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Show r UrlMA'VHM V :v, THE TOOELE COUNTV REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. VOL. IV. STOCKTON STOCKTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 0, WHITTEN UP By the Daily Preaa in Very Extensive and Flattering Style. From the Deseret New e. Stockton has been the scene of important mining operations during the year. The driving of the Ilonerine drain tunnel la a notable achievement and history will record la as the beginning of a new era in the camp'a existence. In the past too much water haa been a diaturbing element and has been the means of retarding the development and growth of the district. Although many attempts were made to operate below the water level of the camp, they ail proved failures, the cost in moat cases being too great. The Honerlne Mines company went to big expense in the installation of powerful pumps and made fair progress, but. while it was freeing its own properties it was also unwatering its neighbor's mines and the latter bore no portion of the exThe Honerlne company had pense. been pumping at the rate of about 1000 gallons per minute and continued in operation long enough to determine that the sulphide ore bodies below were worth going after. WOULD NOT JOIN IN. were preThe other vailed upon to Join in the pumping operations, but none seemed willing to do this. The result was the Honerlne plant was closed down, the pumps withdrawn and for a time it looked as If the camp would remain indefinitely dead. TUNNEL SCHEME DEVISED. But shortly after the just about a year ago, the Ilonerine tunnel scheme was devised. In this enterprise the appeared to agree and the managers of the principal properties Joined in the organisation of the Honerlne Tunnel company. Sufficient funds were raised to guarantee the sue cess of the enterprise, and the great work was begun during the present year. When completed the tunnel will be about 8000 feet in length, and will penetrate many of the ledges which have yielded so generously above the water line. A little over 6000 feet of the tunnel has been run and it has already drained many of the workings which were filled with water a few weeks ago, RESERVOIR TAPPED. A great porphyry formation seemed to lock the water within the mineral zone, thus apparently forming a great Teservoir. When the tunnel cut through this porphyry a few weeks ago the reservoir was tapped and the water sought an outlet through the tunnel in torrents; for days the stream was running at tbs rate of from 3000 to 6000 gallons, per minute. With this event the success of the tunnel was asmred and preparations were begun to resume operations in some of the mines that had been idle. WAS IN GOOD HANDS. The work of driving the great tunnel has been in competent hands; under 'the auperintendency of E. J. Raddatx, while the general supervision has been directed by Willlard F. Snyder, general manager of the Western Exploration company, an organisation closely allied to the tunnel company and the Honerlne mine. The undertaking was a stupendous and expensive one. The tunnel has cost about a quarter of a million dollars. BIG REDUCTION WORKS. In the meantime preparations went ahead for the building of a great reduction works at the mouth of the tunnel, near the old station of Terminus. TOWN OF BUHL. Here also the townsite of Buhl was laid out, and it is likely to become one of the most important stations on the main line of the San Pedro. Los Angeles Sc .Salt Lake railroad. The Honerlne company has now under construction a concentrating mill of 500 tons1 capacity. which will go into commission early in the coming year. The ores will come through the tunnel, which will serve as the avenue of exit for the mines along its pathway. The plant will probably be increased to several thousands of tons dally capacity when the development of the properties through the tunnel progresses further. WAITED FOR TUNNEL. Stockton, pending the construction and completion of the big bore, has been quiet; few properties have been in operation. At the Stockton mine, however, development work has been pushed ahead, and some large bodies of milling ores have been opened. The product will probably be treated at the new mill at the mouth of the tunnel until the time comes for the company to provide its own facilities. The Honerlne tunnel is of almost Incalculable