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Show walked straight to me and boxed my ears, for 'a silly child that did aot know the difference between a man and a coxcomb. I swear to you that 1 was struck dumb, and be had taken himself out of the room In a passion ere I could find a word to throw after him. Then I got up and went to a mirror and looked at my ears, and they were scarlet, and my chet-kmatched them, and for a moment I was in a towering rage. 1 sat down, I cried, I laughed. I was amazed, I was. after a little while, ashamed, and finally I came to a reasonable temper and acknowledged I had been served exactly right. For 1 had no business to put my wicked little tongue In my cheek, because a brave gentleman could not crook bis leg like a dancing master. Are you .laughing, Jane? Well, 1 must laugh, too. I shall laugh many a time when I think of Cymlln'a two big hands over my ears. Had he kissed me afterward. 1 would have forgiven him I think. I cannot help laughing a little, but I assure you Cymlin is suffering from that discipline far more than you are. I ant not suffering at all. This morning I admire hint. There Is not another man In the world who would hare presumed to box the Lady Mac tllda de Wick's ears; accordingly I am iu love with hla courage and I shall laugh and cry as long as I live, and remember Cymlin Swaff-ha- DELICATE LINES OF PRINT. Perfect and Exact Reproduction of a Did you Spider's Web. ever make a spore print" of a toadstool A Story of Cromwell' or mushroom reproduce on paper the delicate lines, colors and conformations of the marvelous, innumerable and frequently infinitesimal "gills" of a toadstool or mushroom? Did you ever make a print of a spid- er's web? THE LIONS WHELP , If you have performed either of these feats you are something unusual, although doubtless you have longed tc do so far back In the happy, childish days when all toadstools were "fairy umbrellas, and when the cobweb invariably figured as an s castle, restraining a princess. To the real nature lover, however dll-ve- beau-lean- Tim BY AMELIA E. BARR. Aether ef The Bow of Orange Ribbon. "I. Thou end the Other One." "The Meld ef Malden Lone." Esc. (Copyriiht, 1901, hr Dodd, Mead A Compear. CHAPTER VII. (Continued.) "Cromwell wants only that Parity ment should know its own mind, and declare itself dissolved. God knows It Is high time, but Vane, and more with him, would sit while life lasts. Martha, my heart la troubled within me. Have we got rid of one tyrant calling himself King, to give obedience to a hundred tyrants calling themselves Parliament? It shall not be so. As the Lord liveth, verily, It shall not! There was a meeting of the Council at the Speaker's house the night after Israel Swaffliam'a Indignant protest against Parliament, and Cromwell, sitting among those men, was scornfully angry at their deliberations. His passion for public and social Justice burned, and In a thunderous speech, lit by flashes of blinding wrath, he spoke out of a full and determined heart. Then he mounted his horse and rode homeward. self-seekin- g CHAPTER VIII. AH rishti merred.) news, Jane. Thai i oue of your faults. Cymlin was here Inst night He spent a couple of hours with me," then she smiled so peculiarly, Jane could not help asking her: What is there in your way of smiling, Matilda? 1 am sure it means a story of some kind.'' I shall have to tell you the story, for you could never guess what that smile was made of. Forst, however, what did you see and hear at the Cromwells. I heard in a passing manner that Prince Rupert is off the seas forever that he la at the French court, where he la much made of. Jane Swaffhain, have you no fresher news? and she pulled out of her bosom many sheets of paper tied together with a gold thread. "I had she said, "by the this yesterday, hand of Stephen, and I may as well tell you to prepare to meet Stephen de Wick, for he vows he will not leave England again until he has speech with you. "Then he Is forsworn; I will not see Worlds Output of Gold. The total output of gold since the beginning of mining is here shown compared with man. Trade in 8ea Lions. the most peculiar industries of the Pacific coast Is that conducted by two old sea captains, Calllce Vasques and Charles Lyons. It consists in capturing and training sea lions. CapL Vasques attends to the sea end of the industry and with hiB sloop and crew visits St. Nicholas, San Clemente. Santa Catalina, Santa Cruz and other Islands off the coast to capture pupils for the school which CapL Lyons maintains on shore. This industry is not so Insignificant a one as might appear