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Show VlMV',,-f'yi- f AA CORNER ON COMMERCE re Aid Urged Safeway Picks Vice President To Local AirSimes - r In LSIHNGTOX (APi ciPrtSfd subsidies arc limit'd in iniprovp airlinp service to sitiull towns, a Senate commerce subcommittee was told today. V I Secor I). Browne, cbairn .m Aeronautics C.vil the Board, noted that local service feeder airlines provide a vital transportation need lor asi areas t.f the nation, .mb added: of 6D Thursday, May 28, 1970 areas lor melro)olltari "The ability to lraiisxrt people and products In air is an important national assc,. It should not lx denied citizens wlro live outside the great ever reason comthe smaller outlying he said. Much of munities, this is manifested in the recent trend of local service carriers suspending service at marginal points in favor of air taxi operators. Thomas S. Miles of Washington, chairman of the Na- wliat- - logistical, legal or economic. "i'lioie is increasing pressure to curtail the servi s's to New Chiefs To Fill Top Hercules Posts tional I-- Werner C. Brown . . . heads Hercules in 1941 Transportation SALT LAKE last 21st 1053 Phone: 487-641- So. Gov. Calvin ' 'SydP L. ' ' Zvfam&'v'- - fcis'i Rampton, left, checks Ryder truck with Terrry Thompson, Van Allen. Con- ferences, said some form of subsidy may be required to help commuter air carriers. d E. Paul Burke, Denver, as president of Frontier Airlines and as a spokesman for il.e Asso nation of Local Transport Airlines. He said local service airlines serve 544 communities with a total population of 141 million. We had a net loss of over $4.5 million in 18417, over $27 million in 1868, and over $5,1 million in 1969 for a total net loss in the past three years of he said. $87,669,000, These losses produce unremitting pressure on each carrier to reduce and eliminate service, he said. WILMINGTON, DEL. -Werner C. Brown Wednesday was elected president of Hercules, Inc. Brown succeeds Henry A. Thouron who was elected chairman of the board of directors replacing Elmer . Dinner who is retiring. Brown becomes the fifth president of Hercules in its history. A member of the board of directors since TUG.'! and a vice president since 1806, lie joined the company as a chemist after graduation from Duke University Air M n Salt Lake City's Safeway Stores division manager v, as named a vice president of the company today. Floyd H. Gifford who started with the company 22 years ago as a food clerk was elected to his new position at a meeting of the board of directors in Oakland, Calif. He has been a store manager in Denver, district manager in Spokane, and retail operations manager in Portland and San Francisco. He became manager of the Salt Lake division in 1968. The division covers Utah, Idaho, and V y o m i n g, Nevada Oregon. Gifford is a member of the Salt Lake Rotary Club, a di, rector of a director of the Bleachers Utes and was chairman of the University of Utah Athletic scholarship drive . for Pro-Utah- Ryder Opens New Facility Ryder Truck Rental substi- tuted a big, bright yellow tractor and trailer for a pair of scissors today in cutting the ribbon for their new $400,000 facility in Salt Lake City The tractor-traile- r was driven a short 10 feet through the ribbon by Ryder president Van Allen with Utah Gov. Calvin L. Rampton sitting beside hint in the cab. The new service facility is located at 830 W. 22nd South and is the most complete and costly in the company's chain of 260 throughout the country. In brief remarks before the ceremony, Allen said the company was now the nations largest truck rental and leasing firm. "Were trying to paint all the trucks we can see yellow, he said. Some 130 people representing 30 lease customers toured buildthe 14,600 square-foo- t ing. Paul Sweet, Salt Lake district manager, officiated at the ceremonies. He noted that Ryder's total investment in Utah now is $2.5 million. The company has more than 200 trucks in operation, 70 of which are diesel trucks am. tractors. The Salt Lake district also has branch offices in Boise and Reno. Bishop Robert