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Show IN A ('KE.VT .SHIP'S tOt KER. riounts ntoi Tin. steward's M-rAirrjiir3.T i.v tiii: ''cn ot I-ARIS." In the busy season the "City of Paris" carries) about o50 first cablu, 2i0secord cab!:: and U30 stetraee! IH.engrs says the i?ki. Thereare I 1 Iu tlie ship's compiny, including 1 doctois, jaluteis, Loikr-makets !,3r linkers, thrie utchen, Scieuteeli I cvoks, hydraulic, electrical and other engineers to the uumb-r of 3J.14, stewards and light stewaidt -. 'So there may lie about l&o') a-board. a-board. No'.with!anJing the fait Uiat many of the iasengtrs aru seasick from the time they passSaudyllook until 1'astnet is sighted, they manage to conrenne in one trip soii.t"j!in-; Hkc I-ktAW s'lliils of fresli betf, .KXW jiOuniis or cornel lntr, -WJU juunds of mutton, luuj Kuudsof limu, 2iX)J imuis of i-ul and iwrk, I5.0W jsiund.- or I aeon imiuds or liver, tr je- and sa is ge, 2UU hams, TM juuuds 1 1 fish, 2,tH0 egg, 1? tons or jsiUtees tonsorotbtrxerfetabli-s, "i-) lo-inds otbuttir, bM pounds of ihiese-, M l-ouniliiif .-..lie, .", isiuuisof tea, KM im.iiii Js i r K in sugar, I'm founds orpovuleredsuar, I.7U jpoiiihI cf loaf sugar, JJ j'xiiilsof mdst suga-7 suga-7 m imiuds of salt, 2iW unds of nuts ii) pounds or dried rruit, 2-1 barrels ora pits !W lemons -'', cases or or.mj;e and other gneii fn-'t !u "fison "WO IiotilM or .it kits, 15-J bottles of ketiliup, sauce-and sauce-and horse- rvdi-h, and 150 cans of prc-crics. Thire are a'so iuantltlts or poultry, oyster-, etrjlnf, cannctl vegetnblei", ami soup!, ilnegar 11 i.r, mu-Urd, curry, rice,taj iw-a, sago, lioniiny, oatmeal, moIa-c, condensed milk, "tlutied" Itostu-i beans eonfectiot.cryand Iceerea-u. Fifty liouuds of Ice cream ire seried at a Ingi- meal 111 the first vabjn. Ihlrly lons&fieo.tre rctitlifrtl to keep the great storerooms cool. Eight lorn Is of II Mir are used dally. The lakirsare busy from dann of day. They make JkW delicious Parker house rolls for breakfast ciry morning. Thirty clghtpound loaves of white bread, and KM lundsof brown bread are baked each day; afeo lies, luddlngs cakes, itc. Elglit barrels of common craikcrs. and 1OT tins of fancy trackers nre stowed away iu tho storeroom, I together Willi ItW iUtiUs of wine and plum cake, not a crumb of which ls left when Livirpool is reached. Six thousand bo'tles ot ale nbd iirter. .i lotUes ot mineral waters -M Iwltles or wine, aud more or less anient spirits, are drunk itisldo or six days by the guests or this huge floating hotel. About 3IXM cigars ore sold on board, but many more are smoked. Two hundred isuiids or toilet oap are supplied by the -teaimhiii company. One f ttic Odd Sigilta to be rerm on the doubteselecked Inman pier soon after tbt: arrival ot the "queen of tho ocean gnyhounJs" Is Uie-great stacks nf soiled Hueu, which are being assorteil by about a dcxeu stewards. Hen-Is the wash it for n -Ingle trip. Xapklns, S.T00; tal,!e-clotlis tal,!e-clotlis ISO; sheets, .txHplllowia es. ; 41'W: towels 10,2iH, and dozens or blankets and i-ountirjaiic. Although Al-though the IM Is very short, it re- I quires four large two-horse trucks to carry the wash to tho Imrin company's com-pany's sara laundry in Jersey City. In less than a week it i back in the lorkers of the linen rooms, which nre in ihargc of a regular linen keeper. There is no w ashing done on board. Many of the ship's company have their washing done In ew Yotk, but Uie freater number have It done In rviool.Itotton GfteV, |