Show local and other Iffat matters tors shor FAOR tuesdays dally DAILY DEC IS 11 lietea Lift edThe T b fog lifted again it loday though it was thick eno enough g h last night an devery and every night hiu since co i it t begun for the south elder philomen merrill called at last conference to go on tho the southern mission is in the thi city his son fion jhb acroix panics him who bad his lek lee broken about two weeks incel at D dewey ewey ville 13 nox box ox eider elder county by a 4 horse horbe falling upon him is now so far recovered as to be abie able tp travel home in this time ilm a of toy sell ing there iba ibn isa is a conspicuous s absence of ibe the ho homemade home made article in im the market this year a matter to be somewhat 1 regretted we have baye seen some specimens lathi in this line of the handiwork of walter ra rey hey eynolds which i auevery are very creditable lie he has 00 constructed a goupie of houses very complete cor q pie tv F mth ita jochi PP A glass tg i awre in j i ui u v a YIL Y IL KT ff L I 1 A IV brewstor brewster jun writes from orom december 7 aa follow I 1 X am m ost h happy appy I 1 to of the organization p of a youns young Men Mutual improvement it asso elation at this place iaco which I 1 believe v will iii lii lie lle e a great benefit to all nil til those phew who take an interest in iti their rell reil religion gion akik as U will w lik ilk have hay a tendency to 0 develop p our minds mainds forthie fort for the lie lle work that hat js 3 before ps I 1 holo hope to be 00 able t report some good aqwa new after awhile tah amputation le cessar jhb a 13 rge who have been attending heber clark the thi young m man a n who was so terri terzi terribly uly bly burd burt at the recent explosion at gardeners gardners giard Gard ners saw mill have decided that it is n necessary ec essary to amputate one of his bis begs which was broken in two places labes efel below VV tie tho the knee knea and otherwise ip badly shattered chattered the opera t tion lon ion was we faud fahd I 1 to 0 b be performed eer f today to td day ab t the cd catholic 1 e hospital as where the patie patient nt now lies accidents we vo xe regret reu rel to dearn teaton on saturday night ils aa col W N X fife was returning from lilting visiting i one of his patients when nea near r the court house above maln main his bis borse horse became kudd suddenly tily frightened and ana plunged foiw forward aid at a q tremendous rate the marshal marshai was waa i thrown brown but of the tho buggy 11 he held on to na was dragged ragged several beveral roda toda ou on the gro ground ind iud th tho horse gorse parse up near main maln a the brought is badaly but rybe ryse 1 bauls bruised on the left eleand eye and temoleon iem tem pleon his hia ift left ad has some game few scratches onah forehead he is doing and n dill will be de v out again a galalla in aday a day dwy a or i tw two D lAno yano ther lher a accident happeney happe neg Y yes P ter ier dayto john fife eife a boy abou about t 4 years ear old oid jandT son aon of the tho colonel V he was as skating an on wa the ice iee v hen he came in contact with an un bih bib 6 boy when he be fell maju and bruised 1 ased ill his bis I 1 teft left ett eft eye gye severely ely ogden xu jung ac ton on j dea Dec 1 abut about saving grain the thi move bi duent egit 0 the women of this territory to ry in regard rega i ril rii to storing up grain la Is calling ailing fort forth 11 rn much ilch fich speculation in the hid bid of the people generally itse t seems almost impossible to give a proper understanding to all upon the su subject ajeet cheth whether it Is because itis it Is something entirely new I 1 am not prepared to 1 bay say that it is nob not a x little thing think may readily be conjectured lectured for foz it carries with it where ever var it is la understood the 6 of af 1 its poorer and men and wamen i edi edl that 1 s hom something ething more than han ban empty words it Is not very vert strange that the lord should reveal to td his people through his prophet the ti times me a and d eains in ih which to per perform forin certain labors and works we know kenow he hib did this anciently and why should it be more astonishing in thid great land and last dapon bation this Terri territory tary are ia abundantly danti qualified to perform this work wo we are already having sonie some positive f vo proofs from all directions ions lons we get reports odthe of the interest e t awakened on the subject and of the he earnest earnestness al ss arid and zeal with 1 c tile the sisters afe are wor vor working king to c carry 3 r ry ou out president deiA youngs ls instructions mrs arrs AT Jf orne orue who ao aa has bas recently visited many of the