Show bag DAG UE NOTICE ALL A LL PERSONS to whom we owe likenesses are requested to call rail and get pet them soon as we design closing our boom room immediately after conference 29 at CHAFFIN CANNON TO BE SOLD CHEAP NE GOOD TWO STORY HOUSE ONE NF and LOT in the ward on west temple streets street hait halt block north ot of tabernacle location very desirable inquire of A avlo lelh ward or the subscriber sch atso also corsale for tot slie sale 40 acres in the big field well weil fenced 29 at ISRAEL IVINS fol Foi rsALiE FIRST RATE BATE lot mt situated in ONE ayle F t the e ath ward on the north east corner of 0 the middle block on emigration street opposite the tho old yort Fort forthwith with a good HOUSE 2 rooms in ite ity it and other out building for sale price cash or trade for particulars apply to william fawcett of the ath ward sor lor or thomas crooks proprietor american fork or lake ci city fyr fir utah at woi TO THE rubn lC ILLIAM HOWARDS sore store is W WILLIAM wllliam well weil supplied with every article in dry goods suitable for tor ladies and winter wint er clothing together gether alth ith a very large stock of boots an and d shoes the proprietor pledges himself hl himel mel mei to sell them at reduced prices and wheat corn and oats in exchange SS Please observe WILLIAM HOWARDS STORE 29 at J M N BARLOW OLD AND SILVER smith having G GOLD 0 returned r from his bis mission to the elt wishes lo 10 say aeto to his h Is old friends and custo customers mersy that ha he intends car crying on his business in all its branches at his bis old stand first door doo east of 0 the deseret store south temple street where he be will be happy to serve all wishing anything in bis ills line and especially the public workmen charges chang reasonable and payment made easy ga 3 CALL AND SEE 29 cm i STRAYED N the of july from the pasture 0 ON in the ward wordy a yoke of CATTLE one brindle brindia and one dun marked as follows t the he brindle a sta stag star gy v with ith a wart on lert leit side tip of horns pared off the darf dud baa lits his right hip knocked down horns turned back also alko branded with an E on the left horn any one giving information to bishop smith at center vilie ville will very much oblige 29 at ELIZABETH FISHER raun rann fon FOK SALE wk w K WE HAVE A FARM conre M inston aaning acres under a good lood fences fence wit vit with two log cab cabins on the premise premises a stream of never falling g water running the whole length of the tarm farm 75 acres now ready for seeding a fence running throy ahn center renter dividing the pasture and plow lands a few acres of good meadow land the whole being in kayas ward 20 miles nor north korthof of G S L city and within 80 rod rodi of a good flour inz ins mill timber and saw sawmills milli plenty within four tour miles for further particulars inqui e of james mcknight in the deseret news office or et of the subscribers subscriber P IT YOUNG 2 29 at t S B if YOUNG TOUNG J P 0 1 max MAA N T 0 the tbt OWNERS of all the 6 5 and 10 dacre TO acre lots in school district no 29 26 this 1 time they will be notified ol 01 the school taxes which ought to have been paid long geo aeo at the effite of superintendent cf of sugar works IV it the delinquent taxes be not paid before the october conference the lots will be advertised and sold daa akin CHARLES oharles KENNEDY KENNEDT W k HENRY WILDE THOMAS B CLARKE littles LITTLE J V vernon vernos A ao do B GRIFFIN 29 at A r eteen IN 0 til cc A PETITION having been this day presented to me calling for a special pedal term of LT S district court to be holden bolden in great salt lake in october next and bald eald petition having been one hundred persons representing themselves as voters tax payers as provided by law I 1 do therefore order a pedal term of the first judicial district courts court to be atthe at the council pannell house in the city of great salt lake territory on the day of october neaty next at ten am of said day for the transaction