Show i b i U WEATHER FORECAST LOCAL METAL PRICES UTAH WYOMING — Unsettled Wednesday and Thursday IDAHO NEVADA— Fair Wedlitnesday and Thursday tle change "Gold Silver (domestic) Silver (foreign) Copper j Lead 385c Zinc Local Lead VOL 129 NO 102 Entered ituthe Lake City SALT LAKE CITY UTAH WEDNESDAY MORNING JULY 25 1934 Poateffiee at Bull li Matter 8econd-C- Outlaw’s Nemesis Receives Thanks MY FREES STRIKE TIES if iBiiiMHiV f rfffn at Great Center Animals Drop Dead 46c 900c Weekly Settlement 176c Copper 24 PAGES—FIVE 430c Prleei S65e CENTS Record Throngs FAIR FIGHT End Carnival in BY TRUSTS Blaze of Glory fs ttst nrrjf ‘NOT GUILTY’ Walkout of Workers Paralyzes Trading $3500 64t4o Engineer Acquitted of Slaying Ogden Girl in Park-a- t Golden Gate Senator Brands Business City Officials Estimate Attendance at More Than 55000 on Closing Day Firecrack- Combinations as Foes ers Resound Until Dawn of New Deal QUICK VERDICT GIVEN CHALLENGES Prosecutor Unsuccessful in Amerieans Urged to Battle Combines With Valor of Pioneers U S Orders Suspension of Cattle Buying Truce Sought Impassioned Plea for Conviction Prizes Awarded in Pageant of Progress ‘ENEMY’ Governor Blood Views Parade and Visits Rodeo Mayor Peery Commission Get t— Credit for Success of Fiesta By Staff Correspondent OGDEN July 24— The three-da- y Pioneer festival ended In a By Associated Press 24— Mil24 blaze of glory Tuesday as Ogden 'FRANCISCO Idaho ST ANTHONY SAN host to thousands of visiJuly July played By Associated Press marine enlard Hickman paying a glowing tribute to tors attracted to the celebration from all communities in the northCHICAGO July 24— All trading at tothe western pioneers who "planted ern part of the state western Wyoming and southern Idaho gineer was acquitted by a jury the world's greatest livestock center City murGate of Golden the seeds of an empire’’ United officials estimated that more than 55000 persons attended the clos-in- g the park night Millard Hickman came to an abrupt halt today Slates Senator William E Borah in der of Louise Jeppesen cf Ogden day of the celebration which ha3 been unsurpassed in Utah The huge Chicago stockyards was an address here today hurled a chal Utah The carnival spirit which seized 2 a m when at a strike paralyzed by The jury which retired at 437 lenge to the "defenders of monopoly" the town last Saturday night intensithe 800 members of the Livestock UTAH’S-FIRSto fight "in the open” and vehement: fied on the closing day and made of p m reached its verdict at 7:33 Handlers’ union walked out denonnred their cause BiHTtwasMLunUlmhPur ly 'hat brief period' TiotmF'TfBlse' Thg " ”"’ a! antm five1 thousa nd" Seventy streets of the Junction city were T of moI Lile When the discuss that question Judge later hanSuperior the since most of them unfed United States Attorney General Ilomer S Cummings at right thronged with residents and visitors Jacks reached the courtroom and lis- shown with Melvin II Purvis head of the Chicago office of the nopoly” he told an annual Pioneer dlers abandoned their posts bleated and each moment was punctuated inand milled in their unprotected of investigation when Purvis who laid the trap for Dillin-g- day audience “I am accused of attened to the judgment of acquittal bureau with the loud cacaphony of fireof number An uncounted closures reeeived official congratulations for ridding the country of tacking the new deal” by critics me be alone for a few mincrackers Let and blank pistol shots which the hottest who are “‘unwilling or unable to meet them dropped dead as utes I want to be by myself" were its No 1 public enemy Dillinger was slain Sunday night resounded until dawn the weather the city ever experienced — question presented” verdict as the words Hickman’s only The Pioneer Pageant of Progress 1048 d e g r e e s— transformed their "Do these people contend that when was announced parade which marked the official a person attacks monopoly he attacks habitat into a Death Valley deliberated only The jury actually opening of the festivities was reAll but 10000 of 15000 of the mamthe new deal?” he asked one hour and 49 minutes having gone peated for the benefit of visitors one new moth livestock herd were listed as ‘Generous’ Offer Reported out to "Is and the deal monopoly Tablets Goodnot Unveiled m at and dinner at 6:05 p Tuesday at 9:30 a m But the paand theaame distressed when the government thing? 