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Show P r v jj v t v "vw w 9 DESERET A NEWS, Many People Help Airport Run Smoothly 15 Thursday, May 28, 1970 International Among Busiest, Prepares For Exciting Future S.L. With f- I airports and air traffic controllers in recent headlines , the Deseret News team of Frank Davis, Hal Knight, Harry Jones and Hartt Wixom takes a look at the problems facing S. i. In ternational Airport. Photos by O. Wallace Kasteler. Pilots and passengers who fly in and ont of the Salt Lake International Airport each day put their lives in the the ha .ids of a small group of men air traffic controllers. These men in the airport tower lead existence trying to a pressure-packe- d make sure that hundreds of aircraft land and takeoff safely without colliding with each other. An average of about l.tKM) take-offwhich belandings and low come part of their concern, are handled each day by the tower. It has gone as high as 1,500 in a day. over-fligh- ts About 200 of the planes involve commercial airlines and the rest are smaller general aviation aircraft of the one and two engine type. Were very busy sometimes, especially at p t ;.k hours, but I wouldnt desaid scribe our load as excessive, Norman B. Andreason, assistant chief for tower operations. It can get hectic. Some recent measurements showed that the tower handled 200 aircraft in a single hour more than three a minute. These busy peaks are becoming longer. The work load seems to be growing aJ the time. Its a let of responsibility, Andreason said. Two things can occur in these peak hours, Andreason explained. One is that the communications frequencies become saturated. The other is that the controller would become saturated with work. Usually the Lest happens before the second, he stated. Commercial airplanes are getting bigger and bigger, but under Commissioner Con Harrison, the Salt Lake International Airport is keeping pace. Its going to take a rerouting of North Temple for a few blocks to realign it with Interstate 80. The moving of the busy road to the south will give all air traffic approaching the airport a better and safer glide pattern. The additional 2,000 feet will give the approach pattern Ducts for the lights are already in and the lighting system will be installed soon. Runways, too, are coming in for a share of he improvements. Both widening and lengthening are in the works. The runways will be extended to the track, but also each plane. communicating The controller must with take-of- give f , Thats what were tor complaints. In addition, however, suggest you also, couplain to the D for Decency Committee and Youth Protection Committee. Mrs. Mauriiie Brimhall, 2411 Emeison and Mrs. Donna Bullock, Ave., 7112 S. 2155 The controller is a vital cog in modern transportation. At the beginning and end of every air journey he becomes even more important than the pilot. One controller handles the east runway, another the west. Then a radar controller backs up each man and picks up the aircraft as they approach, assigning each its landing sequence. a notepad plus experience, a controller can stay abreast with the arriving and departing aircraft. The difficulty comes with not just keeping -- Its tough work with responsible decisions being made every minute, he said. a With . Were in pretty good shape with a lot more fortunate than personnel most places. We seldom have to go to Andreason said. overtime, Will Aid Pilots 100-- 1 glide slope. Landings will be made with more safety with the installation of center line lighting. north. Aprons are being reinforced ways improved. and taxi Its all part of the program to make the International Airport able to accommodate the new jumbo jets like the . the Galaxy the Air Boeing 747 Bus. ... Improvements are also being made for the small private airplane owner. The north runway is being outfited with the ers equipment By JACK ANDERSON - WASHINGTON A report, assailing the manufacturers cl dangerous household products, will be issued next month National by the C o mmission on Product Safety. that Declaring ousehold hazards kill three and injuie 3,000 Amcri-- t ans every hour, Jip leport will three-inch-thi- 1 lain purchasers to beware of power lawn mow-ns- . color TV sets, ' le and football helmets, floor furna-- e sliding glass doors, hot water vapor-iet- s high-ris- e household chemicals, hi'Kles and a host of child ions toys and oilier pioducls. Yet even before this p odigious repot t " is off the presses, the Suigeon General s Steering Committee on Emeigency Health and Injury Care pushed through a more moderate study on the same v object to soften the blow against tHe manufacturers. Both reports are held under lock and key awaiting a release date. Unauthorized copies, however, have been smuggled to this column. The Commission, proclaiming the consumers will right to safe products, k for authority to develop and set consumer mandatory safety product standards." The Commission will also seek the power to recall hazai dous items pf the market. In contrast, the Surgeon Generals report, adopted by a secret vote, puts the emphasis on public education and joint industry-governme- action. Consumer demand for safe products and tools must precede the economic investment required by such changes, contends the Supreme Generals committee. This seems to say: what the purchasers dont know wont hurt them or, perhaps