L. Simpson of the Presiding Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaint? dedicated the facility. The company will hold ?i open house Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m. for its customers and suppliers. y BOUNTIFUL LAYTON GRANGER TOOELE 353 S. Main Phone: 292 2451 6 North Main 3526 Market Phone: 299-343- 56 North Main Phone: 882-121- Phone:376-421- Floyd H. Gifford . . . vice president 1969-70- Announce Dividend, Promotions Commercial Security Banks directors have approved a stock dividend and announced new promotions. The 15 cent per share dividend will be paid June 4 to shareholders of record May 28, said Richard K. Hemingway, president. The new officers are Gene Hejna of the Salt Lake division, named as assistant cashier; and DeVerl Johnson, named data processing officer, and Robert Bush, named assistant cashier, both in the Ogden division. UP&L Promotes Two The appointment of J. C. Condor as director of power and conplant engineering struction has been announced by Utah Power and Light Co. Ross G. Bosen will succeed Conder as steam production supervisor. Conder has been employed by UP&L since 1939. He has served as results engineer at the Hale Plant, superintendent at the Carbon Plant, steam production engineer Mr. Boson Mr. Conder and steam production supervisor. Bank Names Aide Appointment of three assistant cashiers at the Walker Bank and Trust Company have been announced by A. B. Kesler Jr., chairman of the board and president of the institution. SAVE NOW... WARDS CUTS PRICES MORE ON OUR ALREADY LOW, LOW PRICES ONLY. . . Thurs., May 28, hi., May 29 & Mon., Blair Murri, and officer at the operations Granger Office, was named cashier. Duane assistant June I Main Mall Officers Louis H. Callister Jr. has been elected president of the Main Parking Mall, a downtown Salt Lake City development that serves more than a dozen stores. AT WARDS STORES LISTED this coupon for Bring in Callister succeeds Samuel Weller as president of the organization. Other officers are I. J. Wag- - alOFF Garden Tractors4 Good Only May and June at Montgomery Ward 28-2- and June jijGood Only May at Montgomery Ward OFF at Montgomery srr I Word this coupon for 2?,? Refrigerators and Juni- Good Only May at Montgomery Word 28-2- $1S? Dishwashers $5 OFF Any BlackWhite TV 1 and June Good Only May at Montgomery Ward 28-2- 1 Bring in Good Only May and June at Montgomery Ward 28-2- 1 J s this coupon for 158? 512 Freezers Good Only Moy and June at Montgomery Ward 28-2- $ fi Lawn Tractors Good Only May and June at Montgomery Ward 28-2- y 1 Good Only May and June or Montgomery Ward NEW YORK (AP) Spot nonferreus metal prices Thursday: copper cents a pount, Connecticut Valley; lead cents a pound, New York; zinc 15' 2 ,16: cents a pound, East St. Louis; tin ST.731 2 a pound, New York; gold $35.95 per troy ounce, New York; silver $1,595 per troy ounce, New York; quicksilver $430.00 nominal per flask, New York. 1 NEW YORK (AP) Wool futures closed .3 to .4 of a cent higher. Oct., Z97.Q; Dec., 299.2; March, 99.9. Certificated wool spot S95.0. Wool tops futures closed ciuiet. No sales. Certificated spot wool tops S141.5. Z bid. S nominal. Pullman, treasurer. Weller said the mails activincreased substantially ity during the This coupon entitles you to on fOtan nual meeting, there were no vacancies at all in the buildings owned by participants in the mall, he added. O IndocrOutdoor 1 Good Only May and June at Montgomery Ward 28-2- 9 1 "tV-- - Clan by Itoelf" Sttd wrap iravflrf iilftf free. all welded fiberglass tody. Ivilt Wl W.B. Dedge M371 ea daws. Sm chassis. leak terms, 15 n Area s COMMERCIAL LODOi ing mIiimn far 5e6etter. - travel- PLEASURE LAND 363S South Staff NORTH SALT LAKE Producers Livestock Market (Wednesday ductioh): Cattle: Slaughter cows weak 25 lower, 50 instances bulls lower; slaughter steady to 25 lower; fed steers higher; fed heifers steady; feeder cattit fully steady. Cows: Canner and cutter stanUtility and commercial dard cows slaughter bulls fed Choice steers to low standard choice choice fed heife' Feeder steers: M'Xd good