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Show s GOVERNOR OF OREGON Uses and Grip. For Colds What Would Be Left. A school Inspector was examining a As an class in a country school. -nth me tic test he put the following question to one of the classes; If 1 had a mlpco pie an.-- should give ' s to to John, to llarry. and lfoac, of the pie for myshould take one-haself, what would there le left?" There was a profound study among the boys, but finally one lad held up his hand. Well, my boy, speak up loud, so that all may hear," said the Inspector. The plate." shoutd the hopeful young fellow. Pearson'a Weekly. His Family in Pe-tu-- na l two-flfth- two-fifth- s two-twelft- ll Love Deab Una ItsnmAM: Ignorance and neglect are the cause of untold female suffering, rrt only with the laws of health but with the chance of a cure. I did not heed the warnings of headaches, organic t - gh prostrated. I knew I ring. I took Lydia E. Pinkhoms Vegetable Compound faithfully, according to directions, and was rewarded in a few weeks to find that my aches and pains disappeared, and I again felt the glow of health through my body. Since I nave been well I have been more careful, I have also advised a number of my sick friends to take Lydia E. lMnkliams Vegetable Com Yours very ,r' " (Mrs. truly. Fair-- A Letter From The Qovernor of Oregon. tion. And," said the girl, bravely, If poverty comes, we will face It together. "Ah, dearest he replied, the mere sight of your face would scare the wolf sway. And ever since he has wondered why she returned the ring. ; sales- women in the West) When women are troubled with Irregular, suppressed or painful menstruation, weakness, lcucorrhaea, displacement or ulceration of the womb, that bearing-dow- n feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous prostration, --or ara beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irriand sleeplessness, melancholy, tability, nervousness, " feelings, blues, and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at ones removes such troubles. Bel use to buy any other medicine, for yon Mod the best. Dear Mm. PrinnrAx: For over two years I suffered more than tongue can express with kidney and bladder trouble. My physician pronounced my trouble catarrh of the bladder, caused by displacement of the womb. I had a frequent desire to urinate, and it was very painful, and lumps of blood would pass with the urine. Also had backache very often. After writing to you, and receiving your reply to my letter, I followed your advice, and feel that you and Lydia 12. Pinkliams Vegetable Compound have cured me. The medicine drew my womb into its proper place, and then I was wclL I never reel ) any pain now, and can do my housework Mas. Alice Lamps, Kincaid, Miss. with ease. all-go- ne la Blind. Parana is known from the Atlantic to tho Pacific. Letters of congratulation and commendation testifying to tho merits of Po-ruas a catarrh remedy ara pouring in from every State in the Union. Dr. Hartman is receiving hundreds of such letters daily. All cla ses write these letters, from the highest to the lowest. The outdoor laborer, the indoor artisan, the clerk, the editor, the statesman, the preacher all agree that Parana is the catarrh remedy of the age. The stage and rostrum, recognizing catarrh as their greatest.. enemy, are especially enthusiastic in their praise and testimony. . Any man who wishes perfect health mnst Sal What's thet? I cant get na be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh is man? Why, HI Horton Jest begged me well nigh universal; almost omnipresent. t marry him when he wus over last Peruna Ais the isonly absolute ofsafeguard cold the beginning catarrh known. week. Si Hump! I alius did hear as how To prevent colds, to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. Peruna not beggars was poor choosers. New York only cures catarrh, but prevents it. Every Sun. household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs, colds and so forth. His Faux Pas. The Governor of Oregon is an ardent They were uttering the tender nonsense