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Show iA THE EVENING NEATS LJ, A ERIilTOjaX, 3IOXDAY 'sVENIKO, JUWiB 30; 1879 UTAH amendment and it will be sent to: the President immediately, t There Eeems to be no doubt mat the judicial appropriation hill will receive the President's eig nature. The bill for the payment of United States marshals, etCt"" will' be ve--toed. The message will be short. The Senate, in executive session rejected the nomination of D. T, Corbinfor chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Utah-The extreme silver men In the Senate are still unreconciled to the retention of Senator Bayard as. chairman ' of the financial commit-- BY TELEGRAPn. . - ' 1 l .1 ilU't. 1,1 ., i . NO. X84L. ! T XT 3H Ul Sr DEPOSITORY, Bo3TOJf, 28. Wool has Ueo in demaLd during the past steady DESEBET HAT10HAL? BANK LOIIDOII B1HK0FUTAE1 I STinDABD' GOODS WC8TUH TJHIOW nLMRATS uav . T week! and sales were again large, 110.10 Oae copyvon yev, Tith pott a re amounting to - 2,4S0,100 pouBda. ' ' ::. SAXtT LAUD CITY. r ilxmonlha SAVE TO SOW (LIMITED.) TO DO FOR 17'SIXTH CONGRESS. But the market is free from excite205 " " lkr mootha, b; batibews ment, and prices appear settled on co., 26 A uttin I'riart, London and YOUR - IT LEAD 'AXIS Trff-ff: current rates for some weeks past. FXTRA CESSION. ORXXTOA.1. MAJKVTBSt faoo,ooo Paid . notwithstandCapital,',' up is noticlabla that It HAIR - WHAT POLIiOWS. ' . t:o,ooo SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, Bait lAk Vtty, P.O.10M, Surplus,"-- , V". ; ing considerable fine fleeces have not been has Ess! Jamaica ClnsEor,' been there received,' SATK TpUIl .WASHIKOTOIf, 2a.Ve8t offored tol Health Toilet Soaps, doing to' make qaotatlona. areaolatlon calling ou the Prea-de- nt enough NEWS: v Bath-San- d 160,000; HOoeXK, President, )I Wlf.rt. Some lots Capital COO i sold for future delivery, Tablets. ' 'afe require It. The matter la of nut Imma. for the correspondence be but the market B. S. ELK R DO B, of 8 aeon.) . . . SO, Shares S3 0 is tin t I ' j WM. Sceurtns nominally JKNN1N( Soapi tance io ercry way. tween the dtate Departmaat ai,d SEMI-WEEKLm r 40 for XX, anu fBHAAJUKl LITTLE for X Ohio, 89 : ol Sbaxeai Sabon-lbae- ) Superior Writing Fluid for Kaaiber Mexico ia reeard to- the proposed 39 J JOHN iHARK ; 1. 40 41 Ho. nAIR.-ia and for the mealum Etov Boot. " It , ; ..... - AJietted to Dee, BO, M78. yont J Blacking, Btatt-sof of Q.CANfOW, c "., OK). the Northern tee. ruMWuJ cjry Ituftlay aul Saturday. urpiuwfng-ttw- n inof rtory, and for tlia loaa of survey sellers Both and ' ' appear tt. e. uiULth uaaatar. i i buyers i 6V30P-,a- r Mexico for the Austin and Topo-t- o different . 9248,000 For ColJi, Coajrha, Asthm, - . i Hurra ia n compensation. about operating at present Oae copjr, oae yer, tth FoUgi Railroad adoptOoaitnptloQ, Itirrmt And Ut-- r on company; Ampa dean DeposilM, active wools." fine R(cciv$ Payable in Cr WHHTktOm HAIR, For br ed. Quite V:. i ComplAlaU, ASocUoaa of " lx moaths, 'r'' LOST w. otlior mpnm exists for combing and detk Kliny, ata., dm - . aarel and beautified. We beg to inform the public that 1.101 Vrst'a resolution declaring in fa- mand ,Atbo . " three moathi, t Sales of Ohior Penn- a T tbaTabernao.e on Sunday last a Jet BABroors oa New vor of free coinage, , was. taken up, laine fleeces. aelle and are prepared to transact a Gen tiftaaat we Snr and Virginia XX, and JSo. f. N'Cklaoe. belonrlns to a it vieliiot; Bsst iraanara, .atirajv. Balsam of Indian Boot, I er at. the question being tn .referring. the sylvania will up eral lady. The person that plckod sbm atilncl-soBankinz Business, for whlcl 37 i 0 41; X and medium MichiIs. Onataav, Aw 1, substitute accepted by him to' the ' n2y by vw. euatttatoatad otUeav a D f fMI ( j New pieason Have itatthU olliue 37 FrporI we ' have 39; Wisconsin, the necessary faclliliw gan ' j oommittee ou finance. For Hl it Z. a IL I. ao4 v. DPSBRET NBWS VBBRLt 31 G 41; Receives subscriptions to the.: 4 per We solicit new accounts and busiHampshire and Illinois t Utah CommlHloa Houm. The morning hour, having expir- delaine and combing 88 44, unfunded loan Of the U. B. ness generally. ed, the resolution went over. SBBailW Willi MBSSBBS Pu.hthhd every Wtdnelay. washed 29;- Kentucky combing WARD BMP I Kirk wood an amend Ma'kM CJfrcMons, Kemktlnr Pro- submitted 10JH BjtASS 21 : fleeces 1 (..: ty" vmi'uptiy. 