OCR Text |
Show nnf IUvUW anrl ft .. 1 AJBLMLn QsT . V TTI . at 1 . fttf k.n . -, n ButvK tn'n1 Ul xV,Ealt fV; Voundoced, -- Teetaallw to ill aou purposes, a i xultst or totent m Bloc could do If personally orejwnf. v - lul!1iMTcy ... ar Brigham ?.P,? tTY. ct 2 or iifi red by a, thT.7:;,r:"5 7."f ?". or the rtl"JL"mrQ?i or tE' owtHmTarX. Easing or iin Block In fivof rif tPla63, Ulo4k7 Plat L. wsi . . NOTICE. u rrUcitB ti3.t i meetTabernacle Serrlcei.--T- he was opened by prayer by Elder ing' IN THE LA8S The first speaker OUTFIT HAPE B. Dia E. Tripp. ana I m7Z .v. 76. holding Plat i !..? ..V y"""fng P. Richards, reCARPETS. was Elder WfLL PAPERi Henry a uacoffl. in ih- nn i i libi r.i loef CefendanU LACE CURTAINS, OR KQUSC uo Or rai from 'uau a mission to -returned iiniuiir Win. cently lc'"fltJr work!, nawt po llll done by virtus of theee wHiuoa or salt claim FURN1SHINCS, OF AJIY' blt- Ialandr. farther Since hie n. Sandwich tb4 w PTS,nS?i'S?efc?2 me eve to to rot) or PfUt??fr JMMt tht.0."6 these or,Yotd reserving -- w myself by i '7 f CRIPTIOIV, WILIm CAVfi MOXEY i" mwi or tn. raioary porous former mission to that country, 2 descried Tn Pa wf of iDttv; tte cots, lit, V tfj,1 M I nv i i z LDlPrODerlv , rsmeoy. rmn dim for "uu nUki or I the AT revocation. PJ4U. and therein CARPET USE 81CL nBU tuna uo 1i ago, many change Tbey yeTra - DEPT.,' :.-.'- : -paia better had taken place and some la witness r - O whereof O. M.-lj erer fooDd lnamBllt-- " relief a t one . W ' la-- , good . faiUb,. there and and-'- , core for Baaoa' to JUT., , B , ELD R ED C2r c ; UlrojriMtM the worse; the former having Vu!i.aceo-.ln,no knowledge ox be ,1 Fifteenth day of oiitrwiiti itKnu neater. iiaying ?Mt i- t mat r to tbe Improved facilities Mid nnt f reference . w m uei Ji u ai Euperintendeht. . oiaar one thousand eight popular tnip A will not even relieve Tbey hmidied and trust platters lawiol and yajld, aubmlt the in the gospel and the for eoventy-aeve- n. I be a red spreading it weak cure back, rhcumttkm, tereau or thm Mtate to. rcapect e, I"6r PtTKK 3 ItowiCMi rd cf!AV. ipwoHMwi exhibited toward. . the aireetoia,sctat.ea. la to-- inenstO to th tadirmant mf SSSVAff Af?W .Pwperty In tAa back, hlna and tolerance nmraiata. Dana thx t ' Signed. Huitvi Elders by the. authoritle pf the I v of ine Pro- - uourt, npoa the facta hereto aUted, I DIES, Cakfca,Cracliera .and Good reataerterooflaaiiyaCeteorehAnseer " .V"re lo DertvV.iTL the presence of. sneufcl wear these eeastantly dur- Bred m to Bum the tbe aald. of latter caUn HENRY Mf?Sforflxed "e referring teatator, and auch at.th umr arena, as taey area sure Islands, ARNOU). of f f 6"6 State of. n&Mfin.t.-- ' preventive of. ckU. ful evaxy wberp- - rapid decrease of the population . ...;,.. rrlee,nets. '"., denv that u I through tbe practice of vie) and du a ranclnco acrea to eectlon J aa members of the Apostles1 Quor- ""T anJ 2 J v&i: received . a lull vtnoolf ! FEAu crime. Twenty-tw- o yens ago the atilddea1 OaWanJaed ateel Barb m itauona or Benaoo'e riae-te- r ' was up..w uniiuiui. of Poroas I . Islaoda a tbe Capcloe acta or conduct ' '. "" sroiorairect the hnn. linn population la i be utrtet. Sotae el i beta .seotain wards of a II-.er)ce TV'lro. "The Very Best ansreruus or ne membera of the aaid Church ', In complaint. " r before rns "I76 - 2described now it wa between 80,000, t T a?ra aaty-eeremiaeral Baoa aeaclas ptfeooe. 4 ? nd aad aouth J of lota In all thlnea; or that Get circular.., II. B.Ci.twsoi; ; trit .TJ, h;" cvuukuu uapeioe piaster bas Uie etora 40,000 and 50,000, the cent u, Which 5, 6,7 .. ii In any wie pre- uapciue mi uiroiura 1U Takeooetaer, ".its Territory Agaot was taken every six years, showing I commencalsa Jinn fUUa duly appolated, commi tended j . h rvey; or claimed toeyand tiEifl HA I LOB Pi- - a decrease of K D O Y O 5,000 souls within the I? BD N. A or OK fflK? Htf. S!?1 authority to.dkW.???' City and NAM A HATJ, and other late last six The qusen of the SFltlNGB AND COAX. . I 7 WEKEB I year. 11 ei " ' Dun . aarrey. tuvuu? .nnih . rotu. "uvuw, "n j I in inn :.t... .na. K.l. 1 aillUIUU. TWmnn.llIslands was an Intelligent- - woman The only reliable ' market for Bummer Styles; tb we.t 40 rocU, thence north 2 bnTflcl K. 7' Kmellne A. " Received thlj day by EX PRE33 and was doing all she could to hat tie of to their comndr or do-- ! lurap,J assorted' a! and egg "'!9obai r- -e J?M place T,rTVhoi.am: ..... Largo stock ,f ways on band at OUR er BUDBcrmm tk th. d tn f un. against thl terrible decimation iv. HATTER, na outh j of loU 5 and tL block PIt r of fd I and full weights firnaranteed, of AttomeyT T among her subjects, by founding . . u. V I A " T r M. it -I jut u d!82Im DTJNFORD'S.reason of the alleged Prices tolo '1, and special attention ' jr .urvr oy for the care of the ehlld- societies h executed th coowants riven suit tbe of the aame. . SeD..only had 1I aplrltnal claim of mnthnritr. or In UO. l"!,h.m.ouJ3ar, other for the up" Office. Xeseret Bans: Block. one lot) , ; .... any way hare waaUd or converted lo witneae wh.rf t This paper may be found on file bearlng, and uV,;Ju,r.of '.' 