of all bu business would legally come tome before the regular term of ald aid said C 0 art anda annj and ana do further order that a epy apy of this order be published tn in the deseret news far tar two successive fu weeks i 4 J F KINNEY KINNET ch justice Sup supreme rime rOme court and first l zol Jol iclal district in and for of utah G GS S 1 L city oky sept 25 at eok rok SALE NE HOUSE AND LOT situated in m 0 ONE the ath ward on the premises a good well weli ol 01 water inquire of 29 at LORENZO D YOUNG TAX SALE ILL BE SOLD on the october WILL W ber next at the council houie houte in G S L city UT between the hours of 10 and 4 k the eyl eil following described land claims and improvements in great salt lake city or so much thereof as will pay the taxes due thereon to the territory of utah and county of great salt lake together with cost of collection 5 0 block I ward to whom assessed of lot 1 4 20 3 john ness A erm eff so 8 46 6 T J thurston 4 16 3 daniel wood f 7 19 1 I S hatch natch 34 66 1 jams jam s Gerni geini gemmec hief fief 8 tig 1119 cc Shepherd Shep heid held PHui phul P hins bins 2 Rob tWIlson plat piat 3 24 9 5 william wiiiiam kettleman Kett ieman lenan la 19 frederick gadberry Gad brry W wa 12 1 2 23 3 68 14 Wil william liani gribble plat B V 6 5 19 2 john edmundson 1 7 63 53 6 anson asson call 4 2 40 1 15 jul jal as ing A C autin birlat B I 1 6 20 5 2 moses cla cia clawson WS oil s 29 at assessor Assess br and collector DESERET STORE T proprietors would call the atten 8 t tion lion n of the medical gont gentlemen lemen and citizens generally to the list of DRUGS ac which from the unusual kinds and extra qu quality allty silly reserves fe eser iser serves res ves the pk patronage ot of those wishing to bar buy i OIL leman sands ext sarsaparilla peppermint I 1 bulls do i cinnamon aqua Am ammonia nionia udonia y orange beeswax Winter vinter wintergreen gree grep gurn gum opium AS cloves myrrh J bergamot arabic i 3 british ultramarine blue ft amber carmine S anise eie y juniper marsh margh rosemary i CAMI Mag magnesia maene Masne nesia nesta gla sla pennyroyal al batemans batemann BAt emans drop drops A cabor drop lane g 0 11 N e A no 1 hot drops NO 6 beckwith A D pills illis spice bitters s do tonic tonie do I 1 wrights do cough mixture jahns adyns do croup syrup balleys Dal dai leys salve galie Godfrey godfreys God freys ys cordial simple cerate orate Poor Pool mans mons Pla pia plaster salve saive cibbs pumps round a ointment blood root hoot I 1 tar g Vi virginia winia mInia snake root noot balsam black do rad gentian bitter root 49 columbo elm tim bark i blu mas pair elm bark calomel poplar do V sugar of lead fellow do 4 se na F J fi Scab lons pow row d Bay bayberry perTy perry i catnip chamomile flors irish moss litz do la cubebs do Granv granvill ills loulou pow row 1 fol lobella lobelia f soap liniment Tartar tartaric lc acid add laella citric dos lobelia lobella herb berb it sup carb soda sofia lial balmond mong cream tarter Cent uary guiv jalap 1 boneset flour sulphur ft skullcap Scull cap white vitriol lunar costic costle blue do dead shot r aqua portis shellac mix vitriol aliens allens 11 and B liniment liquid cayenne pepper also a limited supply of the following metal syringes flesh brushes do female india rubber dressing nursing bottles combs 29 am t WAGONS WAGONS WE ae have for sale a number T T lent wagons suitable for general use also ox yokes chains ac which we offer low for flo fio flour Filea wheat oats ats and lumber ac 1 6 tf T S WI WILLIAMS MS C CO 0 IV L JOLLY T F UMBER MERCHANT is still buy J SL ing i lumber for tor which he be pays the highest market price and has constantly on hand band and for sale a large laree and well aborted stock of good seasoned lumber lath shingles PIk rik pickets ets ac ac N NB 11 W L J I 1 to le be found dally daily at God Goddar dards dg auction store easttam east Tem temple tempie pl ae street 28 ani NOTICE MELONS FOR SALE ow E SAYERS beg begs lea iea ve to