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Show & Tlie managers of the Ladies' Co-op. Store at Harrisburg, Utah, have an eye to business, as will be seen by their advertisements. 'At ihe Ladies' Co-op in Iarrburg town, f Artich'8 nei ful and nice mpy be found. 1 Give ns a cill when passing along; i To purchase, we're sure ynul not hesi- . tate long- adv. The other day a man who was purckas-. purckas-. i ing an axe atthe stO(e,p'cked outthe atnall- i . est he could find, and when ashed why he ,...,;, done bo, replied; "well, my wife has ban very poor health lately, aud if I get a , . larger one I am afraid shecan't cut the . i - WOOif." ' .vMtP ! . f- I We are pleased lo noje the proceedings proceed-ings of Bp Winsor's birth-day festival on tho 1 9th int- We could give quite a lengthy report, but want of space fmbide, therefore we must be contented con-tented with stating that we had a . good supper, suitable speeches, music j by Thompson's Brass Band, and toasts. f, yet one dida't wish to 'toast1 him as he considered him 'toasted enough : this hot weather. All wished Bp. Win- sor and family many happy returns of the day The guests seemed to enjoy themselves well. . V We are pleased to acknowledge V. receipt of the Pioche Weekly Record, a live paper, up lo the times. l-s " " ' '5 Prest. L. J. Nutte.l of Knnab stake , is in town, accompanied by Bp, John- . son, both looking well. They report all :: moving along peaceably, have had eon- ' f siderable showery weather in that I' part of the country, with cool nights. t General health prevailing. "WITHDREW.- Wm. A. Perkins, on tin-1 tin-1 2L8t. inHt., withdrew from the bachelors' 1K list and bound himself with the bonds of cL 'Matrimony.' We wish you both all the Z enjoyment in life your hearts can desire I' I III &3TWg call the attention of our readers to the advertisements in this : issue. Read them and rmnembi r tha f 'All those who advertise, are the tirms to patronize,' m ST. GEORGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I Business Curds of five lines or lese H Brevier space,) $5. per year, including one fl Subscription to the Union. Survoyor and Attorney at Laxr. Office in Courthouse, St. George, Utah. WARREN HARDY, ' jfl Havingjusl returned from his "w g H chase" is now prepared to wait on all cut- jfflH tomers who want Turning &c. done, in hit mBBBt line of business at his old stand. Terra HHI 4-ly Reasonable. HH E. T. RIDING, BH BOOT & SHOE MAKER, fl l-6m St. George, Utah; 0 St. George Hotel. V Next Door T Post Office. H MEALS REASONABLE. H JOHN PYrPROPRIETOR 1 AGENT FOR AND DEALER IN I Fish Bro's. Wagons, Timbers, Plowi, Reapers, Mowers, Extras, etc,, etc. HOME - !lifDT!lXlE WINE! I For Sale by Thomas Hall, first house 'Jm North of the 'Temple, St. George, Utah. M JOSEPH ORTON is Mnnufactur- JH ing Boots and Shoes at his old stajd adjoining his residence 24- blocks west of Public Square Jl ("Repairs neatly executed MEW 9 DRUGS, MEDlViNES, CHEMI- GALS, AIIO DRUGGISTS' SUN- I DRIES. ALSO CROCKERY; I GLASSWARE, AND TABLE CUTLERY AT I JOHNSON'S I HEAD 'OF WiAIN STREET, I ST. GEORGE, UTAH. I 1 I TJJB E I I The person that borrowed a volume of Millnnal Star some years since will I save Publication by RETURNING the name to J. W. CARPENTER. I |