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Show e J . Partridge Young, Clfllft Iroda, to place of begin. , 60. Casn to Emily Valaed $3,8S3 at stock, 00 acres. April, bjmd filed Aiurgesn nlng.containmz xoung, Auiisa aggre- jjeoaer testator to said Church, and grow st he had the care, custody and con- day of balance $3S5.91. The whole of ,the B. W. the roe i :Probate Pel jOat the in e Trustee-in-TruMargaret of Young, a br as Court pi.intiil Young, Its asset fund. of eighty-nintrol NEWS. and his relation one hundred and estate, X IIE EVENING the a ew 1 .k ire 1 nu iiHr in a i .i wrf Tsvrin v . a aa kv n r mar ing out of' for gating 21 a r-- E. i and the E. f acYoung, Zina Huntington cf the in and the for of settlement That said Church, m thousand (189.000J dollars, for a. or tseo. u, Bar21. been Harriet Church e. 1L At bad Youne, Coo!:, will t U8acu"aid riet STTireATS aA'airs probated, praying and responsibilities tOBUMlB PAttTt to us in hand paid f J ' property and assets received by count, which may and axe lively cctu- - one dollar 1 xonng, of K. 1 JU.,comainicx of said csurt to requlra sid v K)CB O'CLOCK Bald executors, the receij; nev Young Mary Ynuou the the testator ror me use 01 me arising out of the administration as . . ouuw, me resn.snma uim tier, w to 1 Ruki naa IITk rerort said auyana to of z:uar mveiy legally u;oilitiea said ivnUdr"?. Church and for which he had not Trustee-in-TruBrigham xcung, deceased, tracts Utabvthe foiegolng as aforesaid, this we. Ella accounted or settled for in his life with or as recelrers nf said the claims Known were appointment ine iana GEORGE Q. CANNON, present directions to'take nossesslon of tne Marinda Hyde Young Conrad, By- - TWisi .yOUng. as successor of said testa by whom v"ril time, nor appropriated to its use, defendant 40.000.00 ms Adams Mill , assets Anmata lands, etc v of Empire sjbo execuas every ed, tor each trustee, and the mm Hmitn xountr. a. and that no item thereof waJ mejins and of all said real or m.n Volsom a ana rusncwr BKIQHAM Y.OUNU,! nieca Young, in property personal alnd saia 1, estate; classes or tors of his will, found three limitation - XAke barred, by any statute r Xoitom ivo Poiiim'. " two days thereafter av citation Church, so received from aald ex Young, Louisa. W.YoungFeirgus- of Salt Lake City, Bait Lake Coun- 88, plat AT: Bait nor by lapse of time, firtt. Nor of property held by him at the time and " commencand If It ecutors, that be necessary and from court saia of issued to was Lucy survey, City said Utah, . v anu . 11 was aald claim false as alleged by of his death, to wit: h..lv.nnir Tinth Youdz J ohnson ty, Territory feet executors.who then fully developed George City. ing at a point 61 v., nf RL and ; -t AHaia vivira Youd?. constituting r,w the clalntlff because there was no lint, A class or property anowu west of the B. E. corner Elizabeth to known v made said heirs Wiahinton aod .om their ; . r;. h a ana wii win. ,i County, Jaae 10,117. such indebtedness on the part of in belontr to said Church, ; of slid lot. thence west JUuday, the supposed fraudulent conduct I ciasa lnreoA .""u" said conveyances to this defendant of nnuer VnnV.iiaworth. Vilate Young . lecraiees hia nndowsicnpa tha ri.r.nit.nt the deceased at any time as therein which he held and.recognizeu- as as TruAtee-ln-Truamm r. t, d$ J as feet, thence north 80 , J aforesaid. ana re- - Decker, Aigtuunxing the ItsXccondi property. such anppoeed' danger!I said will, do hereby acquit 82 feet, east charged. 'Second, Nor beeauee so thence Charcb, testaAlice reet, held for said Clawaon S. the property which by of clase A nroperty ,1,1 Kvnidul h Kmrtl hnnil Inau thn uld sxeoaton and UtUtetl same was barred by virtue of the PKEBIDEHT BBIOlIAM north 25 feet. tor in trust for said Church, also deceased, Luna thence,! Young Clawson, Iktum nf time and bv the statute be held and claimed aa belonging wmcn, win DeiI ana eacn or mem, iueir .wii east IS feet.thencw aureues, thence with and 1 Thatcher goa settlement YOUNG'S ESTATE. ' whlxh John . the conveyances and dis and to himself , . individually, eutors.'admlnistmtors and aeehjns, Young rnrthoomloiE when required. 25 feet, thence east nmhlblta the allowance of connected frem south Bait of said the la aforesaid of wuiarti liquidation Young. in and Church vvhnrcfora this defendant asks land the heir?, executors, admin claim against any estate not which had bothe Lake County, and 6 feet, thence louth 80 claim which had been allowed by t -- v rAtr. Halt interest. it time the prescribed Salt Jgatnst John Tayloritl alt apy be- - Young, Elizabeth feet, : to: place within accruing and T. them jaagmen by TH(rh8.ra appnmd Third'. A class of property which T 4.- and the Executors. 1 . . by the staUte ofthe.limitations. onoe Ann ginning, containing; ut-m m I Probate ' i iu iiYut ui iuia Yrrantr urown anu j I n tn is cause us uisaoiveu. anu beiongea 10 toe uaurcn, fendant Judge because uu txncuwra pretended 615 also Third, Norfor in.Tmit ntiHiiutvwwui feet, 'J from I Ay ere Young, ofjP"?1 whom in trust the but the legal title to which be bau aforesaid, has Trustee J way." C ngy . the " square asiae vuas, tuo oruer apiwiuuuii tees under sall will, of and ol or Lroux .uirninL right . I 1 ana B EI A BATH ANSWER . not such afterwards was proper 11M.1MI. mid claim was d reseated, acquired, oe ' and all claim ana and vacatea any t from the receivers and ana feet wlde.to after the That V. nnng Lake was TAT-O- B. petition therefore Bait reuouj or whatever description we may Lake City, nana hie of bavins- or ownlna such ty regarded .County, action be dismissed iccated ; in i YouEfir. last above named,' and after the and that thiscost i. outbuildings" QfannAnuv as or or devisees hold estate or assets, and the whole cf uncertain. That in the settl have ror and legatees such other plalntin and Heber the rear of said pre miaea,. ; -ment of the liabilities of the executors had made known to said at illegal estate field, Sevier County, Court 'of th TA.rd aald claim .was fraudulent, ' f aid will their orders and relief as may seem mete under eald win, er ta , heirs at law Ynni. under beneficiaries In ths Jiiriet to Caroline In Young together with- the useVof, . , aud the well Fannv Church, were void, and the facts to equity may be of tuo aald UKceaa&dl against said court and to the as Judicial DUtrict of Utah Terri and aforesaid, said outbuildings, 01 with k. action in premises, the TimftAt Irvlbir' Its bis from Young property known to aald executors and John separating estate, or against the said executors Th.nh. torj. Baft the privilege of removing of the various lamuies lone. mothers , X the ter.of Rossi dubious this individual or. property, Bhamlra acts or as In and all Young and recognition