34J; unwashed V, f,x, , ment to insert arier uie woru -- utn combing , $3.6 with Ftt ' 22 T Oaf copy, oe 21 E7j Uavto aa 0 82: Miaeourl aa a woid at Drawn on all the tbo lioa" early Exchange Too lztuoathi, S6. CKejorglaSo Cd80; these oijecta eaa be acoomplisbed was than better California Or and for ylnnitaL tho , publlo wel- last week. Bales comprise 441,500 Principal cities and towns of eonslsteutly with riew LAW ON u fare; rejected.' 35 17 and at 50,of Prof. DiMyrered UartT-OLym, pounds year ago by spring ; the UnitedStates and Europe Beck reported without amend-me- yuo of Vat", is th4 tpoat perfect preparation ia the pounds or laii at io. , . : ;, ADVANCE . miking appropriabill the world fcil pA. rring and beautify in? the hair. ''U4'". beatraellve Ktoim. tions to pay for United Btates Xtaaldc betoz tKe beat hair dreaa- - marshal and ' r&IHCirAli COBBtSPOSpEJTSi I their depu- : Baxtimork. 28. A storm from geceral j Kathalroa vtr Ca iag Mofers. Martin ties. pradacca. Ltoh'i Iw Lowboh. , southwest passed over the cenOFFIC&Crner of South and wtll ' 4Utlvc'lrprTt mracil. avnd 4 Wlndom said' this bill makes It a the Lombard Street 4 o'clock about of this tral a.! partiaa wuumit to antr land, nu-part city, Eatt Temple Streets. 6 The London Bank of Utah, Limited, Aany Duaina tbo Daw kooiMtead lavw rrr in will irlatora new luffr to bald htada penal offense for marshals to obey this afternoon, continuing aoout aot deatroyed. - He Austlo Friarai r wita tho Iand if th roc and follisies oonnos4 was not a half an hour. In the track: of the law. said there the umoo, tooall on CH AS. W. Tt Botually perfiiinis thaac aacming miraclea, la Nsw Toas. Messrs. Morton, Bites arqutodcfflco parallel la all our history for bucu a I storm the streets were deluged, and hetiroen. tbo Salt of whit-'" 4 wa is the following Company. o measure. Herald and Squlrea barbar ahop,aa ho In the vicinity ef the custom house rituiHe la aoperlor f AolHti for Iha aLata ifod to i a aeourtnr of The tfrst National Bank. 40 TICKETS, Including darc'iir,. $1.50 ' Chicago. la said been he had between and Liogan SPECIMEN taught Institute, FAIR A ; Maryland AND Homaitaadi, Ueartt and and aU othar excutloa of U itad vof Is OblahA. Omah a National Bank.; that It was the first duty of a, citi- and , 60 buildings were unroofed. lan4 elaloaa la Dtan. ' I had bwD entirely bald for several yean, zen fell reta uoder 12, 7Stta. now Ik Bast FBAircwco. The Bank of Cal was , to were de laws. MS. BTATNKK'OfflM Vfll bo Oolntod windows It the obey Large plate glass I suppone I used a few bottles BOOK & JOB PRINTINOj oat to litor by oalllnr as tho Ganeral constitutional, fornla. was his stroyed. to it declare that . proposed , i bare I to f eurpriee, Kathoiron, and, lay great Btororftr too Dann Nnra Otlioa; utains first duty ' to disobey the laws. and part aa will Una It to their adrantare a thick growth of .youni? hair. , Boiler Exiloaion. . f PARTIES WiSHIRS TO STAY TILL THE ANTHONY GODEE, to aea bim and . rat information before DOKUANCE. V. 8. A. Under this bill the President Is COL. L. JOUX 11 so CAn 1 28. unoo about or to Without At taa uanti do; the from ,6TH MANAOIU. atoawkar. what executing Minneapolis, '37 L. ) O..J ID P1PIR 8UL11C goinf In every important reapect the Kathairon prevented suo'clock this a.m., as the steamer ruiotr. ... Constitution shall be dm the says is abaolutely incomparable. It is nnequaled. Iu ,iina..i.oannt. preme law of the land. No such May Queen. Capt. Itockwell, wsb Laks 1. To Cura Baldness. at Rockwell's ever wss an to Island, lying legislation av's Orova on the TT. N. B. R Ik enrartd presented CHEAP