3 na . eectlon vice I of JT and let 1, 1 any property of Mid .t.tM. nr th.t . and.dis&lpufpn. . l. ; A.. onto set mv h.nd preeslon d93 Gouuj, Agent. at all times at C, R-- L AP.R.R. 7 T?6"011.1.3 antt;th northweat- - of they hara llleeallror wlthont eu- tfiiclal seal, at rr.v rTtr. .rl herself as tetter bad She expressed a ii urn v ine jierthwent Ticket Office, No. 56 Clark Street, of aectlon 20. town- - thority demanded or exacted " aaa year In thla Certiflcate i pleased to visit the Saint on the fixat oilr l ' ' Chicago, where our friends are at Island " aooTe written. 'l siutn, range 3 watt of the corwuion of the deliTery to the ' ' if n ' of Oahu, their gathering e V eaB-Mawavaaa I'ke V. beneflciarlea to call and examine the shares B,aurTey, to it. allotted liberty mejdin, John " 162itcre8.. Hamici,, ; other ; than rr . place any place, " releaaeor whatLL..S. j txommiaaioner of Deeda. releases luem, any .. ii ;r t Also the eaat i of the norihweat evei; eaaon or that the defendants bay In 'her dominion, one 'or the Territory of Utah. t ana at new the Photoarabh Call the At north of H. DINWOODEY'd Furnilore the northeaat compelled each or any of aaid bene- more were chil there .Itecorded Jana 16th , 1379, at 8 t or aaia section i being Gallery, opposite the cfty Hall and dren i u maae. or uviaxiee oaiivor Store, tf. uj to than other, there place. any , Xta 1, 2, 3 and 4 nd the abulh- - ieaat-a- or that they to the manner Theatre,' and. see the specimens. weei t or northeaat t of aectlon 19 alleged or ust has Territory of Utah C. for "yourself; they are the The authorities were .'opposed , tootherwise j Agent, j5hn Cutlek, Judge attempted in eaiu lowmmp. 4 fraudulently, corruntl v. or the reasons already cltaouth lotcouniy of But received mew. tn at ef a ail and Cloths best and cheapest picture ever emigration - for or tbe eoutbeast i and lot 2 of eec- -j thei-UaIto Increase. me or M. l, It ueo beingI, Angns ueprive of persona, to any person Jeans from the Prove Mills. He made In tbe city. Cannon, Becorder In ""a j lowmnip ; c?to., all couth, the i, and for aald County, do her by cer- - I described power assert their has a large "Stock or home made nuitled, diminish than rather the' popula -V' in ' . , complaint. or Just to I ' any rights any Interest in- Trhhks,. Brooms, Cotton Batting," .. t .. tify that tbe etxyre ami foregoing were al Of lot 4. bletk 5 Tart no natives' and hence :' tnl ' ' I AT C!53e5 DUNFORD'a tion, ''YElXOW aweBw) aaid drestate, or that any release is a run, irue ana correcti copy of Salt Lake Citv-,- ., iL1V uwcnDea fnanded or received by thene dt Vashloardar'v hand-mad1 ho ab ve and Laces, BOOT STORE" for the FOURTH lowed to leave the country except foregelne Inatrument in comptalnt." rend ants from any beneficiary uc Artificial PioweW, Saeir and 19th and m icecorcimi in my cince in Book by permission. This V prevented T, WENT lot 4. blopk si. r.it t tn uer tne saia wui was void, or trc- JULY; many of Attorney, fco., said B." of native Saints front gathering , Soips, "etc .' . wholesale or Ward described oureu survey la means me or with tbe In Have received LARdE. BTOCKS to Utah. , . " . Dy paee ,' . .. The Lord would open the V. 3,block 7, DialLLake terest alleged In aaid complaint. plat at TbI the 23rd day of June, A. D. - Aiso, that Summer BOOTS, SHOES,"' and way, however, in .his: own jeoou ,u,very the no time that sale of . tbe , . Deny report is:t. or me aeatn of aaid testator : there or transfer theteof has ever been Money! Money! Honey I . AKOC3 M. Cannon, SLIPPElii, which they are Veil- - time. A looseness of morals was existed between him, as Trustee as raade or filed in said Probate Court, V the people: gen noticeable IS llcorderM.of Halt Lke Cj aioresam.ana saia Church, an open, or tnas. not ' ap-- Urj Cameron of the .New York ng lat VERY LOW' PRICEa erally, but among Isaac guardians . wtre a must be a a allowance mm much Waddeix, Dep. current and unsettled artmutual ror me minor neirs as by Hooee buys and sellsr for cash, and Look for..