either BICHARDS & WILLIAMS, and trustee, them, the same and ereeUng class of property was named in the will then living, or a Tkfieline A. Yeunir, oa behalf of Taylor, Bait Laxe cjouniy, thereof were prohibited by law ana and uncertain such executoisr, trustees under Lake City, A UBEL1TJS MINKB, of all their other of rtm. a Yanncr. n. buildings, pq . the majority . of them, and Crista herself end the heirs at law and le- void. F&urth, Logan Nor because said all given to his estate as part . and as the sald 'WUlf and W. N. DUSENBBBKT. against any was children of the age of twenty-on- e and Llla Baid location-- ; running -. Caebe degatees and beneficiaries under the executors, colluding as aforesaid earoel thereof, and such onlyabout County, claim or all other, claims, and City, for the defendant, Attorneys , Marinda north 61 . feet, mors,, or . . years, --in pursuance or a provision will and testament of Brigham with said John Taylor to defraud claimed as Church. property, . roand or demands, of whatever de Elizabeth Young Empey, lft onn 'lay iot.- said will, by petition nied in rear of aW lees, aod Hiram the i j in :'l , Conrad Youor. late of Bait Lane couniy, iri ftatata and the beneficiaries un- - which there was no doubt or un of w.o as may. have legatees Hyde Young scription said Probate Court, May 7th, 187S, . describedpremlses.knownv 1 2 r . Utah Territory, deceased, p la till. rfraA!d will on the 9ih day of certainty.' 01 utan, or devisees under the said last will Htth Yonnr. of Salt Xatke City, Territory and to for consented the as the .Petldent'a ascertainment petitioned the after A. That Emellne and II. a mil. 1S78. and on other days and J Lake aa Bait uue. or County, of .j;5; :z County ortjais Brigham Young, deceased, of such property, the said executors wlndiag up and closing of said es flees," also the furniture the commencement did heirs at law or tne said deceased, Young, of the State 01 uawornia, in times, before made se sworn. and there and then described tate, being John duly Taylor, they the said offices, Including George Q. Cannon. Albert Car' of convey delivered following and w. xuuur ana Aiomsa this covenant and agree to fiKuwu, 1 desk hereby and appointed as valuers to on his oath says, that he is one of we and lirigbam Young, ex , deed j andsuit, to convey and property to this defendant as Trus lected rlngton or D. upstairs,! secretary Lorenzo executors Uimiiy eald Augusta pretended hold and Young, the trustees, a executors testa-in making the defendants in the foregoing their A as propvrry neionging act with said ecutors the last will and bacav race, anu port, Caroline Young in rust, payin eafd to John deliver Clawson, administra Taylor, executors, Young heirs, meat of Brigham Young, late de- ment of said claims and as Trustee-In-Tru- st to said Church, the title to wnlch final division and allotment of said- entitled action; that he has heard tors ana j and libraries. 7,000.00 assigns, ana their succes Crexall, Joseph Don Carlos Young, raits was held by eaid testator as its estate, A. O. Bmoot,NlohoIasQroes- read the foregoing answer, and B0 in office ceased; and John TajJir, John of Jesus of Factory Washington Young, Miriam as tors execu Josephine such and Young, ana B. contents and knows the MCAieau, thereof, riharp, Edward Hunter, Horace ($H5.63 Hhrldt of Latter-d- a v Saints, the trustee, although not so designated beok and Theodore executors, overpaid Young Bnell, notes,'to be under said will, freo and Jenetter Richards YOODB by- that the same Is true of his own trustees ,Kldredge,Qeorge Goddard, Leonard property set forth by the plalntlfl at all times ' acd In every iuatance then notified said co.coo 00 ChtWSOn. and TjTahhv Howe nrl refunded). . harmless. W Hardy, Theodore McKean, Jo- In her said complaint or any part In the title papers, via Twenty-on- e writing, of such selection and ap- knowledge, except aa to the mat stock tn Zlon's Coun Bait Lake Capital we do Lake of And for Bait ourstlrts. City, hereby ters therein stated on information acres, and two nolntment. and. sought a speedy seph C Kingsbury ,;Angus M. Can- thereof. And each and every alie(21) aod heirs, executors,. administrators ty, and Iora Young yvooarun, CoopuiMer. Inst .7 t fllS,000.OO and distribution of the and belief, and as to those matters our non defendants. j nation of the complaint as above (2) and 72 100 acres of land in sec settlement Younir. ana assigns, rurther covenant and Suaa and , Ruth , Young Capital sloes in the estate., and in pursuance or tne be believes It to be true. tion zu, cownsnip 1 souin, range to Bt. This defendant, Juhu Taylor, set forth Is specifically denied as be east and of with the com said George City .Wash Provo Woolen Factory: 60,000.0 agree Johnson, in and George , John U. nroviilons of said will Tayxob. Camtal stocK la the cornea In his own right only and ing untrue; for in ract ana in jawo B. of the Bait Lake meridian., Airaies xoung, and Cannon, Brigham Young ington County, and of all elatms, causes of liti survey, partioaiarly described in promiseand sworn .to before Q. - x and Subscribed Salt Lake City Ii. It. Co. for answer to plaintiffs complaint and equity, each and every Item a. Cart Albert Morris executors zina and of oung, ton,, lng all the Brigham ana nearly dispute, gation aald account so aiiowea dt me ex Dlalntln'a complaint, lots z, 37 SOth me A. of etoca in the this trustees as D., Uscar June, . dsy their aforesaid, ana Williams, Brigham alleges capiui heire, Yeuog aevisees lota 6, 6, and aid heirs, legatees, im 0v., &OJMO.0O r. That he has no Individual in ecutors and approved by the Pro- 4. and the south ofBait IS79.' ZW Oi7 administrators and as- YuuUj,JHlla Xuu OuilMUfMaik CMS executors, aald beneficiaries wlll.lnclud uader block Lake 150, as 1U11. 20 City 8, A, plat Utah Southern by JACK. for E. Croxall jAafES eucceesers Croxall, cfllce terest In this controversy and that bate Jodger due and owing deand in their Mary Young signs, also the following described lng the plalntlfljEmellne A. Young, ; 16,000,00 for Bait Lake aa such executors and trustees deceased, Maria Young Dougall, road bonds, toe m A- the testator Brigham Young, re- survey; , i did execute to said his only connection withTrustee-in-TruNotary Public to and or tne Dlece agreed at astets land, U-and commencing for Is as Phebe property ceased, said Wlliard '"" under ltera In controversy. Young if .Young, fund the that County, covenants releases will, and 1 southeast corner of lot In said executors, ... Total $699,698.53 for "the Church of, Jesus ceived, by the testator, for the reserved shall not be bufllclent to Beatler Evallne L. xoung . and Bait Lake City similar to the one signed by the a. 