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Show TH E TIMES-NEW- rr C1RCULAT-K- S S i. THE IS A BOOSX-E- i; POll THE AGRICULTURAL AMI MIXING INTERESTS OF : : : : : JUAB COUNTY TIMES-NEW- THROUGHOUT EAST JUAB l OUXTV AND 13 A VALUA BLE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. : -- . THE TIMES, VOL. 12, NO. 81? BOARD OF EDUCATION NEPHI. JUAB COUNTY. UTAH, FRIDAY, 12 CARS OF APPLES WILL ;" MET FRIDAY EVENING v l Appointed. STUDENIS ENGAGE ' ' "'' of Nephi wli be ; i ' , The apple crop, 12 car loads according to the estimate of those who have checked The advance shipup on the crop. ment, ot Jonathans was made yesterday when the first car was loaded out for the Associated Fruit Growers Co, of Chicage, who have purchased practically the entire crop here It Is said. , The principal growers who will ship from here this fall are M. T. Howard, Orson Cazier, Owen Bos well The Broadhead Bros., Harry Beagley Alonzo Ingram, John Worwood, Lawrence Blackett and a number of oth' On motion ot ' Mangelson, seconded ers. ": the claims district by Foote, against The price paid this year, is better were allowed. ..-'Miss Josie Chapman, was appointed than last year and will average The quality of $55 per ton. census enumerator for Nephi precinct the school census to be taken between the fruit Is better than usual, in fact are as good as October 15th and 31st as specified the apples grown here ' ' under the new law. Mr. Mangelson anywhere in Utah. and Mr. Newton, were authorized to make arrangements in their respective districts of Mona and Levan to CUPID IS HAVING have the census taken. Mr. Leo Hansen ot Mills, met with A BUSY WEEK the Board relative to having the meeting of the Board of Education ot Juao School District was held Friday evening, there being present, jas. Garrett J r, J. H. Lunt, Harry ' Jf oote, and Lorenzo Mangelson. A, ' ' . , school opened at Mills. Air. Hansen ttating that the, people desired that the school be operated there. After discussing the matter, a committee from the Board was appointed to meet with the citizens of Mills, Sunday, October 2nd, at 11 a. m. tor the purpose of arranging a satisfactory solution of the Question. The question of paying mileage to students who live several miles from any school house, was taken up by the Board, in fact the whole question of transportation was discussed at con siderable lengh by the members present, transportation having become a considerable financial burden to the district. On motion of Foote, seconded" by .Lunt, the matter was referred to the Board's Attorney for a legal opinion as to the liability of the Board, and if needed, an opinion lrom the office of the Attorney Gen eral, in order thai tha rfintrir--t ran op intelligently on the question. .. On motion of Foote, seconded by Lunt, cement walks were ordered to be constructed around the Central . COUNTY 1921 THE NEWS SPORTSMEN Four Young .Couple Decide To End KntertaJn- - ' Single Blessedness . nients Given in Brides' Honor The marriage of Miss Arvilla Salisbury of this city to Mr. Lester F. Carter ot Santaquin, took place Monday, September 26th, at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Joseph Jones. The ceremony was performed by Bishop C. H. Grace, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. ' The bridegroom Is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carter of The young couple left Santaquin. Tuesday on the afteroon train for San taquin where they will make their tut ure home. ; Congratulations. Lake-Templ- AT MILLS . , live-wee- , . - , - 31 meal. .. everything : . ' - - ..' .5 I took ten or more slow, deep breaths of fresh air. I protected others, if I spit, coughed or sneezed. 6 I played outdoors or with windows open more than thirty minutes. I try hard to stand and git straight, i 7 I was in bed tea hours or more ast hight.&nd Kejt my windows of 8 I drank four glasses f water, drfnking some before each meal, and drank no tea, coffee nor other injurious drinks. 