Show local and dOther an eother other matters FROM wednesdays WEDNESDAY 1 3 dally DEC 13 lounh sound souna aro not nob the roads in good now fog now the tho fog lifts and now it lowers again last night was foggy as usual also this morn morning ing lag but today to day the sun shines again this 1 is fa for those who did not know it W hen that ponderous orator daniel webster in a speech bech on the preservation of the enlon union union gave utterance to the following sentiment it would almost seem as if buch such a condition of affairs as the country now presents and other conditions likely to follow were passing in vivid panoramic display before the vision of his mind when my eyes shall shail be turned to behold for the last I 1 ime lime the sun in heaven may t f not see him shining I 1 on the broken and dishonored fragments g of a once glor gior glorious lotis union on states severed dissevered dis discor discordant dant belligerent on a land rent with civil feuds eu I 1 or drenched it may be I 1 in fraternal blood A ruil dozing dazing 11 As many of the readers of the NEWS may not be aware of the meaning of the above term which appears so often in our telegraphic columns we will state for the purpose of making the telegram more intelligible to them that I 1 buli buil bulldozing bull dozing started from the fact that in louisiana and texas it was formerly the custom to make mako the punishment for certain menials and delinquents who constantly negi neglected emed eded their duty a bulls dose viz one hundred lashes this has become almost a rule in the extreme south southwestern western portion of the united states and ilke like other conventionalities is frequently applied where it is not especially ap as at the present time it is used for the purpose of showing that certain inhabitants of certain portions of the country were intimidated from voting according to the dictates of conscience by threats of the lash hence dosing ll 11 A satisfactory improvement the movement oa on the part of the city Coun council cilIn ellin in appropriating a por pol portion tion of the thy taxes of the people of the outlying wards to be worked out in repairing the streets and cro crossings sings has proved to be satisfactory and judicious the result of this action is that the people have turned out and worked excellently and made mado a good square job and pedestrians can now walk beaw between een almost any of the lower extremes of the city to the tho central part without getting anelo aneio deep in mud so far as the tho crossings are ara concerned in this movement the corporation has done that pait of placing walks on tile the streets in good condition that belongs to it but there remains still something more to be done in the same regard and this time it devives devolves upon tho property owners those individuals mould should now turn out manfully where needed and place the various sidewalks parallel lel lei with their property in as good proportionate at condition as the crossings some of the sidewalks sidewalk i being greatly out of repair in spots the improvement will not bo be complete until this last move is made city council tho the council counell met last evening mayor little presiding petition of william asper asger asp er and 2170 others teachers and pupils of or sunday schools school asking for ahe tha adoption of measures for the suppression of the liquor traffic trammie nic fic with a view to diminishing intemperance referred to the committee on 11 license I 1 petition ef of edward parry and sixty two other residents of the warda asking an appropriation of the taxes rf nf the people of that locality for repairing the streets and crossings the sum bum ht bf was appropriated as asked for to be applied in equal apportionments on the streets and crossin crossings gs petition of IV jones and anti forty six others representing that south temple Street between fourth and seventh west streets is in a deplorably plora bly bad condition made so by the grading of the utah western railroad and asking that the sarn same be repaired the petition also stated that a former petition on the same subject had bad bee been n favorably considered by the council but no further action had bad ever been taken I 1 in n the matter matti pr referred to the marshal with instructions to see that the needed repairs were imade by the railroad company in question to the full extent of the law petition of T J jones jonea tu and john IL Joness jones lor for the ge of cutting ice from what is known n the tb horseshoe bend of jordan at the western end of first south ti treet street referred to the committee on streets and alleys alloys petition of IL W V crane asking that the amount of hia hla unused broker orb ors license obtained in 1875 amounting to 1 2 2750 be applied on his new now license referred to committee on license petition of J K Y Trum trumbo bG for auctioneer ri license for one year granted petition of B W carrington for the privilege of ming using a portion of hot lako lake for a skating rink granted the committee on claims reported favorably on the bills billa referred to them of dr 8 B xoung young oung 30 and 21 respectively report received and appropriation made accordingly salary of or recorder for one month was allowed and appropriated rioted council adjourned