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Show FOOTIMM-- jr s '0 . T i THE; BESJ;,P,A PER . BEARTIFOILY-ILUlSTJtATB- ;.,v Aft D SOtll A merican Scientific f - i 1 i t D! , ' 1 An adVertising medium (having agcacraT ci re ulait ion "throughout Washington County. distributed gratuitously. Terms sent on beiug application. TRY IT V . a . Y fI . 'f T The Scientific American is a large, first-cl- a St. George. Utah.,; K. Johnson. Job Printer, Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen pager printed i A tbe most beautiful style, profusely illustrate .with splendid engravings, representing tho nev n his writeB ept.Inyontibns ktid the most re (font advance? i P A landlonUn Nevada' tbe' Arts and Sciences; including liew and inte own hill of fsr6, thereby 'saving' thh eating facts in Agriculture, Horticulture. Tllndi 'Medical Health, Social, Scient tic Progress. Home, annowncs cost of .splinting,, ,It. . JN atnraLlIiStory, G 90 logy ,As?tronoroy &C.' '111 mortvaluablo practical pr.pefs, by eminent wr1- -' Coffey, stiphr rose.' befe, "hamni,' ters in all departments of Science will bo. Ide frido and - a ' T. " --1 - bakt .pertaters cohla ptaddh,- - minsLpyosV mutting boyled -- b , r ec in thoTScientilic American! ;'lWinVIIj.2U Ij Korn 'Discount to rear' postage paid. agents. by postal order to MUNN fc COm. Publishers, .. k York. ; AiHS&eciincn copy lOct chops, veele'. culverts, hasch aijd, Park Kqw. M ew In connection with thoScientii DATrMTQ crucified chickwis. 1 Messrs Alunn & C Lil 0. lAI : - l A I'l.. . ait uro octal iiod on tho host terms.. 'A special noth is rnudo in tho Scientific American of at! invv which tions paten tod through tho agency with tho nan Allens bile and Advenfcuros, fbr, and residence of tho putentoe. liy tho iiniuen deals with the dark side of tho Great.-Citytho last forty years, is also appearing in the same circulation thus irivon public attei tion is dirocp Journal. Sainplb copy lor ten cents. ft. k. iox to tho morits ol the pw patent, and salos dr a , . i troduction olton easily effected. , Any porFon who has made a now discovory invention, can Ascertain, free of tharyc. wlicrh a pntont can probably bo obtained, writi to M unn A Co. Wo also Send free our nandho a out tho Patent l.awg, CaveAts, thoir costs, ai how procured, with bints for procuring ad va cos on inventions. Address MUNN k CO,. :17 l ark Ro'wN, Ofiioo cor; F & 7th St., Washington D. WnbSt..Ncv York. 183, . ' 4 Man's slippers are made for comfort, mid a'w.omanB to show her colored Mockings. 1 1 ; r j . ! FOR' SALE! A good number 4 cook stove with furniture com- Bills, Cards, Tickets. Invitation Receipts. :Duc bills, E pietc cheap for cash or trade, at Orders, wards of. merit! Legal Blanks, an Johntions. ...... 1 : ' t . ' . all. kinds.of Job Printing done j The new Enamel Faint for pale this office. at W hiteheads is a splendid article NANA.-- A soquol to by Kin tho French Zola.. from. no. by Jo and Translated convenient require? very 4H) 'urib cover, Volume, Stirling. paper mixing Weve tried it ancFspcait ges, price 7f cents. T. Jb Petewon & Bri LAs.-oKo:ii- ; . : tmd positively.?; Gall " r. ' fitte.i ' rhilftdeli bia laM publishers. v . , 1 iTana n? a carefii. studyof the life and ran ners of a certain class of poople ordinarily de as tho.?e of elegant leisure. Tho horoi An Omaha bride was married bare natod is a; car iotvj actress, whose face ai d figure cror furoro among the fashiooablo Parisians, w footed because her husbands fum afollow her on and off.tho. boards as if sho was m . all she and 'that ent veritable queen. Hor life i's oho of por!teti way, ily and oxcitemont. making the hidco pleasure didn't vrant to.seem proud. which at (loath length overtakes hor, tho uk ,C fho wrltffi.object it6mhl;o vi C agonizing. f t v T ropuisivo bv.piftu)ring in the fearfullyreplis r I manner which only Zola can, tho yawni A pretty actress settled her adabyss into which these. devotee .of. pleasure's QC falling. 'I his book has been hail A vertising f'bill with an Arkansaw gradually tho Tress of London tfnd Paribas' the ovefg by newspaper the Other day by kissing of years, and over throo hundred btyisa cojuom have been sold in Paris' alone! Only' the editor. Arkansaw editors don cents. . Postago stamps or money order. A ns dross ( gctrich. but they have heaps of JBSTWeabove. J in will, take orefingl pleasure tun, ; our firiend.aTiy I Pf the publications of Po4errf you for get it:; X Bros., a 1 advertised price. J: ... . 4 ,1 j -- Y I ; t ! 1, andilbfit A. Macdonald tnakes a of Bottleji, Wines, 1 J.- f .The 1 1 a new r. e w a-- W Htorbliry W a tch at Whitehead 1 splendid arrangement. .Call a taken bi.int. N'. - ry |