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Show BHRB 4 BB SSte5 HB flSP"lN Missouri, farmers are beginning H to prepare for putting in their fall crops. I -Butter is 8 cents a pound and eggs 3 to 4 B oeuts a dozen. Good calicoes are o cents a yard, and everything else in proportion. B (iSsT According to official statistics, for- ty-seven persons died in England and Walrs of hydrophobia in 18754 and fifry. three in 187(5. Tho total in eleven years from the boginningof 186G to the endine flH of 1R70, was 387. b (jgvf Rki'ort come3 from Michigan that aiew wheat is selling for 70 and 80 cents a bushel, while that of the old crop bring B js U1S" s one dollar per bushel. Some ol B th? new wheat sprouted during iho heavy f ns in July The wheat crop the pre- ;Jr.)t. season is very good, and the corn cror r "ids fair to yield abundantly. Weather is now changed and a lively breeze wliistlos through the trees like the winds of a Michigan winter. Butler is 10 cents a pound and eggs are mm b cents a down. Beef 7 to 10 cents a pound. B ( Washington Territory is represent- B ed by her Newspapers as anxious to become a Stute, bur hr population B"' sli11 fa!ls sllort of 124,000, the num B beron which representation in Con- gress is based. B Small-pox and diphtheria have been Hj very prevalent and fatal lately in Lon B don. Since New Year's there have H been 1,134 fatal cases of small-pox H within fifteen miles of Charing Cross. Heavy storms are reported in the j States of Massachusetts, New Hamp shire, New York, Connecticut and Ver- mont, doing much damage to property and causing considerable loss of life rE - - - I |