DISINFECTANT! ' ' OEOEQ8 Q. CANHOH, ' a rtw joon8 D08T. lYaloa S. To Restore Gray Hair. their repre- Minuetouka, 15 jnlles from this for the day. NO TRAMS. NOauruts people intelligent by . toe nay and to ciova ma froiatha imiaiiAX tocno, S. To Remove Dandrnff. it been city, the boiler exploded, seriously sentative;a never before had : i IL I declared penal offense to keep the Injuring Capt. Wm. Rockwell, Nl fare tu ea i. OALA OAT, iereinealea, bRiKn P.'F. A. PAPCOB will inpply fine and Mrs; llavnea. engineer. BEAR lit MIND. The Katluuron is neasure, ran, - South of the Co-o- p. Aoleyaueait, Quick Lime, suitable for Building, MM Allison . moved to strike out the Beakey, of St. Ijouis, aged 6J years.' , Mamelor. .ie aUe.. ao sticky paste of sulphur and aud neutralising; all dialnfectins cesspools, chances die: will and Im- -I to the to a It oflente or new clause obtained for for TRADE. Ilaynea tnranUona. YORK the and Bait hair daub making and penal the NW paralyze Lake Oltv at I a. ni a!n leaves paint ' orranlo aubstanoea for TWO oci old oaaav for medical or brain. Bock are and Mrs. Dnmmanu decayins; of of S violate m Beakey the the against any ieavos at provisions p. Ogden It ia a pore and limpid vegetable lotion, bill of various sections of the returning la. and la be other eom poo nda. trade-maror small, In DOLLARS . Isaac' Dean." Mankato. and PES TON, well. large inaeiieieuoea, A p- Intended to restore the hair by natural growth Livatii. ArfHumwU, J IT AS Mr. and Mrs Walker, of St. LiOuia, quantities, at his Pioneer Perpetual Lima rejected. lor inrriBiretaentaHaoa a( oaaea i hnd reinvigoratioo. It ia splendidly perfumed. I laulta Statute; unoor tM raoeaa wwi, pretapaiy Kilns, First North of Warm Springs, Salt McMillan ' moved to strike nut were seriously, and Mrs, IV Hough, BKNUDlCT, lilLL & CO.i analnr AT.TENJIONI aUeuiled to lawoaitJfaatltai tMrolea and the most delightful toilet dressing known. all the bill - after the Lake City. , . a name and of sifter, that Ills.; Molinej ia words; tba"Fattnr Ufflco Ko lady'a or gentleman's toilet outfit iiKinnmrnbr were slightly injared, is of 1 LtU iuayullln sum the ap' UaknOwn, $600,000 . hereby and Pla.terlng Lime ni.taca.1 Kathairon. without Lyon's u. plete . be hy n. nmnm opooaito t persons party consisting or eix. Best QualHy aJwayam hand. of propriated "for the payment dur- A. ct. pateaud oT vwp v w H hub. DeiiavrtJnaU ana . aoMlM la I bur Ptent 22. 7 LOAN New shot Revolver. TO Just disembarked. The boiler ing the fiscal yearofending June SO, had ' Patent buaiaeaa eicluafretT. we caa make Pi A. PASCO B. r.w lor r.; "dtf ..f J.u. United States was blown 250 ' feet; 210 'feet in Dlxia 7 shot Revolver. 1880, of the fees chia. r aeavrcbea, and eeeure Patau ta mora Dlam. a. IM.A I raa4 heads over nassinz air. their the and with .03 than Tor and 'broadjrr oiaima, 23. marshals their worth ; 1.;$' 'general, deput- -" .Vthoee who are remota front waanincton. twclM r Ooraar CroabyJ promptly, rich r 7 The steamer was a total wreck and Dixie tt shot, Herolver, oag, ?"" ies;" rejected. aB. 03 tov St. W worth i were INVENTORS SSi? The bill was read the third -time- sunk. The Injuries mostly. by uixlo B shot Ravcuver. Si. lonr and .CO., uowb AND TAKES - v- - plain, wonh a, (f) forr 2.50 team. , nee: wa mate oxaminatloDa) and adriae aa and 25, nays 15, yeas passed; ' f ' VIM ,; to pa ten lability fro al ettarao Alt V snot Revolver, 92, very hand- - IV - lb uinsiuutu weATtn. , r Dixie necessary ror several senait towasbreak Privea oorreapoodeooeitrtotlyoooadential. i. TO RENT. aomeir engraved. wocth. 3.00 for 3 U) , tors j their pairs- in 'order"'- -to FAT' w, and ftO DUAKiUt VUl-t- ti ATI TNTP.RFST Riveb, 28. The- weavers PvShQt ttavolrar,as.'plain, Fall aMd-- aa par and LOT 4V Blocks Eaat or make a quorum." VIA asaV WUn U C,V9 XKfr tfeUV I TsFPnTT '; aVM W aWA 4 i Wa refer In Waahtnrton. mass meeting this evening TTlTfrt S shot Rvnlrer. to Hon. Poet- - A HOUSE B8i orjarraved. in rooms 4 and National to moved leeerot Bank, & amend the Chandler CO, maater Oenoral V. M. Key. Ker. P. fc. Pow cellar, with water from main. - Also Rooms THOMAS II.'ARGAIL . , r. .v ... 