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Show it i lET.A.TVTIEIS rtHAStlonS. ThU tn vartlw eeee.Pml4tO WU. TT TVj,1fl iN m a month since, .nntinnoii : i 5 when an extraordinary change hcearred. 4.- Tha trlrL althoughA Jan , 1ST. till not gaining flesh, app-mtn raliv. Hh hnnmB light- if.;' and gay, and hex friends hearted BT WILLSEE COUNTRY, THIS CEOCRAPHV OF WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED WITH THC The Mexican Xlcthod cf Ilakloc anticipated an early release for her rwv s isv swLAARI 1 Hard lime Floors. from- - the room to which aba Bad ex ao confined . - ...... lonr. Their hen Fiona ppti read by General T. peotationa were not in Tain, for ahe If Mm Stemaem ia ' ' buM HSaUUi. iaooaaa. 1 of. O. Elite, U. K., at a meeting of the ia now about the house apparently ; American fcccieiy, or uitii jsn- - as well bodily as ever. But ft most remarkable development has taken whll. glneert: . r j HALT ItAKK BTAKJE. , as Zicn. ntace. 16 he Is constantly giving off orran, acting of Stakes Orcanizcd writer had since the sears Some expels rently and ANGUS M. discharges, and seems to from q ailmontaw ' occasion to v I it Northern .Mexico, Iw.trical nerfect battery .A person,unless he&iihtul acUrlty W tho Blugton.uyer.r to examiner and work some silver of the very strongest v SOLD BY AU T)Eu UQISTS' ; ; Jwjapa K.Tatixmi! J Counselor through possessed mine; and, while passing nan not shake hands with Mexican Villager, noticed the Mir.H. one hand his can any Bait lAke County; ? place exceedlnelV Hard ana poiisnea her. nor j I FOR, SALE; In a pan oi wa:er wiut uw. xy v! V " ' BISHOPS. AKE. AKJE ST t I BEAR "in the village .of Salinas, where Joining handsishe can . . t n SEWING ;MAaHNE. Wkfi BUTXIL...l..-.-'P1ssl- 4n Joseph Wartmrton, 1st ward, Bslt UkeO uvu onr n&rtv,. rvmalned , some tnree I snocK wiuuu sua waru. ihiiudi weekH. the noraes phased dally people in a room, and she possesses BW American Pewinr- Machine, four tawuu .? eiwr, era wink If e of a attraction ail magnet. the aucty-iivnouars; ' house Cost into Inner monuia ok). N Sell for thirty. . the' throueh the H. HAaT, Jcooaeelors ,7 jAinssOaUfOaTXH knife the will , tiBO. ' court yard over one of thoee floors she attempts to pick up aher h1?.?pim,?,'olVardfc child's Bug-rynice a Also into will hand, ward. " jump of needles will WASAICII BUItOIRO, lOT ETOBT. without Javing an inaeniauon or blade a WUilhmThoroe.ith , Idaho. County, Bear, Iake Wd., paper Klijava V Shoots, Bih ward?! f Injuiirjgit in any way, Bometlme and5 from one of her Samuel A Wooiiey, tb Ward.' f ' after having occasion to construct bang suspended f" . Adaat8pasrs.10Lh.ward.w i 1 r. . some buildings at .La Yguana fingers. , Bo strongly developed A Lewis, Oeorf Town Henry Alandefslcbae, JJth wardtw,, Mines, an attempt was made to- In this electrical power that Moore, Bnulnrton JosephB W ClSIl MFORTEH DQLL&RS not release can touch from her roof?. Attiifloors BobJaoa. and Chas these aiontptier Imitate '' H H Oalrympie, . xreatoa Xhomas Taylor, 14th ward; bntinsr the peculiar naraneaa ana article of steel whioh she may nav . . . P Jensen, 0kt Joseph Pollard, loth . The aavdn-llnmethod to adrertlseraent flooia a wiU We inherent taken of Insert the yet only up. smoothBeas KrwOerlck Austin. V liiDwrxy ' 10th KaU J Horn. 1st ward. Pari Kesler. hat ot tod wuekly news- Henry week li lime used, no found Is for a second party to take oae John Henry Bmith. 17thvard, ' good qualltlee of tne as In of list a ward, different line r or fou Xd papers, while and Robert of Prlo. UraouP. Whitney, 19th ward, the article pull to tua iuA hold xrz natter.- or ten tinea two weeks in a lUquLnfcB were uiaue Wm llulm, Bioonitnrton Klchard V Morris, Mth wrdfc . and dis- Joha . RflCK ISLAND & PACIFICiR.R. method of woiklng. A good the trlrl strokes her own arm vigor choke of either t f four separate 8t Charles (can A Hunt, John Sharp. an.h war. 100 70 On to from cout&lulux list I wrist tinct papers the. from r upward. Haven selected ously THE E1ST A5D.TIIE WIST Andrew BurtkUst ward, ; Pop, hSoda quality of limestone t'Was or four lines oae week in all four of Kobtrt ts THE CEtlT COOTCTL USK BETWEEN a room a perceptible each, 8prinr A (1 Drirrti Bunr liouts and calcined Lin tbe r Jlnary way. her entering lino on week in all J r Lau.oetina, one or the small nr PaliTO ra 'Havana" at all boura of the nay. bet, t mtw Mac ran front Lewis U alouatey, Farmers' war v after urnine It was eiacaed influence aelzes bold of all others, six Uata combined, beta mure than 1000 John aaintx acwv, iiern Hhurtl yon can enjoy your Brtdro u&rouw anl and MUwtoelppI the lieu ben MUter, itill Creek" Iron apan ..n umau. mmiiu Macnl¢ Kxsic Ilanl. Kmenport, We also hare lists ot papers by : and while some are aHected to papers. l .... l i ueiwru by?hU line, and IdArttDiin. llrtw