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Show -- '46 DESERET NEWS, Thursday, May 28, 1970 5 Task Forces Aim 4 t t Better Government in Noedod impiovempnts local governments will be surveyed hv five task fnreps created bv Utahns for Effpc-tivGovernment David W. Evans, rh, oman Of the group's gpneral committee, said the local government modernization proposals submitted last by year Brigham Young University professor LeRoy F. Harlow, will be used as a basis of possible recommendations. line task force, dealing with local government organization, has set an objective of preparing modernization proby posals for consideration the 1971 Legislature or for placement on the 1972 general election ballot, should a const change be required. e itutional Ex-Sl- ay Other task forces, such as the efficiency and economy group, may make recommendations to local governmental units from time to time, Evans said. The task forces and their membns are: Loral Government OrganiNeal A. Maxwell, zations University of Utah executive vice chairman; president, Mayor Winston A. Crawford, Orem; James E, Faust, C. Johnson, Mrs. Bryce Roe and Richard Winder, all Salt Lakp City. Efficiency and Economy Chairman to be designated later; E. Allan Hunter, Ralph M. Merrill, all of Salt Lake City; Murray Mayor William E. Dunn; Weber County Ccm- ShPl-do- n in i s s l o n e r Albert L. Bott, Ogden. B. Z. Kastler Finance Jr., vice president ana counsel, Mountain Fuel Supply Co., chairman; Kenneth Olsen, Salt Lake City; and Samuel J. Taylor, Moab. Sen. Legislative Liaison Warren E. Pugh, Lake, chairman; Michael Durkson, Mrs, Robert Snow, both Salt Lake City; Sen. Dixie Leavitt, City; Rep, David C. Grove. Harvey, E. Public Information Dale Peak, United Airlines customer services manager, chairman; Dr. John A. Dixon, Kimberly Xordgran Miller Laurie Templeton Keighley Sinclair THE DESERET NEWS SENDS BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Inola jnnNen, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Larry Jensen, 3a8l vu 2660 South; Traoe Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carolyn Miller, 1MI Orchard Or.. Bountiful; Kimberly Nordgran, dauqhtpr of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Nordgren, 781 Simpson Ave,; Keighley Sin clair- dauQhlr of Mr and Mrs. John G. Sinclair, 942 Garoen Dr.; Laurie and Tracy Templeton, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Templeton, 5.55 Cherry Lane, Kaysville; Steven Akins, son of Mr. and Mrs David r. Akins, 438 Tuttle Court; Neil Namaub, son of Mr. and AMs. G'admt Namauu, 49 S. 7th West; Brian New-toson Of Mr. and Mrs. Roger J. Newton, 94 E. 75th South, M'd vale. R'Csrd Sogure. son Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Segura, 867 9th East; and ail other babies one year old Thursday. lt Ogden; Pres. Glen Trade Inola Jensen Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. BIRTHS AS REPORTED FROM SALT LAKE AREA HOSPITALS; GIRLS: Mr. and Mrs Lvmgn Burton, 3469 Honda Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Terry G. Pasmussen, 57 N. 750 East, Bountiful. and and and and end and and and ard and and and and and and and and and 5 According to Dr, James D. Boyack, academic dean, registration for undergraduate is and graduate courses Registration will be conducted June 5 for Westminster Colleges summer session Spanish review course. 6l Brian Newton Neil Namauu Steven Akins Mrs. Layton Ott, 1339 S. Canvon Crest, Bountiful. Mrs. Winston l.ykins, 2037 Lichston Rd Taylorsville. Ms. Deilis Weyland, RFD, Tooeie. Mrs. Robert Vernon, 4927 Coauille Ave. d Mrs. David Feldman, East, No. 40. East. Mrs. John P. Pos, Mrs. John Duma 3481 W. Honda. Granger. W. 35V South, Hunter. Mrs. K. jary Vanill, Mrs. Gent Nielson. 1170 Bueaneer Dr. Mrs. Max L. Ashton, 3M6 Delsa. Mrs. Rodney B. CuMev. 237 S. 11th West. Mrs. John R. Miles, 1996 McClelland Fast Mrs. Charles E. Sanderson. Mrs. Michael Harveg Holmes. 5543 S. 540 West. Mrs. James L. Pollock. 2749 S. 450 West, Bountiful. Mrs. Richard A Gates. 5478 S. 235 East, Murray. Mrs. Kenneth Rav Powell, 940 Sterling Dr. Mrs. John P Edison lit, 340 N. 200 West, Bountiful. Westminster Announces June L. Taggart, Utah State University, Logan; Mrs. George C. Hatch, The Rev. Earl L. Riley and Lynn S. Richards, til Salt Lake City. Trae.v Templeton The undergrad uate Segura Mr. and Mrs. Lavon L Hardison, 978 E. 6th South, Apt. No. 1, nr. and Mrs. R. Jan Stout, 4521 Neptune Dr. BOYS; Vr. and Mr Mnnt N Johnson, 3291 $. 7700 West. Mr. and Mrs. Ceoie Larvie, 3669 3. 4400 West. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy B. Crispin, 7343 W. 3500 South. Mr. and Mrs. Dale F Stedier, 1900 W. 6670 South. Mr. and Mrs. John H. McCean, 1061 E. 3rd South. Mr. and Mrv Pen L. Kn"tKen, 380 W 2640 South. Mr. and Mrs. Meivm T. Rroadhead, 3055 $. 3140 West, Granger. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn c. Steiner, Jr., 2556 KdrJbgon Lane. EaM. Mr. and Mrs. Owen C. Hooie. 