benefit to the camp of Stock-toand It means the development of the district upon the broad scale of Bingham. Park City and other places. It means that the tonnages to he handled next year will surimss previous records from Stockton; that not only silver and lead,, but copper will play an Important part In the production. (Continued Next Week.) , mine-owne- rs shut-dow- n, -- tnine-owpe- rs . n, STEADY PROGRESS AT CYCLONE MINE. From the Herald. At the coming camp of Stockton, a property that gives every indication of ready money is that owned by the Cyclone Mining company. This company Is of recent formation and Is officered by A. J. Hetties of the Newhouse staff of experts, who Is president and manager; H. T. Sapplngton, C. B. Jnrk. secretary and treasurer, and 8. W. West and F. W. Muehlen-brucdirectors. This gound occupies a fortunate position, being rut at one corner by the great Honerlne tunnel and extending eastward a distance of 2300 feet on the strike of the vein, which shows continuous mineralisation and from which vein the Galena King property. In the early and Intermediate days of the camp, has taken great vice-preside- h. L wealth. It Includes the Tip Top and Mrs. F. A. Gibxaut returned to lit r Cyclone claims, both of which are pat- home Yednedsy4 arter an extended ented. The mineralisation of this ter- visit with her mother in Bingham ritory haa been proved so conclusively canyon. Frank is 11 smiles. that there Is no dispute as to its merits. Mrs. H. Mttckinson returned to her The work of the present organisation, while it has not been of an extensive ! home In Sait Lake City lust Friday, nature, has, at the same time, been l after a pleasant vljlt with her son, Mr. most assuring. A shaft has been sunk Ed Macklnson, am daughuf Mrs. Sara at a point directly over where the Hon-- ! Brown, erine tunnel will pasa, 115 feet from j Mr. and Mrs. R 31. Edmunds, Mrs. whence a drift has been run 800 feet on the vein to the eastward. A number of O. O. Schleeo, W. A. Frailty, the Misso Slater and Mr. suit' Mrs. W. X. Guiulry intersections of the contact and c have been encountered and a wont to the n'.etroiwit to hear the dilarge amount of milling ore bad been vine Patti." 4 rose-fissur- r exposed. At a point 300 feet east of the Sirs. J. P. Mitch 6er was called to her shaft a winze hius been sunk a distance of thirty-seve- n feet below' the tunnel home In Salt Luk Iliy lust Mnnduy level, further work on which was pre- on account of the lines of sir. Slitch-tile- r. Sirs, Mitchcher had been under vented by water st this point and a veritable mine was seemingly opened. quarantine at the Home of her son, W. Here an ore body of good dimensions P. Slitchener., was uncovered carrying mostly galena, which revealed, when subjected to the Sirs'. H. A. Lane and sister, bliss who visited S4U Lake City this assayers test, values to the extent of Cook, 70 per cent lead, 30 ounces of silver and week to hear Patil, braved the snowdrifts between and Glsbnrn a small amount of gold. aril under the efficient These people have been inactive for last Wednesday, of J. B. Paxton succeeded In several months, awaiting results from guidance their hom at the latter place. the Honerlne tunnel. The results have reaching now been practically brought about. ' BLACK DIAMOND MEETING. The water1 haa disappeared from the lower workings. This tunnel will serve the Cyclone in a double purpose in the The annual meetlrig of share holders of same manner that It will its owners. ' the Black Diamond lining company of It will not onljr enable the work to be Stockton is scheduled for next Monday, continued to greater depth, but will at which the Eastern interest, said during the day. afford a convenient means for taking Manager Dederich the ores either to the depot for ship- will be represent! by Hon. Daniel ment or to the mill for reduction. It Storms, secretary of state of Indiana; should be borne, in mind that rtlver-lea- d John iblcCardle, W SC. Alexander and Beach of Trre Haute. mining is rarely conducted suc- Director At the proirty, (which adjoins the cessfully without the aid of a concen- Honefine, ha I been actively retrator. When the higher grades ores Mimed, withwork crosscut now being exonly are taken out, the mines are tended from hthe level to the e clogged or congested ' by vein, which is'.as well defined as materials. However, when the extrac- Ada