k y n v yliM la I . & Ct dry. poauer, anu Rich County, Utah. John Neff, iiast Mill Creek pointa.crood State throughout the United Statue and are at council are was laid avoided ill others and floor rai.ltol Pas transfers A rutin, fidgety D B Brlnton, Ula Cottonwood lo and used sleepiness, Cauada- - 8ud for our-lortquirtd. ae pamphlet. and MXcMmja, coooecUooe twin Buulu in MeadowrUle Bureaa Junction to rtvn; confromMne. Kimball, rer even J B RawUne, BuuUi Cot ttm wood ana Joseph a or 10 A nhmatM turee aueut till a Address Oao. P. Bowhjl foundation Spruo with leave, do., they LAke Wilton JaaciKia to locun. Vahinton. Tren-n.Town . Ira Nebeker, Ismael Phil D. TJnlon U?KapfUNCIPAL R. R. COKraCTTOWS PF TIU3 Knnceun, T Eldoo. belknap, Cntre-1i- l, inches of broken stono, over which siderable time afterward. A sleep 8U.M. Sokimoa J Dot bain. ()pna Kandolph H Stewart, Raadolph t U.VEAKK AS KOI JXW8 Alchlson. CllEAfUliUAtOU Gallatin. Camaron. leTnw,irth andKnoxillei start a M W Woodruff wake with two babe will Ui U East Hoe about inches I for Lee, was up WUiow A houth il wait btewart, i"C spTead ing diverging Creek (bran t evenly WmhinirtoQ tonutoorrvay, laloraan'l aiki, Knikut ft i'armtnatoo, Booaparta. Benlooapurt, waUanjA Bills, Soutk ijbrdan of mortar, foimed, of twa parts of at her approach, but with a stroke ft Mlcfclim it t"'ii.irTrtrvT, with the Ike Shore James Herriman Crane, -. H. Hrta. Motawa, can once ! Chlcaao at of lime. of her hand she coax, arnl Ua Molneo: liea Southern and FHtslmr."TVell. elf an Bharp sand and' tne " uaraner, West Jordan lltlOHTH. with I'lUaburx, tin- avrcnipaia wlntenwt; Atlantia tolr Audubon At WASUtNOTvJf ,dlanol."nl The lime waa"fat." swenea greauy it to si nmter again. Animals are teaxiel Loot R. R. Bennion, North CtnontlAHL Joruan n4 Aoc to aarlaii.K7hi la poaitiel-tonSTAKE. R. BEAVER AtI.ASAtx,lthIlllnol-Cctitralwhlcfc wnJTjconUvU and operate a VrederlokUeboenneld.Brlrhtnn1 In hlauking. and was uot at all by- - also subject to her influence, and a g. a. a W.i, at jtu.lr.l line i At ptoiiu. wii between CMcho i.ir. Jain.. Laird, rYwuieiu, Mounuiin Dn r. RaTlroada.u.i VT. lruK lie et will household the UL Kldlandjand Oraoljot T,?. dog pet .President B. JOHN MTTRDOCK, . a doable and with Western Lulon It It At Kx k whictt uTbltVot to noDejuxl The. floor, made as above, was a for hours at her feet aa motion leas In the Probate Court in and. for . orth- Book Island JVoria rlnlroad. Jm iMiTenport wit and Fifty Centar failure. , At tbe end of four as in death. A curious part of the Salt - Lake ! i JOBW AsnwoaTHr IfVaiaselor total At orTwhleiTfnjTwo Dollar, havkpokt. all otlir line. rvre ftolUn, whilo '," County Territory of M.JU BnaPMBiiu. f . SANPETE BTARE7 S .1 weeks the leg of a chair wculd in phenomena ia that. fact that the WaIUv:st" tirtTtrr. wim the BnrUngtoo, Cedar . . Tl,14 bYweeoJrthe name point. Three ln.llart lor . H. It A surface Utah. Nertbern as be , can soon the As It. by dent imparted Hpl't electricity J3eaver uounty.. of CANDTB PETERSEN, moat will be the with Central R. R. Of low. R. j . AttRI"-xPreslds Whal wUlaVe yoe was damaged it began to crumble, her to any article with which she ARAMIITTnl C.Pettit. the Ixweti- . while palnioer plan 1). M. A Ft lile It At UEJ Moii r- -, with irlth - rViI7iimof tuinoie and Iowa, K. In oneoi our nw K. Pnolflo Union Bi.UfKa. would centact. The comes soon broke CoPNClt At It la and pro BISHOPS. habitually tip. riainuir. accoropnn Mo. It. It K. ln Neb.) Hbhrv Bkaij, Aent with 15 and Beturant Car t hat At OMAn Io Dlrorce. BurUDstOB, Cedar il"uih Kipreia bably have been about as tiaru aa other day a younger sister, while Lokxkeo aralnst Train. Voeti an entire neaU AtCuLi'Miir Jcnction.. wlUt Jon B. Maibxst, J Counselor 1 D whit, 1st ward, Beaver Charles It. It a Northern house-worrrrxiT. Kapkd a allowed if mortar lime our took the up ordinary 2nd doing X John lowat R. Bt w ;vv " of R. Central ' Smith, with lefcndanti At OrrnrwA, to set a aufflclent length or time be pair of. corset Dejonging to CaroSanpete County Q. K. ltd. Robert Raston, &renrille Kan. City ft Northern aod C It im Warsaw; , Peoria Adams ville with her At hand the ot The used. and the Territory ot UlaSi to Joss U Josephs, on' fore KEOKrx, touching People .Ifdo fr purpo BISHOPS. line, being K.