more precisely, the manufacturers needn't go the the expense of eliminating a hazard until the public gets out- raged over it. Disagrees the Commission : It is not necessary to wait for an epidemic of injuries as proof of a hazard . . . When a manufacturer offers a pioduct, the offer implies a warranty that the item is not unteasonably hazardous. The Surgeon Generals committee also takes a rosy view of the reforms that manufactuiers already have adopted, There have been many dedai ing: recent evidences that manufacturers of consumer products are willing to redesign or remove from circulation products which are proven to be hazardous. data with Sharing epidemiological industry has already resulted in the development of: Tempered safety glass for doors and panels; flame retardant fabrics for clothing and home furnishings; improved heating pads; removal from the market of gas heaters with defective design; refrigerators with door assemblies to prevent accidental child entrapment; safety closures for drug containers, and many others. Yet some of the same items, that cheer the Surgeon General's committee, have been singled out for special condemnation by the National Commission. The commission found that state and local governments, with few exceptions, offer consumers little or no protection from hazardous household products. A By ' 4 t End Of The Month v -- This answer from Mayor William E. Dunn of Murray speaks loudly: horse situation has now been resolved and given notice to clean up the property'" and the property owner has been notified before months end. We hope this takes care of the problem to the satisfaction of Mrs. S. and to the benefit of the entire community. Thp 'I rabbits and They are just some of the things Salt Lake City International Airport officials are trying to do away with. The smoke emitted from aircraft is earmarked for much greater control by the airlines serving the airport. Most of them- - promise substantial reductions in the black hydrocarbons which are especially noticeable on landing and take-of- f. Rabbits attract birds of prey which can become fouled in airplane props and jet intakes, endangering lives. That is one good reason why rabbit populations are controlled along the runways. Weeds just dont look good. So greater Mushy Foods Dangerous What cad one do when supermarkets ' keep on having out of order frozen food counters and the food Is all mushy? Mrs. L.M., Salt Lake City. Air traffic controllers in tower must keep planes sorted out. controls are planned to take care of them for a more enjoyable impression of Salt Lake City. It all adds up to a better environment for the people who live and work in the area, too. Teacher Salary Negotiations Have Effect On Students By LAVOR K. CHAFFIN Deseret News Education Editor YOUR SCHOOLS Teacher-schoboard negotiations have been great for teachers, but have done little to Improve the quality of education. Thats what Dr. ol Bernard E. Donovan told a recent co negotiations sponsored by the National School Boards DonoAssocation. van is president of for the Center Urban Development in Education. Its likely that most school boaid members and administrators share Donovans opinion. Teachers may have a different view. lessening respect for law and an increased awareness of the efficacy of force where strikes have be.n held, and no noticeable improvement in the quality of instiucticn. (Donovan Bays students are the forgotten men at the bargaining table.) Tremendous advanOn teachers ces in salaries, retirement benefits, health and welfare plans, sick leave and other fringe benefits; a reduction of chores; a tendency to look at assignments and professional tasks in the light of contract agreement rather than the good of pupils; a divisiveness between moderates and militants and ne- gotiations: On boards of education A loss of power; greater difficulty in preparing budgets; a need for employment of an experienced negotiator or consultant, and increased difficulty in removing incompetent personnel Addition of On superintendents another complicated responsibility for which he is not prepared and a changed role from staff leader to management specialist. On administrators and supervisors A considerable loss of authority confusion over whether they are part of management or staff, and a move toward organization to protect their own interests. On pupils A tendency to be distracted from educational effort by the staffs concern for working conditions; a THE LUMPITS t , When frozen food thaws and goes . above 40 degrees, it could become a bacterial hazard to your health. The over-al- l taste and quality can also deteriorate.. You should bring the defrosted food prob- lem to the immediate attention of the store manager. If he does not cooperate, (which is very unlikely) or there is a delay, or the problem keeps cropping up, call the city and county board of health. Store owneis dont like visits from health inspectors. -- ( You Need Insulation Expert often between teachers and supervisors. (Donovan notes that lightened work loads seem not to be accompanied by observable improvement in pupil achieve- My house is an old, wooden frame e. It needs some insulation. What do rock wool you think is most effective or other material blown in, panel board, insulation sheets. R.M., Salt Lake City. You dont need Do-Man; you need professional advice. A competent building contractor