-.. oi;' 4 count or long l ataading, wherein Huiaieu and education for defective ade w reuuireu. asuk on tne contrarv PUNFORD'el. the aaid testator was charged, and, auege mat au ine doings and pro la j therefore head and shoulders dl82 lni SKPARATi ANSWER OS THK ether Considering disadvantage. as tnese defendants are informed above others, for f cheapness His ceeuings or said aerenuants were stock iXEcruroaa. ' Chew Jackson's ' Best' Bwee these things, they were: quite aa ana believe, was chargeable, . with Is choice and elegant, and to tbe aald Probsts duly presented '' ddtw u rents ana income received hv Court, and guardians appointed for oflers Immense " good es many who professed to be Navy Tobacco. i In ; mUrict Court; Third Judi- -i turn irom property or said Church H. J.t?e 1 bargains I Dry i ChcislIans.' They were kind and i. cial DUtricl, Territory of Utah, by him held in trust, and with DeiT thl. k.- lFancy.Goods, and the ' Work Of the Jewslryfo is aget for the Cele- --Iinnl . County pf Salt Lake. v"jr vj,:table, various matters of account pertain by said executors was unfair, tin-- 1 ons,i oaaies ana uents' ant7er brated to was makfrTg Improved Lion Sulky Rake. Lord to the execution of aald trust, equal, fraudulent' or not in accord wfcar,- Hosiery, Gloves, &o.,r &o. x . Emeline A Young, plaintiff. ing . . All even midst. who tnem in their unite --, to a large amount, jand that no ac a nee with the win of the deceased. have; ' .vs. saying they are the Simplest and I Eld C.W. Penrose waa the next counting or settlement .of or con? ana the law in any respect what f ' !iiu-.A aeseeele Brett., rt y Hake. Do not fail to call He referred t theemarks . . m w cernlng said account, or. any mat ever, or that $100,090.00 or anv emwl ., Can always be avoided tfleorge Q. Cannon, Albert pro Strongest and see them. Fall line of steel speaker,and Itrigham Yoong as ters pertaining ta the execution of amount whatever was used to pay viding yourself with Gil let'sby he that ' of Iiy Atating' Cream predecessor, . n Scrapers on hand. executors of tLeJast will of lirig- - satd trust by the testator, had aver tbe personal or private debts of "i . . . . t ... a- similarity in had always-notice- d Tartar Baking Powder, it Is ' so i been demanded by either1 party;; or John WHIaid Youagr. hm Young, deceased, and John maae Is a happily established fact the tenor of the remark of returned between eaia xru&tec and said .Deny tnat in tne Uistrlbntlon ot much stronger (is absolutely pure), Taylor, John, Sharp, Jctward Hun- Church. ,m,-.estate real was the division fcj. the ter, Horace Is; In the end, If yea care for that Fellowa" Compound.. Syrup of aaleeioaiaries, who. invariably . reKidredge,- George ' That after the decease of aaid wholly or at all arbitrary or un and ' Uoddard, Leonard Vv. Hardy, 4 Hypophoephltes will ! retard vital turned with lor after their labors . 1 . Theodore McKean, Joseph, U. testator, tbe said Jhn Tajlor was equal, or larrely or at all controlled health, cheaper than any other. bear to In testimony the Increase Ylneyard, consumption, elected and appointed the by favoritism to some or any of the Inyolahtary KingsbQry and Angus M. Cannon, ualy tof aald CSiurch beneficiaries or that Invidious er PURE DIXIE WINE muscular power and thereby hartJen fja the go9dnes Trus defendants. ; , - promote . tbe organs.The defendants George Q. Can- corporation, and acted .as such in any distinctions were made against For Medicinal and and I! manifested Itself to them In tbe va vitality . . in the transactions Family the all m mat saia alleged has Albert tin any. jjeny more plainone-halacuibate restoration. it conse rious parts of the earth. This Show-a- d non, Carlington and JJrlg-ha' between bim and these nut received lf use; from tne vineyard or quently than them- - wher possesses ' the wonderful was God Vcnng, ezecutoia of the '.last complaint, with that - . i will of Btlham Young deoeaaed, defendants. part to value of tbe estate which J C. Nalle, Toquervllle. property ofi proloneino- human ever they went, and watched over i II -- I a i That as such Trustee 'and In be i been' has HaarJ to which life... J distributed, . " Is the deodaw at . Vy' i j. ,4 tepArately answeilng 1 pUlntlfl's half of eald Church he demanded. on a fair distribution she - would This Wine guaranteed their 'interests with' ktodhes and i .Jf ....V...".' complaint herein, deny , that . the ofltbese to be Pure " and ' ' But on ' a perfectly defendants i mission i r ' been was have conveyance . entitled. the the free "from , ' "J It' ImparUality. sid Brigham.Yonng, deceased, left o! all the ; ' h fM'"j H 1 mny adultera; :y property held by the tes contrary allege that she did re an estate of the Value of two and 6f the BalnU te preach the Gospel j '. f.i Jii3i;:)'!