Show Union Building Opens Soon Committees P Plan I a n Housewarming Definite plans for tie the informal opening of the Union b building were completed yesterday when Douglas Woodruff manager of the Union building announced the formation of a committee which will carryout carryout carry carryout out the program The committee is a central organization organization organization or or- composed of members who will act as chairmen of subcommittees subcommittees sub sub- committees commit ees directly responsible for forthe forthe forthe the various phases of the program The chairmen will choose coworkers work co ers for tl beir respective subcommittees subcommittees subcommittees sub com as they see fit According to Mr Woodruff the names of the chairmen their re respective respective respective re- re responsibilities and the names of their committees are as follows The TIle program committee with Earl Coppock as chairman will work out ut and direct the program which will be held in the building shortly after noon Wednesday November No No- November vember 25 at which time the in in- in formal opening program will commence com com- mence The A. A W. W S. S with Laura Snow as committee ommittee chairman in in cooperation cooperation cooperation op co with the Mo Mothers Mothers' hers hers' club of which Mrs James Ingebretsen Ingebretse i is pre president ident will be in charge of the refreshments which will be s served during the afternoon Douglas Woo Woodruff ruff will be chairman chairman chairman chair chair- man of the invitation committee It Itis Itis Itis is planned to send official invitations invitations invitations to all al who have contributed and subscribed to the building and to former fonner students of the school I Iwho who have taken active part in the the Union building program am as well as inviting the general public The e reception committee committe will bein bein be I in the charge o of Dave Ellison and will vill arrange for an of official i iril rec reception reception recep recep- p- p tion line of the distinguished officials officials officials cial's of the school and alumni Theron Theron The The- The Theron ron Parmelee is in charge of publicity publicity pub pub- advertising a and d Co Continued on page 2 Committees Plan Fete for fOl or Opening Student Union Union- Student Of Of Continued from Page 1 Miss Jeanne Home is chairman of the procession committee It is planned to have a parade of the trophies from the Park building to the he Union building Many 1 former fonner students of fame will participate in n this procession Jerry Terry Jones is chairman of the guide committee which will be in charge harge of the groups of f guides to tobe tobe toe be e present during the afternoon to take ake parties through the building These chairmen form a central committee ommittee called the central committee committee committee com com- for the informal opening of the lie Union building with Earl Coppock Coppock Cop- Cop pock jock as chairman |