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Show bAKtEV ITE1IS. Carriage License. Vacant Lott, ana liailroads lVantel. OAJO.EV, Idaho, May 20th, ISOO. Corresiondcnce of the Desehct Xenb. It apjsrs that iu the matter of matrfeg there is a law obtaining ln Utah requiring thoi contracting parties to take out a j license before n minister ot magts-l iratsb TUloweit io itrform the cere-1 mony, and in the case or young J couples from other Territories In I ignorauce ot the requirement, It sometimes cause's annoy anceand ix- r.nse, unless loth parties are of age or accompanied by their parents or guardians. A catc IU polal occurred lately In Logan. A couple from this place, accompanied by the bride's mother, were, after their arrival in Logan, compelled to ret.irn to Franklin) Iilaho, mid be married because the brluegroom was under age and not furtifled with the presence cr a written consent or his nrcnu. On his return In prc-ured the marrhsolrtne, 1 ul this latterwas, I juJge, needless In this case, but he understood from the I.ogau officer that It was the proper thing to do. riie health or the jieople here is good, but wu am very dry. The rains jou have tieen leaving this spring ap(ar to have-been stopped ofTat or ne-ir the south boundary lino or Idaho; vhtcli. or e-out, would be the correct thing if the storms are inaugurated iu Utah. The nult Is Uie farmers havo to irrigate ir-rigate the ir crops up, but we have the advantage this year of having an abundance of w ater to use. It is ex ice ted IhcStakc Academy will Ik; closed after this week rrom lack or nttindaiu-c. The inaucuia- tiun of turh au important striue in Uie right direction, aud its beneficial effects haie been immeusu and highly appreciated. We haveseverallhousandsofcor-uerlots haveseverallhousandsofcor-uerlots ll-mnll tlie way irom St) to 3J0 rods wide, or at least Uncle Sam has, and good utizens can have good soeicty. The josl winter has been disastrous disas-trous to the cattle-, Ailly sixty i.r cent Imiugdlcd. The loss of sheep has been quite forty inr it nt, but Uie hor-cs hive done lietter. We need a few railroads to nasi through or center In this alley 'o make time's loiter tiian they arc financially, finan-cially, Uit in other respects we ran' afford to bee-outent ( Yours SMKlkS. j |