9 I tried to eat slowly, and only wholesome food including milk, vegetables, fruit. I went to toilet at ; . e al NO 8, v TINTIG DISTRICT HAS NO KICK JGOMING We are elad to be Informed that the entemrisinK citizens of Mills have NORTH WARD MEETING HOUSE organized the Mills Gun Club. We are informed by W. A. C. Bryan attorney Division of Transient Stock CKOWDED WITH SORROWING for the club, that it will have the 'RfcLATIVtS AND FRIENDS exclusive' use of the lands.and waters Fund is Contention FLORAL OFFERINGS PRO-- f tii mat vicinity, Dy right of leases Side Desires all Taxes ..' FUSE AND BEAUTIFUL. frnm tVtn nvnafa fni hiintlnff nnonn.. From This SourceV es during all seasons of the ear, as be limited may and the governed by Every avilable seat in the North Mate Laws, and that no person will wu-meeting house was occupied be allowed to hunt over thAHA Under the title "Tax iu Transient lunria Sunday alternoon at the funeral ser- and waters, except as Will Go To Our District" the Herds be may they vices of fcJinier Gowers, while a large eureka Reporter m its last issue has direction under ot the the permitted nunuber were unable to get inside of ' Hunters, without permits, the following item. the building, all of which bore silent club. "P. Vennell School of the J. Board found or waters upon the grounds' testimony of the sympathy that was above mentioned will has Just made aft investigation and be liable to pro felt tor the parents and family of found that ail of the tax money oil th young man in their latest bere- secution for criminal trespass. transient stock, collected " in Juab' avement.. Attorney R. W. McMullin, was over county, rightfully belongs to the Tiu-ti- c i. ''Bishop C. H. Grace, was in charge, from Scnool District. For the past, Payson Sunday and Monday ata.nd the first 'number was the song lew yeais this tax money has been to some business matters tending "Oh Grave Where' Is Thy Victory" divided between' the two school dlst- , here. - ... b'yf Mrs. Mabel Lunt, accompanied by irieu of the county but lit.. Fennell; Mrs. Diane G. Booth. Prayer was ofthat there is absolutely no reaskays fered by Bishop Thomas Bailey. on why any part ot the ta should, ' a, The speakers were Richard SCARLET FEVER IS be given to the Juao School District,-whicJas. W. Paxman, President T. takes in the towns of Nephi, Hi Rees, and Bishop Grace, all of Mona and Levan, for the reason that; whom told of the good prospects ot AT CHECKED MONA the transient herds are grazed only the young man, and his thoughtful on land which is embraced in the' consideration for his parents. ConsolTin tic School District. Some years-agoing words were spoken to the parents Mr. Fennell was a member j when Two New Cases Week and family, each speaker remarking Only During of the board of county commissioners en-- the great fortitude that had been Malady Is In Very Light Form Ihe Tintic School District received; sliown by the family during the trials Other Live News Items all of ttus tax money, but for the past been had called to bear upon they few years the state laws have been this summer. in such a manner that' Lois' Miss Lunt, and Miss Melba The Scarlet Fever outbreak seems iuterpreted Anderson rendered a duet, "Oh Dry to be somewhat checked In Us the schqols in the other part of the Those Tears" accompanied by Mrs. spreading over the town, but two new county received half of the money. Diane G. Booth. Miss Merci Golds-broug- h cases in families other than those However, Mr. Fennell is determined that gave a selection on the violin having the disease when school clos- at the full amount shall be placed the disposal ot the Tintic School "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." Miss ed developing since that time. All Elma Jones renderd a piano solo, "Oh cases seem to be exceptionally light. District, to which organization it; My Father" and K. J. Bird, sang the This very lightness probably accounts rightfully belongs." In connection with the above this' closing number, "I Have Heard of A for the disease making such headway Beautiful City" accompanied by Miss before being apprehended. In many paper would like to ask Mr. Fennell, The benediction cases the children do not appear to be if he has any objection to the Forest Viola Worthington. to the was offered by Henry Garrett. The the least bit sick, and the presence of Reserve fund being distributed ; floral offerings were beautiful, show- the malady is known only by th school district .of Tintic? Although this money is contributed solely by ing the respect which breaking out. the cattlemen of Nephi, Mona and' was held by all who knew him. Inter-s!