-- j "J ,i ih fl i'fi'"i' EVENING NEWSone half millions of dollars, or that tator In uust,and also presented for ceive her full, fair, and equal tion. C2.00 per gallon, 1 ' ...:s -i , ' :y elder i io and nation ''i every every set a.-j-claims of allowance forth in share all the propertydistribated. 30c per bint. Z: C.M.I. the j! ui Lg "" tbe estate, inclusive of certain ' " -f o ' , ".'.S 'II' '14. .'' ready-tgo must hold 'himself, ' '. t ' XJeny that these defendants are held by him In trust and tbe complaint, verified In due form. si :i i .. If..; ' .... j sole SO, XS7V. at anv .i. .fii.:n time - he -- mifht be I defendants, believing aaid not pecuniarily responsible to an Drug Department Jaa lt. 4 ' property not properly a part thereof, exceed- That the be .::;. ml' Lake Salt for : t City. ' Just, allowed tbe same, swer any and all claims which may agents '..")' .(. ed lu value the sum of $ 1,60,510.03. claimasto led"tf Mornioniam" had been t v . ,'r.-- . i.'f fva they .axe. informed and be- ne estaoiisoea against tnem by this ITu Millennial Ski wllllw mall : of '.i1 ! allod"'''' They deny that, aa such executors and ..r. ') t; ; .'.;.;' l i a i conglonxeraUon' or otherwise, ia the administration lieve the same was afterwards pre- plaintiff and all these whom, she WCAI MD OTHER j appear-nc- e with and all in Of i to Probate to ed said the ori ta sented the religions, suit, represents address, or .'recolpt, by any Judge of said estate actually in anymattera con Deny that without seme action thaj of; truths eince it dU include nccted therewith, either La the par- Court of said county, or allowance, PteaiV and of with of him Cut. like Crowded kind this and allowed; Editorials, plaintiff by duly ticulars alleged In tbe eomplainr.or all that was good and true ia every be 'forwarded, for $L20, these " defendants, a.(id estate will be defrauded or the copies-wi- ll are dent's otherand items Veto, in any way, they have grossly or at thereupon Creed and it advocate! were to be of it their daty under tbe btirs 'or legatees lose their i ust er tbo reduction being on account to make room, fox tbe all neglected or violated their, du- deeming out crowded j ' . -. . !'"--. of difference will to the and Address directions the gathered from every nation nnder y't- 7 j rights. : ".ii postage. authority ties or any duty, or have not faith- of matter. t .,.;V . or any waa a, nulegal defendtestator and church t ; these virtue .Further This the Liby" heaven ; 42 aa answering, William ' aakl or ad Inlstered k estate, Budge, Islington, " fully j .'" ... ., -t:,il ,:.; ' rl''.!I.'l' ta aettle tts say, That as required by said verpool, T.li ; have wilfully or fraudulently or In their office as . executors,1 cleus out of wnlch would gtxw a .dswtf England. . , f claim and all will and at tbe ' Zlon's of ail the said and B. Z. LI. request A of discharge sufor meeting hear should any way wasted, converted, literal kingdom which the mothers mentioned in the will and WHEN '. fered to be wasted or can verted, a claims and demands against, Musical Society' will; be held this away' over YOU YOUR earth with W3H w out ere of thereunder of the that of estate the testator, legatees arising or any portion of said estate 8 Jeeus Christ as ita In ; the Social t large Hall, evening a was FURNITURE of OR valuation tluae sala the at connected wfttesia ot traet, age, King and Buler, or the property thereor. I . I f f a settlement or the same ni&do hy these defendants and UPHOL8TERINQ OF ANY KIND o'clock. Prompt and full attend and alt nations would have to t yet They deny that or they, or either of negotiated i if r as and three appointed ance said persons with Trustee, competent desired. Taylor, .oix;Ji. CONSULT have DONE. otherwise to hie YOUJWILL dominidQ ttem, unlawfully or acknowledge right said of a credit the mothfor $300,000 that purpose by procuring V appropriated a after taken, converted .ltftlB and yield obedience to his laws, the estate of aald testator for. his efs . if all the real and person I YOUR INTEREST BY CALLING - General e MeetlnK.