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Show I AMUSEMENTS o Conductor Schenek, who will be In charge of Mr Savage's orchestra of forty at the performance of "Lohengrin" at the Salt Lake Theatre tonight, will take his seat at S o'clock. Tho overture will bo commenced ut once, nnd late-comers will miss tho rare foretaste of the opera Tho cast of characters will be ns follows: fol-lows: Lohengrin William Wegener Henry I Harrison AV. Bennett Telrnmund Wlnfrcd Gorf Herald Thomas D. Richards Elsa Gertrudo Rennyson Ortrud Rita Newman Gottfried . Marlon Power The scene of "Lohengrin ' Is laid near Antwerp, where tho King of Germany Is levying troops among his vassals of Brabant Bra-bant The King finds tho people In a state of great commotion, for Count Tel-ramund Tel-ramund accuses Elsa of Brabant of having hav-ing killed her younger brother, Godfrey, heir to the Duke of Brabant, who died a short time before, having his children to the care of Tolramnnd. . As Elsa declares hoi Innocence, not knowing what has become of her brother, who was taken from her during her sleep, the King resolves to decide by a tourney. In which the matter shall bo left to the judgment of God. Telramund, who now lays claim to tho vacant duchy Is willing lo light with any champion. All the noblemen of IJrabant refuse, but Elsa trusts In the help of a heavenly knight, who has appeared to her In a dream. While she prays, there arrives a knight; a swan draws his boat Elsa recognizes the knight of her dream, and he offers to light for her on two conditions: That she shall become his wife, and "that sho never will ask for his name .and descent.' Elsa promises and the combat begins. Tho strange knight Is victorious, and Telramund. Telra-mund. whose' life the stranger spares. Is,' with bis wife. Ortrud. outlawed. In the second act Ortrud Is seen at the door of the palace, planning vengeance. She tells Telramund that she will Induce El wi lo ask the name of the champion whoso power, Ortrud Is sure, will then vanish Elsa steps on the balcony and Ortrud appeals to her, trying to arouso pity. Elsa asks Ortrud to share her pal-aco pal-aco Ortrud tries to sow distrust of Lohengrin Lo-hengrin In Elsa's mind. As morning dawns, n procession throngs to tho minister, where Elsa Is married 'to her protectoi. Ortrud upbraids Elsa with, not even having asked her husband's nuino. Elsa defends Lohengrin and turns lo him for protection. In the third act, when the lovers aro alone. Elsa cannot refrain from asking the question, and all happiness Is lost to her. Telramund enters to slay his enomy. but Lohengrin kills him. Then he leads Elsa before tho King and announces that he Is the keeper of the Holy Grail; that he might stay with mankind as long ns Ills name was unknown, but that now ho is obliged lo reveal that ho Is Lohengrin, son of Parsifal, King of the Grail, and will bs compelled to leave his wife and return to his homo. The swan appears, from whose neck Lohengrin takes a golden ring, giving It to Elsa. Ortrud declares de-clares It was sho who changed young Godfrey Into a swan and that Lohengrin would havo freed hhn. hnd Elsa not mistrusted mis-trusted her husband. Lohengrin, hearing tills, loosens the swan's golden chain, the swan dips under water and In Its stead rises Godfrey, the lawful heir of Brabant. A wlilte dove descends to draw the boat. In which Lohengrin glides away, and Elsa falls senseless into her brother s arms. Cp Harry Corson Clnrko opens the lust week of his engagement at the Grand thentro this evening In ono of his most nmuslng plays. "Mr. Foater of Chicago." Mr. Clarke will undoubtedly attract many of his old admirers this week. |