at first glance. The demand for trained animals is greater than these men can meet. From all parts of the world come orders for sea lions which have been more or less educated. One of Hunter Bagged Tame Cat A gunning story from takevllle, lllass., is to the effect that a Taunton went out with his gun after rabbits, and after a time found a rice, sleek bnnn.v. which he shot. When he picked up bis game he found It to be a rat. and from its appearance it was some one's pet. the Threshold. If we believe that life Is worth living. our belief helps to create that fact, for faith Is lu matters of the spirit all that courage is in' practical affairs. To Jane and Cluny this beUpon lief was not difficult, for limitation always works for happiness, and during the ensuing year (life kept within the hounds of their mutual probation and of Cluny's military duties, was full of happy meetings and partings; days in which Love waited on Duty, and again, days in which Love was lord of every hour; when they wandered together in the Park like two happy children, or, if the weather was unfit, sat dreaming in the stately rooms of Sandys about the little gray bouse in Flfeshlre, which was to be their own Bweet home. So the weeks and months went by, and though they were not alike, they had that happy similitude which RESTORED. Mrs. P. Brunzel, wife of P. Bronze!. Stock dealer, residence 3111 Grind For fifgve., Everett. Wash., says: I suffered teen years with terrible pain in my back. 1 did not know what It waa to enjoy a nights real, and arose in the morning feeling tired and unrefresbed. My suffering sometimes inde-- j waa aimply acrlbable. When I finished the first box of Dean's Kidney Pills I felt like s different woman. I continued until 1 had taken five boxes. Doans Kidney Pills act very effectively, very promptly, relieve the aching pains and all other annoying a dlffl-eultie- a. Foster-Milbur- Ma-tfld- a. n Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price cents per box. 60 Agriculture in Korea. Koreans cultivate their fields large ly with spades. One of these Imple menu has a handle about eight feel long. The wooden bowl la tipped with iron and has two straw ropes fastened to 1L The man manipulating the handls pushes the spade Into the ground. .Then those holding the ropes thro an insignificantly small amount oi earth a distance of about two feet In the Korean fields one may oftsn ses Bine men thus employed on one spade self-respe- ct "It waa too bad of Cymlin but very like him. He has boxed my ears more than once. "You are his slater. That is different. I will never apeak to him again. $100 Reward, $100. Tbanadar of thli paper will bo plouad to team There, let the matter drop. I wish tliero la at draulrd dlaaana that anlauie now, you would either take Stephen ftwlbaaa abla ulautou run la all iia ataaaa, and that la Ilalfi Cautrrli Cun li Ilia only nualtlTa or send him off forever. I am In a Catarrh. cun anw known to (hr mallea! fraternity. Catarrh hurry to be gone, and Sir Thomas ba na a mmatliutlonat dlaaaim. require laa llall'a Catarrh Cun talua la also. Go and send Stephen with a tamallr.treatment, aciluir directly upua the blood end mueooe urfaeee of the eyetrm. thereby daatrwylac tha 'Yes or No to me. I am become infouadatbm of tha dlaeaae. and lArlii tha pa tint different which, Bince you are bo much (trrBKth by bulbllim up lha natllutlun and aaelatinf him. scientific in trend .and attitude; the childish love is carried straight up to the adult consciousness, modified rather than translated or broken. Wherefore it comes about that sc many nature lovers and scientists Vave been much Interested in the fairy of the 200 supposedly umbrellas edible varieties, of which It is possible to eat bo few without Buffering, and U.e gleaming, shimmering, fragile cob webs that must surely have conveyed to the worlds first lacemakers theli To one original Impulse and idea. such Chicago nature lover has it bfen granted to accomplish both the feate Mrs. Bertha R just mentioned. Jacques, artist and devoted nature student, cannot only boast the finest collection of spore prints" in Chicago in all he world most likely but also a remarkably wonderful because pre exact and perfect reproduction of a spider's web. COMPLETELY "It will be no treason now to speak to your old servant. The Amnesty Act will cover you. But I fight not Stephen's battles; I have enough to do to keep my own share of your friendship from fraying. Now, I must tell you something concerning myself. I am going to France. "France! cried Jane in amazement. "Yes, France. I have persuaded my uncle that ha ought