with which connection has altion is complete, not only can work be those been made. The most gratifying ready freon conducted a cheaper plan, but however. Is that made in development, uncovquently valuable ore bodies are Black Diamond ground through . the ered that would otherwise be passed Honerlne tunnel. TSls avenue In lushby. With ore known to exist, with the ing ahead has extended for 200 feet In property drained, with the means af-- . mineral, and while the rock does not forded both for extraction and reduccommercial values the presence tion of its ores, the Cyclone seems to show of copper, silver and gold is quite prooccupy a position ns safe as is found in nounced. As coon is conditions shall mining operations before the period of permit the prospecting of this ledge, dividends arrives. paying actually which Is recognized as the, Hercules on Its dip, will begin. Manager Dederichs LOCAL SENTINEL ITEMS. is very much pleased with the outlook and expects to begii the active proThe Hurryback saloon has been con- duction of ore the present season. verted Into a .rooming-housWashington, Jan 1 Senator Smoot m called on the PreBifetft today and Mr. Crouch has reopened his saloon. the. subject of ..forest reserve This makes three saloons In the town creation in Utah, calling attention par- a - . a now. ...l.l. TlJnSliiuenls, that a reserve be estabEverybody is getting back Into har- lished In the Tooele district. Herald ness again after- two weeks of fes- special. tivity. A new map of the old camp of Stock-to- n lias Just been by H. W. The home of bur town Slarahal, J. M. Horne, the miningcompleted engineer, from the was week Shields, gladdened last by the records of the Surveyor General's ofarrival of a fine baby boy. fice and official data supplied by the various It is, perhaps, the School commenced again Monday un- only- one companies. now In existence and comes at der the efficient management of Mr. a period when ro many are Interested O. H. Hammond and Miss Anna Mc- In the there. Mr. Horne and properties Intosh. bis associates are also operating properties In the with results that are Sunshine Rebekah lodge No. 16 added Ihus far mostcamp satisfactory. one new name to its roll of mem tiers 'ast Tuesday. Mr. O. H. Hammond BIO STOCKTON SALE. was the candidate. Sbk-kto- 1 - isp-foo- lower-grad- t- . e. dls-cum- ed m " - e Mr. Riley Edmunds has Just received a very handsome cash registci, the swellest affair in the county. The value of this beautiful ornament in the Stock-to- n dub is $275. We think the business of the town Is hands for the next three years, vs the trustees are all conservative men of good moral worth and well re spected by their townsmen. In good w Ve w are pleased to report the entire recovery of the little daughter of W. P. Mitchener, who has been suffering from a very slight attack of diphtheria. The quarantine was raised Monday. Don't be a 'knocker and work against your own interests by doing ell you can for aome.other town than your own. Let Stocktons welfare be first. Inst and always In your thoughts. In behalf of the good people of the town a vote of thanks was given the retiring town trustees and coneurred In by the entire new Council last Monday night, for their efficient services diming their term of office. Plenty of wuter In town now In condensed form. The biggest snowstorm of the senson arrived Slonday night, and Tuesday morning the snow lay rlghteen Inches deep on the level and in drifts from two to four feet. The mall carrier to Oisborn (Dry canyon) failed to get through the snow to the latter place Tuesday, hut succeeded In doing so Wednesday. He arrived at Stockton ton late to make connection with mall that day, however. The new town Council took the reins of government last Monday. If they do as much for the welfare of the town ns the old Council has done there 'will he nothing to complain of. as the outgoing hoard retires with flying colors. PERSONALS. Sirs. Kate Slitchener and son Charles, who vlited Sirs. James Collins during the holidays, left for the capital last Saturday. Sir. D. W. TTeaston was obliged to go to Salt Lake City again on account of his hand, but last reports of the same were favorable. Sliss Rosa Brown returned to her homo In Salt Lake City last Slonday. after Mrs. a pleasant sojourn with her sister. N. Oundry. AV. From Mercur Miner. The Reynolds group at Stockton, w