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Show - I 14B DESERT HEWS, Thursday, May 28, 1970 16255th of the Morrison East, Brothers " ' A ", isio,. ' ASO Welden Dlorrion SP 00 Home and Auto Supplies, died 'May 27. 1970, in a Salt Lake hospital of natural causes. For 25 years he was trict chairman of the disNa- tional Federation of Independent Business, and was one ot the founders of the Asso elated Independent Business of Uti,IL lie had been a Sail Lake merchant for 45 years and was of Morrison Brothers since 1933. for 45 years, he played in the "Blue Bird" dance pavilion, the original Coconut Grove and the Jackson Dance Hall, and many others. A musician Morrison was a member of the Elks Lodge No. 85 since 1955, and also served , for five years on the Board of Trustees. For three years he was of the Elks weekly bulletin with a predominate theme, "Americanism." He had been active with the Veterans Hospital Commit-- ., other charitable , telt and editor activities. A native of Salt Lake City, he was born March 13, 1904, to John Gibson, and Marie Nowlan Morrison. In 1927 he married Paulbe Virginie - Erwin in Salt Lake City. Savivors include his widow; two sons and three daughters: John Arling, Boulder, Col o. ' Roger Wet- den, Mission Viejo, Calif.; Mrs. Donald B. (Wanda) Sinkey, Burns, Ore. Geraldine, Fairfield, Calif.; Mrs. C. Roland (Marilyn) Cements. Salt Lake City; 18 grandchildren; two and brothers ; and sister: James Glavis, Merlin R. and Blanche, all of Salt Lake City. I 'Ted' A. Christensen J. Johnson .'":i ',, t Contract, e-- - aste, r) 1111111: 1 .' . 0 ' ,,.,'; 1 1 1 I t I 1 i 1 i, i - ;it 0 ' : I -- 3Lost lt,. , '.'... Retired - 11:1J t I r" 40 ri "1,-- , . Hazel M. McRae tI Viola Peavl Wilcox Irvin A. Jackson ' ', Gills Married r1. i kr tc. 4Personals . t Marritd 4. Be A Model - husba Otto 3 GYM f CLASSIFICATION le Oi Ivo H. Fox I ' ISpotlit P. Ludwig INDEX Mord Ann Fagg ,i N and Ers- and r ?, r. V ft FrSoTeM 'Maria Saints: t all' I at I Bezzant r I 7,7 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. 1, VITAL ar. ( (.0 11 2 jDun Roy :0 Biiigha, ,(c:3,,,,,,:r1. Funeral services will be held Monday at noon, at .5850-9t- h East, where friends A. 'Bert' call Sunday 8 p.m. and Monday one hour before the services. Burial will be in the Wasatch Lawn Memori, 11 Park. cause 6-- -- - BROWN FLORAL ,' J. Morgan AtifiVA4", c ite n a C ATO OF TIrS-i-i,er- y need which card of thanks Mett5 hardly be Solved in any other . ; ober! t By Ned Riddle MR. TWEEDY (Legal Wilts It la,d I, Roburt Welden 'Alorrison, fiti, It f Succumb Irlorists iCard of Thanks Norman R. Lichtenstein Dixon NO7ICE TO WATER USERS nave The tonowirg appiications deen flied with the State Engineer ?pi cnange or appropriate water in Sall DELIVERY Lan , Lake County, State of Utah, throughexoresi - sion otont's Ts ft ato gracious out the entire year uniess otherwise "Always the Finest in Flowers" those who have gratitude ''.. & VEST TENTH IFTH SOUTH , 'sent finral tributes, but al vi Lour . designated. Al? locations in 5LB8,,Vi. ic County Water sysacknowledges the service and! to..MILLER '2 & ELLISON'S FLOA,EFS tem, fro., 2201 Lembourne Ave., Salt the many others gf 'kindness Borr, 'ci N,C, Richer Ju,E ake City, Utah, proposes to correct' ,whorn a Versonat note ot Thanks can- 484-432- 5 1 dra Clernemk well be mailed or whose names the point of olversion, place and na....,343r if 17r ',.'L )ci 'i,'L''A'r 4 imoOti,y ,ir... ;not ika Ketchum Sin of water ure ot use of 0.99 sec-fand addresses are not known. A ': , EAST 2,ST SOJTH 2;53 Marric ',0::: ,A,,, 'it .i as KoTr.e',E ''', 24457 of igieion. ......... Insertion of the card thanks' evidenced by Apo!. ------- ---, WM. Ro JON, Lenten- ,', hop4e.c...---- ,-, ; --- p !may be arranged bv telephone. We amencieu LY chinge ' n. ,12;7711C: Vure.ec April .2r. ,eaelie, MiLDRED'S FLOWERS have many wording suggestions to' 'Ilse water was to have Peen divertIN. Devi,.: Hampstead tbr,:tert as5,st 1.4 a, 470 tt. waraarete yvell, Anderson deep Dummer 11921, He died ed from a 1522 East 33rd Sou'h you.,...2.153S ,,-- -,'',. A l .,..: Sept. ...,,f,, doul, tor 'ddri, be,. 20, ;935 a point S. 1140 ft. E. 80 ft. from NW ,koi4, 86, 614 E. k-'''' 1925. Married Luke 4 Noir 6,11 1PD,S South, died Cor. Sec. 26, T1S, R1E and used for , :. Lego! Notices E ,.. 'Dewey Batts, July '"''', .,, domestic may 26 in I Inca requirements! supplemental Ni' FLOWERS BY SEARS I3ii4', 1, PUBLIC NOTICE July ;Batts, of 2,500 homes in aodition to schools, ,nta.lusrirotoll 4854333 horaeuseir. LUS it,ard, scou' 1933, HaMSteadr ..., P)c.uest fur Approval 9 ' business establishmenis,' , churches., A leads- -. Cuera'es -, & He died March ill,' !'i.s...,..,1, ). Crarce it. Sears Revo Nino charge. fire , ios. Born ". Project 6, April the Coon-- , within etc.. . , protectico, rites, s I e i n ' s 28, 1948. Married The atate Roan; Commission of 1885, Salt Lake locate outside the Water ty System Cleuners F,ro'r Aar:. Ezra Utah herewith advises all interested: 9, 1958. Stephen Dixon, City, io . corporate limits of Salt Lek,: City in .---.. Ts.c.,kol Salt Lake Temple. He died Feb. W. lEroiove 11,,,.. that on May 22, 1970, thei 1.egoi Notices 1 Henry and Mar- Secs. 25, 26, 35 ano 36, DS, R1E; s widoai persons 1960. Member, First Ward, Church of ,ChemIcal (orr,: Surv.vors; Commission ot Bureau Crawfordnarete requested L Sec. 1 and 2, 2S, R1E. Rooert Norman, deson, daugniers, !Jesus Christ of Latter.day Public A n d erson DunRoads' for the Saints; , approval of water is 0.99 sec.-t- t. CONTRACTORS TO NOTICE both i hereatter, Rev rs Karen) flyer, Sicill ;,1, of a section gt 2Pth teatures .temple worker; former employe LDS li mer, Married lc 470 a to from well, be diverted an s. Hospital, Dietetic Dept. Carson Fordham Bparloaeaanoxe,,Cialisit, shrr iKoh(iDye; Mrs. ;Street in Ooden as discussed at The Postponement of Bid Ow lng ft. deep at' a point S. 2140 ft. E. 80 on dauahters: Horace Public hearing held at the Weber Wells Jr., June Federal Aid Project No. lSurvivors: ft. from NW Car. Sec. 26, T1S, R1E 1969- Charlotte, N.C.' Mrs. B r gham 1902, flecr,i1Riyeenr; sdaslie, (27) 297 2nd Contract, t7JSiirst (3) used supPlerrontally for domesand 1Dorothy Sable, of $atd grgiect is is 1st Hivedal, Calif.; solemnized From tic reouirements City; of 296$ residential liters. Juanita McEvan, Salt Lake ters, Mrs. Esther Hodges, Brigham ,folTlohwes,locaiion LDS Salt Lase D4R.G.W.R.R. Tracks to 300 West connections in addition to 26 connecf Sleii.I 11 greatlitsis. lim rune nabeita, Ciily; 1 the at ;City; grandchiltren, interchange at 6400 South Interchange and 6403 tions for Beginning 0110 Temple; he died Frioavi Funeral IdatTh. churches, schouts, Soda Scsintis,IcranciChildren; broMers, sisters. at Wilson Lane; Thence 1856. business' 28, t.Aug. From 1300 West to -. (and from establishments, Mrs. Coememina li a.m., Brionarn CiIy Twelfth LDS' miles, more or less, to al; avenue.i South Street ;Keenan, Farrell, -4DUP; 2 4131 1 Member & On (101 US !ft: ,;, of 31 fOr supplemental N. 3rd Oct. 4. 