7:12 m rade proved but' a continuation of p resuming its session until 'Made to Moscow for One of the announced purposes of brought them here from parched After the seemingly endless hours year Home on Ogden the celebration which began three in new the deal— fact basic the prairies Most of these were already days before of argument by attorneys of both Ogdenites celebrated Chinese Line was to increase purchasing Tabernacle Grounds gaunt and emaciated from months throughout Monday night as they sides the courtroom sprang into sudto of is The effect spent on the dusty plains with Inpower monopoly Mulsucceeded in revivifying ths wild den life as Prosecutor Peter J decrease if not destroy purchasing adequate food and water " days of the frontier era lins ended his final plea In midaft By Associated Press to Th the (SDecUl Tribune) Denies e Red’ in ‘Woman power among Sun people Biasing High Tempera' New Floats Entered TOKYO July - 25 (Wednesday) ernoon A 24— OGDEN significant July Monopoly Held New Deal Foe A blazing sun beat down on the — Thank Prosecutor The parade Tuesday surpassed-thabffice for the A Was Knew Sh foreign IJe spokesman lures Registered Commission of corrals 'The most insidious and most suc- feature of the Pioneer festival was of the crazy-quiDefense Attorneys Harry and Edday jn length snd men although prevented by the hevealed today Japan has sent to win McKenzie Jumped to their feet cessful enemy of the new deal acJ the unveiling of a granite marker music previous Additional floats wers en- Outlaw Notorious Cities Midwest o to union adherents from leading any of Moscow a proposal demanding a its announced and bronze the Miles beside tablet cording y for purposes tered near-bfrom opportucommunities and with vociferous requests animals to a merciful is this power of vast combinations to Goodyear cabin in Tabernacle park the number of bands was swelled to the suffering answer on the potentially dan nity to answer arguments of Mullins ' to to be the and off fix death in the' slaughtering houses rake the cabin believed The all first 15 gains There also were a larger number prices of disposal of the they said had- not been supported by By Associated Pr&s CHICAGO July 24 (JP)— Police which filled their1 drinking troughs and gcrous problem of the case Their may come to the farmers the white man’s home erected in Utah of spectator® viewing the' spectacle The summer-’- s hottestmeat wave Captain Thomas Duffy of the Shefin Manchu-ku- the previous course Eastern Chinese which railway those 1841 hoses with or was and built in the laborers the as trapper by sprayed it moved along Washington aveproducers request was denied! had caused more than 700 deaths by seemed most likely to succumb The defenders of monopoly will sold in 1848 to Captain James Brown nue 22 blocks in length Severin Jeppesen brother of he Tuesday night adding to its victims field police tonight said Mrs Anna to cusnot who in be of Mormon Battalion was Some of the animals staggering hide of behind the the purGovernor Henry H Blood visited permitted Gary' The proposal was in the nature of slain gipl who has listened carefully yesterday at the rate of 10 an hour Sage formerly from starvation and weakened by the a final offer to the Soviet tody with another woman and ad- new deal They will have to fight in chased Goodyear's cabin livestock the festival during the day and govern- throughout the trial rose and stepped with no relief in sight of Weber and land all the in the “woman heat were shot down by government red” mitted open!” embracing viewed the parade from the marquee : being to Mullins side e Throwing an arm temperatures were rehis ad- county 'for $3000 of the Hotel Ben Lomond inspectors and hauled away Federal ment the spokesman said on pro- about his shoulders he thanked the corded in high cities of the midwest who accompanied John Dillinger to Referring in the course He also" many dress to the “movement authorities were urged to withhold tracted negotiations involving the which The slab and marker were erected visited the rodeo during the afterand new more disastrous estimates of his death trap prreecutor warmly the Weber said further consignments of the the Mormon Mrs into Daughnoon the county by chapter brought police captain Sage people transfer of the railway to Manchukuo We are eternally grateful for all the damage to crops and livestock kine A major portion of named Mrs Rita Keele Gary di- beautiful valley of the Great Salt ters of Utah Pioners and the Utah Credit for the success of the fesdone” he said i At 2 p m central standard time vorcee Trails as asso- tival was unanimously awarded to Pioneer 87 and Landmarks Lake here came who of as one the thousands of these cattie the gov- The line formerly was jointly oper- you’ve recently years ago today” The case went to the jury at4:40 the death total stood at 655 for the 22 ated by China and the Soviet is the ciation beside the hisIt woman’ ernment bought had been sent here them situated of with the other