'exhibit use of the . Church, and for Wock 150, , plat A. of or interest in of Latter-da- y Mahonri Balat. itorlancumer claims From all to,.. and Young, all t the attorney-in-facliquidate pay her debts, 2 rods, plaintiff, by never, J dur- survey, thence south . elaims and demands against the Salt Lake City, Bait Lake county, the same, or any part thereof That said Church ia a domestic whichhis he had J settled Heleosc. or in thence west 40 rods, tnence Heber P. Kimball, a copy of which under the laws ing lifetime, said estate, and all (he costs and all of the Territory of Utah, with which they or either of them mayL hereof corporation, existing ' thence as la hereto attached part 2 east ac', . or north manner Whtreaa. George Q. Cannon. expenses rods, paid, of Utah Territory, and that he is its any way or of administration md of the exception of Emellne A. Young, have as heirs at law or ine saia A. Exhibit marked 40 to of rods ana AiDers car Closing said beginning, xoung, 01 uauiornia, iSrlgbam Young deceased; or as chief officer and acknowledged and counted for nor appropriated .to all described place Brigham trust, we will,' in such who is or meetaie defendant says VI. And this in said complaint, executors of the late event and upon the for the pur- its use. and which was not names are un devisees or legatees under the will whose ringtoa, others and an acting Trustee-in-Tru- st releases demand, pay of mutual nor bj any The south half (i) of lots 5 and 6, that by a writing will of Brigham xoung, deceased, equal and just prop'uiiori or any dersigned hblrs-at-laof late of said deceased or otherwise. ... , the poses of guarding and maintaining barred by lapse of time, sum tne aay at the request of all the surviving pro block 83. Plat A, Bait Lake . Cite and covenants, dated doiiere- - i fin witness whereof the said parj You r its rights of property and privileges statute, nor were the executorsauow-lnsrndeceased, t i Trustee-in-Tru- st that Dg, Brigham deficiency may main, 17. of May,1878, he,as mothers and children or the age of and powers conferred upon it by hibited by any statute from from survey. 1Lots 3 and 4 In section such pronoitj..n ty lb by each for himself or herself , ana ties have hereunto set their hands 1, aforesaid, and said legatees, uevis- - twenty-OD- e. ana. tne section lot in and mentioned in Probate years, the not is Judge said but that of amount ul) Uis ue -- MPC ficjja ivyuwuMUTni ahd seals, ths day and year first v corporation law, property rc Ivul' under said will, have consented to make And defend northwest 1 of the northwest 1 of ees. heiis and beneficiaries, made a party to this suit, nor is the aDDrovinir the same. and' devlttc heir?, cxeeutors. administrators and aboa written. 1 x HOI the . . under legatees each released aald mutually a final division and distribution of said will. .' ant savs tnac aaia unurcn was am section 20, township 1 south other will, defendant made a party as JOHN TAYI.OR, remise, release, and abso- j assigns, on from all responsibilities estate of said deceased. .Trtistee-ln-Trust- .': as a corporation, 01 range 3 west of the Bait Lake the j In witness whereof we have and and Y: tee. ply capable discharge forever; lutely administration And whereat ; a final division and II. This defendant, on informa owning, and did own such estate meridian. U. S. survey, contain account of the said hands snd fals, in t auit claim to the said John Taylor as Tiustee-in-Truf r all residue of of the the allotment TrusUe-in-Trution and belief, denies that the and asbets, and all the conveyances ing 162 acres. The east I of the of the testator as aforesaid, Brigham' Young, f T I as fifteenth day of June, A.U 1S78. on liabilities from all and aforesaid,' of Y. Clawson, u and A. the north the executers northwest and I said in resl successors lioffice of property, belong discharge personal, to Emily v. in all and his sealed acd plaintiff, Emellne A, Young, had made by dtll Blgned, and of all the in to thesald estate has been made the xoung, salt for or of said claim, and to secure the north east i of eald section 20. Lots account thereof, authority ofto bring! presence of W.A. Kcint 1 r, AV. the following described property, Miriam of said testator to said ing 1L B. Clawson, guardian and to witn and accordance to- - it: in oa behalf any of the heirs, lega- - trust property to the Church, were 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the southwest i of debtfcdneaaand pursuant K. Conrad, or John Wif-- 1 the said heirs, lega the provisions of said will, by which tee lor and in behalf tees or beneficiaries under the said made and received in the utmost the northeast 1 of section 19, in Church, The east half (i)j3f lot. 1 1 i ; devisees and beneficiaries un division m..nn . . . r w rr .m and allotment the property I Etxa'E. YoUNO'EMpiV, e will of said Brigham Young deceas good faith in the discharge ef legal township 1 south, range 8 west of teca. said seventy-fivya block .UUj ). six in (6) ! said MARINDA H. YOTJWO C ON If a 6, of testator, fully will der i BeldenClawand B sur U. Clawsen Lake Bait sue the or ueacnunu was uas sacred manner Walter uwu and .meridian, In upon that duties, Bali al devolving nereinaiir Lake Ai Plat any ed, (75) f ?! I be ' made HYRTJM settlement B. YOTTNQi Y ef Alice Cla heirs f wson.de-for vey. The south I ot the southeast confirmed the Trustee-in-Tru-st to us, the undersigned. son, lotted authorized to ..represent them or said testator as Trustee-in-Tru'V City Survey, containing J? " of for our full . share of the estate iI Emeline A. Young, to said Church, and on his executors I and lot 2 of section 17, la the tween him as or ceased, either and vfrr'w rods 100 of them, ,").' ground, 1 square and of Brigham Young, deceased. ' r.t lor hey In said aforesaid executors, H. 0 and P. ' aforesaid Kimball, last will By his and last and him a Yonfig,own range suit her in township Josephine Dime representing aa the ,iGardoV known bring ' , Y. Croxall, for or on .behalf of said heirs and testament, and on this defend Part of lot 4, block 45, plat B, Bait confirmed all the sales and conveyso r JNow therefore, in consideration fact. ' House lot "J53J. f 120,000.00 Caroline VV. as IXUISA i of Y. ances ' aforesaid, FEP.ai730N, Don as described or in ; Carlos Young, ' aa the successor of said testator Lake City survey, ; propertyexecutors to him as of the premises, and of the conveyor Joseph legatees benenciariej. And this antTtustee-in-Trutne $29,000 foregoing st B. T.! Young. ti I t of lot 4, b'ock conveyed for said Church the complaint. ' defendant daales that I ha said as by said afore-aland delivery to Lorenzo D. Yotjno, aa fol- ance, sum to be assignment applied Trnatee-in-Tru- st 1' re and es and this defendant denies the Elizabeth