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Show A WONDERFUL CHANGE. From Daily Wretchedness and Pain to Normal Health. Mrs.' R. Crouse, ' Manchester, la., says: "For two years my back was r weak. Rhpuip-'"!'' fcJf$ Pains raiTr--' my fcfy Iowp- limbs, day fcfgSjf.igS. &i ' r night. The ac- V' 4r-V ffl ti0U f tnG kidllC3'8 Vry-i? A was annoy ingly lr-regular. lr-regular. When I 7fyW started using Doan's Kidney Pills, these w&W:$$$' troubles soon less-fvf less-fvf v-'--' ened and the dull backache vanished. The kidneys now act normally and I give Doan's Kidney Pills credit for this wonderful change." Remember the name Doan's. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For Infants and fo, . I Wm The ' Kind Youlj : fWmBmsm Always Bought K ALCOHOL-3 PER CENT M m AVcgctablc Preparation for As- 4.1, II similatinglfieFoodandRegula- JjQaiS IHO . ' $ I ling the Stomachs and Bowels or $ Xf mmmmm Signature M ffl Promotes Digestion,Chccrfu!- 0 ifr jij ness and Rest.Contains neither QJ fV tJ - Opium.Morphinc nor. Mineral AVllN & notNaHOZI CHOP ! F,p,cfOMDrSA?fVElWC!ER If V ' W fixhrlUSIU - ffl ' MHtj,st . I vn4& I l ftpptrmiiit - ! Il TV . II "J BiCori.aUS.iU. ( It ft Q ' Hirm Se.d - 1 11 yj S ll Apcrfect Remedy rorConslipa- fSX m (jSl il lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, S M.t - 5jo Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- fliV P n t Jgft nessandSOFSLEEP JJ Q jjj $J Facsimile Signature of . : . I JiSL Thirty Years gyg HM, j SI Guaranteed under the Foodand) vJtOry U j j j . ) Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmk ocntau ommnt. mwtoMtrn, i ..'! .... , ' ' ,IJI" ' -",I,,J 1 ' Red, AVcnk, "Weary," Walery Eye. Relieved By Murine Eye Kemcdy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c at Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books. Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. FOR THE SKIN AND SCALP Because of its delicate, emollient, sanative, antiseptic properties derived from Cuticura Ointment, united with the purest of 'cleansing Ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors, Cuticura Soap is unrivaled for preserving, preserv-ing, purifying and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair and hands, and, assisted as-sisted by Cuticura Ointment, for dispelling dis-pelling itching, irritation and inflammation in-flammation and preventing clogging of the pores, the cause of many disfiguring disfig-uring facial eruptions. All who delight de-light in a clear skin, soft, white hands, a clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy hair, will find that Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment realize every expectation. Cuticura Remedies Reme-dies are' sold throughout the world. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., sole proprietors, pro-prietors, Boston, Mass. Send to them for the latest Cuticura Book, an authority au-thority on the best care of the skin, scalp, hair and hands. It Is mailed free on request TO OITRE A COLD IN 0"E DAY Tnko LAXATIVE BliUMO Qulnlno Tablets. Iirufrlstsrelund money if it falls to euro. K. W. bUUVK'S Mtroaturo Is on each box. 26c. There's a lot of hot air used in toy balloons and soaring elequence. A TRIFLING COUGII will become a pprmaoext one unless stopped. Allen'i Lung Jialtam will sum-ly sum-ly slop It, A55o bottle I slarpppnoiiKh for that. Bold ail all druggists, 26c, 60c and $1.00 bottles. How men would kick if their wives struck for an eight-hour day. FREE TO' YOU FRf 5Kt w.SL4 Iho UnLMrf SUtcs, as follows: , FIRST FKIZ PIANO to thoono who 114.500.00 will be divided In amounts from C5.00 to 160.00 according to merit. 'XieseH good Just the samo as so much money towards t bo purchase of any now piano in our store. IMPORTANT No one who basbepn awarded a prUo In any of onr former contest will blt com pete I n t hi s contest. On I y one answer w ill bo received from any one family, otherwise tie t: free and open to anyoneln the United Stales. - We are spending a fortune each year in mlverUslng the SEGERSTROM PIANO direct front of satlslled customers which, after all, i s tho very best advertisement and we intend to accoopliJ jj year what other manufacturers have taken Ufty yearsto do. Llpton spenta million dollarsin advertising tho productsof his manufacture. WIsoinTP him a lunatic. Today hois heralded by the crowned heads of liuropc, proclaimed the King Dettit pays to advertise when your goods aro right. Wo sell more pianos wholesale and retail liun 4 manufacturing concern in the country and our plan appeals to tho thinking buyers on accoet; system of selling pianos direct from factory to homo which eliminates all middleman's profit. , Kvery contestant will be answered by mall, but bo sure and enclose a self addrcisalKTv:, assuro that your award will not bo mlsscnt or lost in the mail. y SEGERSTROM PIANO MFG. CO. I 804 NICOLLET AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS. M1NNEK Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invig-oruto Invig-oruto stomach, liver and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granules. Easy to lake as candy. Ever notice how easy it is not to save money? WOMEN Need Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Brookfield, Mo. "Two years ago I was unable to do any kind of work and only weighed 118 pounds. My trouble " " ' n dates back to the Jr-.