620 irrigation all Ward offi-Mr. Salt Duke, glorence East)! Chapel, Road Commission State The !Sparks, ; eh i , 11,..' & LDS Chur 6 in Helper at North Main 510.11 acs. All uses in Secs. 25, 26, 50 Lak Funeral Feii Home, Friends call City; Thurman, The Wilmington, cially adopted design features of' Street and at Poplar Street on US 50 Relief S3CieV. Survlyors: daughterS, :, kyr?. , li9 Pimiiisaid N.C.; Mrs. Francis Parsons, Boise, Brionarn City) :ThussolaiTIS, RIE;Secs. 2 end 3, 125, proiect in their meeting heid Mrs. Bruce (Sarah Margaretia) & 6 From to Helper R1E. Water diverted thiS I under FridaY, 2 hours prior to services. March 27, 1970. San Juan, Puerto Rico; Mrs. Irian(); Mrs. Elsie Matthis, Fayette. Baker Change ,,, ; " Atrs. Mrs. Hazel in- N.C.; ville, to Brioham limited will Burial be Mintz, Cemetery. 7 All City and other Appl. maps, drawings Miriam Ince, Alhambra, Calif.; Canyon 'N ''',; Ruth Davis, both Wilmington, 111. 722.70 ac.-f- t. 1 formation annually. 'tjt pertaining to the moiect ekt, Due to a possible reviSion in the grandchildren; 21 g r ea Funeral Monday 1 p.m., 36 E. ith ,. Robert Hoperaft, for d r e n; 3 T caoyDaviliancibleat , dHeibaihirwayinsopecepatiroth bid he Asphalt Specifications open- 856.So. 7th E. Salt Lake ', :Zs South. where friends call vi. JIMISC'it ' e City, Utah, 10 a.m., 4670 S. 111m. ano Monday befeore Sunday Funeral Friday, ing date scheduled for the above-- , , the ser, District No. 1 Office, ' 11, !!,' Proposes to change the point of dimentioned projects has beer. post-- 1 version Highland Dr., wheie friend.: call vices. Burial, Salt Lake Cat Cure-itef, ' , , N,' , Lillie rent SYRACU'.0 J'"nett and place of use of 0.015 Street, Ogden, Utah. 2 o'clock p.m. TueszjaY,J , ,, from ported Thursday. 74 p.m., Friday one hour ". ro an, , Jaoues Public uoon notice will sec.-fevidenced t of by be as water given , i June to M.tmortai ,,,,,,t1 Burial , 2 services. x 2, 1970, until , o'clock p.m. prior 68, 26,..i S. 43rd .,; The ll; , receipt of Bureau of Public Roads' Tuesdav, June 9, 1970. Seg. Appl. 38197p Gardens of the Valley. West, p i ed M ;,,:.'',.-- , 1. aporoval. Dated this 21111 day of May, 1970. water was to have been diverted 26 at home of a Ciated iiiis 21Ith day of May, 1970. k 3 wells as follow: (1) from State Road of Commission Utah Ii Road Commission of Utah ' 4 .1State riutrie611,r0'ti., well, ft deeis: at a point N. HENRY C. HELLAND admit I was going too sic), , but I think the truck COPPERTON Theodore "Ted" 1''S:rn HENRY C. ISELLAND 600 ft. W. 1850 ft. (2) '' welt i(c.1) Director of NighWays Layton, to John Director of Hiohwavs (8100) 0 N. 850 ft. a at ft. ,0,,..chyistensen, who passed over me ought to get a ticket, too." point .,.... driver deep Rov John Johnson, 63, 434 E. Isabel and F. W. 2350 ft. (3) well, 65 ft. deep I 4j11, 174,9727Sarrei NOTI:E OP HEARING ''.'.'":'' died Ma 2; ,, .9! '' B r u c e Jagues. , ' , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Wednesday, June 17, at 10:30 at a point N. 2350 ft. W. 810 It.; all 't It a local host:tit.' Salt Lake hospild :' Married Joseph end found from SE Cor. Sec. 1, 115, R1E; and L1101 Notices I 4e: I of natural causes F Room 301 and County B of nature; causes. .......:. Salt morgag, Aug 1), , a o used fur the domestic purposes of 1 15 Lmte City, grails:: will be heldCity Dec. Born Born a s I o n; ..... before the Boarc of IL ,.:-ilSept. 1919, '' The follow. family and from Apr. 1 to Got. 31 ...." ' 1906, Albert anc P le 'den: , Salt 1904, solemnized LOST-REW- ARD proposed change to the zoning ordinance: NOTICE TO PUBLIC the irrigation of 0.20 acS. All C h r istine .. Merl high Grove, to L a k a LDS 'Tern- - ... ling To consider making The following changes In The Zoning Ordinance to for within E1,1 Sec. 1, 115, RIE. PUBLIC HEARIN4 , Fondeen Jbhrison. atko, C. and Luel:a t male brown Poodle, iligt"iv Survivors: Min. P I e. 4 a new zoning classification: create of water is Hereafter 0.015 sec.-f- t. diNR 8 sons, Married; h u sham yrs. Cid. Ans. to "Johnny." grey, !Ameno well Chapter 12Section 5142.1 to read as follows: to be diverted from a ' Married vorcet sem Married Ida a or , W ayne, gge ,,,,.. J 0 seph Please (.;11 anytime, ., , Glen Canon City to Change eighteen to nine'een. ft. deep located 8. a point N. E l a i n e Made Freestor, .t. .t. 7 .' Clark. " Ariz.; .,..s PhoeniA, .., .,. AdO 990 5k. W. Sec. SE Cor. from Disirict"R-D2060 after ft. ft. " Road "T" 1964, Access It, '.,. April ' District, Research Development, June 2, 1926, Solt I dz. Das d John, Mis- - it female dog, 1 Nikki, of LOST Add a new Chapter 19n. as follows: T1S, ROE and used for the domes- The State Road Commisson Lake City. Track l,.,.:i." Mutt t.; 6 ;.,; ........-a- , tic purposes of 1 family and from Utah herewith advises all interested white with black sPOts, brown colsolemnized !,!.Kenne foreman, CHAPTER 19A e n; on right foreleg. con Coupe' Corp. , Lake LDS Tern. April 1 to Oct. 31 for the irrigation Persons of proposed improvements th lar, limps 31ightiy 23rd Mrs. Dill REsEARCH DEVELCfMENT "R-0g.,,. "OA Frank, 01.51191CT sisters, So. Reward. urothers, 45 ward. Member ''; of 020 ac. All uses in SWIASEIA Sec. The nature of new construction on a' Vic. 21st East Die .Actions: ...'i;',4:e': (Mamie) Keyi, both Henefer. Sumn o n Pacific Please Glen ca.i from road R1E. LDS Lnurch. Sur. TIS. section of Canyon 1, Me!Use regulations. mit County, Delbert, Clearfield; Port- i wars: 3685 in Kane E. Railroad rhachin. v 39881 Dells to Judy, City y.''''''''''" Llass Aoso shaggy ha,r widow; LOST vin, i van, both Layton) David, Special provision! s t. So. 545 E., Salt Lake City, Utah, County, Utah. E. Curly tail. sons, Donal T. Member '14 erville Norgan County, Mrs. Mack dog, vic. Yale-15tFrCi yard regulations. 't. UPRR Old ,irn- of water from a 0.015 sec.-fThe proposed project begins at white and grey with black tipped Clit- 19,,y Kearns; (Cora) Ednert, KaYs11 e v LDS Side yard regulatihns. ars genClub; a 0 Glen and at located Canyon proceeds Edaar, San Marino. Calif.; 12 arand- ton ft. City well deep ears and nose, oc:d and blac4 braid Ogden. Rirhins, . C hurc h. (Clara) 5119A-5Survi in direction a northeasterly Rear yard regulations. children; Point E. 85 ft. S. 38$ ft. from El.4 erally si!Jers, collar. REWARD. VOir Pead...r.....-firoolanWPWWW Sett lake City, wu., .111, Cor. Sec. 14 TSS, 111W and used for for a distance of 75 miles, more cr LOST Height regulations. Large brown suitcase, MI: Forces; Byro n, Thief River Falls, Mrd: Hindlest (Int) Mayne, Ameri. the domestic purpoSes..of 1 family, less, to a point of Intersection with tains clothing, Coveiage regulations. vir. Spanish Fork 1 Mrs. to can Fork. (Hazel) Funeral the Larry helf.sister, a rn., Escalante 'Minn.; of 40 hcses, 2 cattle, Friday, stockwatering 14982982. pa rking. St. and George, 11 Road approximately 10 miles northSpencer, Bellflower, 13111.; grand. 6500 5. Redwood Rd., where friend.; ISec. 51.19A-1- . Use regulations. In all Research Development Districts, no 2 pigs, 100 chickens, and from Apr. containing Blue from 1 to Ort 31 tor the Irrigation LOST children. Funeral Friday noon, Madi- call Thursday, 44 p.m, Friday, cne HaBENNION, 0.25 blamed( of westerly k : ,ar C:Ivoili.: building or structure shall be used or maintained and no building shall be tic. All uses in NEIA,SElis d 4664825. East. hour prior to serviced. Burial Red- w, .; el 4w,: u Reward. Kane 11 son LDS Ward Chase!, of books. officials The governing cRae, erected or altered so as to be arranged, intended, or signed to be used end NWIASW14 and Garfield counties, Glen Canyon Friends call 260 E. South Temple, wood Memorial Estates. RPM 12, 13S, S Rd.. Redwood ,V1,, for other than one or more Of the following: notified. 