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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPIII, UTAH. S. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST -- MUNSINGWEAR The most perfect fitting, shape retaining and wear resisting union suits ever offered for sale in this market, and they cost no more than the ordinary kind Come and see our big new stock. We have them in all styles and sizes for every member of the family. JUST RECEIVED Our new fall line of Curtain nets and Draperies. See them good selections, at exceedingly low prices. GROCERY PRICES UTAH FAIR TO FEATURE ' FORESTRY AND MINES ik Possessing unusual educational value We are agents for the and interest, the exhibits of the work Grace Machine Co. Washing Garage of the United States Forestry service and the Bureau of Mines will vie with A large stock of BEET KNIVES on each other for patronage at the forthhand, Diamond Edge, at reasonable coming Utah state fair. Practically prices. Cooper, Pyper & Co. the entire upper floor of the big manufacturers' building will be nse for Don't forget Duck Shooting Satur the purpose of exhibition of the proday, October 1st. Buy your amun ducts and achievement ef these two ition at Kendall Bros. Important fedeial divisions of the Department of the Interior. Mr. and Mrs. J. E .Robertson, were In preparing the mines exhibits the up from Mills Wednesday attending government will be associated with to business matters here. the University of Utah, on whose campus one of the most important mine Mrs. Rose Boyer of Springville is bureaus In the entire country Is locavisiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. A ted. There have been Interesting Bailey Sr, this week. showings of this character In other years but none to equal In scope and Mrs. John W, Wells, left for Salt variety of Interest the display schedLake Wednesday, where she will visit uled for the 1921 exposition. with her sister for a short time. The Fair begins this year on October and continues throughout the week. $ Dr. J. A. Booth, made a flying trip to Salt Lake Tuesday, where he atten Mrs. A. W. Haws of Logan, is the ded at dental clinic being held in the above city. guest this week of her daughter Mrs. Art Kendall this we.k. Mrs. E. J. Hall, Mrs. Mary Carter, and Mr. Joseph Crawley, were down J. S. Ostler, came down from Salt from Provo Wednesday, on account Lake Wednesday, to look atfer his of the serious lllnes of their sister farming interests here. Mrs. Bessie Carter. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. C.Pexton, and Lost between my home and farm, Miss Mary Pyper motored to Manti a sack of bolts and pair of pliers for yesterday where they visited the Tem BarFinder kindly notify hayloader. pie in that city. ton Brough. Call and examine the CARD OF THANKS Washing Machine with Vi H, P. Motor. Strang steel frame, the best in Its We take this means of extending line for the least money. Grace Garour heartfelt thanks to all those who age Co. in any way assisted in the sickness and funeral services of our son ElMrs. Mark Biger, and Mr. and Mrs. mer. For the many expressions of A. Bailey Jr, went over to Langley sympathy, in kind words, deeds and Manti yesterday, where they attended flowers, for which we feel indeed the marriage ceremony of Miss Lela grateful , and though bowed down in Bigler. we been have surrounded sorrow, with friends. J. W. Johnson, of Provo, has purMr and Mrs. A. J. Gowers and family chased the home of Mrs. Katie Cand-lan- d, this week, and will move his family here in the near future. Mrs. KEW COMFORT STAION Candland and family will probably tiUILT ON FAIR GROUNDS move to Salt Lake some time this fall One-Minu- te Our Complete New Line of Ladies Misses and Childrens Coats now in and open for your inspection, a beauti ful assortment of. the latest styles and most wanted colors direct from the manufacturers. One-Minu- te 7c 25 Castile Soap 7 bars for Regular 25c 6 for bars Laundry Soap Be Glycerine Soap 50c Kirk's Olive Soap 7 for . . . 25c 20c Libby's Pork and Beans 2 for 7c 10c Crackers 20c package Crackers 2 for .25c. 15 PER CENT OFF All plain and fancy dishes 45c Maple Syrup 33c. 85c Maple Syrup 65c $1.60 size $1.15 .... . GET AlXi OUR PRICES AND SAVE 10 TO 25 PER CENT S. FOOTE ONE PRICE FOR ALL PRE-CONFEREN- SONS & NEVER UNDERSOLD SALE CE FORMAL FALL OPENING Is still running full blast. Hun- dreds of beaut'full Suits, Dresses, Coats, Skirts, Novelty Blouses and Shoes at going Read SALE our All Regular $20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 75.00 prices The Primary Associations of the three ward held an interesting affair on the playgrounds Monday evening. Imitations of Pioneer and Indian life were held around a large bonfire and toasted "Weenies with rolls were enevery joyed by the primary children. A new comfort station has been erected on the Utah state fair grounds and will be ready for use by the opening of the fair, October 3. It is a brick structure, modern in design, com- modious and furnished with equipment that will make for convenience and comfort. Affording a well appointed rest room. the women's side of the building will be found an especially welcome addition. A modern hospital room is one of the features of the station that will prove very attractive. Here efficient attendants will take care of Injuries and administer first aid. The building Is located in an ac cessible place en the grounds and Is of an architectural dlelgn that makes It compare with the general plan of the fair premises. The newest styles in Ladies Suits coming in every day. Call and See them at the Nephi Mer. Co. WHERE GOOD MERCHANDISE We will be pleased to let you examine and test our machine. If It does not wash your clothes quicker and New Kind of Driver, cleaner than any on the market, it a ' Storv "She glanced caufrom wont cost you a cent. Grace Garage out of the window at her tiously Co. who stood beside her car." Transcript. Wm. Bailey, Chairman of the State Board of Equalization, and daughter F,rst President to Wear a Beard. Evelyn Bailey, returned home yesterLincoln was the Brat president to an extended after day trip through the Eastern States as far as New York wear a beard and Grant was the first City. Mr. Bailey attended several Im one to wear a mustache. portant tax conventions while away. IS CHEAPER Wood Averts Evil. There are numerous curious or superstitious beliefs regarding fragrant woods, says the American Forestry Magazine. The Burmese have a superstition that beams of balances sliould be mailt; of the Thltnian or (Podearpus oeni prince of wood folia) while a pet; of it driven into a house post or bouts will avert evlL PRICES!!! carefully. Sale Prices $14.95 WALK-OVE- R oni 17.95 19.95 RvrFNTRAI i: 24.95 29.50 34.50 39.50 49.50 WKATDOYOUMEAfV-- H MDTOD CCi TOOK ITS RATTLE cars a well awav and it BEHAVED BABY CRIED your, NEVR r ONCEJ NEW Fall shipment of Mens and Boys Suits, Underwear, Shoes, Hos- iery and furnishings. Ladies Underwear, Hosiery, Undershirts, Corsets and furnishings are arriving daily. Prices right. Let's take the' rattle out of your car and put the joy The into your automoble. chances are hat the tightening up of a few nuts will acBring complish this result. your car here and let us examine it. Just arrived a beautiful new assortment of all wool Dress Plaids and Shirtings priced at 79 cents to $3.98 PEOPLE NOTICE YOUR SHOES When you first wear new shoes you notice them often. Later you forget about them. But people continue to notice how they look. It doesn't make any dif- ference how long you wear hold their shape. They feel comfortable. The They give long wear. inner sole, the outer sole, the tops all are made of superior grades pf leather. Walk-Overs-th- ey Lot your next pair be See Our Windows and Bargain Tables. New Specials Every Day. WALK-OVER- S uc GOLDEN RULE STORE Km L. Frank, Manager t m em ,.4 BMitaM The Toggery |