that succeeds the great ques- admirer of Peruna. Ho keeps it continu warning symptoms will soon prostrate a woman. She thinks womans safeguard is Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound .si CAPITOL BU1LD1NQ, SALEM. OREOON. HALLS always calls for mince pie." Responsibility Defined. TO-DA- Mfg Co., M West and Bth North Sts. Sail Laka City. Til CJt. SMURTHWAITE PRODUCE OGDEN, UTAH. CO. DfALLWiiT yrocKs.BoNQsXX GRAIN pp n For a descriptive Alls and other information, Ml LOT, OPLT. All Kind apply to Superintendent Immigration. Ottawa. CanA llenef Any Quantity, ada. or authorized Canadian Government Agent and for me Illn.trafed Free Seed Catalovne and BKNJ. DAV1KS. KIIOM fc DVNN BLOCK. CBN. TKAL AVENLK. GREAT FALLS. MONTANA. Fran Alfalfa llo.ikli-- t Meatlmi this 1'aper. If Tran That Geunta for Beauthinr. t C S - MOKE CRISM0K & NICHOLS, I Wesl Temple p. o. eoa ra. SI SALT LAKE CITY Not hew rhrnp, hut how mod. R, H. OFFICER & CO., ASSAYERS MdiTSSiS AND CHEMISTS Salt Lilt CTly, Itali Howard E. Burton, of . responser-bility- Jimmy?" "Oh, well, suppose as yer had two 'spender Duttons on yer pants, an one cum orf, w'y all the responserbllity 'ud be on the other! Whitaker & Demand the Utah Hand Made Horae Collar from your dealer Su perlor mato the AYr".;,,,l Specimen prirea, Hold, Hllver, lead, II: Hold Sliver. Tie; Hold. Mir: Stine nr Cnpimr. SI. t anlde irs'i. Bailing rnveloiwa anil full print llal triilon l."d-ylllI'nuiml and l.'mplre wink wlirluul. Oolo. Itrfrrenre, Carbonate Safi Uank. chine made ' You will itppli-ewiio- a. e, i?:: Dallas, Makers, Character. Crowell lie's about the meanest white man I ever met. Howell At any rate, hes successful. He has taken advantage of his opportunities. were Crowell His . opportunities small, no doubt; another proof of his meanness. Reversed. The average man out of work always declares he would have been all right If he hail only had a good show In the last place. "Unless hes an actor; then his cry If he had only had a good place in the last show. Philadelphia Press. The Doctors Orders. Dedelia Thst are yez doin talcin' the lock off the cupboard dure. Pat? Are ycz chrazy? Pat No, darllnt; th dochtor tonld thot I must quit boltin' me me food and I'm going to obey Instliruc-tions- ! to-da- y We offer special M... Lead Bold and Silver ....HP rtlunld. bllvr. Cop'r.. L oa mall umplea. Prompt reinrn, . Ogden Assay Co. I "'XZZEF- - h.NP IHffATPirAi f Off RENT KIND POn CATALOGUES AMD SALT LAKE C03TUMING PHOHU TOG. COb-TUMK- S a e . iRiCn. HOUSE B7 GTATG GT. SALT LAMG CiT . Equivocal. Rquibbs "I heard that BImler .nid I looked like a sausage." Phlbbs Somebody has been stuffing you. I PAY SPOT CASH FOR UCU. HIGHEST CASH PRICE RAID ROR RAW FURS and GAME HEADS MEHESY, THE FURRIER, writs eon enio tier, hit lak D.r. WALKER BLK. .SALT LANE CITY UTAH. Iizvtzb bALT COPIES iprp.M - derful Writs at Ali nn-- e wonIn fur PB Mnq rifllHIO tn-d.-y for lriu fuetory. aavlnirto dln-t-- t A Mg you. and iirlrwu Mando- Va.in, CURED. Sufic".!; The Keelejf Institute, Guitar, htrlug. anti Fittings. S283 Washington Av. Ogden, Utah. lins, Ciil-i.- iflliti PIECES. STANDARD SI.OO. Head . Hall, Las a Citt, DRUNKENNESS 5,000 COPIES jftjPgfc GIP Mil IflU 91 U 10 oitv. vtm Wa tearfe the Ilarbar Trad In H Weeks and guarantee position. Writ fur p.ntcwlarc HOLER S BARBER COLLEGE, HEADQUARTER OFFICES ROOMS 2 Inane Barth Black. DEBYXX, COLOt 1mii.iI to aoldlen of any ruitt H LOWS DMTAMCa PRONB 009. 211-21- CITY. LAKE Zttavry landwar warrants Writ me Inducement THE McKANNON BROS. MUSIC CO. CAPSICUM VASELINE Trnze) (fct re iw coLi.eiaitoamilliard or an tnbetitute fur and intit-rio-r blitter not the moil will and oilier planar, and curative delicate akin. Ihe It will jnaliliet of ihi. artirle are wumlerftil. relieve and onre. at tooiharhe imp the Werrominrndita the t known, also and safest rzternal rounir t for pain, in the a. an eiternal and ttnuiarli and all ilirvimaiic. neuralgic ard gouty roiiudaiiut. A trial will prove what we claim for it. ai:d it will ho found to be invaluit 's able In the household. M