-R. dmnt MchJiia-aKeokuk piteparate apartem, 4 atlneririll Jamss Loala, ami Wabash, bt K . paMentre buaineM of this line Lorenzo Pettit, defendant, Qreetlnr; compelled to drop L S1 Anderson, Ephralra (North) Knowing that the Mexicans ueea steel she was Larrantln. IV) ' AtBKrkHi.v,w1thKaruClty.StJ.C.B.It AVf - loud ex7 OCT are hereby summered to appear In At ATCHiSKiN.with AUlon,TtpkaftBantare5 an and a better with with C O N Dorius, Bphralan (MoutbJ materials same them the cry, Be Union Pad Br. .a Con. i Atclilaon Neb. and T Ul.NI.M the lea A an action brouxbt agalixa you by f. Win T Bald, sianU (North) pnrpoaeav aod , &ui waa clamation to the enact that ahe abeve M.pinn At UATU WOKTH. wtUt K. P. and - Cea. R. Hda. uccsss, tneir superior till ' r f.iin LUTDtCk H Jensen, ManU, (Houth) named Arauilntba C. Peltit. p'aln-lifan to run needle into her a ine COXTXCIX. BXUFFS. had called into finger. for in In and the V Court Probate lay the 'BOX. i- requisition N ELDER STAKE. fcrewrt ount te ioixEa PiaasantA Madsen, North) am rJ rsoBUrDn T.rf4 C1U or be tne Wooden spoons have had to Wr B bee ley. Mount rivaaait, (ttoutb County of Salt Lake and Territory of Utah; WH remaining floors and root AT H1IW3 w td. tJBA.VEA TI - te. aire old 1T rtll .- -.. ,w answer tne complaint uied thorrin.1 OL ygB p. SNOW. ; useu tne made for her, as she cannot touch and Tleaeae ..M....Vr1daat F Olsen, ui. .imp. kmvwh same Spring City j urosn ney i 1 be er-building. V of " ten within of u (exclusive days day Ticket ArtaU la the , k . fountain . Johnson, "".."r" case a at about is awm in ur the sand and same sort sum-metaL of lime ! Altogether ti net ebtAiaaDie rioe) after the service on you of this B.A. Stdxi i ...,) Heary Praper, Fraeootsu v. j Cbunsslors if served within this County, end if Wnt O Puyi Pettyyll the same proportions, and upon moat remaikable one, and. attracts mens lSAACMtrn. . . AdL Pr.u IWiUA4."l the Third within but within not Is A Madsen. uunnleon this rtiint f the same kind of foundation. The scores of visiters to tbe house ef Mr. Judicial DistrictCounty Ga'l Sn rlatendeut. thicagojlt the Territory of Utah of Orang Heeley, Casti Valley .Box are and Elder, as Medical men hard floor County Clare. especially within twntv dv: otherwise within forty leault Was a Ainana xuckervFairvtew ' ' W Irons, Moroul Joiiu 'j against smooth as a piece of poiished mar tutereBted themselves, andTha-fres-it has days, or judgment will beto taken BISHOPS. mo prayer im John K ttet'se, waie you Dy oeiauit aoouraiug ble, that a liorse oouiu trot upon been stated that Dr.Tye of K N said Allred, Chester . , .. ward, Brigham Tlnrey, 1st ville. will read a paper on the sub- - '1 tuscomplaint. without injury. O O Olsen, MayUeld action is Drourni to ootaia a ucores Henry Snd Nioboltei AlTltt I of1 of diasolTlna from this Court tte marriafe John J) Burt, 8ed ' " , the' Provin feet at A brief account of the method J Bartholomew, Fayette; , the meeting a THE OLD RELIABLE f 1 ka a eilstiur between this Plaintiff ..... clal Meoicat AOl 1 1? I- I making these flools msy not be on I7. .Association, wuicu C contract ans-- 1 John Welch, 4th to and fail if and and appear yon you, Mile A Three Creek. Perry, fTfTTTL farther notice trains will lea re to be held In Liondon in the course wer, as by law provided, the pialnUff will Ork inurertinif. Geo W Ward, Wrilard City yj anJ arriv at Ofdra dallr as fellowi : to thl Court for tbe relief prayed BEVIER BTAKE, . , v r The limestone used was a hard, of thisr cummer. Mr. Clare Js the apply nantua ..i pet ner sain complaint sua c jtt ot buitjnsn, in ior of none some North seven Thomas In cf father blue children, Harper, material, FBANEXIN BPENCEK.-.....troai- dd compact, latlw Kxprs ., In witness whoreof. I hereunto Aoranam uurjsaaer, stoneynii !:fcOu a.m. hard to strike whom' except Caroline . show any alxed. sufficiently places hand and Deal of said Court, John O fiewcy, UeweyvlU , p.nu ret my t rea-oa A purely vegetable distillation entirely Are on the drills used In running . 8:30 a.ia. abnormal qualities Boudon (Orit.) , ia Salt lAk City, this --'it day of Oliver O Uoskins, Portare " '4 Wm Neelyt Bear iUverClty for mining purpes-C- Adveriiter. May, A.J. 1879. uniiKO an oxner remeaies. it Aaarvm, drift ,,r through ' , . D. HOCKHOLT, ' Arnold Ooodllff, Curlew na .MiuHtiMi ir this remarkable remedy ; ' '' t3evkr County. 9:15 iron ' contains Daily Kxprew often pyrites It Prohate JL of Bomwel the Clerk Court, la U aibail.qroa to bark and subjected Ork herb, erery plant was K Mnd... i ' nr.. This ;iop.m"BISHOPS. , t ; Salt Lake County CT dlmo wheroby Ue eseential medical prlnclnlo in email nroDortions. fretCbt.t. I obtained In yapor, condensed and bottled, n bat p.m. I Paul Poulson, 1st ward. BIchfleM iaano. uneiaa FOR 8ALE. totaUr calcined in kilns cut out of very sod uoanty, Yaluelee. remains In the stUl Inert, Dally on section made at Orden with Jos 8 Borne, id ward, onilt for on In an orraniam so delicate aa the nasal soft lime-stonthat likewise Js AR RXnnAfffflR for rood City PrODertv R.. with the Utah litraT lUllararR. for Om Dunfordt Malad City Jasnos Hellers, Inverwry Tetall nnn are Inaolnble eompound pimun. NortaeraietQe found in that section of country, 1 I a. K A HM nt 100 acre, five miles aoutbPMqU 1q Northern fibre t U Unctores, satorated solution. of .. woody Joshua W