hich adjoins the Honerlne on the west, lias passed into the hands of Fred O. Richmond. B. F. Bauer and S. V. Ham of this city, with whom Is associated a powerful Eastern crowd, the acquisition. said 3!r. Richmond yesterday. Involving a total of ahout $100,000. The group numbers right full claims and two fractions, and like its neighbors was profitably mined in former years to the water level, the ledge from which' the ores were derived none other than the Ilonerine on Its extension west. The driving of the Honerlne tunnel will the channels in the Reynolds group, as has It the neighboring ones, and expert talent by which It was examined ha no doubt of Its future productiveness. It is the Intention of the purchasing crowd to inaugurate work on the group at once, and to that end a plant of machinery will be installed. The crowd at home as well as that abroad Is capable of anything it shall undertake in the further operation of the group whii-- as the projierty of a new company to be launched at later day will lie known as the Honerlne West. with Mr. Richmond, who has had much experience among the bonanzas, a manager. It looks now as if the mine which was productive of much silver and ad above the water level to add coppir to those metals below the plane.1Th Tribune. unw-ate- r 1 ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A BOX Is the value IT. A. Tisdale, Summerton. S. C., places on Dr Witts Witch Haxel Salve He says: "I had the piles for twenty years. I tried many doctors and medicines, but all failed except DeWItt's Witch Haxel Salve. It cured me. It Is a combination of the healing properties of Witch Hazel with antiseptics and emollients; relieves and permanently cures blind, bleeding, itching and protruding sores, cuts, piles, bruises, enema, salt rheum and all skin diseases. Sold by 31ercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. Mercur Meat ft Gro. Co., Stockton, Utah. M. E. Brown. Stockton, Utah. UTAH'S GREAT GOLD CAMP. What Others Have to Say of Mercur, Utah's Johannesburg. The Salt Lake Tribune. (Continued From Our Last.) TO TREAT THE SLIMES. To accomplish this a process Improved 1.X4. NO. by George Moore, whose genius has been divided between the lalwratory and the side of his profession for a lifetime, and whose process lias been tried out with the most gratifying results, was appealed to and with this now installed the prodigious plant is again In full operation, with the thief being rapidly overcome. Of the means employed by Mr. Moore to accomplish this the gentleman himself has written. advantages of the system are: First, a saving of from 4ii to 6U cents Ier ton In labor; second, a saving of a like amount In extraction; third, a saving, of over 5o per cent In the cost of Installation.' The saving an extraction Is due to the feet that, while the filter ia in the slimes tank, and the suction in operation an equalising action is taking pluce, rendering ail parts of the cake of equal resistance to the flow- of solution and wash water, so that, when pluced in the washing tanka, a perfect displacement of solution is accomplished. For example, we might consider that It would be possible fur one spot on the e 2880 square feet of to have more of the coarser slimes, or fine sand, than the other purls, then tin re would be less resistance to the tlow at this point; therefore, the flow would be brought up. and would rover this point more 'rapidly than the other parts, until, by this Increased coating, the resistance to the flow would become the same hm at all other points. This equalizing influcnca is, in fact, so continuously in (qteratloti that. at no instance Is there nny less resistance to the Mow at one I mint than at all point. Thus, when lifted out from the sllinta compartment, the entire basket of filters Is in entuii-linfor washing, and, in practice, we extract all of the soluble gold. SAVING FROM THE BANDS. ' At the Consolidated Mercur mill all of the ore Is first ssed through revolving cylinders, where the slimes are washed from the sands. By this oieratlon the benefit of the sands, as shown, In the extraction fully equuls the benefit to the slimes; for. consisting only of the coarse granular particles, perrolution Is carried on rapidly, while bitter displacements and washings are accomplish. The tailings from both the sands and the slimes aasay from 40 to 45 cents, a saving of. 80 cents per