- U and the Forest- - Reserves are theVine Bluff in place itocV V'The Infant son of Mr.andMra Levan, enyreiy-wjhln-.tha number of friends "large foundry of Juab . Cemetery, Edward PlaYt Vied Sunday afternoon. and relativs following the remains fhaving lived just a week after Its School District, yet the funds trour-- 1 this souree'amounting to about $1,0-0- 0 to its last resting place. birth the previous Sunday. It was per year have been distributed tor buried Tuesday Sept. 27th. years to the school districts of Tintic to school populNOTICE OF REPUBLICAN Charles Orgill was visiting his bro- and Juab, according ation, and TinUc District, having the ther at Mills last week. most children have pulled down the Mr. and Mrs. James Christisoh and big end of this appropriation, yet no Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Blackham ot one from this side of the county has .Notice Is hereby given that there Moroni were visiting with Mrs. Laurel ever made any kick. Now as to the question of the right will be and there is hereby called, a Carter last Sunday. of the Tintic School District to the Republican Primary of the Republicans of Nephi City to be held at the Mrs. F. A. Keyte, has returned frill amount ot this tax, it appears to us that a legal question is involved County Court House, at 7.3$ O'clock home after a brief visit to Provo p. m. thereof at Nephi, Utah, on MonL. M. Monson is visiting his family that would need a court ruling to decide. Our opinion is, that the proper day the 3rd day of October 1921, for In Pleasant Grove this week. course has been followed In distributhepurpose of electing 15 delegates to attend the Republican City ConvenLela Newell, Rulon Newell, Zelma ting this transient stock fund prorata tion to be held at the County Court Young, Effie Young and Rheta Kay, according to the school population of House at Nephi City, Juab County, are attending the B. Y. U. at Provo. each district in the county. State of Utah, on the 7th day ot Oct. 1921 for the purpose of nominating Lola and Verda Keyte will attend a complete Republican Ticket to be the Provo High School again this win voted for at the Municipal Election ter. to be held at Nephi, Utah, on the 8th day of November, 1921. Miss Christie Clark and Miss Josla (Signed) T. C. Winn, Chairman Smith are with friends in Ut Ralph Brough, Secretary. ah county visiting towns. Miss Lillian Lunt, left Sunday for 29 Dated this th day of Sept. 1921. Provo, where she will attend the B. Mrs. Margaret Webb has gone to Y. U. this season. Santaquin for an indefinite stay. outlined fob fifteen plans Weeks' course. badges to be awarded fob work peb i formed and completion "" v j '' of periods. the 6th ; The boys and girls o grade throughout the district and tneir teachers are taking' considerable interest in the modern health crua-ad- e work which is now being carried out. 'ihe plan involves doing eleven k specihe health chores three when the first period is perious. completed each child who does the work becomes a Squire and is awarded a certificate. At the end of the second period, it the health chores have been done, to the satisfaction ot the teacher the child is given the title of "Knight" and receives a knight badge. The child who completes the three periods becomes a Knight Banneret and is presented, with a beauti. ful button. It- is recognized by those directing the work that if a child does. these important health chores for a period of fifteen weeks, he is likely to do so throughout life. The following is a list ot the health chores pupils the expected to do. 1 I washed my hands before each meal today, 2 I washed my face, ears and neck, and I cleaned my fingernails. ' kept fingers, pencils, and likely to be unclean or Injurious out of my mouth and nose. i I brushed my teeth thoroughly after breakfast and after the evening ' VOL. 6, CLUB IN HEALTH, GRUSADE FOR ELMER GOWERS At the Salt Wednesday, Miss Delta Willis ot this city and RETURNED MISSIONARIES ATTTENTION OFFICERS ARRIVE Mr. Herbert Yates of Mona, were Both are well joined in marriage. known among the young people here, Elders of the Latter Day Saints and a large number of their friends Church In Nephi, are advised by the Born to County Clerk and Mrs Earl wish them the best of luck and happ- Eastern States Mission Society of reHoyt, Tuesday, a fine baby boy. iness In their future married life. Salt Lake, that the semi-annuunion will be held in Salt Lake City Born to County Assessor and Mrs. At the Manti Temple Wednesday, Saturday evening, October 8th, at 8 Wm. Jackman, Monday, a fine baby Miss Ida Wilkey and Mr. Edward p. m. sharp, in Hawthron Ward Hall, boy. Ockey. were united in the bonds ot corner of 8 th East street and Roosematrimony. The bride Is the daugh- velt Ave. Take care number 7 at the Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Candland, are ter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkey while corner of Main and 1st South Streets. the happy parents of a fine baby girl. the bridegroom Is the son ot Mrs. A full attendance is desired. ExecuHeber Ockey. Both are well and fav- tive Committee. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Candland, are orably known here, and have a large rejoicing over the arrival of a brand circle of friends among the youn peonew baby boy at their home This paper joins ple of the city. with them in extending congratulatiFrank Hawkins, is visiting In Salt ons. Lake City this week. Miss Norma Bigler, delightfully enPrincipal George A. Sperry, County Mrs. Nellie Howson Cox, of Manti tertained Friday evening at her home Farm Harry Agent A. E. Smith, Is visiting relatives and friends In Ne- In honor of her sister Miss Lela BigClub Leader, and Supt Ray Beagley phi this week. ler, a bride of the week. About thirty Stewart have selected Edgar Roberts five guests were present, and many be of Mona and Orme Greenbalgh ot NeMrs. Francis Groneman of Provo, autiful presents were received by the to Juab School Disthe phi represent Is visiting with relatives here this bride to be. Delicious refreshments trict at the Farm Boys' Encampment week. were served. to be held at the Fair Grounds in connection with the Utah State Fair, Oct. Mrs. Lor In Jarrett, went to Salt Miss I ret a Carter and Miss Mabel 3rd to 8th. Board and lodging will Lake Wednesday tor a visit with re- Madsen, entertained at a bundle be provided tree by the State fair and latives. shower Monday evening at the home the local school district will pay for of the former, in honor of Miss Delta the transportation. Judging contest Mrs. J. W. Carver, visited In Santa-qui- n Willis, a bride ot the week. Many use- ot animals and crops will be part ot the early part of the week, re- ful presents were received by the the program. A series of actual demturning home Tuesday. guest of honor, and dainty refresh- onstrations by farm boys of things ments were served to about thirty learned through project work wlllbe Three ot the local teachers were guests. a feature each day. Mr. Greenbalgh's called Into service, at the various project Is poultry and Mr. Roberts Is Relief Society gatherings Tuesday Joseph F. Wright, a former resi- doing work In the beet project. afternoon to present the subject of dent of this city underwent a critical "The Public School System" which operation at the hospKal in Salt Lake The registration at high school at Is outlined In the Relief Society mag- City, Saturday. At this writing It Is the close of the third week is 195. We azine. Principal Alonzo Ingram reported that he is improving. surely will pass the 200 mark next spoke In the North ward, C. W. Johnweek. son the Nephi ward and Supt. Ray Paul Cowan, and Bruce McKnlght, Stewart the South ward. loft a few days ago for Salt Lake Clark Morgan, president of the City where they will attend the UnivThe officers of the South ward M. ersity of Utah. Mr. Cowan will take Freshman class Is a real live president of a real live class. He has the I. A. entertained over two hundred course In electrical engineering. supervision as president, over 78 stumembers and guests at the Eraro The program Wednesday evening. Mrs. Leroy Brough, delightfully en- dents. consisted of dancing, kangaroo court, tertained Saturday In honor of the The "Get Acquainted Party" given "live wire hand shaking" and read- 11th birthday of her daughter Irma. ing by Miss Leone Ingram, and a The afternoon was spent In games, by the Student Body asoclatlon Frivocal solo y Miss Marcla Starr, and at o'clock dainty refreshments day of last week, was a decided sucby Mrs. Diane O. Dooth. were jierved. Those present were, cess. At 11.30 Ice cream and cake was ser- Mildred Sperry, Wanda Petty, Martha ved to those present. The hall was Cowan, Edith Soils, Evelyn Brough, Orland Tajlor and Anthony Wintdecorated with autumn leaves. Bird's Blanch Pitt, Lavere Petty, Ruth ers, both of Levan, registered Monday Orchestra furnishing the music for Sperry, Lavon Harrts, and the guest of this week. Eleven students are the dancing. now coming in from Levan. of honor Irma Brough. W SOTH, ORGANIZE GUN re-ng-lar BUST-NE- SEPTEMBER IMPRESSIVE SERVICE At the Mastl Temple yesterday.' the marriage of "Miss Lela Bigler. ot this city, to Mr. Chas. E. Thorne of Salt Lake was solemnized. The bride is the daughter ot Mr. and .Mrs. Mark school buildings. reBigler of this city and is a The Board authorized two repres- spected young lady of this highly community entatives to be sent from the District The bridegroom Is employed in the schools to the State Fair, in Connect- wholesale of the Z. C. M. times. ion with the exhibit of the Boys' Club I. store in department 10 I tried hard to keep neat; to Salt Lake. A large circle projects. nf friends ot the young couple are ex- be cheerful, straightforward and After transacting some other minor tending hearty congratulations on the clean - minded; and to be helpful to business the meeting adjourned. event.' They will make their home in others. 