39892 Thtirsday 8 p.m.. chapel Friday one J. Wilson, Box andA Kanab cities havewillbeen '1,, died May 28, 1970, Ill Any residential use allowed in a residential "R-5- " district. 'be held at 11.5 hour prior to services. Burial, Vernal of ,sublic hearing sec.-f- t. 365, Logan, in a Murray hos , ,,,, ',.' (2) Banks, post office buildings, office buildings, research laboretortes water from an n &a well, soPrOx. 200 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, JUMP 30, 1970, at Cl', Cemetery. Oat of natural '7 7:: ,, ,,,:: 'teleconfidential and related facilities for research development and testing, includ- ft. deep at a point S, 262,5 ft. E. the Kane County Courthouse, Court- A 24hour causes. the phone stenographic service is now CLEARFIELD Viola Pearl W. ing prototype production facilities or the research related assembly 1795.2 ft. from the center of Sec. 30, room, Kanab, Utah, to advise locaBorn Auct. 14, ,,.: ::, reasons citizens for such of the in Salt Lake City. In i operation Wilcox, 75, 76 W. of high tectnology equipment or corponcnts. 4,,,....'4f :?;: T14N, R5E, and used for domestic 1885, Ganger, tc , its and design features and to hearl terested, responsible 250 ched persons North, ;,.4''' (3) Support and maintenance shops for the ahnve uses. Mark and Annie )7urposes of 110 families eici from tion assistance 1 to Oct. 31 for irrigation of 2$ mantra Pertaining to the social, eco-- 1 need of correspondence Irvin Andrew Jackson, el 1561 'May 26 at ;ter :,, ',:: (4) OThstreet parking and parking etructurcJ incident te the above AP J. Mackay Mut, 1 effects of please call the Bureau of Personnel horn. of natural All uses within Sec. ao, T14N, nornic and environmental i Ave., ,,..y....,;;.0. Michigan nses. 44,...,4,41 Racs5c. phy. building 1 such proposed imprOve-- 1 for information. highway Icauses. Born Jan. died May 27 at Orson D. McRae, '''.. , 1A,,sor: (5) Concessl is and services which are provided ftir the convenience ,27, 1095, Keeney, Adiebert E. Shp, Ments. 39695 Salt Lake nursing ,. ..,., June 18, 1)13, of the occupants of The buildings consisting ra retail uses incidental 9 Schedules for acquisition of right UNTRAINED OR UNSKILLED 'Wasatch 12699 S. 1630 W., 10101101U County, home of natural :. He , 4k, maker, Lake Temple. of of to and in support Me above aermittW usee shall be permitted Utah, IL015 sec-f- t. to Jedediah Mor, way and for construction will be of water from cause 29,s, Born, dieN; '''':!. . 10, 1947. ,, Work as IBM Keypunch Operator :" jPrif Ar Provided they are located within-main building and there is no IWO, V 0 well April ft. deep located 0t discussed. 1 gart and Syteio resident Lifelong REQUIRED NO EXPERIENCE Relocation assistance programs Walker exterior evidence of such accessory uses such as signs or display a point S. 680 ft-580 ft. N34 Cor. scalt Lake City, to of where Granger, applicable will be discussed. 1 t,, Beswick LET KPA TRAIN YOU R1W and used for the Samuel to windows. Sec. 13S, Ir:161 to Bernion moved other Pertiand ,, .' drawinus p,,ts Maps, domestic I family, stock- A,. and Esther Alice il ses Emery II. Wilcox, of ,1 (6) One identification not purpo to exceed six Tr five years ago; fiat, signs: sign nent information rAL, CA1.1. 3281681 developed by the Andrew Jackson. .i l March 17. 1920, Or Pri in served .:,,PA 'Salt square feet in area for each fifty feet, or major portion Thereof, of watering of 2 throes end ftorrAts;r: Utah State Department of Highways M a r rid LD Lake :'''' Mary I ' mary; Oquirrh Stake Primary Board building frontage except that when a building has frontage on more 1 Ato Oct. 31 for the and written views received by the uV ClearT e mole. Coulam, Aorli 26,1!: S ,,...,.. 14 N 4N Sec. in uses 19 W III member; Sunday School teacher, than one dedicated street there can be one sign, M e size deter-Department from public officials and Sell Lake 1911, field obstmaster, .. Riw. Years; member North Jordan Stake mined as Outlined herein, tor each face of The building having street acencles,, public advisory groups, LDS Temple; she Attend- 19434962. Rasmond W., Gvel, and 39905 Relief Society Board, 10 years; choNo additional signs shall be allowed anywhere on or in other interested persons and ': ed frontage. of died July 20, 1937. Lake Salt 1932 So. University City, eth W., YWMIA: " rister; organist; secretary , the building that are visible from the street. All identification Utah, 0.015 sec-f- t. Eva Memter Married Reid, .: Utah. of water from a groups will be available atfor public charter member, captain, Granger Utah's Oldest Model Agency Highway corning signs shall conform to the architecture and the Wale of the build- - Sin. well LDS Andrew ft. deep located at Inspection and Church; DUP. Camp, Department District Office No. 3, 708 342 East 1st So. Relief Sept. 22, 1939, Los ing and shall be In keeping with Ship character of the main build- - a point W. 1965 ft. N. 730 ft. from, South president, Orson 141;:ii Survivors: Sons, daughters: 100 West, Richfield, Filled Utah member Anthill's. MIA; R1W C00 used shall on said be and allowed SE Primary, 14, either face 115, Sec. the flat SI the main ing, 'Society, sign M., Karl M., both Bountiful; Mrs. 84701. LOS School Netherlands Stake Clearfield Sunday COINS Everett (Roene) Wood, Mrs. June building or as a planter type sign not over a feet in height set in for the domestic purposes of one HENRY G. HELLAND BonneMission; Board; teacher Sunday School, Pri- Lambert, both Bennion; Daniel C., The landscaped front yard area and net closer then twenty feet to family, Ofockwalefing Of 3 cattle'.-Buy-s-ell old coins, bold coins. Silver scout loader; mary. Director of Highways ville !oak mission; t 31 School teacher 2 Veers, SurvI to Oct. and W. from Mrs. Henry Apr. hogs line. (Grace) Cameron, the front Beam bottles, metal properly Utah Jim dollars, Road Commission Salt State member Charter sons, priost. high daughters, ivon: nd; of 0.5 cc. AB rithin BV order of the Commission Mrs. Glen Sec. Irrigation detectors, 537.50 ins. Zion Coin Co.. Special previsions'. Lake Flower Garden Club. Employe, Larry, Roy, Weber County; Melvin both Salt Lake City; Sec. 14, PS R1W. (Annabel!) Dorrity, Modesto, Calif.; 57 E. Broadway, Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah (1) All uses shall be conducted wholly within en enclosed building Si399082SE SIC., Deseret Book Co., 22 years.. Co. J. LOS Vegas; Hal M., Eloise, bonl 26 Kalmar, F. Dale 1 17 grandchildren; ' June 12, 1969 t1143) LOOK BETTER and !:EEL BETTER except for owner, Construction Specialties CO. Clearfield; Dean E. Orem: Mrs. chiloren; parking and 1ding facilities. Utah, 3592 So. 2200 W., Granger, brothers, sisters: Tharen (2) All storage shall be in an enclosed building. Survivors: widcmi; sons, daughter, Cleone Wilken, Cedar 'City; 23 grand0.015 see". of water from a Salt Lake Inoele: Arvil, L., City; SLIM David I., George S. Robert C, Mrs. children; (3) All portions of the required fent yard except for pedestrian walks wail 100400 ft. dem located at sister, West Covina, Murphy, Notices Charles William (Vary) Peterson, Mrs. Elmer (Lola) Butler, Glens Mrs. Ida and necessary vehicular driveways shall be landscaped and pro. point S. 400 ft. W. 1615 ft. from CE 218 Calif.,' Mrs. Letitia Szabocsan, TusCa It Saundra Hadley, al: Salt Lake City; Willard A., Ferry, Idaho. Funeral Friday, 1 tin, Calif. 