Y. Brown.' us by the eald George Q. Cannon, xin.OOO to MirrAtin By II. 8f Younjr, attorney in heirs, legatees, deviaees or beneficl-arrigb 59, plat H, JSalt iiSKe City survey, to or Interest Brigham fact. ' Carand true- -' ,V. and Albert under said will, save said Erne-lin- e of said testator, his executors, leca described in the complaint.. Also leased all their claim 1 Young, guardian Mary Young, AngeLL Young, and ,fl0,i pur- executors and trustees, t Ruth Y. Johnson, tee' for and in behalf A. Young alone, have been tees, devisees, nelra at law, or bene lot 8, block 7, plat D, bait Lake City therein, and this too for theforev the 000 to Amelia rington, Harriott Vari-Cott nose, amonor other things, of as aforesaid, 01 tne following aes By H. B. Young, attorney in Folsom Young, to be paid made parties to this suit either ficiaries under said win, to -question survey. Young, her minor . ' and dltlerences er fact all Quieting, .... '. .' Chlld.1 or executors or also made or ana Said said to said the right crlbed property, wit: convey - causes plaintJlKi defendants, that of Executors capacity the them by of lltigatlsn theretofore .AH of lot (3) three in block (7) Smith YouNtJ, Alex Jiooeune A. oung has any legal Church to collect said claim or to ances to this defendant as "TrusteeC; for ' per, kuardlan Hynuii , legal Py or Es8tate Atngnam between said Church and seven, plat A, weaver city sur Guardian and trustee for and !n the as aforesaid of the folio or luchard W. ana them or any of own and hold such assets or estate, benair existing in right toorrepresent that there Is such legal Catherine Young, but says that from so doing they and ine described . property, which the the representatives, heirs, legatees. vey, situated and being In 21 and behalf of Alonzo Young and Adel-1Am- them, Young; ffthe ntlx4- rx.l i jideratlon.of -. Ilri cavua xoung, miners.. latlon existing between said Eme-- each or them are in Jaw ana equity testator, Brigham Young, deceased devisees and Denenciaries, unuei 29 Vounsr. Joa A. Yonnlie 7 wesu It ' in t theirriquishment . r o. xoung, waiter B. line A. Y oung and the other heirs, for ever barred and estopped. had during , his lifetime conveyed said wilt of said testator, and by rea All of lot (5) five, block (30) thirty. i Territory of Utah, Ju . wltjue In Young, the'.faardo, son of all which actings and doings, plat,"A," Bt. George City survey, This defendant denies that, as to Ueorge A. smith as Truatee-l- n legatees,, devisees or beneficiaries Trustee-in-Trusnius xoung, Lester r v. t Young, of Sal a house. Lake. :i. ta County or otherwise he Trust for said Church and to his releases, covenants, etc., both ol with the buildings , thereon, conunder said will of said testator as and Young,-- , minor ! ! Part Eugene J,. of lota authorizes her to represent them or received from said execatora of the successors in offlce, to wit: Block said parties are bound and forever taining (128) one hundred and children pf 'Joseph A. Young, . I, Angus M. Cannon iteoider in and Wght (8 one"!) In block I or authorises an adju personal estate or assets of the 87, plat A, Bait Lake City Survey. estopped from going behind , said twenty-eigh- t for aald county, do hereby cer- seventy-five- r and i :ti U u u deceased.' if any of them, be the rods, square . A. plat or dication their rignt on her arrIl testator $100,000, or. that the rea Lots 8 and 4 in block 83. plat A, settlement and- conveyances. A tame more or lew. . .. above the is that and Clarissa foregoing tify H.Young, Salt Lake cation, oror the allegations and state sonable cash value of all the real Bait Lake City survey, and a part copy of said release is hereto atLuna Y. Thatcher, All of lot (2) two and (5) five in a full,' true and correct copy of the- commencVS at thesurvey, S. E. ' , ments her complaint. and personal property so J received of lot 8 in ; block 73, plat A, aialt tach! d and made part hereof mark block 17 seven, plat . Leeds City above and foregoiD? rt It a re- corner of sald lot one Mark Croxall j gardJan and trustee (l),: .. This defendant denies that the was more than $300,0ti0r Lake City survey, commencing at ed Kxhlblt B. . ,: i lor ana in behalf of Mary Eliza two and one Corded in my office in Bock?B" of and thence running West survey, containing (2) This defendant denies that by the northeast corner of said lot, . VII. That on the- 15;h dsy of half acres more or less. questions and matters In contro, j one 105 feet, eta. pages , and) Wl Liar d ' CroxaJIK' minors, agreements, 11 2Ce' north versy are of common or general In- the said conveyances so made to thence south 5' rods, thence west 5 December. 1877. the said plain lift, ' The undivided half of the fellow 7th, 1879, at 9 a. m. This the 25th rods I heirs and representatives of Mary thence east terest to all ths heirs, legatees, de- him as Trustee-in-Tru-st, 9Jeet, the said rods, thence north & rods, thence Emellne A. Young, was then rt sid lng described property to wit: north day of June, lS70,. E. 105 11 Young CroxalVdeceased, south thence feet, visers, or beneficiaries under said testator's estate was fraudulently east 5 rods to. the', place of 'begin- ing lathe Btate of California and east quarter or section (a) eight, j It, s Anqu3 ii; Cannon, ; W. Young, of 89 to rods , feet, place on and she aald -executed will, but on the contrary alleges and .unlawfully diminished one ning. ' Bait Becorder Lake County. r , l , j.of 1 s second i i duly day before Mai la Cv. Y outall.? c u w: (160) one hundred and j containing as known the that each family of the testator con- million of dollars or in any other 111. That beginning, John Hamlll, sixty acres: all that portion of the ; and the f Oscar B. Young, int. Theatre1 125,000.00 stitutes a distinct and separate class sum, but he says that all the con- third classes ef property the execu- acknowledged n. a commissioner of deeds appointed north-wes- t ExtnniT quarter or section (8) . Fart of lot- - 4 in blocs: j by said will, and only the children veyances so made, ef both real and tors did. convey the following des- by the governor of Utah Territory, eight, lying south of the centre of This Indenture, ...."