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Show LOOK; HERB;! it. TO CO V $ 1000 Plano Qnly$2&0. O'tocc-JStrfiiSGnuadSauarel- Fib. - THE MUSIC STORE. ! ; 40ST 'RBCIflVBD, ; mixed A complete tobk.bfCulmwi wdy ' " - 1 ' 1 S ; thades, besides faijde and jntside of be white. Can usedfor any lut up,. inso-allmixing required!.- ChcapoiytL I a sizes from one pound to 5 gal. a Ask for other!. no use and ! jrwu.RiH. plO card lxy.lt. no varnish! and requires lias a natural gloss 18 different MACHINES: which Singer, Howe, Weed, DleWand Victor we will sell cheap for Cash, Grain, Factory pay C or Canaan at cash rates. Ur will HhN them Magnificent Rosewood Case. Jwegantiyl Strum. Weight whet, boxed, over 19091m. Seven and oko and allow rent to apply ion purchase if desired. third octavos. Fullngraffonealo, Rosewood cno,ftIl round Have also, corners, beautiful carved legs and lyre, heavy srrrenth' g3UA lot of i good SEWING . and top mouldingsallaroundthe case, hack finished same latest foil serpentine, with Boalrys very new .rs front. , Nowars scale. and extra braces. Improved - -- lunnmors, ograuo vreuic. ana every u-- rmonicnt wjuru pan in any way tend to the perfection of. the instrument has been added. This Instrument is a maguificent Piano This offer may nppeur fabulous. but lmr.x every forte, word of iU It fes a special oifer, more lKieral tlum any other manufacturer caisafa!)r make on an instrumnitromtaliint t!u strait uuprrlor qualillr, and wero it not that 1 do bu,l- ne.s ons strlrtly rash bail-- , l would not be justidod in making It In presenting this instrument to the wc J, t? ..... many silos. endorsed. highly qualities MACHINE NEEDLES & EXTRAS, Dffl(U)!ieA!L- 0I, - And a Host of MTQM: rairilOJUSBV 9 )W Folly Warranted for Sis Tears. , No money required until thr Bent on hi If mouth test-tria- l. Piano i s fully tested at your own ho.isu 1 v. a.it IK';1 be;;i tlful Kano more er.nerally introduced, 1 r ; ( e this uivk.i-nllele- d oiler. . Order at once, us every ILmo when introduced i n a new locality sells others. lVo all know a good article is a standing advertisement. lirrrulnr retail uriro instrument by tHe mouopolllts ugrutii, about ub,d for aurli anwill sell Ibis mapulflrcnt Piano, boxed and de. 1,01)0. fllvered on board ram, to (he readers of this paper, la order to have It more penerally Introduced, fyl ora nu iiivucj i iidtiva uuvu iic nu w tcsuxl at j,own Hano Is fullyDiUaiiivuiu home. If lu any way your are under no obligation what ever tokccp it, a I will cnccrfullytake it back and pay freight charges to Sita both WATS. t3TXew Parlor Organs gss, S73, latest l lmt rated Newspaper, with much informa about cost of llanos and Organs seut free. iia. uv Tic AT PRICES 10 SUIT ALL! RCROLL-SAWINTURNING, GRAIN CHOPPING &c G, v u j-o- 91 Done to order on short notice by WARDEN HARDY. Workshop on road to Washington. )a 'h ,u :h it il Address DANIEL F. BEATTY, Washington, Now Jersey, UeSA Mrs. Partington said that a gen tleman laughed so heartily that she was afraid he would burst his jocu BOSS SICKLE GRINDER. lar vein. . . Simple Light end Strong. No complicated Gearing. One man can do the work of two, and tnm ont a better job. The winner of First Premium wherever exhibited. Send forlllnstratcdCircuIar and Special Discounts to Powell id Douglas, Wankegan, Qli Little drops of water Little dash of rum Fugar, egg and nutmeg i)own she goes yum! yum! Try J ohusons Fills. I 1 |