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Show v moteti as Uod s medicine, while are considered to admin-ister the medicine of man. How can you argue God against man? For one thing, he says not all herbs are beneficial to man. Tobacco, for instance, is an herb. Unfortunately, things may only more confusing, although the around get was going ago everyone edu- schemes FromWhere still prey on the sick I Sit" Health-frau- d V Q by Dennis Hinkamp By Allan R. Gibson Saturday is Mothers Day. Its that special day when we honor the special women in our lives whether they are our mothers or the mothers of our children. After having teenagers I think that we should set aside at least four days a year to honor these gallant women. They deserve it. Beth Butcher, of Levan, brought in the following and had it printed for Mothers Day for her children. She asked me to share it with you this week. It says it all. Original author is unknown and she has put several things together to make the following. My Dearest Children: Consumer Information Writer Utah State University The purveyors of health fraud dont have much imagination. Many of the same products touted as cancer cures 15 years ago are the same ones being used to foster false hopes as AIDS cures. Although most dont come right out and say they are cures or preventatives for AIDS, they of-ten mention immune system in their literature and advertising. This kind of quackery is nothing new. Colonic irrigation, bee pollen, and oriental herbal remedies have all been around for a long time. The only thing that changes is the diseases they are supposed to cure, says Professor Dave Roll of the University of Utah College of Pharmacy. For instance, Roll says 10 years Today is Mothers Day and, once again, Im reminded of just how lucky I am to be a mother. Ive celebrated this special day for 44 years now and I dont regret a single moment. I feel like I owe all of you so much because without you, I would never know the joys of motherhood. Without you, I couldnt celebrate this day. I feel complete and happy with my role as your mother, and I thank God for each and every one of you every day of my life. Ive discovered many things since Ive been a mother, it takes my breath away to realize that I wouldnt have an inkling of how beautiful and precious you all are. You are Gods miracles. Id like to thank all of you for enriching my life and you all for sharing your thoughts and dreams with me as well as your ups and downs. Thank you all for trusting me and accepting me as I am. And John Elisha Ord, 76, died April thank you all for lqving me unconditionally and for opening me up 25 at his home in Provo. He was bom Jan. 1, 1917 in emotionally. My heart is young and carefree, thanks to all of you! Each day Nephi to George and Loretta with you brings something new and exciting. Now Im and gray, I Russell Ord. He married Faun look back on these days with joy and happiness. Its appropriate on Mellor May 29, 1941 in the Manti this Mothers day to say thank you firom the bottom of my heart for LDS Temple. During Wor Id War II, he served being my children! instructor Now I understand what Jesus meant when he said, Let the as a physical-trainin- g children come to me. Jesus knew long before any parent ever did, in the U.S; Army Air Corps. He graduated from Snow Col' about the wonderful innocence and special joy that children bring to lege, and received a bachelors life. degree in education from Utah My all my love received . counteract many of these Mom A very happy Mothers Day to my mother Zoe and to my very special wife Mariann. I love you both. arg Service will honor Ruth B. Gerdts ; 74 . Ruth Burton Gerdts, 74, died iamB. Gerdts of San Jose, Calif.,' and Richard B. Gerdts of Santa Anna, Calif.; two sisters, Ada B. Kendall and June B. Wilson, both of Nephi; and several nieces and V ;. nephews. Memorial services will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday, May 6 at Anderson Funeral Home. Friends Provo LDS Temple. Times-New- s Survivors are his wife, of Provo; call one hour prior to the may Nephi, Utah services. Burial will be at the four children, Dr. Craig Ord, May 5, 1993 Vine Bluff Cemetery in Nephi. Sandra Stubben, Bonnie17 Lyons,and Mary Mildenhall; grand- May 1 in San Jose, Calif. She was bom Aug. 27, 1918 in Nephi to William and Emma Lunt Burton. Survivors are two sons,' Will- -' 2 The r If passed, the act would allow supplement macturers to includehealthclaimsontheprod- uct labels without going through g procethe rigorous dures required by the FDA. Although health freedommay sound reasonable, it has the poand new nutrition labeling saying they were tired and- run to expose consumers to tential down because of hypoglycemia. cation act will restrict many treatments without Today, people are blaming all health claims of foods, a proposed questionable of a physician. the 1993 guidance of act freedom health may n feelings on yeast tired, infections. Consumers have cause to be frustrated, he says. There is an overabundance ofinformation. It sometimes seems the Food and Drug Administration is more concerned with regulating the use of Taylor in Driggs, Idaho