till next tuesday evening at half past six th tha the a childrens children prayer the following id is the sunday school petition presented to the city council last evening SALT LAKE laue CITY dec 1 1876 TO the honorable the mayor and city council gentlemen ve ye the undersign ed teachers tew Tea chers chera and scholars of the sunday schools of salt lake city respectfully yet earnestly petition that your honorable body will user to t the tur a our fullest extent the powers with which the law invests you to control restrain and reduce the trammie traffic in intoxicating liquors which at the present time is growing to such proportions in the midst mida of our highly favored city we do this because we know that dram shops with their kindred resorts where liquor is sold are t too 0 often the cause of our youth taking the farat step to moral degradation ra infamy and destruction because we know their open doors are an ever present invitation to the unguarded to sin and a detriment to those who are seeking to reform because we realize that in these bink sink holes of iniquity not only are habits of intemperance formed but also others equally degrading and repulsive that not on only I 1 y ar are a they the school schools of the drunkard but also of the gambler the thiet and often of the murderer that they are the peet pest houses that corrupt society that they more than any other single cause came of evil uvil fill the prisons of our country with felons and its almshouses with paw papers pers and that they even rob the temperate and the sober of their earn earnings inga luga by increasing the taxes of every citizen we most heartily desire to soo eoe these evils averted from ourselves therefore we as the youth of salt lake rake city with those BO so anch interested te in our temporal and eternal welfare sincerely trust that you will aid us all in your power and as we have been ever taught to pray to our heavenly father t to 0 leave us not in temptation so do we of you the in fathers thereof of this city to remove so far as your power and authority extend these causes of temptation ancl anil thus aid us in ou r efforts to livo live lives aftem of temperance virtue and anti sobriety and to lemuce become acome law abiding and worthy citizens of our much loved utah FROM THURS thursdays dads DArS DAILY dally DEC I 1 d connubial here is a festive re minder from mr and mrs J L rawlins the latter nee miss julia E davis for whose united happiness the best wishes are entertained and herein expressed herbert S rich mr john jehn L rich of ceylon street boston mass would be thankful for any information regarding his son herbert S rich who was in this city when last heard from in april of the present year lifts and lowers th the fog ha has loosened considerably it lifts and aud lowers at pleasure and frequently last evening it was thick A few hours later it had cleared away this morning early it was all around again and at sunrise it was mostly gone so through the day it has been a contest sometimes the sun stin winning and some sometimes the fog mostly the fog new hoisting works col johns 1 co coa owners of the yosemite miney minet at the head of bingham canon cation have just had some asplen did hoting works erected there which havo have been in operation about i aeck k giving excellent satisfaction tho the works were word built by davis davig howe co the engine thirty herb 0 power 0 W er by the utica S E co an and d p tile aj boiler bolter fifty horse power by john sloan co the whole was waa erected and started by mr W J silver engineer of this city th the 0 m anine ine ina looks weir Is down feet with leads every f fiet et in two directions D death oath of mrs louisa M grant we regret to record the death of mrs louisa M grant which occurred at the reli rell residence defice of her bon eon inlaw in law mr benjamin hampton of the ward at half past one on wednesday last this estimable lady was born in switzerland co indiana may 1826 in ia 1851 she arrived in this territory with her husband mr joshua G grant ut brother of jedediah M grant and geo D grant who loft her a widow with three children abol shortly aly after her arrival in this city in which place she has resided mainly from that period until the date of her decease her qualities were vere those of a quiet unobtrusive motherly woman whose gentle and affectionate nature impressed melt itself deeply upon all acquainted quain ted with her hen her departure hab has as crea teda rap gup which will not soon boon bo be filled in the circle in which bhe ebe has moved the funeral will take place tomorrow at 1 from the residence of mr hampton Hamp ton tou friends of the deceased lady or family are invited to attend com cou aroff FRIDAYS DAILY DEC DEM 15 ho no lift foggy and cold all day today to day dec 10 1876 this Is to certify that wm bob was cut off from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints for apostasy apo stacy at Elir harrisburg washington county utah territory dee dec ard 3rd 1876 also bobert kobert reed beed was dis fello feilo w shipped for unchristian like ilke con duct G hogan disbot bleh bieh op IV G clerk A bad affair AlFair last night I 1 in tb the ward about a block west 0 of f the county court house a young man named campeas Camp wag wab wae was shot by mrs A binder the