1PEEPOMOWIM. vided with adequate Sprinkling or appropriate automatic Irrigation Cor. Set. 31, T3s, ICIW and uses for 1100110111101ME 1139. Camobeil, Calif.; 27 grandchildren; ClearVeld Eighth LDS Ward devices. Street trees shall be provided. Any parking visible from the domestic purposes of 1 16milY, Funeral Monday, 11 a.m., Bennion Funeral P.m., 16 Friends North. W. 300 200 Ward chapel, 6200 S. Redwood Rd. ascot, the street shall be screened with an appropriate planting street, or stockwatering of 100 cattle, 25 MEN OR WOMEN Rending. call Lindquist's Kaysville Mortuary, Friends call Sunday 8 p.m., 430 S. wall not less than four feet in height. All landscaped es., 55 sheep, 25 ch I c kens and from nr 1 tO Oct. 31 for the rr ea tion of ti.m., chapel, Friday, Redwood Pe., and Monday at the Thursday, DRINKING PROBLEM? or shown on approved plan shall be properly mrn-areas required Burial SyraBurl-a11:30 a.m.-lvihiNWIANE114 Sec. p.m. l, 0.25 ac. All wit chapel one hour before service. tamed at all times. 3 heir, call cuse Cemetery. Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park. 31, 73S, R1W. (4) Or Write Box 1 this newsoicer. parking and leading facilities shall not occupy any re-thweitgranfteirogsoosof fooPsrootesotsoorteicsainonoing front area. quired yard 1229 on ALCOHOLISM information Olive Gonave Marline .Fox, 76, (5) All loading areas are to be screened from view tom dioining therefor must be filed in duplicate ,,.hariton A v ie.. t:.?..',,,'''''',.,..'''''''''";,'' treatment, rehabilitation, other set, roads on adiacent properties. 442 State on Alcohol. Committee Utah State vices. with the Engineer, oled Mae 29, 1970, :.:'' .':,, Marc Ann Fagg, infant OGDEN Ism. 770 East So. Temple. SAX., (6) All utility lines, connections and installations must be underground at home of batik - .,p Need An Expert Capitol, Salt Lake City, Utah Saila, ..;),$; SPRING CITY, Sanpete County , daughter W '1.4. of William Albert and DarUtah. Ph. 3644449. and rise within the building. Transformers, meters and similar on or before June 27, Mg. rat causes. .. 4: -- Otto Paul ...udwig,26 3227 Liberty, died lene Larsen LAMBERT C. 11, HUBERT Fagg, Born Aug. must Y ' be at iteiel Cr screenwith below, 1.... apparatus ground approved Lost 78, died May ,,,,t,,,, Found 3 s BUY ii. ',. :. State Engineer UM 4.e.,, Lake May 26 at an Ogden hospital of nat1193, ..,..,10:..--,- , ins for ground level installations. 4t in a Mount Pleas- ' ''.. ural causes. Born May 26, 1970, 1 tithed In Deseret News on May City, to cart ' 10 to 19 Silver dollars, Indian cents, gold (7) All uses shall be free from objectionable or stséessive odor, dust, Wonted , Survivors: on and Johanna brother, Help 28,1970. Ogden. parents; Akirtoes.,.11 ant, ,,.:,': old coins. 328.1862. Rust hospital proof sets, smoke, noise, radiation of vibration. Kevin W., Ogden; grandparents, Mr. Matilde Peterson... F County, long OH 6: ::,'''.. Coin and Gift, 311 S. Main, 'S.L.C. 51.19A-3- . NOTICE TO WATER USERS Front yard regulations. The minimum Senn& for any For Rent and Mrs. LaMar Fagg, Mr. and Sec. Harlin. Married s. ,:..:.:, .,,,,,:- ,.:..:.:I after 35 20 to Born April nests. have , The aPplications following or parking area shall be 30 feet from the front propto Leonard Grant t;;.,:. N,..,,i,,,,04:.,-....Mrs. Wass Hancock, Mr. and Mrs. building, structure, PROMPT GLASS REPLACEMENT 1892, Mosel, 11, with the State Engineer to .. Orville R. Larsen, all Ogden. Grave- erly line. This front yard area la to be Completety landKaped sweept for been filedend , Fox, Sept. 3, 1919, Germa- - ai,s,,.,,agr'll., US Install sunlit glass In your Real Estate Zwickau, 40 to 48 LET '.. ..,i.1:: caange appropriate water In f.,..... ,A Salt Lake Tem. side services Friday, 2 p.m., Memo- permitted driveways and walkways. to Paul Rich- - n,,.: brcken windows Or storm doors and of fly. State '' Like County, salt oUntitieshs, .. ''',,,,..ef.,',',,, Side yard regulations. A min;milm aide yard Of 20 test snail Pie. Memb e Sec. 51.19A-4- . rial Gardens of the Wasatch. lard and Anna Z;.:::::: ..t, save Iv- - 30 pct All SEASON throughout the entire year isc. 76 Y,.. to 60 G r a nt Fourth '''''' ..::.. be on It Is maintained of to each side be Weber the side the vard in GLASS CO., building. Locations designated. ',?t,--'4-9 1 ....' LBSutnerwise :, h T , L: Wa r d , ,:.... Married used for a parking area, at least an eigbt foot landscaped Side yard snail 'Ludwig. Funerals Automobiles 90 Classes WIG STYLING SCHOOL Church of Jesus y..,s: ,;..r..,:pi.':,::.. 4,:,' ,, ::: be maintained bv the parking area. Hedwig F. Arit, SidneY Jay Nebeke614 starting June 10, Shirlene Christ oL Latter, All main buildings shall maintain at Cr, 41 University St., Salt Lake City, Sec. 51.19A-Rear regulations. yard House of Falls. Nichol instructor, Funeral day CHRISTENSEN G e rmany; she least a 25 feet rear yard. point of semi YOUR AO osmium befert 473 4 Highland Dr.. 278.2360. parking and loading areas end storage Utah Proposes to change the in served ward vices for Theodore 'Ted' A. Chri seri died Oct, 25, 1961. of use 4.0, and diversion of iL Due to mechanical mer.! place huiloings shall be allowed within the rear yard. placing and stake offices. sen will be held Friday ) p.m. Married Pride F. . of water as evidenced bY' ation It b Impossible to correct or MODEL No main bending or structure shall be sec.-f- t. husband; Height regulations. daughter, Bernstiel, Survivors: Redwood Memorial Estates Chapel, oec. 51.19A-6April as amended change an ad until It has Adverse Use . Mrs. Leo W. (Alitten) Ware, Salt 11, OPPORTUNiTIBS Salt 6500 South Redwood 1962, Road, where erected to a height in excess of three stories or 35 feet, except such a appearit , Change em timt YiLaatke; 411 E. S. Temple, nine grandchildren; Lake friends may call Thursday, 6 to g' building shall be allowed to extend above this height regulation provided by IV Lake City. MemCity; ilgr from brothers, sisters: Leroy, South Gate, ber LDS Church. Veteran, German P.M. and Friday one hour prior to EVENT' foot of additional setback from all required yard areas is provided been diverted Or ERROR WHY aus S. 600 ft W. woo ft from NE ift Calif.; Mrs. Davis (Erase) Wootton, Army, WW I. Came to U.S. 1930. services. Interment- Redwood Memo- for every three feet of soch additional height. No accessory building shall ror. Sec. Always Lock Your Doors Classified Department at once. Ad32, TI4N, R6E, and used Mrs. Survivors: widow; sons, daughters, rial Estates. Funeral directors, Me- oe Wasatch County; Midway, constructed to a height in excess of one story or twelve feet except for from May I to Oct. 31 for the Whoavertisers are expected to check the Whether In or out of auto. GLEN for Harry R. (Elsie) Nordberg, Salt Martin O. Delta. Millard County; morial Estates Mortuary. tixt of 148.1 acres within W12 Sec. first Insertion; we will not be re. KEYS of all kinds. 