yivster, iOslaor l taa, I3A on account of its white- wrst of this city partly fenced- aad culti-- 1 anj aioataa. aa5 with Utai which aud Oldeon A Murdock, Joseph mavd tor Salt Lake City and all Ceovml CURE RADICAL and e farnnnf SAHFORD'S implements. Aiennison tv n arris, ajom-wness and softness, is called "cal rated,wltn,tasa Ii Southern Utah. point AroltUJWX Oklroyd.U ton wood At .areea Rirer with stafaS tot, Sweet a local and cmistltTrtlon-v- l rm&ytri& Is unpled leche." I believe it is never used a H S n iJ COOPIrT BEO- S- fj i i to CACHE BTAKE Arply Peter Uottfrodeou, Verjnlilion ' !' ' "' thas to mitaTins InsufflaUon, water ine ' the umI by r , cues Bank. passaire U6M ; Cnder Mexicans. B.J tbe T, , once correcting. for making lime by ; Sxra Inflammation and Daln and . At Cbeyenn wtta the Colorado Dirt lor? Continuous aU rail liouUj I President John H.ChArU,,baiina ' "" Wlf, JJ, rEX5T0N...... Jebnaont Bedmund eleaaslnr. and partfy lnRthe seoretion. eircnlatlo the lime was 4 After calcination lntcrnny Paolfla for Dearer, Ceadrllle, ot the Union .. JVb Change of Cart l in. of act administered. It upon theoran f t '. U ':) Josopb syriafet. Orass Valary-Ceotral, Blaek Hawk, and all cities, Ons Road, one Management,! keeps the skia motnt.ft ant nentrallsea the acid removed from tbe kilns, and slackTf W. MERMtX, I ueo o ftuSH J?rf niout t y ,r ; i ; t Counselors ' ana or camps a ad Pleasure resorts In Oelorado. artibin tit at ha round wannto tbe itomACB I CnAS., tv CAaPt esses la ed as soon as cool. Borne of It was At gidaey with a dally line of superb scare blood. Into Thus the ATJ thence paon 7 C.nioord Coaohee for Dead wojd and other both direction, and It doe not seem aomlble for .used within a day or two,and some CHICAGO TO ' ' as " human lAseaiUty to datlao a more rational v CaoU County. i ' JSzZz 'tir I point ia the mack Hill. 'remained a month or more in barakeak. At Oraaha with Chloaro and 1 BTV GEORGE, 9TAKE;V ' work with made it rels. All the Harrisliiiri, Calt -' , Pitt!lirli, Bzssonii I i j t ra, Ohioafo, Rook land and Paolllo, J". IX T. MOAJ J.TgTSR..........,Prel.l.i eaco Hurling tan an4 Quinof iBurl! jfton Gtntlmn, About twelve yews ir.' while teemed to be equally good. traveUlnr with Father Kemp1 via r oik concert Benjamin M Lewis, ia Ward. Loran City and Mo. hUrsr In Ksb--, Kaasaj City. 8U Jo of a the floors, ana severe In a as cold a I tenor layer took making Baltimore, Tronpe singer.N. Hsary Ballard, tod ward. Loran City lasMnitoii,; aod OiuooU Bluffs rallroavi. aad Missouri waa laid np at Newark, This cold brought on broken limestone, three or four J. Which Kobort Da vidson, Sd ward, Lorea City a severe attack ef Catarrh. Urr Una of steaxera for ail points JUst I battled with ' of the Very BestEdropean llake, and unrivaled aa4 SoethrroeX Smith. 4La ward Iogan City Thomas known remedy for four weeks wlthont avail, Inches thlck. was first laid evenly every ' ot Evenness for and Bank-0was most 4 a to desirable Tlck lexlDUlty. VorabUlty, w to aotsts east and at WaslngtoVcunty.' all sale obliged np finally give stn iiuam warn, tiOsTaq KfPUlafcIjlia,NBi,Yort of surface the tiyoe, Over vity m tbe the I'olut. Bouillon and return home, nnabla to tmff note. Lot ground, of aioOorniok Co., Bait Lke Robert Darne. Urde .Park For t hree years afterward I was nnabla to sins; or-at- stone being about the usual size for JaISBOFS.i 5 .. 3 City; alo at Union Faotfla Eallroad Ticket Sauuiel Boafcauaw. Smltnaald SWAK UH.k. AfllUM, J SEAL nasal had left first of Catarrh attack my The CREAT alt la Wm. L Bkldmoro, Kichmoad line: a Xai Oat) this Over 0denf atb whioh ocfloe berths oa Thos. an and tltroat so sensiUve that the s 1k a test cold macadamizing .roads. Jttdd.lst ward, St Georte. J Nwaahera. Including vr a iter ranger, William H Lewis, Lewlston teoured. i warn brln ir oa a msh attsck, leaving me pros- - mortar of about two parts of sand to , - O Samples, Hasplnf oartoao iIChas c n IE tj the Twenty popmarIhiittU iow John Theisat Cmrkaton. TUOd. L. KIMBALL, I In I rlconunaedtesuircr. U trtted Jardine, .; and TO tier, in (.; .. ATrry,Sdward, C.J0 attack.t he severest I ever had, was terrible. I nr-- one of lime was crefully and , H Newton Oen'l Ticket Arat Omaka. .' J sent will be Mroad for WmFKlgbjs O mall, by a1 PvU Cannon,rth ward, C1 Q1 fered the most eicruclatln r pain In my head, was Bauson 10 10 of on to Wntt thickness' Alma 0 . S. H.H. Ctaaa. QenlSupu - 490 ef the Harris, arias trial, Clara ganta 1 KnslgB, receipt 'ii i ule to speak, snd evenly spread so hoarse as to be scarce. ? Via New York City.' : S Montsnian.iQaaioek Jtxnh Henry Uufhes, Mendon " eonrhed ineessantly. t tnoiifrn i was comr nad li to 2 inches; this was allowed to Cent. ' William an rk Muuuimntion. WeUsvlUei a tnd l nrm v oeiteve tnat joto uarnnerv Fric Maugaan, v-- r i aoort & 24 hoaisor