(, made thlrtl the, Lucy D Young, guardian and trus-- I 74,commenclng at the N. , of said Emellne A. Young's mother tj estate, were done la the cribed parcels of real estate to this for the State of California, ascertain the Territorial road, leading from eth tee for aud in behalf of Feramotc of personal A. 1878, D., Vv. corner of said lot day onnMay, an I for power of attorney to Heber P.Kim' Taylor's Mill to Ogden City, con- a.petween by said testator, or their descend- discharge of the sacred duties of defendant as Trustee-in-Tru- st A ; n' L. Trustee-iYoung, a minor. thence south ayior, It running ants, constitute the class to which said testator and hU executors aa said Church, in connection with oall, which was duly certified by taining (110) one hundred.' and ten Trust, forj the : Church of Jesus B ' Mortis Young, 10 east rods, feet, thence she belongs, or have a joint Interest hereinbefore stated. commissioner and Is now on acres: south-WeDan-- I quarter of section Christ of Latter-da-y property, in liqui- said sundry personal Suaaixlpupg, fatS-aaiYoitSainU., of Bait with her, namely, XUia Elizabeth i' a regularly record in the Recorder's office for (8) eight, containing (160) one hun Ajaae This defendant on Information dation of ascertained, eaic ford, Utah laae ' .10 'west to thence County, uity, or tae one . j J J rods, Y. Empey, Marinda Hyde, Y. and belief denies that this property allowed and approved, account and Salt 'Lake County, and a copy of dred and sixty acres south-ea- st vt ; w ohn' 1 , '. Youiip.... part, and uiace ui WHiuuiu&i wuAerntory, Conrad, Hiram Sailth Young, so conveyed to him as Trustee-in-Truindebtedness of sM testator to said which ia hereto attached as part quarter of, sectiori (8) eight, contain - 1 Mary Ann Angell Young, Lucy tainlng " Miza is. 1 ouEg, of feet 11,880 Louisa W. Y. Furguson, Lorenzo $100,-OOhas produced Church on account of the trust hereof marked exhibit C, in which lng ( 160) one hundred and sixty Ann-DecD. Younir.' also part of lot 5,' Li D. Young, Alonzo Young, Rath ground, or that It can annually funds and estate of said - Church she authorised aalq Jvtmbau as her acre; all or section (17; seventeen, Partrldffe Younir. ,i:irEmily be 'T1.tor reasonably' blook in 74, oommenclng and Adel ascent for In and Yoang Johnson sum his and Elvira or to under control end J made her, attorney that hundred and Young, Eliza Burgee Young, Mar at the B. W corner sof v T j (640) six any produce guardianship , . . U.B.Young, ,. . -Young, i north-eaother sum greater than $18,000, as its Trustee and President, to wit: her name, to receive her share of containing f.s 'of W1 Peirce Louisa Huntacm; quarter garet ZinaD. forty Young, eald lot, thence runnings III. This defendant, on inform- after .making necessary repairs and Part of lot 1, block 75,. plat A, Salt said estate, and to execute therefor section (20) twenty, containing ( 160) ington Youug, Harriet EXJeok MarindA M.. ; Young Conrad,' north 22J feet, thence ation and belief, denies that stld the payment of taxes, etc Lake City ; survey, described; , In releases, acquittances, covenants one hundred And sixty acres; north xoung, Harriet? Barney Young, east Ella E. Empey, . testator died seized of estate worth thence , 10 rods, in and that other Bald and defendant lot VII. denies that plaintiff' complaint. Part of papers; 8, pur west quarter or section ( zi ) twenty Mary Van Cotl fYoung,8usannah South - 22 feet, thence Emellne A Youngj by IT. P. Klm-- I' $2,600,000 over and above all- said executors, at the time of set block .75,. plat A, Install survey suance, of said power or attorney, one, containing ' (160) one hundred Saively Young, Eliza y"R. Show west 10 rods to ball, her attorney in fact, , debts ami lUKintu. -Inst .... ef; place VI tling said claim or at the time the described in said complaint. said Kimball acted as. said plain and sixty acres: north-easv.. huo Part , Jv Twlsa NaimalK. quarter Young, C ' the to that beginning-which containing ... 1 - property . . . .he held conveyances were made by them of lot 8, block 73, plat A, Bait Lake tiff's agent, and for her did receive section (zi) twenty-on- e, .1 I containing Young, Martha -Bowker Youhg, 8,712 Tfeet, all In plot A. . ft". attorney in fact,. - HV , , or uue. was to this defendant as Trustee In City . survey, ..detcrlbed as . com her full share of all 01 aald testa ickh ngut one nunurea ana Y. Johnson, byButh Auams D.I Alan let .V. flit liw xoung, worm over ' sixty Augiuu and 8Young, this trustees 6 or of Truatvwere to said rods l,6,0O0: south of the north tor's estatesamounting church menoing $21,000, acres, situated In township (5) Amelia Folsom Young, all of Bait known as in fact, ' ? . . attorney defendant says-th"Social the : much of said that they were both grantors and east of said lot, thence south and did. for her execute all the five, north of range (1) one, west Lake corner b Bait Lake i Smith Young, 'guardian City, estate was held by the testator as grantees in law or in fact in such 15 rods, thence west 10 rods, thence County, Utah , , 17,433.97 lot, t foregoing v named acknowledg district of Utah. ' ; and Lucy Blglow Young, Hall' trustee for and in 'behalf of i Territory, and x rustee-in-TruIn it Part Rl'lot. block, 6, lor said Church transactions. Jb coveiaJ north rods, thence east rods, ments, receipts; releases; and All of lot (7) seven and rs) eleht of St. jGeorce Citv. VVahlntnn Alonzo Young and Adella Elvira v which wa9 the equitable owner and b.plat'ASalt Lake City He denies that as apostles of said thence south 5 rodd, thence east & nants, both to said executors and in block (35) thirty.flye, plat .'A, Cpptxfa'lttiiorr !' xoung, minors, sif at baneflclary, and that he was survey, commencing Church defendant or the said rods to the place of beginning: to this defendant as Trustee -- in aait Ajaae uuy survey, contalnmsr iizaoeta D. Younsr, t i t voung Vilate bted A. ecy lillaworth, corner N. E. at the time of his executorsthis the of said said to control . and Part of lot 6, block 76, plas A, Bait Trust, 'whereby and wherefore "Vrtiv r a (400) four hundred square rods, moie Young Decker, Brigham Yourlg, ueatn and justly owed to said direct saidassumed lot, thenoe running west Lake City survey, as described in defendant says that said plalntin or less. Emellne A. Jdtiram B Clawsen, :for. 