-Thlarge, or any amount of the proper- to SeventlM BSdd AT vDEC. estate CARPET said tbe al of claim and or testator, the X ,MV that nation kingdom that aa . a .1 a ty or funds of said estate to their services, settled, out of aaid trust, atu JSS ' ana allot a nnai uivuion ALL " WORK. Seventies will please take notice bid not do it must perish 'from PaRTMENT . own use, or to tbe use ' of either ot all claims arising, and transferring to ment of the share- of the real mat their regular monthly meeting me'earth. 'The Gospel had ben I f ? under any pretence or In any hf conveying them, John Tavlor. as auch Trustee, nd . personal estate made and a guaranteed'.! will be held in": the' Council House revealed for the pnrpse of' inaugur S- - ELDREDCE,""" manner whatever, or that they aald H. of proper and equal share of the same la full discharge of all claims or have in any way received anything said on the ,2nd 'of July at off to was each of tbe children The Saints this government. Church either on' matters Superintendent half-pa-Wednesday, bt from said estate except' the per account " . ( , ating 7 o'clock p.m- - ... wf auch of the mothers as were then to claimed or for not- - here - to practice Hoen- property, were cent age of the principal, and rent te held to trust for said" Church deceased. That tbe mother of said J ' Gentlemen wanting a good Joseph i Young, Hen , tiousneas, as was falsely charged by aud income of the property of aaid here- plaint' II was tbeu deceased and Business suit should call and see p4 the property only ; (Stceptlng aaid allowed them by the estate a. r. iyocKwwn,-many, but to do the will of Ood. age. those rjoA Canimere. at , 1. " , John dtscribeJ, herd --to trust) the said plaintiff of lawful wilt for their services: aa executors inabove Cott. ykk of of share such That DarkneeaTcoverefiLv. the: earth .and each. real: the aui equal personal following ' and trustees thereunder, the aald Wm. Longmobe, ... , Root. Campbell, Qlerkl re deceased 40 the children cfiuch and no other, gross darkness.the people; and the to property, per centaire - not , ft 9 Kimball Block. t The r rt ot lot 1 block 75, the ftl A. S0thl879.f ,. plaintiff: including June plat amount $50,677.37 and property Rait Lake City survey aa described valued at $21,000.00 was so set the llgbThad now come to- dispel and dtf bag. repair Cleaning value ! at $13,000.00 duly allotted to ih the the shadows of error and convert all . off and allotted, an 1 the possession ) : complaint.' He jETxcursioxisr; . the said Brham Yoaeg a legatee Land Surveys. ; ; ,' .... - is deliverblock ot of Then Batata 75, men their lot trntltr. 8; portions tofthe plat respective jThepart under aal4 will. .... received to with ed and Lake them,' Bait by A, audy.descfoed ehoul what ember Oty who end u Unit kd States Buhyeyob Gen- pmlearn their-dutTliey deny that, in defltnee-o- f full knowledge of all the acts aad .Mtttii-and do ; the statute or their duy ; to such ih complaint. were, they; xPiAL's 8 blook 7. plat A, doings of these defendants in tte Ti.briOffice. lot Utah of jThe part ' - : vases, they have pretended t ; It." Those who neglected-- i t would administration of aaid estate,where- aa' described tort. or fraud uWnlly allowed .the Salt Lake City survty suffer the torments or remorse, L . -yet consideration in and ' EL upon In thereor, , i PINWOODEY'S Furniture , , . . Salt Lake City, complaint.of eetate In favor of Tbe catm agala'tsalJ those " satd of the perarmed . ii faithfully children block each lot 76, Including 6, plat part re. 1879 tf for , T lor. Trustee-to-TruA- t. JJuneSO, would win a gloiious. and ;eternal v Halt Lake City aurvyras dea-- pialatltX voluntarily gave,and L The plats, with descriptive llsU rewaTd, defendants took and received rt- JBene Sicilian Of su'Adivialoflal : survey in - the 'The choir sang an anthem. Veqetable Haxl's) leaaea and acquittances under seal A. Salt Lake City eurvey.a Uee-- of all claims and demands and ci Hair Ren ewer is a scientific following townships,' by Ferdinand diction by Elder T. B-- Lwis, 5i ? vr Illegality of aald .claim. or In- nribed i ail right and title to or to the estate oombi nation of some of the most In come.atnt.. V . said ' trudingor to defraud or cheatunder ran powerful restorative agents to tbe Picker t, United Btateay Deputy lw DaysMIetings.