Show aws ners froin from E elders eiders 1 br dr philemon C merell writes 1 ta tita tiia hj y relations from carlisle Eng england hind Lind may 7 as follows follow s tell my kindred to listen counsel of prest brig hani hiim young in alf all thing things and especially when he calls on die hie people to give to the perpetual emigrating erat grat ing t und foe for gathering the p poor 0 r saints it if you could see tile tiia poverty of the good saints in this land as I 1 see it and he hear arthem them plead phad to their god to for gor T deliverance this arld land arid of or binl misery i siry ad want iv ant ya I 1 our 1 ur hearts I 1 wound 0 o u d a ache acha c h e a ns 9 in mine i i 1 d does 0 e at a t times i i U they tiley look to tha saints in tile tiie valleys for their deliverance for they il never everean can get means in this thia country to t gather gilie i r out then theu I 1 ma iki iko iti lit d re dle d a lipiner biln hand d to assist somer syi 0 of chy thy brethren r from bondage yea yen some somo of those who have fasted that they might biest mess thy brother brothen with a meat meal oe of victuals 1 do ilg this and god wilt wil wll t bless yoa you yon an hundred hundredfold fold fola for i it I 1 I 1 br B E B tripp tapp writes to brejt ere brigham Brig harn harb young youny fro from m east eist stone ham maine june 23 1855 that lie he had llad baptized ten persons in in the small to ans ananew ry and u d had visited several old I 1 I 1 members s who naw feel affel V in iti good spirits all wha are now in that region design to cross tiia tha plains next seasons elder G kershaw president of the Ulten hawe hage br branch anch and nd eldeir elder E slaughter PAs president ident odthe of the port elizbeth branch rn 1 write fr from 9 in the cafeo good giop hope e so south uth alia abia africa march 55 25 to prest B young that the port pott elizabeth conference embraces 1 seventy 0 2 elders 6 priests 4 leathers 2 deac cris and aud 34 members total 49 they thay have establish established edan au auxillia ry to the P E fund and are bueing every laudable method to expedite their gathering atherine athe riny rint 1 1 they add there is a n vast field for labor in th s land and th the lord 11 1 3 verifying the words words of nis his his prophets thousands of cattle cattie horses sheep goats fowls ac arel are dying and blight worms and locusts tiie tire are destroying the crops crops til ane vintage lias has failed andi andl heng tree is casting her untimely fruit f prest haven and br walker are gathering sheave sheaves and some of the fruits of then labors intend gather gathering lug kog this year 7 we cannot close without bearin bearing our tesSi testimony pony in favor of 01 our belo beio ved br elder leonard ii smith whom we have mare feind to be a ma may bof of god one who has ha evel ever since we had the privilege ing him been unto us a faithful mentor ani and has hag both by precept and example endeavored tofi ihde inde us into tile the way of eternal lifee m by letter from prest arcasa amasa lyman wimmie niffie ll at sacramento au aug 9 15 we wp learn ih tha a de 6 I 1 was well and that elder eider 0 had thai that ii in aorl orning g left for carson ralley valley Busi busl business ness nees prospects were brightening elders eldera lyman and I 1 ht lyde da preached in sacramento on the of aug ang and elzi elti an attentive congregation both morning orning in and ti evening en elder lyman expected to preach in the same p place blace ace on the ansu ensuing ing sabbath other elders were p reaching preaching in Cali california Califor tornia nii nil and oregon and alithe all ail the missi missionaries oil rles ries sent from san bernardino were we e in the field to the he number of eighty prest charles C arrich rich writes from san bernardino sept 2 that prest A farnham in may alay last organized a company of or 72 sainta saints att alt a t victoria under the charge of erder burr frost and arid til the were on their way to san sari pedro elders eiders smith and owen pre are in that company it was expected that another company would be organized and start in augu aucutt st sis sister ter lewis wice wife of prest philip B lewis died in san Bernard bernardino mo on the loth of august augut 1655 prest frest lewi s was anoh eon oon expected to arrive from his lon ion mission on the sandwich islands i houn HOUK NEWS astafan At Manti taj sept 17 7 tile the people 1 were generally healthy and in good spirits and ane I 1 matters were moving on about right A reports warren snow born 0 rn and potatoes gerej serel vere doing tolerably well and there were prospects ecta of i i few bushels of wheat t prest J C L smith and hon J N billith of a rowan bishop of cedar elder r T D brown of or haimo halmo harmony i and about 40 0 other dersons hape hake liae lately arrived on business to fee see ee friends and to attend the conference on the ath dinst they report that only 20 bushels of wheat bave have been raised raided at parowan carowan and frost 4 las cut ot the expectations of or late crops one fourth burth of the 4 feet elevation to the wall wail is is almedy already done lone arid and the laborers are busily at work in 1 tile tilo balance which wili will make male the wall 12 eel high t the tile crops at cedar and harmony have turned ut middling well tho fort at Para Pura goona poona will e built 8 feet idah this season reason and when corn plated is to be 22 feet in liei hei glit I 1 in governor youngs celize there is a sample lamle I 1 of cotton raised on tile the santa clara which major maior j hurt 11 rt busl indian aa agent and a virginians Virgin iani says is a at good as any that he