towns in utah san Ban pete millard and be beaver yen yer counties countless ays says that she h has bas ns ne never ver seen i any auy tl uy subject into which tile the people seemed to enter with so much determination as vla this abne of saving and storing grain all who are fa millar familiar with the stati state state or of the cou country and the bondi condition tion of its business and political matters be aware that some great cil crisis is approaching and if it Is possible tomake to make such preparations beforehand as shall result in good to ourselves and others how thankful we 0 ought to be the central committee M 11 tte tee have secured a few feiy hundred bushels bushel sj and are making every effort erfort poss idle lole to obtain means to se secure cure in more lor loz almest every ward in the city has done already what they could in id so short a time and comm committees ittes are hie still bull at work raising money and buying grain wherever and whenever they ean can obtain it in large or small quantities W we hope to have the aid and good feelings of the brethren throughout all israel and especially the bishops who are looked upon as the temp temporal gral pral fathers of the people in carrying out president youngs counsel and suggestions there will probably be another special meeting held u pon upon this im por taut tant subject be before forel iong long of which we will give due notice through aroi agh the M NEWS in wes expect bjes capy den to uso use all ail pir kir kit bit influence Jn fluence towards accomplish good od work among the sisters their res respective pee pec tivo tive wards and settle atts E B S resident central drin commit t i cubed the tbt dense fog that a prevailed of latib and hillik tiling andl grand andi enveloped the city like incubus On cubus incubus h has hns as ap apparently at last to the glorious orb of r which this morning and af doh don mon BOH sh shone bhone 0 tie tle forth again shed pg ig around its cheering and in iriz ong radiance horses the band baud of AM numbering about forty head opposed to have recently been 11 aen jen en from jordan and other the oges have havo all been beegi claimed by tib jit v owners except excepting irig nine if OB owners of those da not soon ion up the united states mar of in whose poises possession slon they are dl till soon have to turn them ovel over oven I 1 the or make some disposition of them for as a td 16 igday day they wiil will iva ion eat their heads off doing well weare we are pleased to firn ism that the commission tore for the the sale of home lome nanu pictured goods in the oid old jon on buildings is prospering be toad and what was anticipated its ahlness is J strictly legitimate and ji unison with th the 6 genius s and ift 1 of th the lat latter ier ker day 1 aich can be said of but few if ay establishments in this thia city gis his worthy the consideration and patronage of or the people being a patronage fa lame iame e institution iii in the brur true sense wing ming only in productions of ish tah the stock comprises au i nerous articles article s of use we and some of ornamentation and the goods are steadily increasing jb a an excellent ce place wherein fo buy holiday goods 0 o dof of the sensible kind hind the ladles ladies ad 1 are doing a good work in the community inley and showing an e ex x j impie rn ery worthy 0 hy 0 ot emulation by the he sterner t sex e A voice from the children ilot not long since a petition siz sig adby buby ed by between and azid citizens was wag presented to the city council asking that honorable body to take steps for the purpose of checking if ihnot not abolishing the ingnor traffic and consequently y the growing tendency to intemperance among a certain class of the community sow now comes dines a voice from the little ones seconding the appeal of ofa those of maturen age ageon on the same important subject A petition of the same purport has lately been 11 in circulation among anlon anion 9 the superintendents teachers and children of bf ahee the tho sabbath schools of the eity city which has received a large arge list of signatures this pro tesy against intemperance and the causes bame a 0 of f its ita increase and encouragement comes from a source that should awaken the most powerful interest on the side of temperance out of the mouths of babes aud and ud soo aft suckling min g q shall proceed wisdom here are a re the little innocent children hildrea who must soon bud into info manhood manhood and womanhood plead bead ing for the removal out of their way of the temptations that lead to t 0 misery miser er j disgrace qing race and infamy ini famy the lit tl tio tie 0 nis nus ones speak iet jet them be heard and the their r prayers be granted |