4l26-7tMr. and Mrs. Howard W. Jep?on, 4946 HoMaday Blvd. Mr. and Mrs. Ted L Earl, 6.c95 S. 700 East, M'dvale, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Nielson. 56 W. Oakland Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Gary F Brown, 294 Adams Cir. Mr. and Mrs. Milton P Melde, iw5 Champagne Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Steve McBride, 2166 E. 6675 South. Mr. and Mrs. Grieg Stcoky, 2698 Kenwood. Guns Stolen Summer Session Registration scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon ar.d from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Administration Building. Richard Police are investigating program, to run through July 31, includes courses in aviation, humanities, social sciences and sciences. 4fh of two shotguns were stolen. at valued Faces New Count B-- l was not sufficient to proceed with the preliminary hearing. Baker's attorney, H. Don Sharp, Ogden, said he streti' 'posed any continuously uance btuausr the state, has had sufficient time to prepare its case and had already been postponegranted a ment. Cornaby explained that the hearing at the preliminary request of the state was delayed nearly five weeks and ' Following, the, dismissal, sheriff's officers' said Don ' Langston, husband of the murdered woman, appeared at the jail and made some heated remarks about the injustice of turning Baker loose. Langston offered to post Bakers bail, tut- waa told to was granted last Thursday whe" it was learned that; some FBI analysis 5 reports had not been received on some material evidence. After ruling that the hearing would continue as scheduled, Peterson asked for the dismissal of charges. later explained that first degree murder charges could again be filed against the defendant without Cornaby - double jeopardy. Sheriff Ken Hammon .him i. mu i inijuaiR m muinuimii mi Is Steeds While mg . Quantities Last Prices Good for 5 Days - continuance one-wee- k Quality Discount Shopping would be filed. k that a will continue in investigation the case but he did not know or if, new charges said leave by Sheriffs Lt. Dean Egbert. Due to threats on his life, a heavy guard was maintained over Baker'as he was taken to for Bountiful Court City arraignment on the" burglary charge. Sponsor Service The Salt Lake Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League will sponsor a Memorial Day service Saturday, 10 a.m., at the World War II Monument in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. THE FUN PLACE TQ SHOP FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Save a Wicker. "hairs Tub or square with colorful corduroy cushions Big $2 Values to $6 2 Pc. Bikini Swim Suits Colorful Values Outfit $1M J 1 GIP New Directions in Stripes Two Waysl Horizontal stripe tunic with big collar tops vertical stripe floppy leg pants. Acetate knit in RedWhite or Brown Shifts White. 'ijn U Values to 3.50 GLP Special YouSI Steal the Beach Scene in these saucy, slinkly I'ttle bikinis. Never did so little say so much! Naughty but-nic- e pleated ruffles trim top and bottom. Choose Navy, Red, Lemon or Lime. Toddlers Dress Set FhZI Spiffy Styles in Sizes 10 18; 38-44Fresh cotton A liners with snap, zip and button fronts for easy some with pert lacey trim. Pop one on for shopping, housework or just loafing! Buy several in summer pastels. Os6Lr All Cotton wash n' wear sets. Sleeveless, poncho type dress with elastic waist, leg. Cute panties to match. Pastels. Adorable) Sa ve $2 in This Sale! Straw Bagq ; Values to 3.47 Values to $S 27 , , Big Straw Bags with vinyf coating tor longer wear, , lasting beauty. Fully-linewith zipper pocket. 3 i; ! IGIP I Girls' Fun bandana J I mo. Special! Poncho Set ?SIP poncho; Fashion! Red print fringed white shorts. Sun Suits Baby's Cool n comfy in cute cotton sunners. Many styles, colors. U smartest summer styles. 1.57 Girls Rompers Styles with sunback tnps; Latest fabrics and colors. Darling Lm C 5 Girls Slack Sets Flares. Bells. Straight Legs. Cotton prints, stripes, solids. 414. each complete Beg. $21.98 and $22.98 Imports tiuit Ivin! Ilicir tool charm In the Mimmvr scciii' as on chairs. ..cscii moie tlcou.iliu'. un-t- m pairs. Xalmal iv ki ; imtlvd lo a liiv.ii u.!u". ;u d expertly 1. no d ' se.isnm ol Ami flic pi u n iii. oi 1. ile i n hi his im ered illl eotloii n'ldunp ill uhii iliokc ol gax colors are included in ilii. sale pi ice. l 1.37 Infants Polos Cotton Polos for Baby. Many charming styies. months; Cuddly 1 r - Values to 4.49 Mix 'N Match Toppers of stretch M L. Nylon. New fashion colors. S wees IS F 2 Girls Pinafores 8127 Charmers sir Pretty Little Cotton prints, florals, stripes, dots, m Imports Values o $3.89 Ring Sandals 1.50 Nylon Shells . 1 ? 2 Pc. Pant Fashion Flash! The Itahan Look in rich brown leather. Squared ring trim. 5 10. Dress Shoes Twin Strap Style in !)imner While So smart Mile hrel$. b to 10 33 GIP 11 "TT TV $345 f Suspect Continued from Page he a garage at 71735. West, where a rifle and burglary 22 GLP |