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Show ri 1 1 m irii. Ilmi mi ludlildunl Manacrd t" 1)1. ! or II U liev. IaiMkin Maj 2(, V man w horn his neighbors call lllutbenrd has been dlMt)vereJ ami imprloned in Hie vh initv of Uelgradi. Hlsname is Iliija. Korthe la-t t"-ertty j-ars lie has been a cou-idenl le lnud-ouner lnud-ouner and the iroprietor of the largest tavern in tho suburbs of the -ervlan caiiital. lluja was living with his first wife when he made his fitt ap4ratice among the IU1-gradianiln IU1-gradianiln l'-f Two jcars later she vanl-hed. Ituja advcrtiteil for her, had detectives to trj to find her an I apparently mourned fur her deeply. After nil his etlotts liad proved in uln and two jcars liad elajtl he niarrittl again. The setcud Mrs. lluja lasted until the mlJdle of IM then she too dropied out of "-ight. Ituja did a; he had done when the first Mrs lluja vanished and wajutas unsuccessful unsuccess-ful as before W ith ls7"i came another Mr". Ituja, wiio could not bu found after Jut lS7u In the -prlngof IS77 a fourth Mrs. Ituja shared Mr. I'uJV bedaud board. Shi wasjoungand pretty anil ao deolrd tolitrhus inn J as he seeme-l to be to her After a ball one evening inlSTs she started fur iiomc alone in a cab. bbo was StVKI. IEN AUVC afterward Her huband ntiiMcked the coUa'rV for her. ro-MlrnM Tlth unusual Triiemeiice and swore that he would I evermarry again. llu remained single until ISsl, wiien he took his llftli wife. He has lived with her ewrsiucu and has had three children by her. He-had He-had la J luck In Inid cpcculiliou eighteen months ago and was obliged to sell part of his farm Six weeks ago the purchaser LrokefTou.ri'1 for a cellar Two feet 1'ew theu'fa'-e hfiame il)U a sealed beer barrel In it lie found the skeleton of a woman,attlred in a ball dress, some jeuelr that liad dropped from the woman's neek and ears gave n clue to the fact that the skeleton belonged be-longed to thebodj of Buja'e fourth wife. Ituja was arrested and confessed that he had throttle-! hrr, packed lur in rtrkind buried heron the night uf her return from the ball His only reason for the murder was that lie was wear uf her. lluja rtfu'cd to say whether or not lie killed his other three wives. The police arc having the Kuja firm carefullj examined with lick and shovel and plough In the hope ol finillug the skeletons of the rest nf the women I'uja is suspctled of having put out of his wat. I.rniiou tjtlhollrs Miiaai hn, Mty io Tlie first convention of the German Catholic societies of W icon-In opened this morning Up to noon nearly T0 mtmbcrsof societies, 100 de'egale", and about evcuraloui-ts had reported re-ported at hiaiquarttrt. Nothing Wit organizitlon was accomplished toJai It is exjected that the convention con-vention will ado t nsolutlous in opposition to the Itennett compul-sor compul-sor school law, which isju-t now shaking ililical foundations In the badger state. A parade of local societies and visiting delegations Is in progress this afternoon There seems to lie an absence, of direct purtxise on the lrt of the convention. The present constitution of the societies prohibits prohib-its Interference In politics. It is surml-cd that this barrier will be removed In order that the Catholics Catho-lics may exert tliem-elvts against the school law n-xt fall. The leaders, lead-ers, however, scout the idea that the meeting has any direct bearing on the coming political campiigu in Wisconsin. Seized and Sbol. ShLMA, C, May 2S While John Starling was returning home from this place In wsgon with his wife on Saturday, a crowd of men seisesi and took him Into the w oods, tied him to a tree and shot him Starling was a rough character, who had Ioug been a terror to the neighborhood neigh-borhood and was suspected nf Lav. lng killed his mother in law and brother-in-law in hopes of obtaining their propertj . The Orrcon Trrmseonllnrnlal New York, Stay M. The Oregon Ore-gon Transcontinental directors today to-day discussed reorganlntion. The full plan will not be made public until the annual meeting on June 16th. It ii officially announced, however, that a new company will bo formed, whose stock will tie exchanged ex-changed at liar for Oregon Trans-rantln-ntal and, In addition, the aurplus of ,1)00,000 will be divided among the Oregon Transcontinental stockholders aa dividend. |