3 a resolution not worOMHOa fr.C0 strike, ar. Tbo KjUional Bant, rurniahad or unrornisnod in uroaaoocK title of the bill by. adding the adopted il lo tioiJz: extra10 00 : B OO ven if k few nobstick spinneis iDliioj. 6 shot Bevoltrar, 41.worth to in and oOloala D. for ft tbo to a In other oiuce, Waaatch "and and for abovo Poatoffice, words, look, "purposes;" lonr, tlot engraved, aXWOTlCfCBaJH Of ' were KanraaeDtaOrea mtlisi the and in Couicroaa; Buildlos to let on reasonable terms.- Appiy tost. J" the Ail or the above are nttea with lmorovea employed by Mate to UrooBbock & Son, Box 442 Salt 6 pinion .being expressed' thac the fluted cylinder which loads' and ejeou tbe wpeciauy to onr clleota Ut yery ' MEN'S A N D i D O Y Sf r anl was eeetiou theu Executive aroum held', in too Union and in uanaoa. - bell without removms.) .warrant ed Jtoii ARRIVAL NEW City. compel the manuwhen 'the doors opened the spinners could and' biokel plated. Workmanship, distance and f : 3 . oS H . BCOCSSSOBS TO as to the shut poor accuracy cannot e aurpabsea. ' ent oy .up down, 1 Senate adjourned.' .... inA tsauoBreoKoiDrioa. now was :lass of employed help .....,, WuhlnstSoi j, HO.., OoDoaita PaUntOSoa. VV. L. PfUPE, Mooer hv reatotered letter or Post Offloe : uring the mills, or 15else tuanufac-urers llATCBIS&JEWmY NATHAN DATI3 k SONS HOUSE, i ' S30 Broad wy t re prder at our itek. Lccai agen's wanted j cent must return per DSltSB itr lAaorcas, San&te 28. ' The rcrywwrci Washington, asked for. it was also., ar Tbe Uneaa Pistol Co., Horwieta.Coait. j vine tjaoicest auu Juueapvtii. di JOHN E. COWIiES, : REW YORK. bill: exembtlnz from "license' and duction the weavers struck i if rect from New York. gued oul try, Fish . and Game, enrollment . f fees vessels pot propel could get no aid from t the they All kinds of Milling and Mining ' MUSS EST. CARL .308 city. 8m' or motive rrult.VeattabUs and OrourU. led by sail by internal If the' mills shot down whereas DAVID' JAL1ES, Machinery, Wrought and Cast power of their own.was amended they could look for sup' POSTAL'; uanufactnred ' :iSTeUUlSTBADE.: city lret.Soa.tti strtet, opaesiH n.un and Ironwork, passed.,. i "' ''. l . - to order haU Block. Havlt Ladte City, r, ? port 'i 1876. Estaolished ZXajt a bill LIOBWSki Atkins reported amending tA IV H 'I in all delivered Goods punetually , forcer aifcitto, March j y the sundry civil act approved ft a .a tri 'nth nrf7B t.ho ' nnrtarl a. LT. M . RU r.1 G E Y & CO. parti of tro City, Free. Batiafaouon RnRTON. 2S Jaa.; V., Kdmunda. traser Jacket, Toyera," T ., ,,-:- ') a'-- tenaenc or jgeoiogicai surveys . io i aged 60, a well known citizen and nai iarii, Blmvaj : PLUHBER,-TINNER-, j j r JialUoai Koalda, , DeaaeaUe Poalaa-Bates ef afamiMfcrrr and JobUrf ef extend his.t examinations. and .V of Newton, Mass.j . ace t. ja Pom '! SABi riatoa,: 1 oacs tne joint Erid commission merchant ol Lmaasr Thsstaadard single tau i., UolaUatv atacbltterw, u ,Wiison qouj reported " .fclas and . u FUter.; Stem ia. avuuuuiiua., w wqikbi Car vviioeia asMl i resolution providing for further this city, was arrested to night for 5J J tina;la rate letter throughout the ' ' Pnmps and Fire- liDin?3 ! ,', r ot. a , ; 'i with a of Mexico; the in possecpassed"; the treaty ..,. United paper forging hev has aocar annoanoaa that i 8tate,j..,.. , auinorues For eaobadditUoalioa.orfrao-or of t ston resolution Work bauKs. ine all Brass Tne xaaverioR tne Alas i LaaJ Pipe and Bhaet Boae. Paoklaa" v aaapectfnlly descriptions ,tx ... .... d in areoay tor in is rrrnor, -ui President to appoint not exceeding forgeries aggregate 90,000, VSnSSXiA, ; .77 tlon,........... Beltlns, fitUnra, W. U. Warner low preaeure ,r t Drop Letters. slag le rater.... ! or and AsTViealtural laaaisioaetaw : a at commissioners three salary ' rtrst Wet 1 aito PaarooiOAu. The 3ENTXEMKN-W$3,000 each ; to take steps with a e have on Jiand Kear KOBTB..TIUPLV pontage on newspapers haa to be paid at the 8T.," S. L. OTTT HOam XADIltT., BIT. kDgi9AMO. to View into further treaty entering a Btock replete With , the nsvelties ! ..!"