11 I took a full bath on each day Salt Lake. of the week that is checked (x) STORK - . BE SHIPPED FROM HERE - Transportation Problem Is Discussed By Members1 Census Eunumerators .: S West , ; . , Sud-week- h , . , ". 7 LOCAL AND PERSONAL High School Notes of the Week Mrs. Ellabeth Yates and son Alfred have gone to Salt Lake where he The Ag. I, boys, under the super- will receive medical treatement tot vision of Mr. Beagley, are doing some his health. project work this week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and Jas Fifteen of the twenty one High Piatt of Bingham were visiting with School class of last year have left Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Piatt Saturday and Nephi to take up university work. Sunday. Five are attending the B. Y. U., one Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCIellan have reat the Agricultural College and Nine at the University of Utah. We doubt turned home to Salt Lake after a if any school In the state has made a brief visit with Mrs. McClellan's parents. belter record. The old N. H. S. not only prepares Mrs. Lavern Carter Is visiting her students for higher work but gives them an incentive to go. parents at Oakley, Utah. Wednesday of next week student body officers for the present year will NOTICE OF M. I. A. be nominated and elected. Already a number of candidates are In the field OFFICERS MEETING for each office. The juniors are groom Ing Kenneth Kendall for the presidency. It Is Intimated by the Seniors that they are entitled to that office, There will be a meeting of all of and that they expect to spring a sur- the officers, teachers, scout masters of the Y. M. M. I. A. prise at the meeting held for nomin- and ations and Y. L. M. At. I. A. of the Juab Stake of Zion, at the Tabernacle, Miss Scorup and Miss Blackett with Nephi, Sunday evening, October 2nd, their seventy five girls, are busy eve- at 7.30 p. m. sharp. The season's work will commence ry day canning fruit and making dres HPS. October 16th, and the Stake Board desires to know If each ward organPreparations are being made to call izations Is fully equipped for work. the parents and teachers together to Secretaries are requested to bring discuss vital home and school prob- their roll and minute books to the lems. One of the most Important be- meeting. T. II. Burton. N. J. Rees, J. W. Bond, ing that ot home study. " Earl g. Hoyt, Sec'y, Stake Board. The program of weekly assemblies has been msde up and posted. The Plenty of silver prunes for sale at first will be held October Bth. Whitmore's ranch. Phone 190. rs County Agent Smith, went over to antaquln yesterday to attend to bo me business matters. The Forrest Hotel, are painting their new porch In front of their hotel this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clement of Duchesne, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Brady and Miss Bertha Brady of Fairview, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stewart. A. R. Paxtnan, Is here from Kanab this week. Mr. Paxman came up to look after the harvesting of his apple crop. Miss Ina Hawkins, ot Salt Lake, spent yesterday with her siBter Mrs. Ralph Brough In this city, leaving this morning for Los Angeles, where she wllTenjoy a week's vacation. Lowry Nelson, Head of the Extension Division of the Brighara Young University was In Nephi Sunday and conferred with Principal Alonzo Ingram, relative to an extension course Sevlor the Nephi grade teachers. eral teachers have expressed a desire for such a course. Wm. Morgan, returned home Wednesday from Sat Lake where be had been for a few days on aerogun t of the Illness of bis brother, Joseph Moigan. who is In the hospital In that Mr. Morgan reports that his ell y. brother Is very seriously Hi and does not show much s'gn of Improvement st present. Mrs. Joseph Morgan, Is In Salt I.ke with her huslmnd. |