in form his big fulinas and the public in general that be will haye have hining during hiring the season a good supply of 0 choice nutmeg cantalupe and mountain sweet water watermelons MELONS which aich he be will feil tell at moderate prices fresh from the garden to those who may be pleased to purchase 24 am E SAYERS ward wart patso LV GRIST hill MILL HUHE HE inhabitants of payson nephi jl almyra Pl myra spring iley ac are respectfully invited to cail cal and try the payeton grist min MITT where tofy caa cal get a as good a turn torn out of flour and of the best quat abany aana mill in this county 25 23 at onas CHAS B hancock han nAN COCK ob P S we will warrant 43 lbs ibs of good flour to 60 lbs ite of good wheat YOU WILL rind FIND T the VALLEY STORE a choice AT assortment t of dry goods and groceries Groce diet riet clit cli acs idt t ingy ing in part parts of prints domestic Siti joans made clothing boots shoes hats hat Cut out outlay lehy lety omnis bomis suar suan coffee teay tea tobacco to cindle Cand lea leQ soap pepper peppers spices ac ac ac which I 1 will sell at the lowest prices country merchants trailers and families sup plied piled at greatly reduced prices si six paid for flour and two dollars and twenty fabe bie cents for foi wheat oatsy oats better letter and other produce product pro duct duci wanted J it CLARK all L city oits sept 17 lum za 3 at don FOK SALE aia ala corner lot near the school house in the tha ward of 0 S L city together torether with the lin provi ments thereon viz a good sized well finished story and a halt half aroble housey house a stable cattle cattie yard well ac also a alve five acre grass grasl 3 asb ass lot nea near r the thie south line of G S L city 4 and fon ron nent RENT A very valuable farm contal about 35 acres of plowed I 1 ind and 8 3 ct r me geilow itow tiow ilow s situated t bated near farming lai tay it iff davis co counts tinty lintt i to purchase or rent the ahova above na named medd dpree pra mires mines can be wae mae i ade to mno mrs jacob jcob F in the itt ward cr to b bit bishop hop wo hess trew in 28 tf WEAVING vi EANS Sa linsey flannel y cloth carpeting fc on short shott notice and tisou reason adib auie terms 4 12 1 2 blocks south ol 01 council house ath ward joh jon GREER gramt giloth gC loth always an on hand and for sale FOR SALE yale ONE 0 NE city olty lot in provo CITY oitt two blacks blocks wet west of the tithing offices office having on it a enell house N mith with ith two rooms and a good plank fence together with wih one rod of city wall tor for further particulars enquire of sstephen stephen nixon on the premises as at RAGS nags RAGS RAGS DAVIS VIS COUNTY PAPER MILL wanted immediately any quinti y of cotton cottun and limn lawn lim n rags which will be received at the tithing affue G S L city and the amount credited on tithing f HOLLIS nullis GEPSON NOTICE I 1 AM all dow now sow NOW OPENING AT T THE HE valley store a general a assortment of dry goods and groceries of all kinds lind which I 1 will sell as iov low lov as any house in the city for cash wheat and ind flour 23 tt tf jons jony IT CLARK A or OF TIME I 1 T SHALL OPEN mv my splendid stock of JL goods at reses R old stand in a day or twos two my II 11 train aln having arrived sooner than I 1 had expected it give me a call see my goods no ni trouble to show them gentlemanly tle manly mormon clerks clever fellows fellow like ilke the proprietor prie etor tur 26 at S st BL BLAIR p NOTICE OTICE T HE big bip 1 0 cottonwood ca canal bial to tobe be e dug for fo r the purpose of boating granite to build the he te tempie temple mple Is being surveyed and the completion ol 01 all that portion north bt of little kanyon creek between it and its terminus in great salt lake city br david wilkin W has been appointed to superintend and to dispose of the lands adjoining TU T 7 U tt BRIGHAM YOUNG S SPINNING PI NN 1 IN GW E AV 1 arg dyeing ac done at jor JD dan woollen factory wooi wool taken to make into cloth