! i sfi din are onarna :. not puaiag-newspapers i : .'Us Iteam Varmingf Apparatus :. ..v.: with Mexico whan sent from the tmbllcatlon alHoe to of the.seaaon, and would be pleased 1 s i 'The Alaska Hewa. effort to gofto' buaiseaa on i f subaoribers in the oounty where. th paper for voa to call and inspect, wnen T. ' the Speaker's pnouaneo. deak, no quorum vot8. 3. Gold's 8AK Frakoiboo, 23. A dispatch at Single we will note figures never neiore G. LATTMKa, ' Manufactured under Hold's I F. AKMBTKONQ. H. T . Ntanansn. ATLOB, . , Also ,' i .flim i,west p teat. ing.' of from. Port Townsend, Washington, onnoas In weight, leant to any part of --th touched v- by , : any . M Port Townsend,. W.fT. 28th united ; v .. .'. , aa,prepaua. ' i i ..',: u i'aroeis, unseaieo, PACBAO back says: i cam pat Chicago.priation committee, reported steamer Valijornia ar- ounoa. . ' m.'1 a ami -'.'a a a a a In btw "ref- Jane. atThe resolution Senate Joint the four n. m..' four davs-freSHOT AIR,y i:he maximum weirat or any oaoitare-. j ' AKD k MA W 0HJLBTKSD, 3W: to the ' committee' Clerk's lived i war sloop tjame- - at printed or miscellaneous matter la ! erence' WOOLEII The Wranfflo. TAILORS . AND DRAPERS, he Which amendments , , etc.,- with avoiraupoia. u ii: a L,i.i ., sULtat eraunz I X" to.f I were feunstantiai rejection or fot&narrtvad at 8itka on the lath. TQCXID BOXts 41 p.o. onpuiWlUfrrtlr Bask;. said n sons, talker opaoatto smeaei Kegtrtersd Letters erery featow of thejolnt reaohaUon ygetT Tn8 Alatka lef, for Ckurcbea, warm and the wiahrn Cheapest Bett to Persons 2Iact " Francisco on tp reeines-C- a the 16th.v CaDtaln RaorsmATiOBT: Letters it.. w2 a or Knvaxe 'and Bvineu Suit in Salt rrpwib taworconreroncooraareu. or hot air will Jod mit be rertetered JUl .ujUurii-- i BardHlP. of tho Jrthaa D, .liber .'Samooeraawjod. ox a tee or ten oeatst in on awr.M payment ed. ." to r interests Uake CVy. Give him a trial.: A .been fully investigating affairs in addition to the vostagot but IAKE HEUSSER . 6 cno., their REDUCTION IN PRICES. r"T 1 Wr,mbra. Oas anfl Steam soraraawBt takes no res Done ib tt and in a report to Wash i.. the Alaska, in tor or saf GOODS UT: of joqapeoaaUcin NEW A oarriage, Stock statement stoot Uimaey's confirms keot H. IUO the . fT0 - il v. i Iiarge ington fully iSueetMon U flda Xxtra on aandv a eassof loss. . J:" EASTEK.V. of. citizens asr to the j threatened Bates ; Just arrived, that Is to be seen;, com tn States car-of United mission, ef TTeJIa. p.,mMuvi PuatD nam Mtr4.1a laor Sa ' " a of and the urges necessity danger . renoy, charged tor iasuing latornauoa- at my Establishment.' , TTtah Rod and VThite Pine of all kinds, ' Bpcealatloaa aod Sornalaea. P . raMro .t ovnos AW WOaaSHOrS. ,;' fi al lioney Orders, to bo transmitted byAlaska in S astern F.nlthlnc Lumber, California Uod being kept -zora i r'1, tne ewitzerrxetmaatar to . . is 28 atMev BSALsaai is jbov l.i-.Wood. ?; Jrf-- h It , Washinqton,' asf waters for protection. .ii. edJ hsrl v?.fi "5 " lanat 1 ' eertained upon entirely reliable au ' -On ordennot exceeding XV..10 ; ; . taidlaas'KlIled. fJfUJITJ05 JI &HORTHWESTERH auu-aCHICAGO . i :. Utah, Bear RiTer, WLite Cedar. IS.' PiTOfJ. Over pi and net exceeding fJ, ! t: t ; Opposite uity aioai - -- tit. ..i . thority that tbe president: has ' 10'' . ' !. - i ann nakz i rtPakv u ttiu zu " immefrom A reconvene to i Tucson, t Ariao r IS HI NO XJLCrLM. ; ' "Congress dlspatcd 'il j " iao.S Overi land ; ani Red Vood BhlBgles,..' ' , V''" B A i ... not exceeding I diately, if both houses ,, adjourn na.savss . SOUTH SECOND STREET raatl I av at a aa I k a . of his veto of tbo Pheanlx. A. T.. 28.L.t. 1 Van kJ i i .' upon Bad Tkvo Crept Trwaifc UM rmotw too W White Bustle,- Celling, Biding, f t ..receipt marshal's appropriation bill for that 