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Show HOSTORIIOAIL KING CYRUS AND A FEW ITEMS OP HIS HISTORY concluded, Before Cyrus returned home to Media, he conquered all western Asia, including Arabia, tfgypt. and the Nations bordering the .Egcan and Exume seas, and then continued con-tinued his conquest on the territory of Babylon Bab-ylon proper ; and Abradates, Vico Roy, or Piince of Shushan, revolted from Cyrus. Cyrus also released tho ElarniteB from their bondage to the Babylonians, and they came up also with the Meads to besiege the city of Babylon, whose walls were three hundred feet, high and eighty-seven feet thick, and Cyrus resorted to stratagem strata-gem to tako tha city. The Babylonians, 9 under Nebuchadnezzar had made two Canals Ca-nals on the east side of the river Euphrates, Euphra-tes, one around the city to the rivor below, and the other to tho Tigris. Also a Canal was made on the wect side of the Euphrates Euphra-tes leading to a large artificial lake, which was forty miles square and eiglit -seven feet deep. Cyrus turned the waters of the Euphrates into these Canals and Lake and thereby drained the river that ran through the city, and then divided his army and marched into the city, through the bed of the river, both above and below. Tho city was fifteen miles square and the armies met at the Royal Palace, slew tne guard, entered the Palace and slew t'o King, with his Ivobles and Lords, and took possession pos-session of the city (The King's name was JVabonadius, or as he was called in Scripture Belshazzar. He was the s n f Merodyeh who waa the son of Nobuchdut'Vzer. King Nabonadi-ijs, Nabonadi-ijs, if order to stai d ihe pressure of ho t-.e-sifgers anr! have tbeh prv sions h?Ul "ul, ordeied the old men, li 'le elilm-ii, ;( no the wives o those who had more than one, to be slain) Thus the Empire of Babylon fell to the iVIeads and Persi.ns, an foretold by God's Prophets, and all things pronounced against that groat and wicked city, was f Ifilled tu the very letter. After this, Cyrus ot ntinued his conquest to the east, as fur as the-rver Indus. . In the first year of the nign of King Cy- rus over Jerusalem he released the .lews fiom their long captiity. and gave th-m their lands aod asssisted tt em to rebuilu their city and Temple, by giving then? the tribute from some of the neighboring Na- . . tions. The Kings who ruled after ihe reign of Cyrusr.wero very wicked as Cambysus, Xerxiuand others. TheinroKc;o y?&s Sabmn-andJVIagian. Historicus. |