1205 S. State. approved parking structures. Lake Cite. Mrs. Verlin Herbert R,, Sandy; DIXON No building or group of buildings With 28, E12SE14 Sec. 29, WY2W12 Soc. 33, wrosittsdil:1;. Po. any errors Met the MUFFET ELMORE DANCE STUDIO Funeral services for Coverage regulations. Grant (Else) Haws; Salt Lake City; Mrs. Alma Singleton Rochelle B. Dixon Sec. noon, Funeral Monday their shall cover more than 40 of the area of the lot. and E12E12 Sec. 32, all TI4N, R6E. Tap, Ballet, Modern Jazz Fourth Ward chapel, 1111 Charlton Kent (Merle) Strate, Spring City, will be held Monday 1 g.m. at,the Sec. accessory buildings of water will WHEN PHONING Hereafter. 4.0 sec.-f- t. Ladies' Slimnastics. 3 to sci.ilts parking. parking shall be provided on d your Want Ad al. East, Sun- Mrs. John D. (Frances) SMth, Deseret Mortuary, 36 E. 7th South, Ave. Friends call from Bear Lake from 9' 20' a one x ratio of parking space, together with adequate ingress and be diverted as ways ask for the ad to be repeated 2014 South lith East Ariz.; stepson, stepdaugh- where friends may call Sunday 610 ft. day 641 p.m. and Monday one hour Thatcher, N. follows: points (I) back to you. Be sure to check your MONEY TO LOANTOP PRICES. before service at the chapel. Burial, ters, Walter Bernstiei, Ws. Herbert P.m. and Monday prior to services. egress, on an approved, paved parking area for every 200 square feet of thtee W. 1440 ft. from Ella Col. Ste. 29; (2) Burial Gardens. Family (Lucy) Milfred, Mrs. Otto (Marga- Interment, Salt Lake City Cemetery. gross. building area or a ratio of one space for each employee and Cone N. 1720 ft. W. 1140 ft. from SE Car. address and phone number. Ais ex. Anvthino of value, rifles, shotouns. Elysian Nato the ret) Stoss, Mrs. Morris (Eike) Dares, Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary. ,for wich company car. suggests contributions 100 ft. W. 1700 ft. Perienced ad taker will Min sou pistols, :ewelrv, coins, oultars. N. Sec. 32; (3) g tional Loan, 201 S. State, all Salt Lake City; 33 grandchildren; Children s Hospital. The question of the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to from SE Car. Sec. all in TI4N, word your noYLE Requiem Mass for Carsix stepnine District will be taken up at this R6E, and used from May 1 to Oct. WHEN CANCELING an ad demand WANTED create said Research Development "R-D- " Attractive girls celebrated rie will be Friday Doyle sisters, 10 brothers, orsndchildren; Immaculate a.m. Conception meeting and all persons interested end present will be given an opportunity 131 for the supplemental Irrigation at a kill number, no allowance made 5'5" to model for Antreligus,lnc. Kurt, ,:lse, Mrs. Frank (Franziska) Phone after 1 P.m. Mott. 266.3 lles., limited to the sole smash) back to you without it. Catholic Church, Bingham Canyon. to be heard either in favor of or rgainst said proposed change. Kooyman, all Salt Lake City; Wi- Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday SHOULD THE ABOVE RECOMMENDED through Fri. for interview.. , ZONING DISTRICT BE ADOPT- - of 240.1 acs. within WV2WIlt Sec. 28, 'LISTINGS In Me 'Women TIMM' Herbert, Leeds, 8 lliam, Taylorsville; Memorial of of and E12 29, Stevenson's Sec. Parts at not C0i4N11111 or "Male Want P.m. ED AT TfilS HEARING, THE CITY COMMISSION WILL THEN CONSIDER parts ere PLEASANT Albert Washington Count Y; Mrs. Edgar GROVE MODELS WANTED Chapel, 1861 West 7800 South West CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE AREA EV2 Sec. 32, all TI4N, R6E. Intended to exclude applications "B 0 r t" BoSzant, (Karla) Blinston, Murray; Mrs. Wi- Jordan Samuel H. Wilson, from persons of the opposite where friends may call 6 to BOUNDED BY SUNNYSIDE AVENUE, FOOTHILL BOULEVARD, POL.. ,,,. ALL AGES, ALL TYPES, .' , sex. Mi74, 530 S. Locust lliam Scheuber, (Hildegarde) CemeLake 8 Salt 1630 Interment Mt. 4 City, Sherman Calvary S. Ave., 7th East P.m. 1399 -:' 0 The ads are listel warms for the LOCK ROAD, RED BUTTE CREEK AHD THE FOOTHILLS, FROM A Ave., died May 26 Friday lwaukee, Wis. Funeral '..::I tery. Utah proposes to charm the point of convenience at our readers. LDS "R-2- " Ward at a Provo hospi- Basle skills DEVELOPMENT SESSION A a.m., RESEARCH DISTRICT TO SUMMER Chapel. RESIDENTIAL Spring City I 0.011 of use of and diversion ''. ::.:i.::. ::',:::: l place CathHAM Fune-afor of services Funeral natural In read.. spell.. math. tal Ursenbach call Friends "R-Dphonics. 2 DISTRICT; said property being described as foliews: sec..ft. of water as evidenced by s. Born sections. Elem.. Jr.. fi.lah, Marlow Home, Mount Pleasant. Thursday, erine Elizabeth Wardle Ham will be Beginning at a point which Is located S 65.4824" W 3622.62 feet from Underground Water Claim No. 21060 15, 1895, g f,,......L4s, school. Manor Sept. private P.m.. chapel, Friday, one hour held Friday at I PAL In the Murray DAILY the SE. corner of Section 3, TIS, R1E, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; The water has been divertPleasant Grove,., Prior to services. Burial Memorial 8th LDS Ward chapel, 16C East 1600 REGISTER now for summer classes. said point also being North 58.22 feet and West 97.00 feet from the Salt ed from a 334in. well, 25 ft. deep at Souls. Friends may call at the Goff to Mark anci.;,. Gardens of the Valley, Sandy. all levels 3 vrs. to 101 yrs. Also Lake City Survey Monument located at the Intersection of Sunnyside a point S. 250.5 H. W. 964 tL from 8090 South State, ThursMargaret Paulson IMortuary, oymnastics. Ute Swim School, 3540 and used courses 6, Coe T1S, R2E, NE ', Sec. and the thence and Avenue the at Bezzant. Married following and Street; ' along Padley Friday day P.M., E. 3900 South. famiI SATURDAYS A.M. of I domestic for serthe purPoses PA to Ruth Adams, Oct., ward cnapel one hour prior distances: 31 I for NOON 12 Oct. to A.M. TO SUNDAYS EVERGREEN Swimmino Club mem1914, Provo. 27, vices. Burial, South Jordan Ceme(1) Northeasterty along a 45.00 foot radius curve to the left through a IY, and fromof Apr.0.25 ,.,:;..)1' within se. located at 3772 South 2235 bership, irrigation farmer. 70.68 tery, Golf Mortuary, funeral direcfeet. of of a distance 89.59'50", central eagle 7 or NElaNEIO Sec. 6, T1S, R2E. East sacrifice. Call LDS ST. ANTHONY, IDAHO Funeral tors. '44,,, Member (2) North 1105.00 feet; of water Hereafter, 0.013 sec.-f- t. Church. services were Wednesday in St. AnFtrmer for 500.00 services JENSEN Funeral West feet; (3) 4 will be diverted from a 6.1n. well, ...,rove Pleasant A thony for Grace Powell Koch, 65, lEvan Orlando Jensen will be held BOWLING (4) South 45000'00" West, 28214 feet; '100-30ft, deep at a point So. 1900 who died May 25 at an Ashton ho.,piCity councilman. ..., p.m. in the Golf MortuFriday at (5) South 950 feet; member 'ft. E. 1950 ft. from NW Con Sec. 27, Former 3 LINES tor Si. SAT. and SUN tal after a long illness. Burial was ary Chapel, 8090 South State, where (6) South 89.59Ss" West, 314.35 feet; R2E and used for the same Grove TIN. Pleasant St. An- friends in the Riverview Cemetery, LANES STATE WO S. State p.m. may call Inursclay .. within (7) Northeasterly along a curve to the left, having a radius of 623.69 P u r loos Os as heretofor 521-353- 5 thony. Born June 21, 1904, Parker, to and Friday prior to service.. Burial Irrigation Co. 277-47BRA Survivors; widow; sons, daughters, feet and a central angle of 21034'56", 234.93 feet, along the easterly SEI4NW14 See. 27, TIN, R2E. Ellen Eloise Davenport Sandy City Cemetery. James and MortuGoff 39931 (574752) David W. Adams. Harold A. Salt Lake City; Mark, Powell. Married Calvin E. Kooch, ary, funeral side of a State of Utah Highway Department right of way; e directors. St.. Murray, Utah. 375 E. Brahma Nov. 6. 