--PurBuaof lot 4, block 74, plat A, tbe remaining or unaiviaea Tbe part ' etate any beneficiary same time at the thereof. in the to appotntmenti the people of the as survsv That described rtait Lake 8urveyor, were filed City ml J will, they, by callusion with in con. or lot o," m and upon like appraisal, division, Vegetable kingdom. Tt restores gray District Land also r viz :'; part plaint, Offlje, River Wards convened in a two ............ . " i' the said John Taylor or with any kid hl.M-.k- . and allotment, the children whose hair to Its original color. "It makes Towiwhip r 21 Ne. No. easVi rang-or KMith, lu or eoalD fraud, cure white and clean. It by party, mothers were still living, at tbetr the days' meeting on Saturday morn prisonor lu any part or lot 1, block ast put. manner allowed said A.The dandruff fallineand bUmors. reaueas. r.rui and tnese own deauoin receivea C Halt survey. Late tr .:- . ing at 10 o'clock,, in the stone meet dafendanta as auch. executors, an out oi us hair, it furnishes tbe Uim, or caused tbe sameorto be .i.itwl e.amOlalnt In " . . 1 . ... ing house, Gardiner's Ward. The FAnS. ; ABAS OLS. LATnS. STRAW; , HATS.,', LDIEH u proi ,.. tiled In tbe Probate Court, tit or advancement of property valued at eutritlva principle by which the i Tbe weet of the soutn-ea- s. ta Satuidsy morning, were speakers, a cured tbe approval or endorsement atetien and hair nourished S rtleate and save 18.000 It and supportedSO. in township I, norm .each . .i make tbe' balr moitk . . a 1 Hereof by thejuJgeof said court. and or soft an anu Elders John Of Cook, Jacob Peart, Ttnereior. mitre receint eaat 1. LK.9 Bait nnnU. S- Fred; Salomon, Tne j deny that In payment of sa Id dUu ' of to' said estate, reserving 'however,' glossy) and is unsurpassed as a hair east also the and Charles -f DUSTERS, Tflffl COATS, & "WALSIHG BH0E?rM;'; B, i survey, Wallace, General.' George UrS. Surveyor to the said tne north east t of saia section su. their several intertsts in tne rever dressing, it is tbe most economical lalui, they conveyed esWilcken: in tlie afternoon "Elders ever offered to tbe pub J ob u Taylor ti e paroeU of realand i 30 acres in section S9, towasnip i, aion of that portion Of said estate preparation tn 4 i.a v'.s rrom Provo. Meears. J. C. Gra-- Wlllli fn Draper, ,Rbert Ell wood, tate tit scribed the complaint should be at c- retained by defendants to support lic, as its enacts remain a Jong time, range 1, west to have been so north an occasional widows mentioned Minor G.. Alw ood and President and therein alleged 1 SO. mothers making l only the tanre north applica O. tinn townsnio of and liam A. moot, 8 Jr., or that they conveyed. east. I tion necessary. It is recommended la said will during life, or widow vejed, A. M. Cannon. The theme chiefly ment tnereor, any reat estate IISO aharae, YAodb - JO operative bood. and property retained ' to pay and by eminent medical men. frovo, are in town making arrange dwelt " lu p.y open was the necessity of aa herelnaJter mentioned. Mercantile lusUtutlon atoek, . xo-p- t endorsed by tbe State anents and obtaining the neesaary debts and liabilities, and the value and cfllelaliy or SiLata was the by that conveyance Massachusetts. The any interests StOCKw KQ being auch for celebra FaCtorV Assayer of t aharee Provo the grand They4deny reversionary paraphernalia maue i dl- - popularity of Hall's Hair Rehewer 10 a. m.. tbe meet the at at estimated On and uonas. appraised them to aaid John Taylor was Hon Sunday, them Hallrtai to ntah on tn take tion the that de--- f. city place SUGAR LE HON, CHEESE, , CIIAC1IERS, HEBlUff, tet-- t of or to Increased I with with BaUthe pas many collusion and him, between $18,000 ference Lake Bait jzi.uuo, City i.y convened, when 'the i a both In. this country and In ever memorable 4th. Costumes are ing againwas releases aforesaid are the aud aaid estate or the beneflcl-aiband tbe avd dressed iiy . Jtsidera Jin ;:j foreign lands, and It It now known leing obtained .. from the t Thef re, aembiy under raid wUI; or that fi il a&ares esaiil jukj Vijr vim same mentioned in the eoanplaiat And piciixESr'yc.; G A F. Junius coun civilized .estate used Miner, all the in of to Well, occabeen allegi-value tare w personal other equipment! far the and therein ' toe i ' i,.k i set aF tot tries of the world. For sale' by all and Nu ts for nnfam fullv exacted. and aseets transierred or pay-n.eAri- - interesting ltlme Is ex B, Wallace and President A. M. Ion. 8 Factofy . Washington deod dealer. asa sAw to 4 aeienaants Wherefore -tb.se t "over to