to go there, and look after his affairs. I have persuaded my aunt that it is not Bafe for my uncle to go without her, and they both know my reason for going with them, although we do not name Prince ' eoaaUta-Un- i) aatun la diilac lla wurk. The proprletura have aa so. mark faith la Ita rurullra pnwara, that they offer Hundred itullaiatyrunyraae that It fella to Cara, Many lettera were promised on both One laud fur lint of tcillnmnlala. Addrr-- a K. J. CIIKNKT A CO.,ToMa,0. aides, and Jane waa glad to notice the Sold hr drnjnrbla.Tte. eagerness and hopo in her friend's Uail'i Vamlly I'lila an tha beat. voice and manner. Whatever her words might assert It was evident she looked forward to a great joy. And as king as she was with Matilda, Rupert "When do you go, Matilda? Jane let this same spirit animate her, if Stephen be ready. her ride home, however, was set to a And let me tell you, Jane, Stephens more anxious key. She was a little readiness depends on you. angry also. Why should Stephen de Wick intrude his love upon her? "That is not so. "It is. I hope you will be definite, Twice already ahe had plainly told Jane. You have kept poor Stephen 1dm that his suit was hopeless, and she did not feel grateful for &n affection that would not recognise Its limits, and was determined to force itself beyond them. She entered Sandys with the spring all about her; her fair face rosy with NO N E ED FOR E FFUS 1 0 N. Answer of French Prefect te Revolutionaries. During the reign of Emperor Nap polcon III he and the empress visited Normandy and had arranged to spend a couple of days at Evreux. M.' Janvier de la Monte, who was tha prefect, learned that the revolutionaries intended to hiss the sovereigns as they passed, and bo be summoned the leaders of the movement and' toldf them that be knew of their plot. "If you carry out your plan, said he to them, "yon will get six months ia f..n'Af prison; if you do not, your friends tt.e-'- f i rli wind, end k j the sunshine. maCymlin and Stephen wnr'SFeflSFYoTf'ftfTnwBTfllce were sitting by the fireside talking of son. As a way .out of the difficulty I Irish bounds and of a new bit for res- propose to lock you up at once until tive horses which Cymlin had in- the emperor has gone. The conspirators accepted the terms offered them. vented. Wheif Jane entered, Cymlin and After the emperor and empress had went in person to regone the Stephen both rose to meet her. Cym- lease his prefect who had had such prisoners, lin was kind with the condescension a pleasant time that they greeted him of a brother. He spoke to her as he with cries of "Iang lire the prefect! spoke to creatures weaker than him- to which M. Janvier de la Monte, who self, and kissed her with the air of a was a man of wit, replied: "My king kissing a subject he loved to do not overdo it" honor. Then he made an excuse to friends, the stables and gave Stephen bis opIncomprehensible. An eccentric minister in Virginia portunity. The young man had kept liia eye fixed on the beautiful face and was noted for quaint sayings. He was slender form of the girl be loved. He the owner of a fine yoke of oxen, and, went to her and clasped her hands losing one of them a loss he could and said with a passionate eagerness. 111 efford was well nigh Inconsolable. Jane, dearest! I have come again to Hla good wife, endeavoring to comfort ask you to marry me. Say one good, Qulel: The lard glveth, and "1 es, Ellzar kind word. When you were not as Ibe Lord taketh away. I cant see what but bflb. know; as my heart, you did promise to high the Lord wanted with an odd steer. be my wife. I vow you did!" "I wish to see your face no more.1 Stephen, I knew .not then what KNOWS NOW leaves little to chronicle. Jane's chief dangling after you since you were ten marriage meanL You were aa a Doctor Waa Fooled by His Own Cass excitements came from her visits to years old. brother to me. I love you yet as I a Time. for What about Cymlin and yourself? Mary Cromwell and Matilda de Wick. loved you then. 1 cannot be your wife. The affection between Jane and Then Matilda laughed, and her 1 am already plighted. It's easy to understand how ordiMatilda had the strong root of habit countenance changed, and she said To l.ord Neville. You shall never as well as of Inclination. They could seriously, Upon my word and honor, marry him. 1 forbid it. 1 will hunt nary people get fooled by coffee when doctora themselves sometimes forget not be happy if they were long apart. I was never nearer loving Cymlin than him to the gates of death. the facts. Jane visited frequently at Jevery I was last night, yet he was never less It Is sinful to say such things. A physician speaks of hla owa exHouse, and Matilda quite as fre- deserving of it Tis a good story, Let my sins alone. 