'Alice 4. ... j. plalntlfl, J r., over '12 hee-eg' south thence mm tjnarcnThis IJXX),000. te her ao said complaint. Part of lot 4, block is bound by the actings and doiugs Part of lot (7) seven, In block, (36) x oung uiawion, deceased, , Luna rods;thenoe east . Arta-LCrista .Young, IV. defendant denies that Young, rods, tion or settlement in the distribu 74, plat A, Salt Lake "City survey, of her ' said agent, and la ferevet thirty-sipiat "A," Bait Lake Young Thatcher, and John Wfl-la- rd rods, since the FeramersL, 12 tnence Young,., to rods north day of Kovember.lS77. tion of said estate or the execution and a part of Jot 5 In said block, estopped and barn d t from ' the City survey, beginning at a point Young, of Bait Lake Clty,8alt place, of beginning, con Fanny CV Y TbaUil George Q. Cannon, Albert Carrie g-- of the releases and acquittances, Dotn aescrioeu in saia compiaJnt.. maintenance of this suit or any rous or nve . west the north iwe county, and. Brigham T T, tainlng i "43-16- 0 (a) Bhamlra. You tig Banilr, .; ton, Brigbam I oung, or either of acknowledgements,' confirmations The east of lot 6,"bl6c8iO, p!at A. recovery tnerein: and as. he la in east acres, corner of saia lot, thence run sioung, ClarhsA tl kYouuir,w " Brown known as the uMuseum" . Young ', mem, nave ever been assistant or jiiizaetn. : or as formed to and believes said otherwise Halt covenants, described in survey, JaK south plaintiff and (20) uiiy Ann . i r twenty ning Mary Y. KtUwortb rods,thence trustees for the said Church, or that her Interests In said estate: nor did oompialnt- Part 1 Jot. 1, block received aald $21,000 from her said east Ayers Young, 4,00000 Ellzaberh lot, ' , inree-reurtor a, rod, Banpete County, and Y. W. Vilate " nave ATeCker, ever Margaret or . acted been i recog they fraudulently or otherwise 83,plat A,8a!t Lake City eo r vey.de- - agent; i ,. j.:. Part of lot 8, In block "i7 by said Church or Hi leesUv thence north twenty' (20) rods, xouAignxBait.Lake.City, Bait Phebe Y. Beetle, nued v. The ; defendant farther thence wet 4 that had the This saia scrioea rirht in A salt Like CJty pretend three 0, they Lake 'earths t complaint, fVlli. a and of (!) put Clara County, gienhonse as asYoung, guar tin and siiCu uuiuonues ana aumoruy to dispose of said west i of the southeast i of section says that alter, allowing $75,000 rod to place of beginning contain Younir. of RinhfilJ. tuujuwwu I survey, commencing 5 and In behalf of Phi- . ajsiani irustees, as charged by the ' SO sums' I as all nronertv other of Jlarrietrxt. and and the In property credits ing (15) fifteen square rods. E I range I, townshipe nonb, a .the "?5 tlfl la hex caid complaint, or saia andHeber,Youi.g, J?any.taroUne plain ng, miner, , sne as ana a relJcri east of the Bait Lake, meridian U. on said Church acoount sg.Sset mat estate, Part of lot (8) eight In block (H) xounar riHUnnr;. Kim.if Tin I that amm it iui. iuu Burton, oua was east ooona before alThe lruTmraaxrath--15of half the 3. the or testator, it survey. Younir. and 'Shamir Yr.nnn-i- l inereny, rodr , aojs aerenaant denies Dora Younglate DoraToungDun- - ' plat A," Salt Lake that the mai uuijr, xiau toe ngns ana author northeast i or said section 3U. Also 10 wea oy tne executors ana an seventyfour, loey i survey at' the commencing executor or said will of said testa- ity , City ordjt disinherit her or to deprive 30 acres of land In said last named proved by the Probate and northwest comer of said lot, thence County, ana AttaD Cilsta' Yonn- - l?nce umiu ,v luu.. tor have pretended to allow, in de- - her to i f Lucy B. Young.'guardlan and true- i of all or any shares in said es section 30, described in the com alter said account was Judge, so allowed runnlnsr east five (5) rods, thence of Loffan Citv f'anh rin-- f --.h I tnence east 5 rods, thence i Ue for and in behalf of Rhode v auw m siaiuia ana or their duty tate, nor did this defendant claim plaint as a part of section 39. and approved for the sum I south 5 rods, thence. east of $999.. south (5) nve rods, thence west (5) Ella Elizabeth " niin-i- f In such cases, or hare fraudulently Mable Young, a tuluor. to Pce of b.gin- 1 5 rod any rignt wnatsoever in the Dre- - township 1 north; range 1 west, Ac. 632 90, In further) settlement of all nve rods, tnence north (5) five rods Marinda. Hyde Younir J Eliza Conrad, allowed a fait and fraudulent mises It B. Young, . I r conrerrea oy tot previs- That the aforesaid part of .lot 6, dlneiences and to' promote a satis to plaee of beginning, containing tt " .v ' x ouBjr.- - orr' Halt omr, coniaining one ana m claim against the estate of the tes- ions ofnot Husannah'B h nuiiui . Youiig.n. . r. ujiuui uily. --Hdait Lske ?Counlv. nrr. as the M o In factory settlement with ths execu laws of the D10CK7U, pans 01 jot oa acres,known and Aiaae rvus ouua Zj Marcaret tne tator oa the 10th day of Aprll,lS"8, iana. said will or the, Yuuiuii witn P. Vnrruij-uf; j . 71 above Old Buildthe and last block Constitution described i tors, legatees, deviseee,' etc., the ; thereen.: uu .c ine j ine,..,, A. XQUUg, el r ,.f. or at any other 1., J N. C 'i wUa Young, f to this defend'V Nor did said defendant and the of lot 8. in block 76. Dlat A. further credit of $300,000 was allow lnpa - and lng and Council House Fart of lot (4) fur in block mi tne ttUte of California,st y i' :? )Ulp: . B. Martha ant as Trustee-In-Tru-time, for said executors in pursuance of such part Ycung, Trustee-in-Truswere ed by this defendant as t T209 56 seventy-thre- e, ait Ajaxe cuy 1, plat "A" Bait Lake Louisa VVVU You ns Fenruaon lot, Church, to the amount cf $999,632.-90- , claim, right and authority convert. nally Augusta A Youug. fc h. I I 4., as aforesaid, for said tetta tor's City survey, commenclm? owned ' byouivey, the Church orlgl and Dd Loresao V.n Young, of .Salt at The traet the of following or for any other amount for bal- waste or as aforesaid to were corner and deeded said service the aforeChurch of said lot, thence property corpora southwest by the de ance on railroad "contract account: saiu in convey beginning at a uity, csaitA.ake County, and land to rnnninrnoi ta 101 nve rods. any manner as sec out in ceased Brigham YouDg, as Trustee-- tion, mus reducing saia-ciat8 rods east and 43 thnn point Augusta balance due on Utah Central Rail- said complaint, Young Clawson, tj Knew all men by' lbse nreeents, Jmily nor so far a - be to lumaeii inaiviaualiy. $399,632.00, and this before the eald east zvj twenty roas, thence south vaiviiue a ouncr i;roTkii. Jm.nh rods north of tbeiSj. K. ' . road accounl; 'errors in footing and that Kuifhit I, corner- or block ts, plat knows, believes, er is informed. and he afterwards acquired the le- mutual release by and bet, sen him to; yo foas, tnence west twenty Don f?arlnr l extension In vaccount; Zlon' Co- did her Citv. t.d Cowntv of rsfldlng-atto executors do so, nor did gal title thereto, but in said settle and the said leg tees, benedclaries. rods Bait-Lake paid of (20) con- - JoeephlBe Young jenettr, Rlchardi Aplace beginning, , Ban 30th,-187Soperative Mercantile Institution this defendant or the executors, eo ment ia the4tate of Call- sr. was LI 1 was Cy dated classed UUSB Fraueieoq LSI Ul it lndi his with avi May ,nunnrfal ete, Younsr " . ' Hnell. Nui.ia thence a.a .and vey,'.; 9 account; balance of boos: account tar as ne snows, u informed, or be vruuai - property ana received as made. of the' City' of Bait' Lake, running " fornia,) rods with ' the buildln thereon. north g rods.' thence N. from June SOth, 1373: real eatate Clawson, of Salt Lake City. on. the aforesaid indebted IX. And this defendant farther All of lots from (1) one to (20) Young County, or Salt Lake, Territory of by ' reason of any claim of such Bait Lake County, and Dora Young 40 B 12. Tods, thenoe N r BocUl Hall, lot and budding; real lieves neea. have madeconstituted and tne of demand Utah, her. President that -testator, ' says, .twenty being the whole of the jWoodrrfr, riata Youusr, and Ruth 66 E. 7 authority, u' TOd- ' estate Museum let and building; spiritual sa or unlawfully or otherwise compel of the property, both lirigbam loung, in his lire time. block (19) That and. by these presents do' biir appelated nineteen, 4r. v S3f w. flif N. xour2 Jahnon. thence SSr.iLY.HM real estate Council House, lot and said plain UH to make and deliver real and personal which was Paid fully recognized his liabilities to five acre ri, inake coottl lute and aDDoint Heber hniM"A" with the plot WBslii2ti?n Countv. nnd Alf.ili 100 thence W. 23 86-,.mi. l Kimball of Salt lake City, building; amount of errors In cred- any release: nor did they unlawful on the aforesaid indebtedness, was Bald Churcn as its Trustee-in-Trus- t. ings thereen containing nooinn. x curs jr. I ngham Morris Y'oUDff, 100 rods, its in President Brigham Young's ly withhold her Interest in the received by this defendant as not only as to his Indebtedness hundred 82x2o' N thence rods, ' S2Ina P. acres more or lees. ' ' lt Lake, Territery of tounty, true oung wiill.m?, Oscar W. 9 rods, thence account; amount to reim- estate, and eo" far as the release of Trustee-in-Tru- st, private, at liberal prices aforesaid, but as to the property so All of lots ten (10) and and lawful Attorney eleven 1 fin 1 llr'l. burse the Trustee-in-Trus- t 219 ff. E. for error paid plaintiR Is made to htm, as and at much higher figures than its neia oy mm in trust ror it, and br block rod. for me and iu my name place and i (U) fifteen, Big Field (5) Ave ton, U. xruBtee-in-Trufor Mary IV thence E. 57 10 rod-- , erroneously credited the nrivat ne ears that It reasonable cash value, or than it his last will directed 'his executors acre plot itead and for my use and benefit, to f 10) ten Vcur? '"A" count of President Brigham Young was made containing 0 thence JO' fl. E. 1(0 and voluntarily could have: been sold tor. Indeed to pay ail his debts and to make all acres more orless". ' i :;.w.s,.n4. i.i V'",Si"' ecised, Maria collect and receive all for subsistence and quartermaster's Dy the saidfreely demand, ak, 89 57' W. rods, thence S beneficiaries for the had the liquidation of said claim in proper conveyances, and settle all Part o lot (7) seven, block (75) I'h&bo Boor!j,,.'VVi)iard,,Youn which shall or Mm. 25 rods, thence B. GO ixkIk,- o,money bills, etc., as per entry of August purpose pf forever or settling all ques- cash, in said property at its cash trusts, slo Dy his oft repeated ver wventy-flv- e Which are payabie.belOErlnr, given IW ahenri Bait and "A" Lake Youes 23th, 1S6Q, or for any other item. uuui vt , 5 . thence plat W. rods. then. Moriancnmer Deen insisted upon. bal statements acknowledred hla controversies market uiuerences, aud bequeathed, or in any inanm r But on the contrary ,defendant says and causes Purvey commencing at a point .v,i-if- r, out irtK8 Kail O, erode, tbenee W. 10 rods of litigation, between u wouiavalue, nave runner materially di liabilities for the nroperty a and cny due and coming te me by the Will Lake feet wu anu every nem or said toe CouQ? y; ail of the Vlty, (26) twenty-si- x TJrrlhnr- - thence B. 0 rods, thence man and north (165) ana saia estate estate minished assets the testator's of the Church so held bv one hundred and elxtyifive ftet of Ut.U,, w;tl-- ; the the inurcn and and Testament and from the XLstate and so allowed by the executors benenoiartes VV10 R: rodsMhence of claim, is exception under ot will, and have lessened the individual shares him, and thereby showed his good west from the southeast oorner f Emellne father Brigham Y'Oung nay and approved by the Probate Judge this was done uponsaid . taim. Is thence Youngwho 5 of W. rods, the full Inform. of his numerous legatees and de faith and honest Purpose to settle raid lot, t hence and wpen payment thereof estate of said Bait Lake County, was a tlon and tnence w. B. north others "and (69) running along City ms liabilities to said Church. to knowledge by said plain- - visees or their heirs. eald sixty-nin- e my names whose thence attorney, to make, exebona fids existing indebtedness, iiu anu ner underslcr west ned.farira. ari feet, HZjf (20) creex, xoQpt to the cute and deliver a general discharge I N. W. corner attorney or trie matters This defendant further says that X. TThat this. defendant and said twenty feet.thence south f69)sixtv. -of the !ato of.ihe Yobb. Brigham ap. honestly due and owing to said In controversy, and the items of the Oardo premises which were re iuureu curpunuon are Doth per- - nine feet, thence east (20) fof the- same: meanfm? and lnfri waU. thence K 2T pf theothermrt.w'ltnw.-llde- n Church, and said claim tot said account and claims asserted by twenty ceived at' one hundred and twenty recuy solvent ana nave the proper feet to the place of beginnlnfif. wthese presenU that my aald Infiptiycon- - datod, . the . lh: I S3 That oa rods 6 item was for the funds, property, feet, thence. tenth the Church against said testator. thousand do!larsr were not worth ty subject to execution in this Ter ' hundred I aay oiApru--whereas, shall. act.f or, me and do 1878. Georra o &. ny w ft attorney i IX. tnirteen ,nr and assets of said Chnrcn, under ana I.i3wj cuum amount near over in the market. ritory, to property held In that and above their respec- and eighty feet. for- kae, arid, secure all receiva and uamton 'muii VY..58 thence VeonBf 8. the control and in the legal custody trustine reds isngnamand held. a tive liabilities, amply sufficient td "Beal sute deeded to thennder- by said testator for said and, beside, the Church term InteresU under the and 2 feet, thence W. is rrui my rights of aald testator aa Trustee-in-Trt-ut of of satisfy any Judgment which plain signed and enumerated In will of -Bl,l"': Church, and no material fact was lease on eald premises for a will and testament. "and In the es 8 . and for said Church. thsnce-con... uecaaeeo, 6 feet, uj&um tuuag, withheld from her or her said sgent ninety-nin- e years from the First tllrmay obtain against either of tne late Brlrrham Yoans annraisArl veyed, tate cf Tjy Ratd father Brigham ' i Lhd tlf Iltered to rods and 12J feet to assigned i. And this defendant denies nor was any misrepresentation place t" a ..,-- of September, A. D.. 1S76, at them respectively, and that neither at $54,95a00.u and for me and in of beginning,' containing wie aaru eun A ay tor,, Trustee-in- that aald sum, or any other sums maae to utm py this defendant. day . .. n r Youngdeceased, defendant