until for about remain Blakeman, Co., Ivison, without ' Taylor Orson relief contlnoed Reaches all Points In Pennsyl these Paradia they Thos J Jones, Washington ' Smita, Th Promoter irmptomi i. and Perfeeler of As- O. N- - LUJenquist, . tne im easy victim. When the surface had become quitedry.lt rendered wonld have i' ; ...... H Geo ana UTAH ZTexs eds Uyrnm alnallatloss. l 138 dk 140 Grand St., Hew ??orav Croaby, vania tn this distressing condition, I commenced the oae " Jersey.; ' O Pitkin, MUlrlll v ra enow, nno , Tfeio Reformer and Vltallxer of lbs George efSAXTuco's Kidioll Cuma roa Catakeh, very would probably take longer iathls I Miitoa M Hammond, Provldnos . as I bad tried sa the adver. Bobt Itnel, Platovalley 7.r , relactantly.I eonfe, wnere tne air possesses BleMI. i ' Climate, .. ,w -- ; first Tbe th , of doe Cuftoa benefit. tised without remedies Vsvo Plxoo, Harvey ; , Hssioai;,' PDliniH PaLACE CAES wonderful of amount relief. me Tne of Prodneer and Xnyleorator ' moisture than tbe greatest medicine rave greater Serve and tinsels. aches, eyes Mexico. It Is hardly possible for one whose hesd V Oneida Idaho, :Ui 4?iKjtneCoiUsty.t-p;County, articulate distinct ly on ' ON ALL XXPRE3S TBAIN3: ache, who ea searoelysccnmalatlons The Builder and Supporter of Brala s in his throst, was floor of the choking than The Pioneer Line Utah. thoroughly V BISHOPS v ; Oxford WiQlam Flsbsri jj ;i Yitiu., rewer ' from the first .7 to resuze hew mnch relief I obtainedCuius. ' comover a tool all with Alexander Weston A Lnder Radioai. of 6AKyor's Allen, pounded A Brliurhnrst. Tonuenina ' Wm MAONIFIOIINT CARS application ' tta lnflaenee. bota Inlernal and external. I rapidly posed of a block of wood about a ayett L Hatch, Franklin .Fellows' Compound Syrup Is Laf Jha Parker, Virren rwwvered. and by an occasional nse of the remedy City Kasmua BasmusMn, Mink Creek ' Cbas M oelobrated Wratlny Since, nave Decn entirely tree tromwarri for the foot square and three inqhes thick, of Smith. Bookvltlo. . Kqnipped wtta tbe identical composed Ingredients Bobort Mound YUy a Williams, In t'.rr0t new W tw.lv, , Douse air or xrm ana Jtnney Wallace "" J -' . .HM. .. ' I a handle from .the middle, wiui tnoee wnicn i coriBtitute haying fljSt n. i Paoe, UarmoLy.'T y Patent Bafety Platform so could a IMusclo' while stand Nerve aud that man, Blood, Healthy . and Coupler. WitTWtw, tkS , Jan. 8, ltX i r iAincoIn Co. Nevada. and Brain Substance, while life It? Oat al aVner HeveaaJae AUt, U7S. ucng It. . The whole' surface was ' r. b. i purchased tne UADicti. vt beaten over with this ram until it sell is directly . dependent upon DA Via BTAKE..' ELEGANT EATIHG HOUSES B. IUXLE3,lruwult. UnmfotdaiiiliaLBg. ; ; BISHOPS. .5r?it",91,: . ; some oi tnem, v ' Vrh Tetre contains Dr. ffmforVI tmprored was again as soft and molBtas when r.tBVDhns. Panama Luke oT ramming tnhalinx wttta Aaati Tlaae car BEeois, Tube, with lull directions for im In all ..President SAiwara lbs union with , the blood, and WILLIAkf B. SMITH By cases. Price, (1.00. Vor aale by all Wholesale and flitlaid.Thia operation nunaer J ' uunkervui Its e fleet upon the; muscles, reestab4i irlrts thronrhoat the United States and brouitht the water in the mortar to Itetall Traf CttatsToraaa IaATIOX, 1 Canada. TWEKKa A POTTKIt. Oenrral Asaatt the surface, so as to form 'a 5 ef T- 6I the one and toning ihe n TV ,Voaam'or layer lishing and Wholeaala DrnrRlsts. Boston, liaaa. .ASM CAIX. semi-flui- d on . substance or top. ' euectiuir tlie is otner, NOW ARE PREPARED it capaDie ... BUMM1T BTAKEi Train Uoes J.1I Davis County; II.. ., t The floor was again' allowed to TjTE n 't TOO a 4o 0al Lak...Ma.w. ivuuwmg results;. -- .i,iVI w. w. n.rrn1 ii i. " .rr. over T 80 or each out and tu Leave as will Wood's Cross. wash beaten.,. Follows to receive orders for , .FAMILY , it displace i dry, again Chicago GOLLIIlS' , rtBlsm0P& ami) 18 4 T8 '1. v A, nUDBXTJCS, T ueatrenii 1 berculous matter, and thus cure day for about a. week, when the RECORDS of v raat Kxvress) r J.,.. ' 7 BO 4S3 1 04 f 3C aa reraunirtoa. MSpee1s4 Wfa Brown, South Bountiful . ... . . a slight aHappjmyedform. aTrnril mnnij , Consumption brought only S IS It! 115 operation aareniie S Wm Mulr. West Bountiful Ai i ais4 amount of moisture to the surface. ' Each. uy increasing Nervous and juua- - Cheater Call,Jun, Bast Bountina. Bummlt County. book, is ' divided Into" five cbJar t 001 ftl t re With the popular restlbuie sleeptna oar: VOLTAIC last after the cure poundwill Nathan it Immediately .Vigor, Cheney, Cntrvul Dyspepsia Reaohsa ltwwcrrh U) sat Hamibtjrr : was powdered .forms. , BISHOPS, feeble or interrupted action or the John W Ueaa, lrmlBgton ' , J, .... ing the whole surface 1L45 a m: PhUadelphin 4.00 a m; New Tori r Barton, Kaysville Charta Rtotaens, Hnnf rvilie Heart , and Palpitation. Weakness Peter 6.16 a m; Baltlmor 60 p with a layer r red ocnre, eveniy Electro-Galvan-lo atop m; Boston s.w David S Cook, South Weber r . 