year. Howpupils, as well as with the people of the ever. assurances of relief are coming town. from a new channel which Superintendent Brown has been opening up, and HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. with this conditions should Improve. to mothers the news It will be good At the mill. It Is said, but four of the of small children to learn that croup battery of nine roasters are now being of can be prevented. The first sign operated, and that this will continue croup Is hoarseness. A day or two be- until the volume of oxidized ore is Infore the attack the child becomes creased. hoarse. This is soon followed by a peThere was. a story on the curbstone culiar rough cough. Give Chamber- during the afurnoon that the earnings lain's Cough Remedy freely as soon as for sixty days have been less than the the child becomes hoarse, or even after cost of operation, but this Is discreditthe rough cough appears, and It will ed by the more prominent among local Interests, who Insist that the report dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety may be originates with those who have short d used is many by avoided. This remedy the company's shares. The latest figthousands of mothers, and has never ures to which the public has had access In the were those which showed that In 1903 fact, been known to fall. It Is, only remedy that can always be de- the gross earrings amounted to Reiorts from the annual meeting pended upon and, that Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by recently held In New Jersey will he forMercur Drug Company. warded to the shareholders in pamphlet form at a later day. M. E. Brown. Stockton, Utah. ut ir 61.049,-30- 0. ' GOOD FOR CHILDREN. The pleasant to take and harmless s One Minute Cough Cure gives ImmediCroup CONSTRUCTION OF ONE IS A ate relief in all canes ofIt Cough, does not pass and Lajirlppe, because SIMPLE MATTER. Immediately, into the stomach, but draws out the Inflammation, heals and soothes and cures by Sect Way Is to Build It In the Bank enabling the lungs topermanently contribute pure of a Hill Amount of Wood Required and oxygen for a Burning Proper Method' of to the blood and tissues. Dr. Armstrong of Delia, Tex., prescribes It tiully and Bolting Apple Forke. says there Is no better cough remedy made. Sold by Mercur Meat & Gro. Co., Stockton. A Lime Kiln. Utah. D. F. I have on my farm a quantity ; Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. o lime atone which 1 would like to burn for lime; how should the kiln be ' MINING NOTES. built for firing with wood; how nnich lime should I get from a cord of stone, from Mercur Miper. and how much wood would be required Superintendent George Dern was in per cord of lime atone? Saturday. Mt-reu- r of mining In being put to account: "George Z. Edwaryls has submitted the results of his recent examination of the Orient of West Tlntic to President low-er- s, and additional work will be the tail-le- y the present season." Mr. Springer Is In Salt Lake, having gone after a brief visit to his mining Mr. Springer properties at the "Dip. has great faith In Mercur. He believes If the company go down any depth they will develop a bonanza even greater than what they already have. The gentleman understands considerable about mining, and as he has worked in the mine a great deal we must put some confidence In his judgment. May It be so. The Salt Lake Tribune not only reaches Intermountaln readers from one to four days earlier than either Eastern or Pacific Coast papers, but Is a better paper for the people of The Geyser people have had some all this region, because of Its special trouble with their water pipes. The State news facilities here not possessed outside papers. At Sl.sPfrora now pipes have been frozen up and required by until May 31, 1905, It is not only the best a great deal of labor to clear them. but the cheapest. Send for It now. With the opening of next spring the BETTER THAN A PLASTER. 'Dip" will probably be booming agair A piece of flannel dampened .with nd several prospects in and arouiu Chamberlains Pain and bound dercur working, and then, "Hurrah foi on the affected parts, Balm la better than a iur town" once more. plaster for a lame back and for pains So the side or chest. Pain Balm has It la said the prospects' at tbe Dip" no superior as a liniment for the relief, With of muscular and rheuire very flattering at this time. the opening of the Daisy again If suc- matic pains. For sale by cessful we may expect to shortly heat Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. Utah. M. E. Brown; Stockton, Utah. of the Helvetia and Snowstorm being operated. ... Atz-bac- h, FARM life-givi- ng ff ...... LIME KILN 3 ON A 1 Semi-Week- For an ordinary lime kiln for your own uae. It la best to build it In