1921, Bozeman, Dear, Mrs. Eldon (Evelyn) SchoonMont.; he (8) North 30,31'00" West, 1749.70 feet; TRACERS for rent. Flamina Gorge JOHNSON Funeral services for of water is to be divert. over, Mrs. Orval (Leah) Bullock, all died 1954. Member LDS Church; a central angle of 0.015 Sec.-fJust 10 chord spiral to the left having a (9) Along say "Charge 6 Friarea. Phone S.1...C., John Johnson will be held ft. deeP and Pleasant Grove; Mrs. Faye (Theda) Relief well, ed from a teacher; Roy 12 visiting Society; , 401200, a distance of 283.67 feet; 2664471. noon in the Madison Ward. S. 3306 ft. E. 2340 ft. from a Evans, Layton; Mrs. Calvin (Remise) OUP; American Legion Auxiliary. dav a curve to the left having a radius of 19001 at 21 (10) 2280 Northwesterly 27 along South Friends 3rd East. MM R1E may useg grandchildren; 141,4 and T3S, Lehi; 14, Sec. Lewis, Mrs. Rich Survivors: LEAVING state, Salt Lakewirri. daughter, of 117.79 a a distance of sisand feet; feet central 3.2635". I 260 call Larkin of at angle brothers, fan Mortuary, ite ID or I .0 Orme, St. Anthony; four for the domestic purposes mina and Tennis, Club tsMNrshio 8 Thursday III) Northwesterly 300 feet along the Nwth side of Foothill Drive to the ly, uses in a swimming pool, stock- - 1XMilting ter, Matthew, Glen, Mrs. Millen grandchildren; for sale, 1876895. siskrs, Myrtle, St. East South Templeat the ward one East side of Pollock Road; (Rose) Radmall, all Pleasant Grove. Anthony; Mrs. Dot Langford, Mud pm. and FridaY watering of 2 horses, and from Apr. COMPANY NEED talent to start Country and BUY OR TO WANTS to 11 LDS hour Interment services. Grove to of Road 0.25 Pollock 1 of a.m., prior (15)I Funeral Friday. (12) Northeasterly 2100 feet along the East side to Oct. 31 for irrigation at. Carlos Mrs. Lake; halfsisters, western band. Legal age, 1223806 LEASE MINING Grove. (Gladys) Egan, Layton. Utah; Mrs. Vernal City Cemetery. PROPERTIES, Funeral diWard Chapel, within NE14SE14 Sec. 14, 135, RIE. (15) North 22.21O241" East, 200.51 feet; 5 DM. alter or matalics, mine rectors, Larkin Mortuary. R. Crane, Richer Friends call Olpin Family MortuarY, Archie (Janet) Wood, Pocatello. 39933 556.56 (16) North 5804100" East, feet; care to write 7.9 Box of dumps, SALE-1- 430 RUMMAGE p.m., Lake Harrison, Pleasant Grove, Thursday, 2371 E. 6475 So., Salt City, LUNOSTROM. Graveside (17) North 45.4500" West, 120.30 feet; 1951 Chrysler Saratoga, ' min.. Items. of water is to be this Newspaper. chapel, Friday prior to services. for Emil Leonard Lundstrom Utah, 0.015 sec-f(18) North 43.51'00" East, 333.63 tett; Fri. 0 and Sat. May 29 ent20th. at an Burial Pleasant Grove City Cemeunnamed will be held Friday at 10 a.m. in the from diverted Spring (19) North 37016'00" West, 159.39 feet; PAT-1E. N14 1271 550 7East 4t. sale from 1,001 Items. Friends a point S. 103 ft. E. tery. Soles 'Salt Lake City Cemetery. (20) North 2721'00" East, 477.09 feet; 4th South. may call at the Russon Brothers Cor. Sec. 22 , IlS, R1E and used for (21) North 4.45 '54" East, 153.65 feet; of 2 horses, and MIDVALE Derral E. Griffiths iMortuary, 25S South 2nd East Thursthe TWO BURIAL stockwatering plots, Mt. V;kw Me4221 North 56.4425" East, 208.15 feet; AUCTION 34, 196 E. 2nd Ave.. died May 24 in day from 7 to 8 p.m. Funeral direcfrom Apr. i to Oct. 31 for Irrigation morial Estates, V.070. C. (23) North 29.4708" East, 227.97 feet, . of 0.25 cc. all uses in SWI,ONE14 See. Groc. and Meat Plant MID. See BEAUT. loc. 1 cematerv ,A1h4mbra, Calif.; of a heart ailment. tors. Russon Brothers. plot, CIA? 22. T2S, R1E. 'Born April 9. 1916. AdamswIle, Bea424) North 12.2492" East, 122.81 feet; Funeral Col. 75, T. L. Mann Assoc. MORRISON services S150. Cemeterv, I 298.32 Wirrserv.ces ver or to Leonard and Wit. feet: John 39939 Funeral JJdkine, County, J. (25) North 4403633" East, BURLEY for Robert Walden Morrison will be SWAP MEET Sun. 10 to 6. 3250 5: Dorothv held Monday at 12 noon in the Me5255 W. 3990 So., Salt Lake City, Griffths. Married Elcanna Chrest clensen.;11,1, who d,ed imet (26) North 55.12'35" East, 183.58 feet; and Found Redwc,c,c1 Rd. Sellers Si. Utah, 0.033 sec. ft. of water is to be May 25 in B6pley hosp,tal of a sod-11 Ko Tub, Se Pt. 14. Mt, Los Ariop.es. traria! Estates 42)) Nortn 35.406" East, 161.4 feel; Chapei, Mortuary ft. LDS a Member be from will Church, Thursgz-diverted well, :Accountant. den illness, 5850 S. 9th East friends may call PIANO LESSONS, ALL AGES, 85 ma. (28) North 42021'36" East, 750.75 feet( sons, daughters, Sunday, 6 to 8 P.m., and Monday a.m., Burley Third LDS Ward Chap- 'elder. Survivors: deep at a point N. 840 ft. W. 330 ft. LOST 854.28 White feet; vic. (291 East poodle, male, el, Friends call McCulloch Funeral 'Kent, Richard, Mrs. Gary (Joyce) one hour prior to .services. interfrom Si Cot See. 36, VS, R2W, )7th So., 1.fth East, 430) South 0002'00" East, 1342.44 feet; responds to ballet, acrobatic, hula, late Mrs, Douglas ment, Home, Burley, Thursday Prior to !Alba. all Alhambra; Memorial Lawn Wasatch and used from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for name of "Willie," reward, Call TAP, (31) East 1320.00 feet, classes. Music Centre, service.... Burial Rupert City Ceme- (Lingo) Scott, NV's. Ron Weralyn) Park. Funeral directors, Memorial of 0.5 ac. within SENSW14 l irr,gation or 2640 feet; (32) South 0c0200" East, tery. Born May 29, 1883, Bear River Warner, Covina. Calit.i 4 oranocniki- ;Estates Mortuary. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Sec. 36, T1S, ROM (33) East 197.60 feet; David W. Maurer, LOSTSamoyed fuzzy white dog, an39960 Information and assistance, City. Utah, to Chrest and Dorthea ,ren; brothers, John E., Scarsdaie, N. PECK services for Graveside swers to Misty, vic. 17th So., 23rd ikAllStell Jensen. Married Ella Butler IY.; Dr. Kenneth A.. Salt Lake City. (34) South 0o,0500" West 483.58 feet; ,2131 E. 6320 So., Salt Lake Cite. Frances OF ()MECARE IN held YOU CoolNEED Peck be w;ii Monday (35) West 20411.1i feel along the North boundary of the Utah State Austin, Oct. 7. 1915. Salt Lake IDS Graveside services Thursday. I p.m., at 1200 noon in the Mountain View Utah, .045 set..ft. of water is to be East call TION? WORD OF TRUTH, Rose Park Conwerv, ft. LOST, blue diverted from an Temple; she oied Dec. 28, 1968. well, son of Park Land; FuAth vicinity parakeet, California. aarstow. Cemetery PET CEMETERY State E. snce fermi'''. Burley resident Div). deep located at a point S. 3245 ft. Pickup Service (36) South 1930.00 feet along the West boundary of the Utah North and 8th West. ResoondS to neral d;rectOrS, Linciduist's Bountiful HU 1943. Member. LDS Church; filled skin of Park Land to the North side of the existing road to "This 145 ft. from alla Sec. 14, T3S, R1E, "Betsy." Reward. 