In his ewn right nor the" nominal sum- of one dollar. saidTrustee-in-Tru. (rjy"n&m-toi'B)gof articles 83 as xrus. pron. Sundry d execute) all personal .. . f allowed by the said the leas 4 acres, aiereeaiu, executors and or ty any otner the st, property. as nor t as ih lease Baid rent. from any autho erty per account rendered valn-- H neceesmry Tvcere to that end. . , being dehereinafter of land said Prebate Judge, or ms xnowieuge kuu oeiiei. bejt yearly peraonai, following approved piece X "ff by or so as said leoeaaed Brigham the Church, far this cung to rity was false, fraudulent or illegal, ox This defendant further denies himself Giving and Granting-nticr ana, mr- liquidation deeded ; to .Lorenzo D. mr U 14 as Truatee-m-Trnfor said defendant knows, or is informed, or iS9t Bhares of Utah t Bon them and payment bf eunrfAttorney, full power and s, aa described Young, executors, by collusion that he individually made or pre- Church and to his successors la of oeneves, nas aitemptea 10 remove Railroad Company's Stock. tnV authority ; in and about the Jesus Christ of and fraud with this defendant, at tended to make any conveyance fice, Is an acknowledgment that or sell, or convert any of. the prote wlti begtnaimj at Provo Manufactur- - v iLFtnSDauis pea, and: to use, all dae xieans, counr esthat or any other time, knowic 7 r r wha tsoever of any of the property far said time it belongs ' to the perty, ateets or estate of himself, or 834 Bhares ef Btocx. th vf against ' , y tate Of Klld (llVManf block Sfllv tmd'prareaii.ln the law for the full. the fraud and illegality of i 1 CI. view in lngcomnany 36 Shares of Zlon's vejeuto By iue executors of said Church, and it is also a declaration the said Church, with-eCectna slderaUon Whereof the said John arid cotnplete ex ecntlou claim, and intending to cheat ar 1 estate, rvey. thence person or persons of trust, and Is good as such. . any manner of hindering, delavlnir Mercantile Institution Stock;' aaid iee-iuIS. la ; my name to make7 thereof, . rus defraud aald estate, and the benefi- whomsoeverany t as ' ore-Ki-d, tc I rod. iaum af ; at the for as execute IV; That after the will ef said or obstructing the plain tiff In any 21 Utah 'Western IUIIwav Cos. "J,u'did, and 82 deliver all .and rv ciaries thereof, under said Will, did alleged in said the purposes date and 27 E. IS rods, thence N. Brigham Young, had beeti remedy, or In the collection of any FlrsirMortgaze Bonds of the -nomi- does hereby for himself thereof, Inutrntnentln wrlllc!: and' for the Inform allew said claim as a Just any other purpose.complaint, or for testator, E. his and thence si; rods, suc N. admitted to probate and the lodgment which she might obtain nal value Of J 1.000, C3 each. premises to appear and-niand legal demand, and caused the rele3U,e ana abso-mte- ly 2S reds, thence H. 7Si- person, And for a further defence this dr duly ; Railroad eaht executors, Cannon, Carfing- - against them or either of them. recresent before-ato 9 Southern Utah Cos. same te be filed ia Raid and.. foreret Wm Probate icuvuui iira anu anegee; v thence S. rofig, ZZ9 the discharga ton ana Brigham Young, had exe- And this defendant denies, that to First Mortgage Bonds of the nomi- executors aoree-i- d and , the' said W10 . Judge;j.tfacer"andi falnistcr of the Court, and procure the approval LnXhat til a I etatn rods, thence B. cuted bonds with approved rare- far as he or the saia tnurca are con nal valaeof i . estate of and front aald law whatsoever, and in rr v rtnnr 1,003.00 each. 1 63 and endorsement of the same f 8 W. claims by Brigham Young, deceased, acted es fies, as required by-larods, thence & was tr is any -; and the there D. note of Judicatureantian Roberts' cerned, orCorjTta W. elated March demanis...-the - Jai of eald court." Bat, U rod to place of begin:.' the andcllef eCrt'tf Prebate Court; and after they had necessity ' or cause for' the' . bsu- - ICtb, 1S77 at 6 months and interest N&v: ihcru.n -behalf'td ttrosreatet 'rnvrl--i,- fi on the , contrary, aald defend- the President ,i t 2 Church -ning, containing s-1 ;, of tho maxtnlWraa I anoe or au 44 or u re at claims valued ujr harl uwieu as sue a executors, $1,180.00. j 1 . ant saji that ' each' fuid all mjuucnuu . ahd;to"answer,d!nd and. I TunT . . ' acres..:, f .,. -A fnr nrr!.F th I M a ef we. ' .t.1 wm strain! n ym s sWbVUUk I . John Reading' netes 'five' of WMV wiaa w 2it:Ai orinam ' a eu aoava, ma iters ana of the items 0 said Account mm IIS firtiSieeTlT-St' I wifh this liquidated . snii art: Ha if imltAri. nr tha raH nf Also a tract of land $1,000.00 each b soured by mbrtsse paid by the mi'-te th tLIas' wJtatoevertilaUTj allowed by the executor and ??"?,cil fiducial relations ' I TaykTr to it, from cf the testator as cen- at of the property In controver- - valued at 1 2,00aX, the commencing chare to eav.'do.. prerve the An4eaenjy Probata sail cd approved by er putting it uaar r Jos. Woodmansee note dated tre of secUon SO. T. I. NY r Ir30 rr by a recslver, I.nccrPr"on until I for aald Church, the heirs, kc-te- ea, act, " transact deftermlzie, sccom- were honest and legal, equitable !T I t..i urns H 01 ms aestQi andas annh IdevlBAaa and ben.fl-ior- t.i R. uis h -' amardlanshin X a60 lerw nf ih tbenco & er!al Ei nnri,th finish and Bald pi:sh aUxauts ine eugeu, and bona fide Items due from said Chief cfSecr and Trustee-ln-Trn- st and ImAk Llarv I Will of said testator, rm Ann a-, t Anrrii Ik . R9 f v. r, r, i th. isthlnrtnTtnrlnsthls lltlsration. things' whatsoever reUtin tn oung,Lucy Ann Decker Young, I thence 170 sVToo interest in the said Will and Testa- - i - defendant says that the their petlis Bait Uuted 1878 a. w-- a 1 l??' jbvsb axO-TT- exe-tle- n , t. M i-o- 1 st n.u -- - si ' -- S i- r it .k.M -- 8-- 12 - fl-ln- -- thed .i1 ju-m- t 1 mar. v , - j . -- - -- . Of-tf.- - tee-in-- - the-Chur- ch . Hi-10- 0 . -- I . 1 i st T.; ; . . , . . 1 w or . l, Its-tru- ..;'.-- . " , Lere-uctoseto- ur at st -- J . rt-;-f :- f : m " . st 1 t t . " : $ in! 1 d. ' - of.-Faau- -- y ; . . . in-Tr- ust - tt 1 . . --- .. J. .. t, 1 , 1 - . -- . -- - I 1 Zlna'P.nIlIlanl'B7''r . :' -- - A , st hg r st O, ker A.-To-nnc' . -- st Y.'-J'ergus- r on . , lt -- t' . a. , . - Hr-ti-Yonn- g-1 . - -- at " ) at largely-inde- i : ... . ' et a ,,- V 1 x, . a:. ! : - ' ns -- ;,-- H-i-- tri,. .i - . A ( : . , , J j J .. . ,s lo-i- ua 5.U; .. - .. . -- ,.. 1 j-- sae m in-'rrn- st, 1 - . -- ff a 1 1 ur- 1 . . -- 45-1- 00 - of-Ka- '-- 08-1- 00 24-1- 00 -- v..-xai- st . , 1 . -- - tt ... 1 at-la- de-ceas- ecf, . w -- -- A. - nTst ! '?" N, .-.. 84-1- I 00 -- n' -- o nili. st . . ful-Iow- ? 1 a . -- ! !. ve -i. 1-- 10 e-e- - - n- . 1-- afn-rs.!- ? w l'' -a- -- SB kMm -- 5 "t - rf r 'bv,. .. t jiax5iMffsaa:i .. 10 . 34-1- 00 |