8chroder, of the 12 Infantry, while IO CkdeaeTO sued sate Aoas. , i aaf of . (Ma rxxf a half Week Lath, Pickets, Flooring. : K.KrTLT. and Satisfaction Ouaraataod OTAH SO OTHEBH EAILROiD in the Ton to country on most direct, one- - purpose, fre of riders. i scouting ataaes ef Parelsar roatas. V It Is Us oldest, shortest, rJ . res pec i This new determination ia exii.,; et the 25th inst.,' struok a party of i venlent, eoaifortabla and la every BLINDS SASH. DOORS, Letters. New . ; beat line you oan take. aaIt iaain thet treatbelow five Tontos , miles two theorlef: 1the upon irvri in renegade plained UatlMao papers. BUILD AWD FARD SIZES to em. of 07 Ton to seven ALL, cu he vto. desires seta. olosed areeoe, Creek, consisting only First, that : Bnarland..!. phasize the position he has already bucks and one squaw. Tho bucks Eoag IScts. VATSOM ; DnOSp blOO American I eta. 91.1 AND SFR1N0 RAILWAY pack' Of Kong, MILES taken on the general principle in were killed and tbe squaw captur - - et, rv dm rrmooinw . a v a WAQ0NS, i o"n 2 fa rjject uue ct, toj.. PULIJIAK 1TOTBX OARS are T volved, and that in the event- of ed. 'The neat lasted two. nours. Italy. direct cloaad mail via. Hot. ri I.Ote .' FvWarrtmtjd for One r Tear ' Frames of all kinds Made to Oradeaie my is BBuroaicai aaawa i. . Congress once more adjourning No casualties .occurred on Van tk. flolaiB-,Iy, via Narth . OeimaQ I eta. 'lob are side. Schroder's .These the In. iinout V IT Sou trior direct v........ j tota making appropriations jor COTJKCII. BLTJXTS & CHICAGO) der Very Cheap. , . , marshals, unaccompanied with ex- dians that have been committing Japao.amerioan packet, via "iota m n... to Too baain traneous jaao.aTTaooiaoo .and in be ' Tombstones,3 Monumeatf, Jeglalativo restrictions, depredations o ota ' . No other road runs Pullman Hotel Cars, tlekloo...'. Repairing In tnrougD win mate no lurtner call, nut al- vicinity, f . ' or any other form of Hotel Care, Naw Zealand, via Southamp- GIiASS.: Ham of Station. and Chicago. River i Missouri tcta 51 low the whole matter to go over eta between the u i ton ...... !' Woodwork. ' i North Qarman till the regular setsion next winter, nnn.ia Using large quantities ouraerrea, and MANTLES ORATES, AND Sets. set Union direct V. M. A. at. Manufactories with in , tbo ne secoua lutvs ) dealing directlywa i iratna l tneory is oased udou cloeed mail via Kng FOREIGN. Norway DIacksmlthlng. IW 7W Car Load lota, Intend keeping a tLerere Bait Laaa Sets.-;.- ' - t lana.. Ctt current at iht? tbe t very report Stock on band, of the various aUee. for tbo 6 eta. Pmrtua-al-. cu 4a Bnarland, and CS T IS. 8 ro i GREAT. BRITAIN. ' that the President's Capitol Publio to seieat from at Very Low Kates. . .Painting KM- - mt Sooth, Toaapie I Morgan. t tnd north Uerman -- 8 io 7 i t3 t 14 have 15 or friend with Uermaotaw. arranged acta00 T union aireoi....... S'i iri' Kews from aoatta Alrlea. fy'j- Trimming Wood ' ; 4 j : I Lorendaak t In the Hous Bxtasut. oloasd mall via sur democrat southern Kinds. ST s all Ik ntryat.a llttlo of I Turning j Juncttoo..-.-'OH.. , Swte- laiWM... TiOMDON. 23. Advices fom Cape for the. ultimate passage of- - the bill katiifaetian Cnarantef d. Price t Reasonable ' irrirs a aanowioh I 45 , itianas, oy mm .. ... 1lA of state riders. lOih wes-to town June that without the number A, 1 ... . of. eora. Bso'iy Baa rrsim ranciaoo. . I . . I . t in. I I . l A n LATIMEB, TAYlOia C0M II n .1. bwuuuii m AVurta Brlncloal purtomoet Momsv LSaAtavastr-A-n tern democrats ay j aHiHJiy. mat ISCWruiug au ou uiuvibi 60 T It ::t 1 i VV ox ana sums AlJCER, ' Manager.; Sandy.......-raosiva .now smaii money l 07 8 ' Urn. tiarfield made, a trade with Prince Imperial, after the surprise ATTEIJTlOI-v.rABIIEIlOne Block East af Depot. 41 ..tn. upon othct Draper 8 44 II ZU 1 66 I Kl certain : s m them Cngtpssmen of hla reconnoiterlng party, rode to tk S' fouowlnf a M II Jt 1 80 sanbjeet ' Amercan Fork, a ravine,1 where a second body ii Aiharaea and reAntiaunras. 