Show NOTES RICHARD HENRY THORNE RI richard chiard henry thorne died at aville utah nov 1898 born at Big pigeon county iowa may not 1862 1852 he was the son of Ric richard ivard and harriet A thorne the deceased came to utah ubah with his hie par erate brits in the year 1853 while fa a lad he had tine misfortune to lose his hie right arm by accident he succeeded in get ting an education tion and taught schools for it 9 number of years he was married to martha hall by whom he had twelve I th children Ildren seven sons and five daug ten surville ve him mr thorne served as aa cuy c aty recorder city councilor and jussim of the peace of was appointed tor one term under Pre president cleve und and held the office of city juad autice ju tice ce ot t the time tin le of his in every position he hes has enjoyed the full confidence of the people his funeral was largely tar 9 attended and every respect was shown him he was a kind husband and father bather and sn ian industrious and honest man beloved by his neighbors EMMA BARROWS BROWN emma barrows brown relic of G W brown was born to in nauvoo hancock county ill oct 1 1843 she left nauvoo with hier her sp parents arents for the west may 23 1846 and sept 14 1850 arrived with her parents to in the great salt beit BE it lake valley settled in salt lake city in im the twelfth bishops ward her education was limited the sl settlement was waa new and the chances were few she was baptized when eight years of age and re baptized lin in the twel twelfth f th ward font during the Refon reformation nation march 4 1867 1857 she was waa married miar ried to G W brown B rown in im lake dake city aug 18 1857 by president brigham young and died in charleston wasatch county dec 8 1897 abe was wae always a peaceful dutiful child lived up to all the requirements of the church of which she was a member paid attended divine service and was a zealous member of the church she ww was strictly honest and conscientious in all her deportment 1 in life she was frugal and used strict economy in all aill the ithie affairs of her household was a good neighbor and was truly a good mother la in israel she never biever had bad but one child who is now living in charleston she was a member and supporter of the ladies relief society in the charleston ward and was elected president A short time after when there was waa a vacancy in the stake presidency of the relief society she was chosen to fill that office which office she has held for over twenty years to her death she falth faithfully fully devoted her time and attention to the ibbe duties of her calling visiting all the ithe wards ward a to Is the stake counseling and instructing ting the in duties she was zealous to do her duty dirty 0 to o the neglest of her own household aff affairs tirs showing herself to be approved of god and her brethren she was waa 64 54 years I 1 7 ontas TOom tha and 7 days old at death she faithfully held to her faith to ito the end and her reward is sure and it can be of her that the world was be beuter titer for her labors of love at the funteral funeral the president and many of the leaders of tile stake were present pre senit they ablhad all had a good word in her favor testifying of the sacrifices she had made for the cause and her faithfulness to work correspondent MARTHA ANN BINGHAM sister martha ann bingham died at the residence of one of berdau her daughters aters mrs johanna bybee at Ri verdale le weber county utah at p m on friday november 18 1898 aged 65 years and 9 months some three or four months ago a small lump formed on the side of her neck I 1 developed into a cancer and it was this which caused her death sister bingham has been a prominent character for a number of years she was born february 20 1888 at franklin simpson county kentucky Keni while W hile she bhe lasquite was quite young her parents removed to missouri and settled at hauns mill on the of october 1838 38 the mob came upon them and massacred nearly all the settlers sister bingham then a girl of 5 years and 8 months took refuge in the corn fields and was saved her father benjamin lewis was killed the family made their way to nauvoo and from there were driven with the rest of the saints she was married to sanford bingham in july 1847 at council bluffs and started across the plains in the first company after the pioneers pioneer and arrived in salt lake city on the day of september 1847 lived in salt lake city two years and then removed to ogden weber county lived there here t till 1862 when the family removed to river dale weber county when the relief society was organized in that ward de cember 5 1872 she was elected president which position she held to the time of of her delt death she was the mother of twelve children seven sons and five daughters all of whom survive her except one daughter she leaves a fond husband eleven children seventy six grandchildren and twenty two great grandchildren to mourn her departure she was for a number of years a midwife in the neighborhood and was always on hand to attend and administer to the sick and afflicted the funeral services were held at a the family residence where all her children and most all of their families met to pay their last respects to her they loved so well the s speakers eakers were charles P F middleton of tae the stake presidency joseph hall lorin farr and john C child all of whom bore testimony to the noble character of the deceased A very large corte cortege e formed and followed the remains to me the ogden city cemetery where all that was mortal of sister martha was laid to rest until the morning of the first resurrection peace to her ashes RICHARD DYE |