2 of !Southern Stales miSsion, in char9e and for used stockwatering U.S. silver coins, hIchest Is the Place Monument"; Man's secretary wallet. BUYING services ROUBICEK Funeral of Church Welfare Building MenV I to Oct. 31 LOST (a7) Southwesterly 750 feet along said road to the intersectien with the horses, and from 1.0Apr. Nieman, liberal or. pd. Zion Coin, 57 E. Breadwav. acre. All within with ID, Richard 'for Joseph 11T. Roubicek, will be heldtor Irrigation of years. SUrcraliy,00r or North side of Sunnyside Avenue; reward. Call CR GUITAR, DRUM lessons. "liuscdear hti,'Ne' HYDE PARK, Cache Counts, Fridav at a.m. al the East Mid14, NW14SE14 T3S, PIE. Sec. Med vale 1st LDS Ward Chapel, 240 East (381 South 111951604" West, 150 feet to the point Of beginning. !John Acial Morgan.' A.Mberiv, IC Jean Seamans, 38, HO. Protes ts esisting the granting of LOSTbrindle boxer puooy a wks. 810 Guitar furn, free. 3224449, The etieitiOn of classification of this district will be taken up at this great-grad: May 28, 1970, in a Logan hoseita'. 2570 South. Friends may call at the, AND SOLD STAMPS BOUGHT !grandchildren; appiications with reasons there- - old, fem., reward. 830. No Questions Jan. 12, 1932. Hyrum. to Glen !Goff 6,,,ortuary, 600 south State,inteetind and all persons interested and present will be given an opportunity these brotner, sister, Carl. Wes'on, Utah, A. Barn must be N ed n duolicate with askec.. 4679771, for Beehive, 368 E. 3rd Southa 4,11 Veda Nev.bo,d Smite. Mar. 6 to 8 O.M. and Friday at to be heard ef1her in favor (It or against said proposed change. Mrs. Leonard (Luella) Hoops, CleveState Enoineer. 442 State Caoltol, LOST: the DIAMOND Mon. RING, to Clynn A Seamons. June 19, 1Thursday red this 10 HAND KNITTING 278-912- 5 the ward chapel, one hour prior of Salt Lake City, Utah, land. Salt Lake C;tv, Utah 84114, on or be- downtown. Reward. Call 364.4190. By order Of the Board of Cemmissieners 1950, ' Logan Tamale. Worked in Pri- service. Burial, Memorial Gardens. 7th dot of May, 194. fOre July 11. 1970, KEY& lost in neighborhood of Arline. MEMORIAL mary: a geneala2ist, The Church of 'Golf containers, funeral directors. flowers, HOGENSEN LAMBERT C. Mortulry, HERMAN J. HUBEqT Jesus Christ of latter-da- v ton and 3ed Ave. Reward, 363.7996. baskets. 39 W. 2700 South. Saqsts, State Ennineer City Recorder Funeral services tor SKINNER graduate South Cache High School. Trella ,,,ammedme clutch Red LOST DUrSe. return, in Deseret May News, Published will be held First Dowdell Skinner publicationMay 26. WO Survivors: husband; daudhters, Friday 211, reward. June 4 and II, 1970. (B43) P.M. at the Magna Masonic and Bath., 211, 190 Kathy, Debra, Tina, ail Hvde Park; Temple OlimENIMiNtIM.Nto.ffmidffRNIME.Mn 2610 So. 8950 West. Under Last publicationMay C),ve Parents, HOOFER, Weber County HYturn; brother, Cleve G., the direction of Ada Chapter imErlooloommemmuleitillikulb Nn. 15 (Grace Munn Beasley, 86, died MaV Sub lane. Idaho; sister. Mrs. Cyril A RAZOR'S EDGE'. in an Ogden nursing home of nat. (,der of Eastern Star. Friends rnav 126 ATHLETIC CLUB causes. Born Sep!. 16, 1883, tFayet Kearl, Trernonton. call at 8525 West 2200 South Magni, Dot Sauna Massage Funeral Monday, I 0.m., Hyde Tt,ursdav to Edward 11:00 F. Sarah p.m. Friday NON 71mBERS WELCOME Ward Park call FrienJs tiff, a Moe,. Interment Munn. Married to Pearson 10.m. An Valley 4751 Hollatav Blvd. Memorial 2784627 5on Chaael, Logan. Sunday r ,e,v 3,emor.al Park. P u ner a direc- - . George Leroy Beasley. Dec. I, 1909. after 7 and Monday after 11 ters Peel Funeral Home. PHYSIOTHERAPY AND MASSAGE Ogden, solemnize:0 Sail Lake LDS a.m. at P.M., chaoei. 1 Buriai, Hyatt 4886 4. 4460 West 7 Fune,7a-- services for ;Terrole, h. died Nov. IC. 1961. Pres- Park City the ,Thicoms Cemetery. :ident, Ladies Weber Canty Farm HEALTH STUDIO Sorenson Tilcomi), will be yeopa Bureau; OUP; ReHef Societv. Survi3n50 5. 26241860 2nd heId E h,da at 2 0.rn. In the Huntrth TO East. q-10 1:00 A.M. EST PREVIEW OF ESSA WEATHER MERU FORECAST Forecast for Thursday, Friday, MilY 21, 29, MO: Francis L.. crs: sons, daughlers, 5055 West 3500 South.1 Ward, 14th Quentin. Mrs. Rue iDellai Cunnino F,.encls may chit et the Deseret SALT LAKE CITY AND VICINITYVariable cloudinesS ;ton, Mrs. Norman 1eirral Read all 36 Thurs.7th East South, Vortu.try MOITNIAL 1".". near rn Harlin iirinal Jct., H000er (.04.he Coun4 Eliza H o.,y ,,, to 8 cm. alci at the ward on tonight and Friday Few showers tonight. Cooler. Highs ;::: . COOL ;sten, Prov) Mrs. Rev ;Velctal Pi one hour Oror to se,y,ces. 70. Lem in the mitt cOs. DRIVERS wanted to drive (ors tor Ci, d,e0 ,,,Isy 23 in Portiand granoch:i- je,,..ei). (ion?. erTon me to and from LA.. San Francis Orc ron12.:To :lay. Helen Las'', ,Veme,..11 atter a lo,9 wiles,. Barn Aord In!ef me-r- . ''asateri 1' UTAHand 33 l cloudiness varianie riday tonight Fu.i.-agreat. I, 1St; i.vt,Inf? Haoe:and Noe,,as. p.r,., . Deseref d treeto 5. e ro, Denver. Co:catio, Phoenix $od dren; q.eafra,dchAdrec. tti 70 to 80 and Iowa Mrs S. D. to id. shower-other maior cities. This le not scattered -Hao.'Mo'tua-vHighs tonight. H today A.I.r.e Robsanan ang MI RR OO riPe 0 R.t.. 'IFrankiei Donoviel. 0den. Funeral sen.La,M3rr;eg to HYrum P. Jersen. 20 1c a: employment. 363.0830. :.:.:: WEILER se,y.ces tor Funerai t.......,..., l LDS Third a.m Hociper Friday 191o. LeOsin LOS TET1101C !Octavo HoMgren Weiler Ii.11 be he!el 13 Seot TORII INSURED DRIVEWAY 1 PUT to. thundershowers E. NEVADA Partiy cloudy with few :Ward Chaoe,. Frienos call Lindquist Pe dd. OreQon res;dert oast 3 Year.,,Monclav at 12 noon in the 830 S. State LAKE CITY :' F and Sons Coloniai ChaDei, Ogden. Survivors FAIR 2539 oauor 'at, Mrs. James P. Par S Ward chapel. nday. Cooler. Highs today 60 to 70. Lows to Douglas. 'night. Fair 1 .Thursda97-p.m., chapel. Friday, LeatI, A!ie,.. PorCand; I o.'andehft, Fr.encis may call at the 1.arkin Mer.. nignt 30 to JO, one hour orior tc, services. Bunai d,en, ': 10HeIP Wanted 1 KANSAS CITY two syeat.great.orandchildrem tuarv. 260 East SOuth Temple SunS. E. IDAHO-Varia- ble siOudiness with widelY scattered , .Hocoer Ce,reterv. sAm flown dav 64 gm. and Monday at the :showers toniont. Cloudy and cooler Friday. Highs today 60 MIL . ,tyother.. soster Hans Ballang-udiHOWERS :Karoline Ruad. boh Norway; Maonus ward chapel one hour prior to ser- to 70. ElsOnEte150E0tVticSe 30 to 40. :,:::::: Lows iOn.ght Salt Lake City Hansen, Hyrum Funeral Thur5dav., ,,fees. Interment rmILD . S. W. IDAHO-Pa- rtly Funeral 'directors, Larkin 2Ist South, cloody today with afternoon show.. ,? 0.m. Hall Mortuarv, L0,18,', where:Cemetery. I A , ors. Cloudy and cooier Friday. Highs 60 to 70. Lows tonight Itriends call Thursday hours Drier NIortuary. PART-TIMalter ations and W e s In 50 services. to Burial Cemetery 40. 7 Hyrum to X) WELLS Funeral services for read th we, experience requited, .,..., MILD IDAHO BOISE, Fu,e,at ser. Anderson Duffimer vvel:s VISCELLANEOUS WEATHER DATA .Margarele wno oS, v.ces for NyO , j ivilouttp" be held Friday at 10 a.m. in the - 70 NURSES--aide8.30 a.m. 83 per cent. Precipitation since HUMIDITY-- At part-tirndieo Mav 26 at 11,s home of naturdi small Cottonwood Mortuary, V--L. UPI WEATHER FOT9CA$IT southeast nursine home. Atiernoon causes, v.'fli te Fr,cav 1:30 o !,1670 Hiohland Drive, where friends May 1, 1970 .87. Deoarture since May 1, -.