1 whereby, lh- oooaidertioo of the into IF.M pieaaaat ti rove-- . The body v i on or lera'odc axoeedinS flV-l-0 eeata , to of Zu lus t lay concealed. the bill 1 Cko and allowing; republicansfift Dorabla S 44 For Oood, ta S7.1X In Lbr- SI OuorJeraootoaooading J to for la -- ; be tbo will Pr ve- River England Mississippi conveyed S7S provide u i1 si" S OH s , , fi: Over Maod notexoeediog S4Uai to trooD HprlnrvlUe Oronte: shio con mission be saxjuavhs. 10 j those iiAXiriass; passed, " IM..26 not t0 and exceeding Forlu.... ' ' Dyer 'i Spanish 10 8JI S W th-i- r comma. ; , Uenerai ut : "V 't'?:L OOtO the votes to . newuigatea Congressmen pledged Parson... 10 60 S 4l, a ;t alowsT OaoaRS on 'Great l no the passage of all of the APpro-p- ri advanced to Pelt fa River, twenty InaavAubvAL 8 40' 4 . help BUTJTTLK, Pautaquln...... i . Britain, ucrmany ana ow.Lzariana,mat it Tj a 1 is before 301 4r Blood River. where i Mooa 4 ttk n miles eu beyond Congress l be obtained upon tbe parmeot of tb finally HP hi;....;""" an entrvnebment will be formed aOj'Mirned. 'e.-tooawingieca, vist i . .... ,t 13 SO S 30 .6 cu. doors aaaaaof Crealock'a Creek will ' eaaas command a said western General 1 Chickeo democrat "Wnj," . ,L .... , aartAia: ia as plain as tbe leave for Fort , Chelmsford Bjksrr should "the trade j eoisa Ui mind that this Is the : His ' bear nose then ad ; will division, man's net face. On rowi orders exceeding c flu,.... Bfertk. President oo'a. eelosT 610 and not. exceeding .ISO 60 Hayes knows that through the vance aud establish a cache at. port .. ', 'Over ft. n ROUTE ..tf. CHICACO DEST to so no uver f in eou, o fiumuug640,11.00 i: - 'AKD ALT. POrNTS XAST. - ... sharp practice of Garfield and ether Dufuford,thus obtaining suppHerty fvOand notexoeodleg oretter wIU I Over er Over w and not exoeeaingiutf, i. at Paaaanrtri br tbs route hav choice of republican leaders the democrats ava. The ronboat : VSVat AtafrKStKJIg BtUU rKH ond the are discouraged, and that if- he start forJFort DumforJ immediately - ar i3 i K 55rmr o Jftsle -asaatAav. 5 o avlahS lelle IAstoa Palaes i eataeof on reconvening Congress he Adjutant Frith, of t Lutncon, was keeps CHICAGO Cora to from Ill !' ' aAeeptoei r . lw Feee eama as Great Rrfain. , s 'JiiF..:l t'S-.can; eventually dictate terms killed in a skirmish. er ; BP & u PHaJICELPHlI have again u nsucj M3 IEW TORI, hewne . lie proposes, any o a : i yeomanry QTbe therefore, -- X '. .swixsaatvaat - ' 40i S CO! j K Chickea .... to take advantage of It, ar.d hence cessfully Attacked Moiroela MounJSIM r3 5 AND OTHXa KASTSRM POLNTS-- I 4' v ' F-1 v 2 , ' will not permit Congress to go tain In Bauato land, losing two men Booth American States, At- 77 eta. j Insist that tbe Ticket Agent seQs yon AAaoaV.... S toil? 6ft Sato lantla Ooaat.o4a England. rl.rl.L. Uo u Kx- - away till he gets all the necessary killed and twelve woundeu. tfeketa by the Saoiaouin 1 eta. la New I org, z BxaaUalODaarom rex ai. use va 4iareloitrtsr-Jana u r at amino your Duy arrived to has Frere Sir Bartle ixie 'j supplies carry on the governt : Uiey CO not roan over wa tuma. P'-Ri 6 "jLBJtey. il setae where .he was enthusisou ura ana vaeca esnai ment without restrictions of an .: Capetown, All " S3 10 ouw Raw 0U. ; Agets , from Tork, aaoda.' Tb d .. packet thia o.. received. Uao, Free : by ' ainu. .' Baggage astically ouifta Coaat. Pera.Ecuador. IT A iOB8 AT ' r 7(Ta "j Vto k f Krmte to KWY ..... tus western all xioatesarta k eta. fete men aav. how .These BoilTta and Chili......... 'Eaetas-rolnta can OfDe procured at ail ever, that whim 6 eta. .let Soain. Ota New Orleans..'. ; I photGrore-----noww avoe an. un".". Offioee they Coioa Pacific, and Counno Ticket , North Uerman Amencaw i stall roavla- that ; a few southern . men have TKLKUIt AP1XIO NOTI3S. gredeo,v4a ait Ota. ' ! 0U direct,.- -. t Udjosolosed . New rare uoua, na.tis nroavnway. made a trade and mean ; to sell out anailvia KngSweden, No. 6 State Street. Omaha s'4os4oU BntooO,M)0,uta .J: . . shift" Citv of Oolumbu ran . land......".