1 am not in the Jane. I will not pretend to keep It humor to be sorry for them. I say perience : quently at Sandys. "I had nsed coffee for years and One morning in the spring of 1653, from you, though I would stake my again, you shall not marry that scounJane was returning from a two days last coin on Cymlin's silence about the drelly Scot. really did not exactly believe it was visit to the Cromwells. The air was matter. He cqme into my presence, "He Is not what you call him far Injuring me although I had palpitation of the heart every day. so fresh and balmy she went to Jev- as he always does, ill at ease, and from it. Finally one day a severe and al"I call things by their right names. ery House, resolved to ask Matilda why, I know not, for a man more to drive in the Park with her. As handsome in face and figure It would I call a Scot a Scot, and a scoundrel, a most fatal attack of heart trouble she went up stairs she wondered what not bo easy to find in England. But scoundrel. He threw her hands far frightened me and I gave up both mood she would find Matilda in, for he has had manners, Jane, confess from him and strode up and down the tea and coffee, using Post uni instead, there was a certain mental pleasure it; he blushes and stumbles over room, desperate and full of wrath. and since that time I hare had absoin the uncertainty of her friend's tem- things, and lets his kerchief fall, and You shall marry no man but myself, lutely no heart palpitation except on found 8he a her sofa he when per. tries to be a gallant, makes llefore earth and heaven you shall! one or two occasions when I tried a lying upon In her chamber, her little feet, pret- a fool of himself." If God wills, I shall marry lard mall quantity of coffee which caused severe Irritation and proved to me I "You are talking of mybrothor, Mar Neville. tily shod in satin, showing Just below her gown; her hands clasped above tilda, and you are making him ridicuI Jane! shall Oh, go to total ruin must let it alone. When we began using Fostum it her head, her long black hair scatter- lous, a thing Cymlin la not, and never if you do not marry me. weak that was because we seemed ed loosely on the pillow. She smiled was. I Shall marry a man who Is not did not make it according to direcWait a bit, Jane. I was kind to lord of himBelf? I will not languidly as Jane entered, and then said: "You have made me your enemy. tions but now we put a little bit of him, and he told me about his life in butter in the pot when boiling and al"I have been expecting you, Jane. Ireland, and he spoke so well, and What follows is your own fault low the Postum to boil full 15 minutes I ooud sot keep the thought of you looked so proper, that I could not love Tis a to turns that poor help out of my mind, and by that token I but show him how he pleased me. hatred; and you can do no more than which gives it the proper rich flavor and the deep brown color. knew you were coming. Pray, where Then he went beyond hla usual man- you are let do. "I have advised a great many of have yon been? Or, where are you ner, and in leaving tried to give me a "You will see. By my soul, 'tis bow and a leg in perfect court fash- truth! Oh, tis ten thousand pities my friends and patients to leave off going? coffee and drink T'ostum; in fact, I "I have been spending two days ion; and he made a silly appearance, you will not love tne! with the Cromwells, and the morning and for the life of me I could not help dally give this ndvice." Name given "It is nowiso possible, Stephen. Is so fair, I wondered if you would not a smile not a nice smile, Jane, inHe flung himself into a chair. laid by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. drive an hour In the park. Do you deed, 'twas a very scornful smile, and his arms upon the table ami buried Many thousands of physicians use know that Cymlin arrives from Ire- he caught me at it, and what do yon his fare in them. "Co away, then," Postum in place of tea and coffee In land lie would think the think ho did? lie sobbed, "I wish to see your fanc no their own homes and proscribe it to "I dare say he told you plainly that ' more. For your sake, I will bate all patients. There's a reason. Journey well taken, if he saw yon at A remarkable little book The Road the end of it women forever. you wore behaving badly? "You are a little late with your to Weilvlile can be found la "My dear Jane, he turned back, be (To be continued.) package. "To-morro- v, ' I ? j j |