wild John Tajtlor In 00 liaterebt. i and (W ..f it 4itne Cannon.' snown peuweu. Try iveuaveoeen of said cialm were of the .til promlpaory note against Erastus be diamlresd hence, with tbelr coats o'clock two afternoon In the At l Two of the. occasion. . MM aterlt wlU TeiL programme for value of $100,000. or of the value Rnn for $9,000.00 and inteiest. V - In this behalf expended. of the main features are the reading Elder Chas. Wilcken, Joseph F. said proi and LOW of ...t,re than $160,100, aad they deny or a and au oi Hakkness, the bitter Bknnett portion That large f opposition was tiaoaferred . KHKtKS AMD ttlWUSS, of the Declaration of Independence, Smith, and John Smith, occupied o conveyed ata transieirw, property auy isaloua exty better illustration rivalsno to " Jf t. ..r set over to aald John. Taylor of aaid Attorneys for defsndanta, (leorge .fnK!d tn settlement and a representation of a battle be the time. The meetings were of could the be this fact had than ld claim. cs of aatd of Youncr held rtnnon. payment lirirnam by was In .reality i.rttnee crowded and spirited, and some tween or that the eaUteof said, test aloi- n'alm, m tm.l for the tise end Albert Carrington. ; ? i I immense sale already attained by lead American nand British troops, excellent Detractions and were given. and by waa thereby fraudulently ulaalnishChurch as herein TruHirnRY or the great Throat and Lung I. f 1 Utah. . BklJes General VJ. How. there these VTn, before alleged and ahowa. dy, Dr. Aug. Kaiser' German are many other County of Salt Lake. 1 Toay Pastor. Th great w Tony items, uru IntereaUog and of rare KlLxir. defendant For the these Coughs And with an extensive variety troupe, to learn which, the .Enquirer-maBrig bam Young and Albert Car 1 any aum or value Relief allege, property or inderendanU.further AffecUona, truly be information aed ' of. the above named de-- Bronchial pf real will And the rington, the even those Ticket consulted.' again appear at the Theatre on wonderful. foi value snffering the u. from ft 4 Brig that oetng ur uuij newuinaa in- - advanced fendanta, it allege that .tbe said conveyed Consumption rorrty, .". are going fast.' Tuesday evening, July 1st. Hi j WMf i' each on hi oath aaitn mat reau atagee find great relief, and num i nam Young, deceased, forwas i.'MllA aforeaid, as a nrsc-cias- s anawer the the manager reputauon beard his sum foregoing to death, 1Z. R63idcnce Goods to than of 'the to have DeliYercd bers prior found, patients and Dapofc Frco of Charge. . flrst-claof contents the thereof, their President and Trustee-ln-Tru-st exhibition. Is too not only relief but That Tenth "Ward Band , Excm of a and alltfZe that all and knows ...nnnm delight, or own of ia true his same the Christ that and well known in Bait Lake to require if. it being perfectly harmless. Hon. tbe Cburch of Jesusas Miebhed ine act ul -. . n. Among the many excursiona mailers cur mo- tnaa once Ltter-d.- y at makes . knowledge, excepting the with it Saints, and tue aelllina: popular on this i.ln.ni1 on the more than the announcement that cityinformation aad thers, who ef all others have felt eia jeave stated the tlUea to '"r.'":." "h rionsia trood theretoand el various Uma Uken be will perform. Tony Pastor has aa of matters our to auch birththat nation's anniversary Ut real i belief, ef auch a medicine. fcallef the various parcels of the necessity the in and true. be to ; never : rua we . it and believes knew none ; of yet disappointed his patrons that preday, w v,. the bears Prussian crwf . valid and Jmt ho ' reneine The leecrlbed la the complaint been t rsKiuHAM lovau, ""J I . and I Oat nts a better chance for an, agree-- i in this community but always pre- of Arms, the signatherein . alleged to have . --- ?r . CABBISQTON. Coat ALBKRT . ini . ture i Kaiser .end toiald of has Pr. . out eai obligation Is Aug.! able JobnT.ywr .Osdleh. nndtr imiitivm senhirthat.wbleh than that ta . . . at . new, . . . . wcw high " j nt of u.awri .i, m -;not I tner and iworn to before his nnmo tl.wn on every 75 cent which ,. ..me. ana tna- - ma for Rnhirrlbed ' toned and attractive. Those who . . 11 A - J . city; a grand cele . t thriving size o A trial for bottle. he had !.,-a. to vi may BUtu - . ti.u titioa - iucu uay . - . ...i.iwnciiUM . . uu, me, thl bration will take- place., Those like fun should go and see this per i mel t ini'ui" , 25 cents. irnaiA b! . - uTtl,...:",i thm heirs thereof. ' the . . w and ; that . ... I n. hu llfatlme.uuuuus iuu rea4t, dj leaving on this excursion wilidtx formance. f L.8 1 . 