and choice lb Holstein feeder steers choice fleshy lb feeder heifers lb steers Calves: Choice ; lb ocod choice 371425 lb hellers 33.2536.75. ewes Sheep: Three and with lamb at side 49.00 pair; square to meuth ewes with lamb at side CO 37. lb spring pair; choice lambs OMAHA 5,000) Hogs (Ar UbDAi barrows and gilts strong to 50 hiqher; 0 ; lb few 25.00; lb lb 4 lb 260283 lb 21.0022.75; lb Fed cattle- 19.5021 .00. Cattle 4,000; calves none? steer weighing , 000-- 150 lb steady tp stronq; instances 25 higher; lb steadv; heifers fully steady; cows steady to 5 higher; feeders steady to 23 hiqher; feeders steady; high choice and prime lb steers 30 00; high choice 1.0501,125 lb 29.7; choice mixed good and choice high cho.ce and prime 29.50; choice with end prime 1,000 lb 29.35: choice mixed good and choice 25. utility and commercial cows a few 52 7S; Conner and cutter choice. 7C0 lb feeder steers 30.75: hiqh good and choice lb steers ICO; not enough on offer for Sheep Ian adequate test. Salt Lake Eggs Wednesday market unchanged. Price to retailers delivered to stores in cartons; cases exchanged: Grade AA extra large grade AA larqe grade AA medium 3538; grade AA small Prices io producers: Grade AA large 2; qrade AA medium grad AA small May 21, iCHQ Action Carpeting Livestock 1970 Yesterdays Bank Debits Lodge M year. As 1969-197- 0 of May 4, the date of the an- Bank Clearings The ONLY Way To Travel SAVE 10 Ranges 28-2- Metal Market Wool Market Console Stereo Sets 28-2- tij 10B- OFF (9 302? Good Only Moy and June at Montgomery Word 1 Bring in this coupon for this coupon for 1 Bring in this coupon for m Bring in 1 28-2- Bring in this coupon for ' Bring in Good Only May and June at Montgomery Ward 1 $10 OFF Color TV Portables and June 28-2- $5I2? Washers $20 OFF Color TV Consoles Dryer Good Only May .... Bring in this coupon for o & ; 28-2- . Bring in this coupon for i Good Only May and June at Montgomery Ward 1 28-2- CHCIAGO Produce: (UPI) Cheese 5 lb processed loaf 554-64- ' 4; brick 57,;26734; Muenster 5712-62. Cheddars: single daisies 616534; Longhorns 40 lb b.ocks Swiss 60643;,. (wheels) too few to report; (blocks KM00 A 7277; Grade B 68 274; lb) Grade Grade C Wholesale prices reported by the Chicago Mercantile Exhcnage: Butter steady? 93 score 69 2; 92 score 69 v 90 score 67!4. 23; Eggs steady: white larqe extramediums 26: standards 20; checks 8. Potatoes: Total U.S, shipments 639; old and new arrivals 45; track c'd 46, new 88; supplies old too tew to quote; new moderate; demand old too few to Quote;-newhite round red moderate; market lor best firm, others slightly weaker. Track sales (ICO U.S. 1A unless other wise noted) 100S California lorg whites 4.654.75; fair appearance, mostly 4.10; round reds 5.75; Arizona round reds fair condition 4.65: Texas round reds early no sales reported Street sales: 100s washed Idaho russets 6.25; mesh bales 3.503.75; 100s Minnesota North Dakota Red River Valley 5.255.30: russets Idaho California 100 long whites round reds round reds 50 Florida 2.503.00; one lot 3.75; Texas 3.50; Arizona 100s few 6.75. Onions? arrivals 12; track 55; supplies !arge yellow light; demand good; market steady. Bring in this coupon for 0 Riding Mowers Power Mowers 5-no- - i?s 58? tA ner, vice president; Calvin Mann, secretary, and Henry Prcduce Market 1 Bring in this coupon for Bring in this coupon for Smith was appointed assistant cashier and operations officer at the Murray Office of the bank. Rex W. Sweat was advanced from lo assistant cashier in the Walker Bankard Department at the Main Office, Walter L. (Gus) Williams was advanced to pi. cashier in the Installment Loan Department of the Main Office. 26M552 Same Day Lost Year Today's Clearings Same Day Last Year $16,966,589 0 49,V32,6j1.CO 4M6, 384 91 345,563,483.81 OFFICE SPACE Select New Construction Available July 1 Over 1 3, 000 jq.fi. of floor spate to be available July 1. Choice East Bench location all on one floor. Elevator, air coni)., parking. Ideal for general office purpose. for detrili write- 143 So. Main Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Box f |