1 combined As 11" Hit Battery Asper, Bcbo , p at next uy. . sifted on, and then pollehtil aa fol i The first form Is that of a "FAM- - oOntellect caused, by grief, worry, Bj B Ouimnj South Hooper at; waaoinrton : ' Bwben -: Coalrili fae tUt40( EVENING NEWS. i 1 A - a- rw - i!rM- " , MHJM0K t&3$L: - ., ni"i , m TOlSJuSi nnM 1 te if .P ' . , - ? : : e) .' riiinflRn . ii v. , I -- Miaaourii-lTeraatal- ki. 11 n. R. "iV-.VL- - NOTICE. y J ; Ti -S ratS c' , U . . i , - k, . t, K- " 1 Idd .: 4 . -- : - -- v T , --r- ?... - U. PioR. R, SAWFORD'S DAIMfAI wwiaa.imiIVtl. For CATARRH ' . m. 1 , , 3. t a-- , j ! -- . k -' . ; v 1 e, ! , - . ' ; : ; . S P EriCERI . 3 j STEEL PENS 1 ,' . - short - V BOSTON I I i - , - , CENTRAL RAILROAD. L-'-Mi . , . I ! , .. j FAMILY'; ac-to- i S . 1 RECORDS. - I m i Ti i ? ! -- . - -- Trains Q-Ex- press . X ! 1 ' - . ! - - . ! PLASTER Oe-de- . 1 tv ? s s - - it; TratMtUav arm.... . .V ...... 4o t ail t is ul r si il as 11 Oil T 44 1 eo 10 PaxmJas;toai CetrrUle Wood's Cross... Arr94 Salt o4 Lats.. S J 10 oo UU 113 1 71 u ni too r t (SuDdan Excepted Laarlar Salt Lake Clty.st 8.40 a.m-- , arrir- .nx in uruen at ltau a.m.; tarinr ban Lake at a0& am., arrlrlar la Ordan at 8Ju , ariirlor am., iaarmc ugMen laat aw a m--STinsT w Orden LAkeCity at a.rnk t4S3.A) p.m arrlTln In Sail L.tke City at n.m. ooooarflnr J AM 13 IHAKPt Oeosral rrelfht and Ticket JOHN SHARP, - rWith DrawingDAixr. Boom and Hotel Car. Plttsborsrh 1S.IS D m: Harris burr FlMfers hsv new feeea before the pnblle iu.m mi rniiaoeipnia awn a m: New ion forThese two years, and, notwithstanding the Immense S.i&a nu snaeaU PblladelDhia aJeeDfnr car number the form or liniments, looa taa train, whico remains in dwpot antu tions, of remediessndInordinary plasters, they have a TJ0 rif afftmilnr Pnlladeipoia panasnren steadily incrsssed in sal and met with anfTsrssl one thousand on over evidenced s a full night's rest. - v ; . approval. by solicited testimonials In our possession. Many re mark able eases have been certified to by well, known eltisen m all parts ef the United Btates, 9:10 p: Night copies of which will be sent free of charge to any one la many way, desiring them. i KXCSPT 8ATTJBOAT, have been made, as Improvement, auvgested by experience ana ase, until It I believed tht they are now perfect In ,; 'itb Drawinr Boom 81aplng Car, , , , IA world of IA every respect, and piaster insufferer In the Heacbes Pitts bur ; 70 p tax Harrlsburr mMteine. Alt we ask from every 23 land is a slnsls trial. Tbe price is cents, although a m: Baldmor 7.49 a m: Washlnirton 30 Is double that of any other plaster. But, the cost 9.U6 a m; Philadelphia &40 a sa; Mew York notwithstanding: the efforts of the proprietors to ltU4 a m Boston make the best piaster In the world for the least p dw Throufo Baltimore and- Wasblnrtoa sleeplar oar on this nioaey, any aimuar can oe pougnt, nun bersof onscrapulousremeay dealers will be found ready to train. them for telJUh motion aad endeavor misrepresent FIRE ALWAYS AS 10W AS AIY to substitute other. Ifyoaaakfor i OTHER USE. .i COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER ami as all rrlav nave It if yon have to send to us for It.. if liefeesa ' elpatl polats 1st tlta west; Aak for Sold by all Wholesale and ItetsQ Drngrtsts Reetobee paln-curer- n: WILL RUN DAILY, VsV For aH tnformaUon 5:15 p: m; Atlantic 'cxp re S3, - Express pt 4-- 40 rr rbrorb I As-sn- a. ; nixED TBAiira f reifht ov rasaaara, apply to ivith a highly Medicated Plaster con- lows: A smooth, nearly flat, water-wor- n taining the choicest medicinal Gums and Balsams known to modern Phar-- stone, a little larger than the flat. ; t wiotn fUKT W&TSI aaKJ then nOtaSTLVANIA fJUIJfi, Suparlntandant. . r. BU fhronghout tlia Cnltcrt biites and Canadas, and by Wsaas A fOTTaa. Proprietor. Uostoa, Mas. i Aa aathamloated Phonos" raphiofaad ")Un report of h Celebrated Vet- - DISCUSSIO rj 'STAKE On ni REPORTS. We are now prepared to furnish Pjeeidenta of Stakes with the ne for their re-ceBsary blank forms - "V THE BOOK QF ABDAHALI the Subject, ' t-a- ke ! - ; ' " " fill. lilt i , ' GANNON eVYOUZTO, tlclty By ELDER GEO REYNOLDS. . i VTH.'BArnoji;;.;;! new for the sale an4 Has opened depot delivery of tbe celebrated .. vedcrcoal; roa SAUI AT TBV 'Atth City Meat VarksL toWast , St., whsr It win b as ' DESERET NEWS OFFICE. . a r!ptafXrrla n Bait iAStS CWjiS warm; up 80 Ccati sTiy asaJl , " U tarns iubaet, ty rrertdenl Geo. A, Emit and JEZder f Th abora Is aow Ane4 fe vaasTtalat forwt, ootaro sis oi on uaAr4 paaafc 1 - Oa Ocavton. ' Deeeret News Oiaoti HI? and Geo. Q. t - ' ,( "2Vo 1 t re -. " GRAIN, BAIaED JLNT 3tlPCXXAliVO HAY" i "WOOD b kept by hlra tn full snpply, aad ; " sold a toweat MTins; flrurea. I " JPZ 0rd at rfeP Bquire'sWb th Hkbalo Oixte or at th XtrosoUest Tempi btreet, a block wast of kimball e Will ! k PRICE, Templs ld and pleased new friends and customersHI price will bet A ton delivered, S3. 