- - time nat women ,rf.f&Kk - expect nature 'V-'N to oring on them 'f T-'-Vi the Change of Life. s St: "u 1 eot a bottle f 7 iy Lydia E. Pinkham's l? vegetable Com-V Com-V L - Pouni an(i wade ?Zb -1 me feel much better, rte&firys and I have contin- y. ( i P:7 IW ued its use- 1 am .? ' 1 1 very grateful to you ' I for the good health I am now enjoying." Mrs. Sarah Lousionont, 414 S. Livingston Street, 13rookfield, Mo.' The Change of Life is the most criti cal period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember remem-ber that there i3 no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully suc-cessfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from na. tive roots and herbs. For SO years it has been curing women wo-men from the worst forms of female ills inflammation, ulceration, displacements, dis-placements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, irregulari-ties, periodic pains, backache, and nervous prostration. If you would like special advice about your case write a confidential confiden-tial letter to Mrs. Pinkbam, at Lynn, Mass. I ler advice is free, and always helpful. Desperate Remedy. "Yes," said the musician in it niscent mood, "my wife fell hf with me and. married me whes Ir learning to play the comet" I "Are you sure," asked his rj "that she married you becacsj loved you, or to make you stop ticing on the cornet?" I HAVE YOU TRIED THIS? Simple Prescription Said to Work Wonders for Rheumatism. This has been well known to the best doctors for years and is now given to the publior "Get one ounce of syrup of Sarsaparilla compound and one ounce Toris compound. Then get half a pint of good whiskey and put the other two ingredients into it. Take a tablespoon-ful tablespoon-ful of this mixture before each meal and at bed time. Shake the bottle before using." Good effects are felt the first day. Many of the worst cases here have been cured by this. 'Any druggist has these ingredients on hand or will quickly get them from hi3 wholesale house. PERRY DAVIS' PAIHrUO : I when thoroughly rubbed In relieve w sprains In Joints or muscles from 1T -' flnieBl6ls,25, 35, 60c sizes. Largo bottlwtbt; The crow is a rational biri doesn't make a noise without e- PII.ES CURED IN 6 TO 14 Wrt PAZO OlNT.MliNTlsjmiirantPcd to cnV,. or Itchlnit. Blind. Blordmn or rrotroam-' ti loll days or money refunded. Wo. Second thoughts prevent from having lots of fun. Mrs. Wlnslow'd Sootblnff S? Forchlldn-n tethlni, softens thoKOius. Hiiiuu4UUuu,alluy& pitin.cureswinilcous. Father Time was probably Jj in the lapse of ages. J - "i Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, m mercury will euroly destroy the sense ot smell nrl completely dirantre tho whole system when enterlni? it tlirowrli the mucous surlares. Such articles should never be iweil except on prescriptions prescrip-tions from reputnblc physicians, as the damaeo they will d is ten fold to the eood you can possibly derive de-rive from them. Uall's Cnlarrb. Cure, manufactured by V. J. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer-cury- and Is taken liiUirnally, acllnir directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. In buyuiif Hall's CaUirrh Curo bo sure you get tho rornilne. H Is taken Internally and mado In Toledo. hJ0:.bF F' J- Cheney A Co. Testimonials free Bold by Druelsu. Price, 75c. per bottle. la a Hall's family Puis for constipation. Woman s Pozver t? Ovei Man himB "Woman's most glorious endowment n the power SvN-jf '' ' V to awaken and hold the pure and honest love of a V-'' "--'i V '" '':," V j worthy man. When she loses it and still loves on, X., . ;' J ao one in the wide world can know the heart agony j3 . W 7 I she endures. The woman who 6uiTers from weak- Lf; v" ness and derangement of her special womanly or- f TVs v. V ganism soon loses the power to sway the heart of '' V.'o ' ( s man. Her general health suffers and she loses (,. '.mi'-i z her good looks, her attractiveness, her amiability and her power and prestige as a woman. Dr. R.V. Pierce of Buffalo, the assistance of his staff of able physicians, has prescribed for and cuieJ, c thousands of women. He has devised a successful remedy for wofflV 1 ments. It is known as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is P I specific for the weaknesses and disorders peculiar to women. It purit" r) lates, strengthens and heala. Medicine dealers sell it. No tonest i dvise you to accept a substitute in order to make a little larger profit. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONGi I SICK WOMEN WELL, jc Dr. PUrco'M Plcsuot Pclluts nguUte aad sirengtbea Stomach, Ltvr ni, 1 1 The Army of Constipation Is Growing Smaller Every Day. CARTER'S LITTLE vtv LIVER PILLS sre responsible they uof-Z 'pljlJL only give relief ;4 J ryTr B'ff they permanently K"sYtyJi wKI t:(J cure Coostipi-JJcC. C' SPITTLE tio. m.j$$fzr IjivER lions use n'4 t:j PILLS, them for VSk BvVvrsffi Bilious- sT" ' '1 Bess, Indif eitlon, Sick Headache, Sallow Skin. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE GENUINE mast bear signature: |