has ever seen it is beau it fully foully white while ficie and silky and rind proves that still tadd therl important branch 6 can ba be arfe added to swell channel of pra pros S P erity w ni lm 11 11 I 1 I 1 ARRIVED arrive oritha the morning of sept 28 23 th the e fifth company of or immigrating finta pinta saints kioses als ais s thurston thurston captain captin cap tia tin favl anthe on the evening of the sanie same day prof proc 0 pratt and surveyor general J W fox returned from a droles stocal trip to tee point x where ll 11 I 1 a e 41 4 ero ere cr crosses esses ases the tho e emigrant roa road d east of G green reen rier ricer I 1 after ascertaining and point they came came back to the east cast or left bank of green riv riva er and therm there determine dand and mark marL edthe inter orla r fladd I 1 1 e 4 a deges north no rt h the bofidar boundary Y line between utah alid ard and oregon 0 regon it was wag found to ba bet som 5 miles of the r kinney hinney ferry ahad some girods NORTH of posts that iyan lyan yan singe sinde since dead put up with a view view of establish r rua rna fua p i a feny erly 1 m gegon 3 he e erroneously iron thought we 1 have lafety seen a ve very I 1 strong M I 1 arid and weil well v finished ku knife called fee iel the 1 deseret De hu n ti tig lin len wath screw driver nipple wrench picker ac attached also a large and beautifully polished tolee falce fauce defined ir for therley the Legion 1 ion lon company of f Lan lancel ceis cei and a s sword w 0 rd blade c correctly orre forged ad tm tempered y these artic articles left leit are manufacture manufactured dr at the public works by bra george cook and giva further evidence if buch such were needed of his bli great skill in ily his branch of 0 business we understand that br cook is very er X moderate ill lil his prices and trust that lie he will be bev well sustained iu in his efforts I 1 to 0 drive imported cutlery from our market I 1 I 1 A CirAN CZ FOR BELL BELLS ir br ph phelipe at the public work works ilas lias cast a bell fromA from dome ome very hard hird metal bi brought from the iron works work att at Cedar which br townsend has bought and hung D up on his hia tavern it I 1 has a tery mellow tone aud and nud can car be heard as ar ar as ordinary bells of that size if not farther and would anaker answer every bell purpose lif m the and sett seti IF me ats r 0 ami gwi A AN i shock San francisco oil on the tha m morning or ning of ag 29 at aam 36 in so 6 s says lays the ala ara a california Califor nid A i 14 fe sri 10 1 j juls jules elor clor of the e of rollan ro paris mr ir juilus julius 11 Bre brealey alel Alei the tha va U limity kity alty or of engy endy arrived in graft gat salt lake chy oay on the coming from cd ly ty ris riv er these va traver at id 7 W arll 11 ll known dir tir their in a gra climb or isla isia I 1 ads in sc in afferent parts parti or of the continual or of aim alm been on thier geir rhul through uth by bands band of 0 hostile indian i s s who had bad jost just a cidell in J gonei one on their passage ge sc other othel whose nam s ar 11 14 lf Brenc brenchley hley bley aft after r avin drin ylita d the natural of the like ind imd th propose p toil u adire toward the to 0 continue their during the i arti artl article articie cleAns lias been printed as furnish ed eded ED MIND TOUR OWN OW BUSINESS t t 40 4 we belleve helve with all tile the iesu testimony mony mons in divor of briham brigham young now before benore president pierce that lie would not bt justified as a republican to appoint any ally other permon person to the ilia of utah we tire do not believe the editor honest ho neit nest that with tile rhe amount of testimony before the tile public will asail assail brigham young and the tile people of utah with slander and arid falsehood we do not vot belleve believe the mail maii a patriot or li liberali berrti berril that advocates the sending men to govern oli on oil arary to the wishes cf ef the people and any man who alro aJro advocates cates unconstitutional measures to accomplish com his liis ellas elias wo we vipa as us a traitor to liis his country all an apostate to his liis oath of allegiance and arid an un outlaw to any community in which he le which he lives uvis the arthe Alor mormon normon nion tx IN 6 4 most cor cordially diaby coincide with wild the above correct qed ed A swap signar THE TIUIS timm it is ralpd d thit that sir moses who lately parsed through vienna ai ins ilia way to palestine Pd Pi lestine lesline goes there to burch bur pur asa larga large district I 1 in a the tl adb country to settle apon it the jewish haupers paupers Jerusalem of or jerus ilem eventually his ia is to sett e there also all those jews iio ho lie feel fesi inclined to return to the country of their ar anchors tors rf this tin s is i perhaps the tila girt firl practical tactical rac effort yet vt made at pro procuring aring a return of 0 that widely wid ly scattered rae raze it ia is not likely to be s successful u cleis fu I 1 cleveland clevela nd herald juby joiy 18 ige we think it will and in fulfillment of pro il i l I 1 P ea 1 1 EFFECT or OF AS arc earthquake it is a remarkable that since bince ulce nice the tile great earthquake of 1687 1637 no wheat will grow on tile the coast ol 01 peru in some planes piaree indeed a little is is raised buts but is very unproductive rice on the illi contrary yields a great return before the one gain grain g ain aln cf ef wheat yield yielded ill raina rolf I 1 r you know anything that will make a irot trot hers herg libart glad giad run quick and tall it arl irid ari f it I 1 that will only cause a sigh sight it up bottle it up |