76. A ton at his new depot, Ssa. (Part in rood Store pay , 9S Cents win reoerr prompt atLawrno'sst9re, , tention. dU -- . A numan Electilo Eattery ' We have been favored with the details of one 'of the strangest eases of which we ever heard, and one whioh Is sure to excite a good deal of Interest ameng, medical, men. The particulars of the case are , f given below: It seems that about two years since a daughter of Mr. Richard Clare, Caroline by name, and - then seventeen years of asre. livlnz in lot No. 23, on the second concession of Rodney, was taken ill. Her dis ease could not be correctly diagnos ed,' and had many peculiar feature. tier appetite reua on, and. ahe lost flesh till from strapping girl of 130 pounds weight she barely j potmdr. weighed eighty-seveThere did not seem to be anyor- ganlo complaint ? The bodily functions were not Impaired., and-- , although she ate less than formerly, the falllnrr ofl In this i aspect was sot such as in itself would alarm her friends. After the lapse of a few. months she took to her bed. . Then It was that a change took place tn her mental condition. Formerly ahe was noted rather for lack of conversational powers, but now. flts or spasms would coma over her, on the passing away of which her eyes weuld become set and glazed, her body almost rigid, and while in that state she would discourse, eloquentvivid descriptions pf ly, snd give far faxtT scenes, exceeding in their beauty anything which ahe had ever seen, or resamably ever read of, thepfisstnat away of this state she exhibited a great degree of lassitude and Indisposition to move, and was taciturn and sully, " . - " '.' DLIEWDirs ' - j t . Stake Reports, 5 cents per copy. Ward 3 i S5 cents per doa. tsjr Mailed on receipt of price - Ir. ' Addreoa from Egyptian Papyrus by the with copious tn. SJkw. Brew taharuc Sal Prophet Joseph Smith, inferences to ancient and modern Cltr, AaraaS XSUa,lUia . c a-- 4 authorItiefl,ln tnpport of its- aathan. 1IIh,X570, POLYGAMY? To which U added the Cos tagponaanoa to the Pteoo mo beewwen tire jkeT. prior J. P. Mewnaaa aad PrwstdeatBria'haia roans'. ; ports. Being a critical review of the CCSSTKE DELE SANCTION work under that name, translated i - ' to-be- i JUST ISSUED FROM THE PRESS- - Proti On on Pr an ajd j1UD WAflD -- :t. i. Ancient Titinirs Mevlj BeTealed! . - StTKASJ FflLYEiLlY - - deol Pass, and Tiskst Aaaas THE BIBLE wm selected from the .bed of the stream which ran throueh tbe place, and with this the whole flow was ' laboriously gone over, rabblog down and leaving the sar face ; cf the lime as smeoth as a piece of polished atone, tbe red of the ochre rendering it of a rich ! ; brown color. In less than a week the floors made In this way were sufficiently bard the weight of a horse without Indentation. ' Roofs fare made in the same manner, without the coloring matter,' whioh was added only to give the floors a bet ter tint than the- - gray --of the mor tar. .'These rooM-we- te perfectly water proof, and were unaflected " J, by sun or rain, of In the city Monterey, side walks in the principal- streets are made in the same ; manner, and some of them have lasted for years. Jlke pioca .or wearing through :. " stone. The greater durability ' : and strength of these floors aud roofs are entirely owing to tne pounaing described, as ' the operation above were tried in the same materials ordinary way without success. Y , ILY RECORD," with ruied and I chitis Acute or. Chronic, Conges- uon or tue even in the printed spaces f rr births, nutrriagea, most alarmingjunnga. staeea. Lioss of Voice, and deathB, tn each family, also for It cures Asthma,. esc Vitus, uance, neuralgia, jpu names, dates, and places, one page epuo r its, , nooping fjougn, JNeiv vt'usness, and is a most wonderful adjunct to, other remedies In bus acommodatlng one family. J; ' of the process taining life during ' 1 j The second form Is a "CHURCH Diphtheria.' :: Do be not., deceived remedies by RECORD,9 with spaces for bless bearing a similar, name, no,; other a is substitute orfpr.ithia preparation ings, baptisms, confirmations, dinations, endowments, and patri- - i Look out for the name and ad dress J. I. FELLOWS', St. JohnJ. archal blesaings and various particu- t$. on tne yellow wrapperlln water mark, which is seen by holding the ' J' lars of the same. paper before thp light. ; '. t ' Price, $1 50 per Bottle; six for The third form la a "SEALING f7.50. and ADOPTION RECORD," with ' Sold by all Druggists.", dl2l 2t Aw " ; spaces for name of person sealed, ' birth, death, time, place, etc. The fourth form ia a EMISSION