any thsbet-- t of all your prc;!lior.." 1iic.e IS oiln-nr lT or cent, at all ilntgLi-lt we to u. l:i ni.l:n:Min!tending ill. N- a luhr by will lend the tame I ruMic unh-be accepted by the - otheiwi-I it Carrie oui 11" A pain-allayii- i( .e-- cb-s- .,' iiw-rl- e nr ha va trouble with tame hold UASQUiRAOE BALT and liberal commission to out of town correupniidenla. Our booh of lnfurnmloa llow To Speculate," mailed free upon application. When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U.. Salt 1004-- . - aim-lin- 'i U REV ain--l- n a 1 o., K..w Yr.ra Ctry. CHEsriworon . .v.rn. 17 2. Lakc-N- o. r a RELIABLE ASSAYS. DAYNES & ROMNEY PIANO Co COKHERPONDINCB SOLICITED. A Mean 1 BEND FOR FR'CE LIST. CM $58.50 MJ CRAIN A Provisions. We have a special department for buying and Railing Slock a and Bonita for immediate delivery. investors sad baakeis will save tlma sad money by giving ua their order la that Jin. , . TO ran FOR BOVGKT AND SOLD ON MARGIN OR. FOR. CASH. AMERICANS FREE Ilnmeatetida given away. Schools, Churchrs, Ua II way a, Markets, Climate everything to bo desired. Buyer and Sailer of ORGANS STOC KS Room for Millions. Salt Lake City, Utah. Y, COMMISSION DURING LAST YEAR. Hilled and Mttlina on the Grain end era They Grazing Land,, and ara proeperoua and satisfied. Sir Wilfred Ldurier recently eaid: "Anewetai bee riiien ou the horizon, and it ia toward it that every immizient who leave, the land of hi, ancer Una to coma and seek a home for himielf now tuma hia taze" Canada. There ie FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGIST AND GENERAL STORES....... FVF R F A II At home by our wonderful treatment. No knife or caustics used, but Natures own remedy. To demonstrate its wonderful curative powers, pend this coupon and $5.00 for one full month's treatment (regular price $25.00) and if not satisfied, your money will be refunded. as this may not apWRITE name i draw la fall with lb nmluaso. again. pear havent noticed 1L" "Haven't yon? Well, you just watch him at the tabic and you'll see that he I Whats the nsennln . ULlklirHILO? N REMEDY DIPHTHERIA AND CURED PERMANENTLY the original let ten and signature of FORFEIT if we cannot forthwith produce which will prove their absolute piiiiiIiwmh. abuvo Lydia . Mnhham Medieiue Co Lynn, Beet mattress In tho world. Better than any Eastern mak. Will eost you losa money. Ask your dealer for it. Look for our trade mark. Utah Bedding & his family against other ailments. Ibis Is exactly what every other family in the United States should da Keep Peruna inlhe hons Use it for coughs, colds, la grippe and other climatic afiectinns of winter, and there wifi in the bonsai Sncb be no other aibm-nt- s families should provide themselves with a copy of Dr. Hartman's free book, entitled "Winter Catarrh " Address Dr. Hartman, Columbus Ohio. Drug Co., General Agents. Nelden-Judso- n sucb widespread and unqualified endorsement. Mrs. Pinkliam invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. WERE WELCOMED CANKER FOR THE MOUTH, THROAT. STOMACH AND BOWELS.... No other medicine for female ills in tlie world has received 50,000 State or Oregon, Executive DErAiTiiaNT.' J The Feruna Medicine Co., Columbus 0. DaarSIril bars h id occasion to use yoar Peruna medicine In my family for colds, and It p ovel to be an excellent remedy. I bava not bad oocaakm to uae It tor other allmenta. IV. M. Lord. Yonra very t uly, noticed that will be Governor says the It he has not had occasion to use Peruna for other ailments. The reason for this la most other ailments begin with a cold. Using Peruna to promptly care colds, ha protects Ask Your Druggist for a free Peruna Almanac for 1904. A Field for Investigation. "Yes, our oldest son Is of a very In He delights In quiring disposition. Is always and Investigating things digging and prying in placea where theres a chance of upturning something surprising." ne ally in the house. In a recent letter te Dr. Hartman, he says ; Si.tr Sin-et- I 1 licit lUACS EV.tKC L'nit-- In byrnp. I'm. lilt 7 mim FOR ft'Ll. (lu-'- h iriTi'.'i'j. CONSUMP-TION'- j CM |