- 37. Precipitation Mountain Fucteral hew Hone ',hitt, 48,32465. 7 to 8 o.o. 1.05. Oct. 1. 1969 11.88 Departure since Oct. stnce from call may Thursday Nitatetel r,o,se wnere fr.ends ca Thursoav; E X P E R IENCED poCAT ELLO 70 roll head winter, Friday one hour oriel. to ter- Fdue11 serv.ces Fr ,day oF 'to serv,cos Friday 6:0B a.m. Sunset, Fr1,110 8:50 p.m. 0 r, ,v:I, -h e vice'. for Jerry L,e Chan night Shift. 9 a.m. to 6 alit Interment, Memorial C'pardens Salt Lake Cili COMPARATIVE TEMPERATURES N,Auso2 Welt. Call Mrs. Weeds, 3:616,1, tne Vailey. 0.m., Manrng Funera. , Feneral d,rectors I9vA IC LaAe ,.c1V Sat leum. Chace.. Poseei o. ....here tr:enof calt Cottonwood Mortuary. Wednesday Irgh Of.; tow 56; mean 6e; nor. tal 62. A year E X PE itTIENCED maids CP'eViCt'e vianted r,0 C,tv. to G' Ihr. a!itirne. Fr,gav 0, .; Ie se,v ,ces .1ar. Chah- WILCOX rIunerat services for. ago: e.,gt) 9C, Ica, St AlLtime high tar menth apply the Royal Executive Inn, 121 szet ee,e ,.. ,7. iv,,cox 1, C.,nd &,,,,, n N Tcmcc.aw-e- l 4)1 e,o 2nd West. for Inr: 24hc,J, he(0) ot 4.eJ accc..,n a ',oar 51 I2 a.m. 61 12 p.m. 68 55 Casablanca 11 P t'.r.0 rano 68 rn. to Vor 1: Descre! LAS ' he se" VEGAS Ind 5.J0 a,rr ( c. ola- -t .'",t,U 0 a EXPERIENCED bar maid, epolv In coat!, 47 eo 79 44 Cepenhagen U.S. TEMPERotORES Souh, woe,e LOwtot ,1 Pm'. 55 041 Seattle d & Aotv Acc uotiin b uorqicILv-t- ri Pn;vO 6,,c) net t,on, before 2 o.m., Nick's Cafe. no, gA,n 41 .0 Dublin 3 .2 0.rn l':, 61 cad Sun0a, 6 to 8 o'Sheridan ad tr,erc., Li 'i1.5 VV. 4th South. Max. Min. Prec Los A Enn ,nr F,ai ,odre Bustne,, er ir i 40 48 Vc lo Geneva OiS ar,c, oror 69 .)c),L' 15 49 ti.M, p.m 8) .30 Marn A 9 Spokane F9, to B Atuuuer nue )647 pocAto10: COMB. cook and waitress, afternoon FuLoKe 50 79 Cerretee, 74 8 a.rn. Hono Kong 86 MOAB 61 Its of !Washington, D.C. Orier.a) Ar,:n E ano Volda Enola,L1 cao- rren, Át,aNa yard 23 LfrOor 12 am'. 63 12 P M .15 64 Dere 04ethrsIne,stN.orth IS C'haltlel: sO 69 7 El Kora), dier kLak,Ikr,d H QC CCh.Col WoCLIee. F&A,V, West Yellowstone New York c cOce anchT..oe 64 CANADA 1C iu a.m. 82 81 Madt U WILCOX 49 Nc P.m. .05 Ar.)-st Ve'e a1 V.enam e,a Tert.o.e 21 Fur,eral ,ery cet, ;A OGDEN I) counter work, ekder, or 3 p.m. et .PART-TIM.20 Moscow 3 a.m. 43 c9 O re ee'd 80ISE LDS V(cia Se 69 Vdcox 94 Arm? Reserves; 44 ke, V .21 60 Ex, o,es,Ce, t Cdigdf Prigen4 v311 Bo-- -e train, mornina shift. Snack & C Bar. Swyl42 50 59 ,.cut;vi., A5,7 73 Leim C'Jt Et Cnurce Emelcve Fr,dav a Drn. n the Ceurf,e;d Besich t ,,, 9.7 Um. .01, New Delhi POCATELLO 51 Vanc,uv..t. i ar ceaott, 200 North 300 e.1 Burte I a.m. 5? s,s(rers, 8 orctnees, INTERNATIONAL ST STIONS Kcre, CP,Wers.e 49 ca,ents i Oslo P.M 615,-- ------Shack Coffee Sh00, 40 e,, .14 Portland e son Jack I loo anOck ,i I I a rtt 54 Dean 013 Base: A,ce, e Leeae. Fe,ends ray ca;1 at SS at ,hour listed: PANTRY GIRL, TeMatratuots 117 !Pans 66, 91 PROVO ceome pm. (ivy e,ers ):(acte (Shaer,' Ka,,s, lie ortuaey :340 Norte I Cnae:e, Queens of Max( ielP, 27;41527 CI ,dren. 1 6,,at cra,loc,r;c,en, s,ster,I(Rand, a.m, 59 3$ p m 70 Thursd;re 75 Wednesday R3M1 64 'RENO CHEYENNE 0 m and a t). CkCSOfl a P0catetio; Mrs. Thursc;a1 7 c Set Lake Fr,rn,lv i 2 a.m. 411 Bet', 12 p.m. 66 $619111 .33 Aoerdeen 12 44 :ROCK SPRINGS 1,f, SO 18 ;ix nm. 4169 Yee!I 30 &en tint() 12 45r C meow, ward cnaoel taossmaErta:2viesiTsnoteultherict.sto..,ik.eets, )COrtn.e 511, isLoovfs rontr,Ouf.nns fo 5n,ners1 Jean) Banta:, 411 OS a.m. p.m. 92 y9 Stockho;m Amsterdam GEDRGE 49 C ty rr !re-r,r- , Cr.co ro ('0(c. , oranct0at.-- ) Chtikie Dr,1ST. Louis i a m 52 a.m. sO I a m 11 ,'..udney 65 116t1ir, 1494 AIMATURE ex o th 47 e 9 P M. 131 I 1 9 a,m. tS Co m a S1 .04 50 m. I3ruc5els CITY " LAKE Music 60 p lottyc GRAND School, 3222151T 322044 JUNCTION It i Margarete A. Wells M orn so n S. Airra Rcc,ele rgietcr. ti,re Batts DiY.011r 611 E,P:,:.0-.A..183 CCIY Lake St,. (pee .!. deterrnme. :cA L,(n'er-A,:- .,. 19711. 1May a' 2, , 'N. of a lhome linger 5('',,, 1'', lil , taSh ' ;nu ainess. id ie Born .,----July 26 !an 0,4aen hJsc,ta. 81d ''''' 160i. ,,C,rt Hampstead - OBITUARIES Robert Alma 1 Grace P. Kooch Fruit DIAL STATISTICS 478e BANKRUPTCIES FILED US District Court Rea. Monroe Searle. 3766 Jefferson St., Ogden. Liabilities. $4,494; assetS. Anson Leto Waite, Route 1, Hoch Wetter County. Liabilities, assets, $2,713. Rex Wilford Price, 2451 A Ave., Ogden. Liabilities, $4,161; assets, Per, 114,017; $53. Mona Joy Wheelwright Price, Ave. Milton. Liabilities, 64,161; assets, $263. Harold A. Barker, 31g Roosevelt St., Salt Lake City. Cab' lilies. 621,111t assets, 81,276. Alfred Hall Ringlet. 237 W. 1rd Salt Lake City. Liabilities, $1,712; assets, $200. Frank Jesecoh Mouth, 13084 S. 960 East. Draper. Liabilities, $33,584; 2451 assets, A $200. 12 Anthony Robert Martinet, W. South, Midiale. Liaoilities, 12,751; assets, $220. Joseph Eugene Ferro, 175 E. 7660 South, Midvale. Liabilities, $2.68; 7200 assets, $125. Bluohard 4243 Conley W. 5780 South, Kearns. Liabilities, S2,725; assets, $271. Jack Paul Tonahill, 270 W. 2nd Salt Lake City. Liabilities, assets, $100. Vivian Lucille lonahill, 270 W. 5nd South, Salt Lake City. Liabi 04.279; assets. $115. Eldon Holmsitad, 9668 S. 730 East. Sandi. Liabilities, $1,30; assets, South, 64,279; $us. Arthur Dennis Stroud, 739 Linden Sall Lake ,t.ity. St., Liabilities, assets. $257. Johnny Dale Brake, 2922 State, Salt Lake City. Liabilities. $17,462; $5,960; I ' assets, s31. Russell Don Taylor, 942 Cornet; St.. Salt Lake City. L;abilities, $7.660: assets, $145. Robert C. Sattiewhite, 875 W. Ellis St.. Ogden. Liabilities, $4,135; assets, SW. Phil! L. Pattilin5on, 961 E. 40 Hort h, Springville. Liaoilities, 610,145; assets, $722. Donny Joe Seeds, Route 2, Box 60, Layton. Liabilities, $1,619; assets, $5,018. Judith Deli'. Evans, 2652.5th East. Sait Lake City. Liabilities, $2,416; assets, sten. Theodore Davis, ni N. 5th West, ball Lake City. Liabilities, $4,030; assets, $32. Rose Marie Davis, 221 N. 5th West, salt Lake City. Licnilities, assets, 530. Alvin Gale Jorgensen, 9840 S ittrtri West. Riverton. Liabilities, $16,694, assets, 5958. Aoe Greenband, 2051 Lard Dr., Salt Lake City. Liabilities, S5t,t67, $4,038; assets, $6,448. Err,trott Laramie Davis, 335 W. ath South. Salt Lake City. LiabiliticS, 12669: assets, 13;5. Daniel Floyd Galleaos, 32. Elm Midvale. Si., Liabilities, $4,881; assets, 5245. Wanda C. Beatt, 2774 St., $3,195; Ogden. Liabilities, assets, .10 439 (''field Lyle ectsman. kre., Salt Lave City. L':tit'ilties, S10,630; assets, $3,058. Haro4 Herman K;racie, Is Liaoilitics, 51714; asLets, $f0 Vat Sidney L9011, 374? S. VjClanl Roy. Liabilities, 53,197, assets, 56:1. Barbara P!eo Gunter, 1t1 L wtsiaoik, oninster Ave. Salt Lase City ties, $2,494. assets. .S16$, 71 )00 iJ ;en Garth Bou Nortri Bountiful. Liabilities, t assets, $2,21. , th Wiiiiam Guy Curtis, assets, $2 ,?0S; Cooen. Liabilitits, si 72. Marie Lurfis, inrieene . 2 L ;ab 2. 2. "Joan. 2. 2. . it' riot PleaSant Derral Eleanna Griffiths 2Auction Jensen 34og Jean Seamans dchil Olive M. Beasley ad (4 THE WEATHER Eliza Jensen .t 6Travel AtH ,:C 0 LI: c...:Livta 14 0 Thl Nyron J. Jones Jerry vi....:.. Chan4ler : 1 0",:ao aa t (er, 't)"' I |