and APPOINTMENT;RECORD,w with spaces for names,' date of birth, field of labor, date of appolnt-men- t, departure, release, etc The fifth form ia a "RECORD Ow for BAPTISMS, ENDOWMENTS, ORDINATIONS, and SEAUNGS f -- , m BOOK!! ,"srcri.ir- for the DEAD." : 4 . , title. jage, on which the. person owning the record can (eater his or bar name. An oxpJanatlon of. the forms, pc instructions bow, to. keep the record la also printed In each book. These Records Weil printed It;1 and ruled on good . ledger paper, luXBtantiall bound. , We can - the various forms in a record, pro portioned to each other to order. - .1: or lQsir i Eoan Pull risshsr a cioth ,Boan,,f, Bock FUU . IfJN MM; IJOO - ', ."00 S i t ; .jo , Haws, ; . J. L. .i Kane County. , : OFFICE ; ' J . , ' U ,, i V . UTAH HTAKIC .. t s O. BM0OT...'Lm. PltVHh D. JOHir, ' r U. U. t Oi.orr, . Utah - ' 1 CoMnselors County;; I h':-'iBISHOPS John P R Johnson, 1st WAnl, Pri.ro Cii, JatnosW Lovclees, Sd wurd, ( My roe Tanner, lid ward, John B Booth, 4th ward, ,; r f Peter Madsen, (th Ward, i ; i, William iirlnghurat. Sprtnrvl.'l i , George I Kuell, Kpanlsb Fork : Koliert H Davis. Salin Payvon Josephs lanner, Benjamin V Johmou. Mnrtas'r k - f : . MILLARD. STAKE 1 i -- IBA N. BINCaXETs......Mpresldnt ' ' Kn. PABrarnoa, ;i i .Jos. VttoBiaaoM, ,cu.a ior,'V ' b. ) , . MUlard County. -- . -- ; ... ;. lrgUaluaay.0antaniu Wiliiam Price, Oosheu tsonr f . , ' , r cook,IjJiI toar Fort Inkvkm atwaria. . "''.' BTS1T0P8. , t County, OeorgeW Burrtilrs tH John John 0 Sharp, Vernon i ' y .' ' WraD Johnson. Ju, Kanab ; , Henry B M Jolley, Mt Carmel Taomas Cbambvrlaia. Oedrvll!' '' -', i J Hoyal J Cutler, Qktndal Bextus B Johnson, Johnson - ' Thomas W Smith, Pahreah Hio hard Koblnson, P C, Dpper BTaitb ' , Char la Pulsipher, Winner and Mo jasla ' , ' Jcounlo.V tl'Vivw Martin, Lake Moses . j eeid Pi ,.. t .ji BISHOPS, Norton It Tuttl. Tooek ritv Kdward Huutenr, Unsiuavlli William P Mum. Jr., Oit) , I ' ' BISHOPS, '4 TOOELE BTAKJB j i J J Counselors I ' '3A".l .Tooele L.J KUTXaXW.......,.,Praidnt BUHTiaoT ' v f KANAB WTA1CK. ''tr.u tf. M. LTMAN.UJ;.lL.lM.Li-l- n i'. c-- 4'' tf Andrew, 1st ward, Neph - " Charles Bperrv.&i ward,- ephBells Aaraard, Leran John M Mena- ' ., :VhfJ BISHOPS. '' James Bowns, Almy W . U. Burton Kvaustea , " ' 4 ;vlfJ Johni f Park ; 4 i w jfUEsuugi Acunaiiry it t 1 ,,: - . .t '''-- , MeCuiiougb, Alpine ror AmexJoan uarrtngum, ' I'bomAs J Joseph p SmJth, 1st ward. Fillmor '" lAuuavrv. Alexander Melville, 2o ward. " ' ; Pavtd HI Stevens, roldea Or? I ' i. John Brown, Pleasant Prove . .. . uanlelTbompsnn, ... L ' Piatt D Ly raanTOak Croak Hlra ra Bonnet t. Meadow Drwek ''"J . WASATCH STAKE ; i A A ..: F: V. sPa S Black, Xeart ABKAM HATCI .Pre i ii'.. . lToman's Eiponent Oirico, X. IN Utalij CotAimisslOA, Store, - furniBh them of any size, from one to five qnlree, or larger, bat prob ably five quires ia aa large aa will be desired. We can also' famish A Book " 1 ALaxASbia, , Id Counselors to . ' J .......... DESERET-NEW- .'' iii i..(,ti ti JibCrOnjity,,:) ,. a H ; . ; S Atast)Od.jKasa) ' Alex H otAuiey, parley - JUST, PUItMSHUD, i - -- . Bound, Wanshlp Jthn Malin, Bockport Ahraaoa Marcban t. Feu "'JUAB' STAKE.'' n- -, OBO&SB TKaALX,...,M,,U.PridOt 3 Joar. Oaovaa; , jVlfirmVJid Salmon, M ii":fc E. R. Snow's Poe IDS, Each, book Is furnished w 1th a " Alonao Winters, HoyUvill but ley, Upton Cbstr Jared C io : 00 so SSW - -1- 100 50 -- 9'-Sfa Mi, M 1 1GU . wyorsi ISooXz Far, hoiiurmAaaj Store, ,:onfl tile Uon Hong Price.Sm:Si25.:ana SA-r- oa .i f ') rjM. . V ner , . i i, , y .l'.i BlaHOPS. "t; f i Thotaa Rasbaad, V.ast i Wulan lUsrmsn, Wwt Hsbsr ; trivia vanOnateasn Midway h i mp so Murdock, Chariua i nm si hues u. waiuniir BenJarjlnCluff. Centr Moont ftttkUOt rRJfru Suarlss A . ii ,f cfiha Art: jEJavid v i ii 9M Aswrs Udl Dcsorct No73 OGco; . - 4 ..... - I D H. PXSKT. , ' ;.!. : cm a tn f." PAl?qTJITCH .,C11AJU!I ' JAMES HXJfglS. v. BM3BOW,-W0lSM- Oousso)ors. Weber .County.' 21 BiSIIDPS, 8 0 fcritchelow, 1st ward, OrxiDn 0lt KoUri MVQuarrio, U . i arnsu wirn:ward, s ' nwi N O.Hyrare. 4th Ward, Amo Haycock. NrthVr1eri jJ ' i If F A WJliaa aUng, aUngstoa j liammond, tlnntsvUley Joslah M , Tylor, EAi fcaartuar.HarrisvllJ Plain City ' ' John A Allrwd, KlatrvtU JtmesPJoluo, Marriott , rrrea,d.r,:, , - A- tWuetors i., " Ocorr W Esvy, ranroiUh Beth Johrutfy. lii v,lt acker, CilftOB Jortha A --Prssid 3. rtaiutroa:, ' P. MmntTUST, " j mourn W. fSaosBT, Jr. nsnors. Tm C 41 ROCK PRICES 1 Erouft,rorUrvWe W Jtrlb, PaUrasn J KjLBlr,AiOB Hall, i nterpri AS " " fCounselors Jj?hn Hopkin. Cwryoon $L50 rnKfiL 1PJ i7Zvix a 0'tor, I Irt Port'srnns f ALL, KINDS or. P R J IM X I W Q Ilishcst styla .' Preaident -- . J i vVr i , lr N Spauidin-- , . s ul .Art, Wber anp,Uorwir bu.ii Sanford Ling kuverd le ham, . J ' ' . Prest., Uintah ' , '!'."'' |