Show mark these facts T th rosti onu ony vf of the WA TT orId H OX 0 WAYS YS 1 I 1 had no appetite hollowayy Hollo ways plia pila ga gave na me a hearty hea r allis on one your pilla are am marvellous marv mar ellous rellous I 1 1 I send bend lor another box and keep them in inthe the house bouse ID dr holloway has bas cured cored my headache that was wai chronic I 1 1 6 I gave aare one of your pils to my aly b babe for cholera 1 1 lera iera mo 7 the che h ad deaz dear e littie little ut tio tbt thin g got gold well in a day a fi a morning la Is now noir cured your oue our box of hollowayy Hollo ways waya ointment cured 1 mo of noises in the head bead I 1 rubbed some of your ointment a nt behind the ears and the tho note nole N haa baa left send me two boxes I 1 want wantona one for sor fora sora poor family 1117 1 lly 1 i 1 enclose one dollar yur price ric la 1 25 cen een cents ts but the medici medicine ae to mei moi me Is wor or ih th a dollar 1 send ed me a five fire 11 v 11 boxes bores of your pills let lit a have three boxes of your pills by return mall mail for chills and rover 1 but 1 have over buch such testimonials onil aa these t but bub want of apace compels com pela me to conclude cono jude for leous disorders and all eruptions of the tho skin this thia Olat ointment ment la Is most invaluable it does dm not heal beal ex externals exter terna terns nall Z alone but pt penetrates t with the most search h ing effect sto the tery vary root t of the evil evih HOLLOW hollowaty AYli PILLS invariably cure tb the following diseases disorder of or tho the ridy widy Rl kidney dy J in il li all nil 11 diseases affecting these organs whether they st secrete rete cete too much eh or too little water or whether they be afflicted mith with stone tone or gravel or with aches and pains battled in the if lis ins over ovey r tb the regi regions of I 1 the kidneys tb these pills PIll hula huia huld should b be taken according to abe be printed directly directions and themi the ointment azin nt should bo be well weil 11 rubi rubbed robbed to to the emall email rt f the back at bcd bed time this treatment will wiil rive sive almost immediate Imedla ta relief whoa h li ii nil all 11 oth othen other means as bave have railed failed for stomach out of or erder order no medicine will BO effectually improve I pr the tha tone of the stomach as these pills they remove all acidity occasioned either by intemperance ten perance or improper diet they reach tb tho the M liver ilver r and reduce it to a healthy action wonderfully enli enni efficacious feus leus in cases 0 of st sim spasm m in ln fact they never fall in curing all daem d sor soi den der of the liver and stomach PILLS are th the best known in the world for the following dis diseases emes ewes aa bilious blotcher blotches Blot ches on the ibe skin bowels D dropsy ro p s y dysentery tery erysipelas female irregularities 0 or tail fall sll all k id fits fit G gout gt t headache indigestion jun Jaun jaundice ic dic 1 liver 1 comm conw complaints is lumbago pile piles rheumatism reemt retention 1 on of urine scrofula or lungs ertl evil d sore eore T ata stone and G gravel a amlo tic tumors UI ul cers go worms ot all kinds we weakness m from any cause etc important cantio Cantlon None are aue genuina genuine gemine unies tho the signature of J ilo iio 11 HAYDOCK c as age agent foe th tha thi united state states surrounds each h b box of P pills I 1 11 and ointment A handsome reward will vill be siren given F iven to an any on ono one rendering n fuch euch information as may tead lead abrib to the e detection pt f a any y party arty or parties counter dottl beiting g t the b malc balc medicines or vending the samo bamo knewing knowing them to be spurious sold at t the manufactory of Prof prot professor emor 11 oLLowAY HOIT holt A 4 ca co new york and by byall nil all respectable spec table tabio druggists aj ggut and dealer dealers in clao cinq throughout the civilized world in b boxes m a at t 23 25 ce cents 3 cents and 1 I 1 each T there mr 1 Is clde cide considerable rable rabie baying saving bi by fth mth taking the larger azes ap J 1 NB NIL directions n for the gut el p patients a la in every dl disorder order an arp affixed affied to each ench box office libor t Y s rain BAIN BA an W WAGONS A G 0 0 o ij irl trl binl with mhd dlin dipp improvements ee e I 1 have bave now nit pit on them are aro conceded bv all who gea gee j them to be ranked neon 01 kinli i i i rl ft OLIVER CHILLED PLOWS blows 0 A are now known in every settlement and I 1 have sold over vive atluri in the im laa bix six months parmera Aar mers mera are actu actually ally aily laying away rood good steel etcel plows p aws and buying tho the oliver olive r plow it being belur bein belu such a eavin ir both on team and man a tho i longer longor you use them the better they are ifo jio wear ota 0 to them hi TilO mm 1 vilis WOODS HM lio lil I 1 T T t V have hare talen talon the front rank of all machines for their dara ifft ease eafe of ip ti and hand band lingo cloge and cican cleans lascos lees leea cog coe fo for sor repairs ba Z woods I 1 1 1 nn of 1 TIGER fatt SELF m farmers imer imar who ba have itye not yet seen been this seif self dumping B oded ll 11 perfect e rheet and well weil made has bas iron axle axie second growth pokes aul abod mei mEl terlA t ph throughout hout your youn lz PIRL CAN cam re M i y f M i cm t f i 0 I 1 1 wa f 1 I 1 ol 01 ils iii concord r fuggles and al alin I 1 J in r 49 49 fie axy wk OX hardwood and wagon edra iata fe r 1 I a affy limi simi ap feg jeg jap lia fy t a it 11 ll iberi 1 I w t 1 l fr li r hafl 1 l T abl n Q S SW NR x V J t 0 o buja f 1 l X A kiks kims amx amb axx |