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Show -! ' m IT. V First North St. Near Post Dopofc: J ; - P. ROMNEY, m -- , , At prepared cla j; V..V.W!'!f , ' J PERFECTLY i. I t tcrfurni-h- Office. . ;. m s .- 4NS, SPECIFICATIONS, , nev BILLS OK MATERIAL; i .i ate w- & rt ndl all)1 other irif6r&&ti&n ip regard to tho kinds of buildings. T1 , s ... - ieiu ition !of all Hi r van The Cheapest and most. Effective power In the world lor Pumping water lor stock; Irrigating purposes, supplying houses and fountain? with pure, Iresh water, etc. All ol our Mills are lully warranted, and are enual to any mill in the market in all respects, and superior invery many. With our print- , ed instructions.any.ono can. set them up; We are also Manulacturers ol the Original and only Genuine with Porcelain-e- d nder, Tubing, Iron Cyli- enti AC i ten Aqueduct Pipe to 5 in. Irom h ore, Shats wells veil aten Patent Door and liotli Window Screen, nve mu men irocti a i :ory 0- - O herb vriti the BoSs Sickle Grinder, etc. Sold by . the trade generally throughout the country. Send lor Illustrated Catalogue. SdU h o e W in e s i-- c I ! 1 HJ POWELL & DOUOLAS, Waiikegui, 3U, N, X nD. 55 G mi- Q n- r3 an me 3, I 25 fl'-JI- g i T3 K. ' ii"l o 3 B , ; HOME-MAD- E ri K Johnsons .U TAU )DLBTQN, 101! go? ft 1 Family Medicines. BONF.SET PILLS. For Liver ccmplair.tK, Dyspepsia, Headache, B Loss of appetite, .Jaundice, Indigestion, Sleep-iesnes- s, Fevers, Colds, Billious Complaints Ac. 5 ' a Br ES ENCE OF LIFE: 5.SJU Tho best Compound in tho world for tho :us cure of Wind or pain in tho Stomach or Bowels, Colics, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Flux, Choiura, Cholera Morbus, Toothache Ac.. in-stant- ano r1 rl inn y dej w g I 52iH g S w as jijrcti hi dec ho m ike Vi replis I'awni sure a buiisa Only or. A s : ffl 2. o cj p C: OQ 8'i; 25'-a tI o S5. 0 , 3TS .:'U bead cc O ! c.-. N- . . S3x.33a. . O'Oq ;.:EB9 r&i?' !r O S,v m 3 3 PI p Po4ch w ManuPr andDealor in 813 X, OQ O ifcitigf . ' S- - hail affi 10s 0V( Aw, I -- g,' noro o croi :all v : Light Castings Made. to Order. id ho i M! Wood Pump 10c o SELf-BEGULAT- STAIR srs. ins, n ; twr aving under steady' employ a good corps of four ders and Cabinet Makers; we aro'proparod r d p rect Stores, DwellinjvAG., and Also to pro v u ;duco all kinds of ttomf tr -- i . edi rate t U&oii'i B,iiil.&ei ! . 9r m Y c- - ;S- .S: v a P URN ITU RE EC-iidria-reaBai- - s?, dbo. AI.SO.UeNKRAIi u.i CARPENTER AND BUILDER; I ry Jolmsoiis Tills. DudNouh otrcci. St. George. , |