in 1958. the word fresh on labels than it 1 Funeral services were held May for later divorced. He married Colo, Woodland in They Park, g is in speeding up the in Colorado Russell Don Hanson, 54, who died Connie 0. Simmons ' process. April 26 athis home in Woodland in 1978. He attended school in Nephi Quacks still like to spend a lot Park. He was bom April 14, 1939 in and'Provo. He joined the Navy in of time denigrating doctors, but at the same time, many of them Provo to Levon and Glynn Taylor 1958, serving for four years. He are involved in granting fake Hanson. He married Linda Gae did refrigeration and air conditioning work in Nevada, Utah, university-lik- e degrees to make and Colorado for many years. He themselves look more qualified, instrumental in building and was Memorial services Roll says. Herbal medicine often is pro- maintaining the Falcon Space held for Mona Center at Colorado Springs, Colo. d Survivors are his wife, ofW couple's grandchild Park, Colo.; a son, Greg Memorial services were held Hanson of Florida; a daughter, Saturday, May 1 at the Dade Wendy Sandberg of Puyallup, Memorial Park in Miami, Fla. for Wash.; his father and stepChristina Andrea Maradiaga. mother, LeVon and Beth Hanson She was stillborn April 28 to of Nephi; two sisters, Claudia a Cease and Lisa Wilson Christensen of Richmond and children; one brother, Merle Ord; and two sis- Maradiaga of Miami. Her grand- - Koa Hansen of Orem; a step-siters, Ruth Beck and Nelda Haney. parents are Jeff and Becky Kouns ter, Marilyn Kendall of Nephi; Funeral services were held of Mona and Phillipe and Digna three two April 29 in Provo. Burial was at 16 and of Miami. sons; grandchildren. the Vine Bluff Cemetery in N ephi. drug-testin- run-dow- Funeral was May 1 for Russell Don Hanson, 54 drug-testin- great-grandchil- a LMOasEfs o Volume 91, No. 18 May 5, 1993 mtomm ,BJS)UC T--Shirts Jewelry Toys Hair Items Porcelain Dolls 2J M Gibson Deadlines: News and advertising, dose oi Monday prior to publication. When a holiday (alls on Monday, the deadline is the Friday prior to publication. Subacription prices: Sis Months. SI 2, in or out ol hub County; one year, S17 in uab County, S21 outside uab County, payable in advance. No subscriptions accepted for less naan sis Months. Single copy price, SOS. Advertising rates available on request nd photographs submitted for publication are subject to editing and only trill be used if the editor deems them newsworthy. The editor reserves the right to hold submitted newt items lor use in later editions. The Times News It not responsible for the return of articles or photographs unless they are accompanied by stamp-ed-, addressed return envelopes oi theyrropeTShre. fa 0m stoop R. The Time, New (USK 431-0b published cadi Wednesday by the Tinny News Publishing Co., N South Main Street, Nephi, Utah S404B. Second-clapostage if paid at Nephi, Utah. POSTMASTIS: Send address P.O. Boa 77. Nephi, Utah changes to The Times-New- DcHeas aoo(3 Urn your Passport To Times-New- s Vance P. and Allan Publishers . m Figurines Night Shirts GiftCertificates Authentic Beautiful Indian Jewelry Cedar Hollow Restaurant South Freeway Interchange Nephi, Utah i step-Maradia- ga Nephi Area Chamber of Commerce Presents The II ' d; step-daughter- s; Mother's Bay Buffet At Cedar Mollow Restaurant 12:00 noon until 8:00 p.m. We can seat large groups Free Carnations For Fach Mother IIfl ood-lan- s- Don't make Mom Cook on her day! itajuDiiQ(l Fgdet s . Services held for John Elisha Ord, 76 a State University. He masters degree in educational administration from the University of Utah and a doctorate in education from Stanford University. He was principal of an elementary school in Bountiful, was an educational consultant for the Yolo County Schools in California, and was a professor of education at Brigham Young University. He also wrote college and textbooks. elementary-schoo- l While at BYU, he and his family spent two years in the Middle Ejst serving on a government educational program. He served as a high councilor 80 8 bishop in the LDS Church, j his wife served LDS missions in Dallas, Texas and Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. He also served as an ordinance worker at the regula-doctor- tions. iok h T(mm a? Enter our Passport Promotion today and you could be sailing on a Baja NCL Cruise from Los Angeles, to Catalina and Ensenada, Mexico. Includes: Airfare from Salt Lake City, all meals and transfers for two adults. Pick up your passport today at any of the following chamber members. Signing starts May 1st Cedar Hollow Restaurant Bank 1 One First Security Bank Total Video 44) Plumbing Nephi Lumber Company Parkin Motor Company Barton Plumbing Nephi Farm Supply Mickel son's Restaurant Mt. Nebo Thriftway Nephi Pharmacy Nebo Agency Chapman Furniture NAPA Auto Parts Kimo's (Camera The Copy Cabin WEEKLY DRAWING FOR LOTS OF GREAT MERCHANDISE. TO ENTER JUST STOP BY THE PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS AND FILL OUT A TICKET FOR EACH WEEKLY DRAWING. WEEKLY DRAWING THIS SATURDAY, MAY 8TH, LIVE ON KYKN RADIO, 9:30 A.M. LISTEN TO FIND OUT IF YOU ARE ONE OF i OUR WEEKLY WINNERS. : v . vS- - |