the bank of some hill, leaving the clay to form the walla, except the front, which should be built pf atone masonry. At the bottom of the kiln there should be an ash pit 16 inches high for the ashea to collect In; on top of this flagstones should be laid three or four Inches apart; these stones answer for p grate, and the apace between them allows the ashes to fall through to the ash plL Stone up, the fire hole three feet high, and then corbel In until the stones meet, and then lay a flag atone The Ingot has run up from 1 to 9 over the top. Now HU the kiln with ents a share. The natural conclusion lime stone. The walla' of the flra-- I f those about the who know hole should be laid np dry, not with surroundings of the anything Ingot Is that It will mortar. After the kiln la burned the yet be a good stock, and probably run above par. XZL.U tst 1 deep-seate- d, R. H. GUNDRY. TONROMAL ARTIST, : the prospects at the Golden Gate are better than they have been for re- It Is said some time. A good body of ore has cently been uncovered. The Gate Is liable to be the best of the Con. Mercur proptries yet. : With a good market for Its mercury and the development of newly prospected ground, the Sacramento should boom ere long. The romrany has been hanril-- . raped for want of a market for the quicksilver, but they have finally suc- ly Main n Street Stockton. : WITTICH, III IIALMT IN MEROUR. The Best of Work OMaiasMe. Hair aad Beards TrIsaM is the very latest, stylos. ceeded. Parian seat deer to The following from The Tribune evidences the fact that Edwards la busy and that his knowledge Ualoa Her. Go. T A. Front View of Lime Kiln. ash pit: B, layer of flag stones for grate: C. fire hole, and D. lime kiln. walls are taken out and, the lime drawn from the bottom. A cord of stone will make about 75 bushels of lime. A kiln twenty- - feet high and fifteen feet in diameter would require about 25 cords of wood and 72 hours burning. . Bolting Apple Forks. J. G. An apple tree twelve years old split asunder from its weight of fruit I have propped the sides closing the flssnre, and covering it with graft-fr- g wax. Would It be advisable to put a bolt through or will the props hold the sides together until they grow to- gether? Under the conditions described above, the best thing to do would be to draw the two parts as closely together as possible and bolt them firmly In position. There are two ways of spplying the bolt One la to bore directly through the fork; another la to bore through the opposite branches a foot or two above the fork and Insert a bolt In each branch with an eye on the inside. These are then connected by fence wire or a small rod. This latter method is usually preferable because it Is much stronger. When a abort bolt Is employed, occasionally f of the tree may break off short at the point of insertion of the bolt The higher bolt supports the strain much betfer and obviates this probability of breaking down. j GROCERIES AND MEATS Din Street, Stockton TQio one-hal- Killing Market Chickens. The method of killing the chicken by dislocating its neck Is different from the way of wringing or twisting the neck. When the chicken's neck Is dislocated, and the head Is pulled from the neck, the loose, unbroken skin of the neck forms a sr.ck Into which the blood of the chicken flows. The body of the chicken Is as well drained of blood as If the head were cut off with an axe. The market appearance of tbe chicken is Improved bj killing by dislocation; the flesh of the chicken Is more juicy and edible. On the contrary, when chickens are killed by twisting the neck, death results mainly from strangulation. The lody of the chicken Is not freed from blood on account of there being no space In the neck into which the blood can flow. The appearance of the flesh of the chicken that has been killed by twisting its neck is reddish and blood can be plainly noted In It Plants. Sedges and Other Graea-Lik- e The native slough hay of tbe West, in addition to several grasses, consists very largely of sedges (Car ex). There are a great many of Ihdse grass-llk- e plants which may be distinguished from tlie true grasses triangular stems and sharpcutting edges to the leaves. For the most part, these plants are of fat loss value as food for stock than (he true low-lan- d trasses. Carries a Complete Lind cl) Dost and Largest Meat Market la Jooele County. .Fresh Meats; BEEF, HUTTOII, PORK, VEAL! $ Phoenix Indemnity Company, OF AMERICA. Insure yourself against sickness and Also Life Insurance. ... Ton pay a accidents. ... little each month", Installment 'Flan. tt.,i..t A SON FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE H. A. 209, 211, NELSON, 232 Deseret News Bldg. TO- - General Agent, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. t : |