ton over the old system. This, on 1000 tons per day, is a heavy Item. Each filter handles about seventy-fiv- e tons ier day, and one man operates the four filters, so the cost of labor is about 3 cent per ton. With this plant now In successful operation the of Consolidated Mercur with the winWM - slline-c-ak- n eai-nlng- valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, will be received and noted for report to the General Land office at Washington, D. C. Failure 0 to protest or contest within the time stiecified will be considered sufficient evidence of the character of the tracts, and the selection thereof, being otherwise free from objection, will be recommended for approval. FltANK D. HOBBS, Heglster. George A. Smith, Receiver. First publication December 26, 1903. Last publication February 20, 1904. APPLICATION FOR PATENT.' Notice No, 31. A. 3765. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City Utah, Dec. 7, 1903. Notice Is hereby given that the Hluek IHamond 311ning and 31llllng company, a corporation duly organised under the laws of the Stute of Utah, whose principal place of business Is Salt Lake City. Utah, by Its agent and attorney In fact, Joseph Dederlrhs of Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Ouli-West Extension lode mining claim, situate in the Rush Valley mining district, Tooele county, Utah, constating of 14S1.3 linear feet of the lode and surface ground (an located) 600 feet wide, being mineral survey No. 49K2, and described I11 the field notes and plut of the official survey on file In this office with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 00 min. east as follows, to wit: Commencing at post No. 1 a corner of the claim from which the section corner on east boundary of serf tlon 24. township 4 south, range 6 west. Salt laike meridian, bears S. 59 deg. 24 min. W 442.1 feet distant; thence running from said corner No. 1 N. 59 deg. 16 min W 945.3 feet to corner No. 2: thence N. 24 deg. 23 mtn. K. 124.3 feet to corner No. 3; thence S. 70 deg. 64 min. E. 488.1 feet to corner No. 4; thence S. 64 deg. 14 min. K. 205.4 feet to corner No. 5; thence S. 49 deg. 10 mill. E. 689.1 feet to .corner No. 6; thence S. 24 deg. 23 min. W. 332.7 feet to corner No. 7; thence N. 58 deg. 48 inln. V. 242.6 feet to corner No. 8; thence N. 13 deg. 24 tnln. W. 287.4 feet to corner No. 1, being the pluce of beginning. Said claim being and located in the N. W. S. W. of section 19, township 4 south, range 4 west, and N. E. of section 24. township 4 south, range 6 west, Salt Lake meridian. and containing a total area of 7.361 acres, excluding, however, therefrom the area in conflict with the North Star No. 21,' and Black Diamond, lot non-miner- The s 12(5. al one-four- one-four- one-four- one-four- th th th th 135-A- da 'sa si.riigj , the present year, while its reapprurnmi-amonNet a ran claimed and applied for bein a short ing 5.434 acres. Said Gulch Weal Exthe dividend-payer- s time la rilled on by the management. tension lodge locution mining claim beIS PRODUCING MERCURY. of record in the office of the County ing ' At the Sacramento during the yenr Recorder at Tooele City, Tooele county, onratlnns progressed without Inttrrup-tio- n Utah. whatever, the management earnThe nearest known locations or minings from Its ores 5576 ounces of gold, ing clalniH being the aforesaid conflict- - , which enabled it to pass around a $5000 Ing claims and Oregon No. 2, survey No. dividend monthly, while maintaining a 4!iol. (Continued Next Week.) 1 direct thut this notice be published in The Stockton Sentinel, ut Stockton, SPECIAL LAND BUYERS EXCUR- county of Tooele, State of Utah, fur SIONS the period of nine consecutive weeks. Will run to the new lands of Greer FRANK D. HOBBS, county. Okla., and other sections of the Register. G. W. Parks. Attorney for Applicant. great Southwest in November and December, via the Frisco system. First pub., Dec. 12, 1903. Last pub.. Are you looking for rich and fertile Feb: 6. 1904. which! farming lands In the Southwest h APPLICATION FOR PATENT. In you ran buy for from Notice 31. A. No. 3766. the cost of lands in the East and North? They produce as much acre for United States Land Office, Salt Lake acre. Here ia a chance to better your City, Utah. Dec. 7. 