--........- ! ets. .Sots. ei0;s-- B 5 The northern their it be the allies, may street and U. r. r Depot. 0iUc6U eUraclr akoad fthritseriand , I Berlin vHiiow, a new afontgrnnery . . ., . ' ft itk.' I eta, ' goooscansot oe aeuvered. Thev into the itaajnihlD dtu of ' '1 mall via Bog . jaa . v.. croab CJouaca BmfiS Ticket oflkca at U.P. declare with a treat vehemence of on Baturdav. near New kork. The Bwitaariaoo, oy land, " wo-r- ftorta ' aos Tuber Sandy A and at KorthDwpo Chicago Transfer iiwiaisi Union saan a Bets "tota. iron two latter tnat pavessel had plates Was dlraeu...., a tney will filibuster roets noiearo Xlcaet language W tern fiAiiwij tandahia . input, otxier ncijea. ttiritlea and The Largest.-- f Tho Strongpst. Tho Host Simple. Tho away : f Oiltcea, UoSflaV 4 nrwm pervorii bhormaa against the passage of any other cracked, the aft railing torn ciara otroet " American mania. fwkDaniah.) Oar " b 60 Eobeveruai " .hout ' rstaaai ts tajsai aiisR aaayajvoai nreea; bill for theaoppottof marshals than and tbe stateroom stovev 6 eta. 8 eta. et trmn Hew Tork.... Morgan. Lightest Kumilng. Tho Host NoisolesH. ' f .Jv, ;! Cot f 11 1 ieoxie 8treet lMpot, ooraer Weat K anile Kritiasaiaavta. - z, Chancellor Banyon, of, New ' (BritiaS), I - tne one wmcn will be vetoed. Wells Street corCanal Streets; Jiepot, tvfc. and i Tkomu. Ileta. lets . I nvr Salt Lakawr-of Ohio, haa even gone so Jersy, has allowed a writ of error m and KeriAStretav-'"- kot Bxltisa).....:..;.- - t eta. ' 9 eu rorwhrates or Inform aUea sot atttalaabaa far as to serve in a the making notice certain The standard rata to single ret Brf da apply to 8 ana - c TA from your home tioAat tam W had aa omnoe evmrdupui; to Fraoos htv:.OaJbndIratnink the nrjiinaltvanaoDtr Pawirsr Machines, or send . southern leaders , he I it to the Buprerae uonrt and returnable hereafter that ..... . . . . . . T 1 .. I MM OonUnent r ' French ia U .M the (by malkVit kiABTiw nrotrrrt t .... i wais uvv tuw tor anv 0111 iooittnr so 00 mr xsi. or nun arolrdn- - for: anstrated Circular. Agents wanted in overy town, , Gwn tianx'r Chioara. mnuxeh The Senate has passed the mar- - pmt. JTura W AKP; aod Txkt Arent, -- improvements to the south as a T ko astenak W. TT SnimM. mdioaies teat wis ; ; Ishals apnroDriaUon ,LiU without paymews ie wwawa )1 i ; DAVID Oi CALDCr?, Aront for Utah Oea i 1 r At t Chiaago' distinctive proposition. '.7 " a p 1 x f ' ;' DESERET to-da- y, V ; nATtIt:-Th.Uw- . Y. - - . . Vloe-rTe- et, . . 1 , , . . . , . USr, T u ! t-- - - 1 yr, KflTHAIROW, -- do-tuan- d . v wmmm nt ". I - i5July - - Jt ;tiK.nU Pa-latla- s 4thr , , dr Pro-ompcio- -- F ' - . THU$T 00,, " . ttdi r IG B00K-BISOI- - ! : . , - I sugar-of-le&- s I r " , ka Re-vie- ad srop; "xooKii -- BOOTS & SHOES niJiU J d, - TV HONEY . 1 I r , s - - i mus. eng-rsve- - -' .- . - -- - - 1 : m s eaa ash - 4 Germaa-AiaorV- 1 1 . wu - " r,J k ! .OI.OTHIIlTa'. 1 iiu. . ' I ; . " fX-'A- , - to-th- e '' ' - I o- - " - gTiar-tutoo- d. . FASHION - , e I a. a m " ! A 1 , - r Jjf 1 , -- - - I Hh -- '' . : , , 'v . a-o-aa an : . e. rl, I , 1 i- - - . -i niiaifip V - am. m iLIorcliaiit Tailor m LUL1BER YARD i - si si m 4- PLANING HILL. - ! Jamtea . i rea-uia- 111 Jl V '. -- 1oa,aw . J CMage,& Wagon man-of-w- ar '''?, oe-oid- ed l - f . . J- t.ii A ... strntimisiiivWiil - tf ay ..... :l;;i " - 1 raaah . , a - -- . : . . J -- .. . - to-d- Ea","! tto. UinDOU : - . ay . Riis-rta- 6-- - f aasBBBseBBaBa - ., . : - ..--r.-- -- i - 1 L i S T- - eoat-etfioe- a, f &. IGOTHmG-- SEWER. - 1 i , : . a0 Aiiuiiro;0 .ij-...- to-da- .: t '- ' . rr?.-.-- to-m- of y, I . 1 -- .; Creek-..-Mephk- s r xX - - ... J .'". e ; North-Weate- ra - BpautehFork-.---Spriagvil- . . la- -. ? ? Wa- - I - o are-certai- . vee-B- - ? . ; . '- I . - Mo-Mario- n, tvy -s ..' ,- ..- . ! ! Bmlth-Bennettcas- "n. 5J . 1 I - e, aa-aat- -- ? -- 1 1 1 OD-ya- rtar , - JOHNBBAut,(i:unWj iiatra.vu--"',-.- 1 oiMesnemTfAsim; , - .v J t , iL..MllTW''""7 r M. , 4, . 1 i i;w ay, AT - ... - 4 - . i r. JT .J |