is a good bet. To get advice on one call the Department of . Contractors, 330 E. 4th South, Cost of insulation material is insigmfi1'' cant. The problem is labor cos. Blown-i- n are both effective, but and blanket-typ- e costs vary widely. It ment.) On parents A rising demand for accountability in return for higher salaries and benefits; increasing demand to participate in negotiations, and greater demand for local community control. Contract provisions On innovation tend to stifle innovation, such innovation as is approved is that which gives less work to teachers. Donovan also told school boaid members that negotiations tend to polarize minority group students in ghetto areas whenever they lead to strikes. Striking teachers, he said, are seen as part of the establishment. A growing number of including some within the teaching are emphasizing the accountar aspect of school bility bargaining. There are increasing signs that teacher bargaining will move to a quid pio quo basis of equal exchange. Teacner organizations will be asked to exchange something to obtain higher salaries. is, top-lev- of 7i , Environment Still A Problem effects . lead-- 1 Be live in the Germania Gardens subdivision near Murray. Nearby are barns and corrals for horses. Last summer the " ; flies and mosquitoes were so bad ena couldnt be outside. When we moved here we were told no horses were allowed in the city limits, but that existing farms could stay. We talked te SJme city offl-ri- als and they said they wonld have the . ,, horses moved, but nothing has been . done. Can you help? Its a dirty mess. M.R.S., Murray. The new improvements keep Salt Lake City in the competition for air service. And things are looking up. Texas International has joined the family and American and other airlines are asking the Civic Aeronautics Board to allow them to begin Utah service. Donovan listed these ' , The improvements will allow aircraft d take off in weather that at to land present would ground them, Mr. Harrison said. What do black smoke, weeds have in common? are the East, ,. of these groups and will be glad to discuss it with you. You can alsc complain to the Presidential Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, Washington, D.C. As for ourselves, we havent seen the advertising. for instrument landings. The major runways U3ed by commercial airlines are already equipped for such landings. necessary MERRY - GO - ROUND Safety Commission, Government Disagree . Im mad at the outdoor advertising Sea and SU has its that Brown It Beautiful with a woman ir a very brief ' bikini. I took a group of ll- - ear-ol- d Scouts on an outing and when we pissed a billboard with this ad they snickered and laughed. The more I think about it . the maddez I get. I dont know what to do or who to complain to. I dont know it you ran do anything but I wanted to complain to someone. Mrs. A.H., Salt , . Lak City. In 1963 the Salt Lake International Airport ranked 34th in the number of out of 328 conlandings and take-off- s trol tower., surveyed. New Construction lt Complaints, That's Our Business and landing instructions and when planes are coming and going at the rate of three a minute, it can create a stress-fille- d situation. has However, newer equipment helped the situation. Not mny years ago one man used to handle tne tower operations. Now there are four. This orderly pattern helps reduce the confusion. And the traffic load, although heavy at times, does not result in aircraft in holding patstacked terns waiting for a turn to land. . fo Uo-- Man, Sox 1257 Salt Lakt City, Utah 84110 You may writ board-teache- Regardless of what effect negotiations have had on the quality of education according to either teacher or school board points of view they vastly have altered many personal realtionships. In too many instances, persons once regarded as teammates and leaders have become enemies not to be trusted. Teacher oiganizations tell their members, Don't believe what you hear fiom and any other source trust on.y us administraboard membeis and tors counsel each other to consider only the facts as they see them. This is among the effects of negotiation we could do without. top-iev- T Schedules In Mail Our family is planning a vacation this of ihe things our boys want most to do is see n major league base- ball game. Can you provide ns with a schedule of games? If it makes any deference we will be in Chicago, PhUadel- phia, Detroit, Washington, and New York between June 15 and July 6. A.J., Cedar City. summer. One ' : r Weve had our Sports Department send you the schedules in the National and American Leagues ir. all the cities lor the dates listed. f Action Reaction I want to tell you how thankful I am for your help. I wonder how you do it. I . tried to get the money for eight months and you get It in a week. Yesterday I got Ihe check with the exact amount. Once mure, Ihanks a million. C.G.S., Salt Lake City. V Nett- volume of (Editor's we're sorry mo number toll moil moke il impossible to answer the every question. Pleas, no medical or leeel question. onvo'opoe Don't send stomps or answers n only bo oivon ht this column. Only quel- tions of eerol interest twill bo answered end Him shorn colli con to accepted only on th De-l- i Mad ttema, phono a) th hours prescribed. Oiva an tor pubi'Uitea address and to Is phono number Mon ktip youj but to MID Do-- orO tw - 1 y , , r |