1903. condition and add a liberal amount to Notice la hereby given that the Black your iiocketbook. Diamond kilning and Milling company, For full particulars and special rail- a corporation dub" organized under the road rates apply at once to R. S. law's of the State of Utah, and whose Lemon, secretary Frisco System Immi- principal place of business is Salt Lake 3Io. St. Louis, gration Bureau, City, Utah, by Its agent and attorney In fact, Joseph Dederlchs of Salt Lake, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Utah, has made application for a Unit5454. No. ed States patent for the Union ConsoliiJepurtment of the Interior, Land Office dated lode mining claim, situate In the at Salt Lake City, Utah, December Hindi Valley mining district, Tooele 23, 1903. county, Utah, consisting of 1497.4 linear Notice is hereby given thut the. of the lode and surface ground (as wing-named settler has filed notice of ltd 60U fed wide, being mineral located) hfs intentoln to make final proof In sup- survey No. 4983, and described In the port of his claim, and that said proof field notes nnd plat of the official surwill le made before the Clerk of the on flic in this office with magnetic District court in and for Tooele county, vey variation at 17 ileg. 00 min. east, as at on Toorle FebruUtah, City, Utah, at ikimI follows, to wit: Commencing ary 13, 1901. viz.: Egertnn Ixiugy. Jf. E.' No. a corner of the claim from which 13,548. for the N& SE14. NEVi of SWVi section corner on east and lot 3. Sec. 7, township 4 south, (he of section 24. township 4 boundary 4 M. L. He names the south, range 5 west. Salt Ioike meridian, range west, S. following witnesses to prove hi con- bears S. 4i deg. 37 min. W. 843.3 feet tinuous residence upon and cultivation distant; thence running from sub! coior said land, viz.: X. ner No. I N. 61 (leg. 41 min. W. 585.5 feet Willard Atkin, John B. Gordon, Alvin to corner No. 2: thence N. 70 deg. 23 J. McCuistlon, all of Tooele, Utah. mill. W. 490.7 feet to corner No. 3: FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. N. 79 deg. 49 min. W. 483.1 feet thence L. L. BAKER, Attorney. to corner No. 4; thence N. 3 deg. 30 First publication Jan. 9; last publica- min. E. 247.2 feet to corner No. 5: tion February 6. thence N. 89 deg. 49 min. E. 819.4 feet corner No. 6; thence S. 58 deg. 13 min. to NOTICE. E. 755.1 feet to corner No. 7; thence S. 3 deg. 30 min. W. 380.3 feet to corner List No. 51, Insane Asylum. No. 1. being tile place of beginning. United States Land Office. Salt Lake Sail! claim lieing loculed in the N. W-City. Utah. Dec. 21, 1903. fourth of section 19. township 4 one To Whom it May Concern: Notice Is south, range 4 west, and N. E. hereby given that the State of Utuh has of section 24. township 4 south, filed in this office a list. No. 51, of lands range 5 west, Sail Lake meridian, and selected by the said State for the es- containing a total area of 12.445 acrea, tablishment nnd maintenance of an in- excluding. however. therefrom the sane asylum, under section 12 of the area in conflict with the Black Diaact of Congress approved July 16. 1894. mond and North Star, lot 135, of 0.049 The following tracts embraced in said acres. list are in a township containing minNet area claimed and applied for be12.396 acres. Said .lode location mining claims of record, viz.: ing Southeast quarter of the northeast ing claim being of record In the office quarter6 of Section 29, township 5 south, of the County Recorder at Tooele City. range west, Salt Lake meridian. Tooele couniy, Utah. A copy of said list, so far as It relates The nearest known locations or minto said tracts, by descriptive subdivi- ing claims being the aforesaid conflictsions. has been conspicuoualy posted ing claims and Cyclone, lot 125; Outin this office for inspection by nny per- cast. lot 135, and Hope, survey 4946. son interested nnd by the public generI direct that this notice ho published in The Stockton Sentinel, 1 Stockton, ally. Within sixty dnys following the date comity of Tooele, Slate of Utah, for the if this notice, under departmental in- period of nine consecutive weeks. structions of November 27. 1896. (23 L. FltANK D. 1IOUBS. D.. 459). protests or contests against the Register. !. W. Iarks. Attorney for Applleam. claim of the State to any of the tracts or subdivisions herslnbofov described,' First pub., Dec. 12, 1903. Last pub.. on the ground that the same Is more Feh. 6. 1904. ( one-four- th one-tent- follo- 1 one-four- th one-four- 11 I tli |