3WbAtW f ui2L bub, " ndTefendantadeny jMiaauv, lm-Lake MX for Salt the and Poblio C withDrug Department been some had choice mnsia regaled Kotary propertiee w -- .t nut tvpwfT unurcu claimsMoore Alien A Co., fcialt Ltka city, County Utah.Coibia Eijectei Itwin hesem ; will,,: we the . and duiing day.' rerre. j n.hlA or - rroor our dispatches to-dtne u, no was that the nave an nave by to the enjoycome . apubt, cf aald ii J..t-wprtthereof, and did notdefendanU Hon. D. of T. i me. tl able nomination Cortlnts An and la farel The teacher julady experienced mese i rerf - of ' 7iua p..sMion or , Aft. toa. a1?n TiniUCI to ; give private lessons In reasoBaWe, and if the weathei Chief Justice of the Supreme Court asseU of the estate of the testator wiliitj dlCi a $100,000 IdVieU branchea at her home, or proves favorable, we expect to see a of this Terri tory. has been vejected a id these defendants solely, as conContrary, t..'i. ii1 and 4 th. the Utah and English by the' Senate, the adverse report uratterof Joaticeand equity, at the homes of the students. big turn-oon the occasion. It ii of the judiciary committee having to.tha-saitie v.111 aald veyed propel Company Further particulars ti be had at aanounced thAt'paasesgera will be been sustained of auch - i mm trustee by a majority or p ae eUUU r.tnr tbe averse to j any point leeathaa Molted tickets j or address Teacher, box taken on at Kayrville, the fare bei fOUr. this office, jcome any consideration Church, without ... the tsi-.r-care and man- Xoad, good for return- on 63L, d 183. or pretence of consideration, forsemIng 7Scta.'from Kayaville to Ogden Ease BalL The Atheletlcs beat aoli purpose of releasing any ex- tbmntTr?t Sre thaa f IfOOO per l" 5(h ataingla fare for the round We .think the memA First class private boarding and return. Dcseret In the game on SaturdlS3 3t title Ia them as auth tie ,1 blance ofand aos4 of bers the band, tinder whose assumed . trip. trust i the . i that Hcddconvyan1 a v ecutor, teatator in respect to aald nyuiaH-r-T- y taii. pices the excurrlon Is. given, are day by a score ef 13 to 12. were Trustees Oeeds Wa iiaawehel! beds and by their furnished made, Spring were neatly ' 14 cliurch, When you wish to sell your traps - ces migut propertiesexecuted. rooms, for transients aa well as reg- dssarylng of, 'ehcoutasement in grantees, rini o their endeavors First to furnish this ciiy Louestly tr. John Crane, A share of poUo with - ular boarders. The following la 'tfeectlrtloa y r and Theatre and mualc, w: berreakii'it krinaii Cora street Gtrl t dj rn-- al U ratrontse aolicited. UTOl respectfully ' YAEEirCF. TEiS'AIID FiEET parcels so aa aforesaid conveye work. AtpSy to lire. u. far--- a, ,a them Wekest the and -txm He tTiccEr:;I Mbs. Mr. Hank. t payt com akd Daniel afomiid to the which Gkkxiq alrlthe doers noxta ef plaint a anl i tiirp' 7 Ward. .vai7l Alii U Proprietors. journey. . cash price. leged to have been convr rtd ia ny , lion in regarda-1 It-T: payment of the clalcai .ta iiTCr.c i " ' fcnh: whether the .said John Taylor thereto i., f .r"' . 5 V, W AkL WHtv wAwf au xiinra MM . m r(i:!: .""Tr h.. - iiJTJV: ofo' T Dk:.k, . rn 5 re-Ue- va r turn-bar- W - "I .! - : Id iUv.C' - ? --- --- 72-1- 00 . lr n, - fk 9 - v7n" t rnrth.;if?.r ..r7: . n - .. ex n 'l ... . I w'.k" .n. uxit '.V'n .... A ' , " -- oun, - : -- uib mm rl r. . tT 1 - . , A-ia- - :es--- H-'-U;;-I-tJ- . . ' or IVH " e. cem-pialnt.l-ot " . . . . m . siZ H.B-Claws- on good-progre- ss - . : ; -- Car-riogt- ; - ou C3 - x It . " -- r r- ... 'H . toe-in-Tru- st " yd b--,-Jv- m S a-- a. 11A 7 - - t!3 - rV'- -' : - i- J . . fc 4 . : vrs-.ti-H- '' v-- I . " ! ! 1 . g , i j s'- v -- 1 ,,: .''''.''. - " ! " -v j i -- , -- - - t- 1 r - ' - : the-Vho- le L . 4. rim, 1 B b. - fh'S - st " 4th AND 24th .OF JULY. " . " mc-the- 1. 1 s - Pioxuc3i Holiday y ! - -- 1 ; Bathins Trains, Summpr Resorts,' Pic asxiro Gardens St Parties A at-io- w, ;- . - - the - i ... ... 1 4 - - Snjplibslt8npp nt to-da- . . " . e -- f - -- m . Ian . m . -- - - ud - iR.-ha- . " If'! . self-sustainin- g. ret fi hatt I d " -- . j nt . nt ! At PRICES as ft : I "I'M as the CHEAPEST. f.fi f - s 1 1 General-Washingto- - . y an-aee't- ! :T jL.d ex-carsl- pn sj . - aV MUte. Va"-u."(tid- fac-sim- lle . . - - , ' '-- - 1 1 - - . -- . ay, " flw"r:7..snti-if v am ;ata&" -- a at KyTO -- - - , . v- - - uiiw"v are, st "aanS; toWyandlegaH toc w- - trth ttts A te 1 tc lw . G20Ci:S |