cioth jeans flannel Sal sai nett or blankets Blan bian lEets liets on shares shires or otherwise wool grease wheat flour floury pork ac ac taken in exchange for cloth Blank biank blankets etsy ac at the jordan woollen bolien factory carding done on usual terms by b 6 66 6 am M I 1 DESERET diedt ifft STORE stone THE HE proprietors would respectfully inform tile hie citizens that the th first part 0 of their troi trot train 1 hoh has arrived and they will exhibit fon for or saler paley sale saie a choice seiei selection of STAPLE M E R C II 11 A N 0 DIZE IZ E in a rew few days they will wiil v ili ill endeavor to merit the patronage patronage nage of a discriminating public call upon us and aud examine ei amine 26 tf yo wil ini builders liy iii lers lees ami amt Of miers fiers OSEPH HORTON I 1 plain and ornamental plasterer informs those engaged eng g in bull buli building that he I 1 14 prepared to take work wort in the a above line and anil execute the same tame in first rate rale bisle lyley and at very m moderate erate terms terrus orders from f rom the country attended to office at G 5 clements le ments brush manufactory east temple street open from 6 am to 7 rpm pm NB ND ceilings whitened and anil rooms colored 19 batih hore hole THE ephe subscribers wish to say to the L public that they design keeping cont constantly antly on hand a supply of sole soil and upper leather of the best quality also ready made boots and shoes and are prepared to make to order boob shoes ac at the shortest fil notice fillice tiCe froni home homa manufactured or imported leather and ehr itt wit receive in exchange most kinds of produce bark hides bides cattle or cash an assortment of clogs on hand band aio alo also a few firt fart aart quality horse collars the highest price paid for tor hides and bark 4 GOLDING RALEIGH HAT has established the ys above business on ilia big bis his premises IQ in the ward one block north of f G S L city where he be fa prepared to execute orders for such qualities and styles as may be desired J L neywood HEYWOOD anted WANTED in exchange tor for hats bats otter beaver fox foi mink and rabbit r it pelts I 1 ALSO firewood butter egg pork porky lard wheat lumber v etc 3 tt tf 3 L n H go to and I 1 Willid winders erys erts ES ERET AlEz MEAT itt PROVISION JL store east temple st sty and to their wat markets market union square where every esery variety of meats in their season can be obtained on the most satisfactory term terms JENNINGS WINDERS TANNERY TANNER 1 Is now 1 in full operation 2 where all kinds of LEATHER BOOTS AND SHOES of the best qualify can be obtained reasonable SADDLERS HARNESS MAKERS AND SHOE makers yes all who want leather call and slid see our stock we want good hydes and skins for which we n e will give a good price N B D A F mcdonald McDo Is our agent at springville Spring vilie ville persons la in utah by apply applying ln to him can obtain boots boon S hoes boes leather Leath fr lines line sy ac c ac c y which he will always behave have on hand band NEW T V GOODS 0 OUR UR girst first t train of forty six wagons w arrons loaded with i a very full and general nt of BEW pew EW GOODS will arrive here about the antt ln int t nhen when we shall ws prepared to open and off omm r for inspection and sale saie aie ale a oom com complete piete 9 assortment of all the various goods in ill eur our ur line and ind at present in lii demand we ire waid wald take talle this occasion to return thank thanks i to our OCT friends aill aili customer and the cl in general out the torT tory for the very liberal patronage exten extended deI del 0 to o u during daring the past sason aason a S while we shall bhail endeavor to berit a contini contine nance of their favors favora by selling rood eold gond ot t uniform and as low rates as oan can be afforded in this aarset our second and third trains are ex petted to arri arnite arrive next diex t month livingston K k CO HE IMING HERDING ephe HE undersigned undersigner under |