ball striking him in the baek back and glancing mound wound a ribo riby riu rib inflicting a severe but not dangerous wound immediately on being shot he retreated as rapidly aa as he could and another shot fire fired at him by the same party failed filled to take effect he met with a man to whom he communicated the fact of his having been wounded tand this person tool took him to an ad joining house mrs mra binder gave herself up to the officers and was placed under arrest there la Is a scandal connected with the affair and camp has since said that he deserved what he got having acted the part of a villain and scoundrel information wanted the attention of any one concerned or kuo kno knowing wing of the individuals inquired after below la is requested to the following on or about jimo juno 1861 a person nay my ray brother by name FM frederick erick james fames bishop and his wine wife elizabeth ellzabeth moved to america american fork utah since that time they have fallen heirs to an estate in ireland I 1 have written repeatedly repeated lYs but my letters have always been returned to me unopened if you could give me any auy information of the whereabouts of the above party you would have my most heartfelt gratitude and also aiso greatly oblige HENRY H BISHOP dire direct ct answer to chas fizone elzone market markut street philadelphia penn holiday show mr george NV davia davis show windows are a sight worth seeing go and take taken a look at them it la is a holiday exhibition and no mistake f P heid beld the man who was wab shot by y mrs alice binder bluder last night being unable to appear in court today to day she was released on low 1000 bonds to appear when wanted for examination A christmas cow this afternoon wo saw law what wo we consider the fattest and finest specimen of a cow ever leen seen la in this part patt of the country reminding one of tho the superb stock exhibited at the English fairs she la is of pure durham breedt breed and was ras raised by y mr william jen ings resigned cadet midshipman feramorz perm Pero morz little young son 1 brigham young of utah f ferriton Ter riton lins lias resigned from the second C cl i in the united states nava bava navai naval a my ray left yesterday for his home ome utah the youthful mormon stoc well in his hib class both jn cond condur and studies sj and resigned his poi pot tion from no cause save a desire t seek seok another occupation in life E had been in tho the academy two yea yda and t two v 0 month and Is tet tee years ol 01 old oid d divas washington ivas lyas hington star infamous litigation of ht im suits have been entered and wi to being carried through purpose of which can only bo cot regarded as infamous i ii those causes the validity of cereals points of the will la to involved th points being raised for the eviden evident object of directing misdirecting mis the plait and unmistakable purpose of thi testator and in doing so of ort oft akini taking from his orphan children tha the which he designed should be thein theirs for instance tho the testator is gadist and in his ills will re gardic the disposition of his bis property b hi assigns to each of his wives nara nam ing them themi a certain apportionment and to each of his children without with out naming them an au apportionment also the object of the litigation I 1 is to show that for the merely technical and shallow reason that the names of the children are not given they except those of thy the first wife have no claim upon the estate an and that the apportionment evidently intended buy uby the testator for them resorts to the issue of the first wife we are not willing to believe however that a court claiming to be a court of equity and justice is so far lost to the principles i of tude as to give aid and enc euc encourage outage ment to a scheme to warp tram and mis direct the will of the dead d ead in a matter over which the latter lad had legal and rightful jurisdiction and und i to rob the orphan of his heritage that being as contemptible a bustness business as can well be en engaged gagel in by human beings what if the testator ted tei did not a enumerate lium in rate the children by name did he intend that they hould have a portion in lits his estate is the q question ilu estion and no Bane sane blewer blower son can deny that he be did he names his wave wv 6 recognizing their claims u P 0 J re ip pmj made janaro by that itla relationship and recognizing them in tuat that ho he decidedly recognized his issue by them and they being his children ho provides for fur them being as much his bounden duty so to do as for the issue of his first wife while the parties whose whoso names appear as plaintiffs in such suo h infamous litigation maybo maybe may be comparatively innocent at least we hope so go the same fame cannot be said of those who suggest glory and aid and abet such measures whether as individuals or newspapers such are apparently capable ot of descending to any depths of ity and indeed they can scarcely go further than to gloat over even the prospect of the will of the respected r dead in relation to his own conc concerns a in 3 and those ol 01 his llin kin being thwarted and of his orphan ehlt chit drea being deprived of what ho jho intended they should p possess 08 sess lawyers ye may bat quibble bule |