marvelous and treks Sunday great Mayor Harman W Peery and the m alter instructions lasting about states most affected At 8 p m it was cabin which is being preserved in Ogden city commission was slain as tory the senator declared: The farm administration in WashThe foreign office is now awaiting p35 minutes who have Jurors appeared eager 719 half of them in Missouri and Illi- night when Dillinger orderfrom a the whither was moved the answered the it came from he of park decided to make an annual celebrar neighborhood plea by ington “Everyone capable a reply from Moscow the spokes- to leave their seats alter the'- long nois being moved Ht of the ef site a the the near the the Side with of ideas' North tion of the Utah state holiday The original temporary suspension ing junction by great daring by patient man said and the reply must 'be' ol listening to arguments since The Chicago weather bureau report- - athrtm two women mammoth parade was arranged by a buying of cattle in the arid areas be- either acceptance or rejection of the siege suffering by a spirit of devotion the Ogden and Weber rivers Arguments were ed the hottest weather ever endured Friday morning has been The cabin as here cause of the Chicago situation and be- Tokyo proposal known Keele which Mrs a never failed Polly preserved committee headed by Lyles W Larleadership unlimited in time and 'Edwin Mc- there — 1048 degrees officially 105" at re- which never failed from Stone Minerva was name cause other markets are congested maiden her kin as chairman assisted by L Howpioneer days by readily joins with It was made clear Tokyo considers talked eight hours lor the de- 2:40 p m The previous high was Hamiltpn to have fled and the Mormon people in paying tribute Shaw 83 who was present at the ard Swanner Walter Bruce Ferrin The National Livestock Marketing that upon Mdscow’s answer depends Kenzie police by ported 103 1903 in tense' association representing some was believed on her way to the home to these pioneer men and women who ceremonies and was given a bouquet Larkin C R Roberts E R Buckner whether the negotiations already Evidence Reviewed St Louis’ new high was 1102 with of her livestock raisers and feeders ap- drawn out for 13 months will be abrather than surrender their faith of gladioli Mrs Shaw’s father pur- Verne R Ekins Claude Coray Brig parents at Fargo N D 29 deaths for Tuesday and 143 for the Whether cabin from' Captain Harbetson and the state highway paMrs Sage also known as faced the perils and privations of the chased the Beginning late Friday alternoon pealed to Washington authorities to ruptly terminated producing a dan111 111 had Mrs Anna Miller was the with Quincy the lawyer went over every scrap season Present at the ceremonies trol commanded by Lieutenant B wilderness and in doing so planted Brown "finger” bring about a settlement of the strike gerous strain upon 108 for seven to truce relations or their speedy and suc- ol evidence at the trial declared the had temperatures above or to at least effect a point out Dillinger to the 15 fed the seeds of an empire We are all were a number of descendants of C Hillis 31 men and five police from East beneficiaries of the years of sacrifice persons who at one time lived in the to enabler a cleanup of the suffering cessful termination assured prosecution had completely failed to consecutive days and above 90 for eral Prises Awarded new highs reported days Ind and Indiana Harbor and patient building of the pioneer cabin stock already in the yards here or “We believe our proposal to be ac(Continued on Page Ten Chicago 111 Judges of parade floats confessed 108 Rockford included Peru Eight) (Column be not Recalls to route him could for wired was Dr wait in The plea eh Early Day Ogden whatever his faith or political creed” ceptable to the Soviet” the spokes111 they met great difficulty in making 107 Centralia 111 Ill Milwau- lying learned J S Mohler chief of the packer man declared “It is very generous” Dora P Holther past president of the awards in the various divisions as Lauds Pioneer’s Spirit 111 and 105 Iowa Ottumwa kee DillindeU S the denied knew she Mrs Sage stockyards division of He disclosed that Foreign Minister Then rising to the heights of the the Weber county Daughters of Utah they scanned the picturesque tha Independence Kan 112 ger as the notorious outlaw and said partment of agriculture Koki Hirota “acting as mediator and The hottest town officially Was she with which he often has Pioneers presided at the ceremonies novel and the beautiful entries oratory as Lawrence” knew him “Jimmy Plants Overtaxed after consultation with Manchukuo” Vinita in northeast Oklahoma at Federal men and Police Captain John swayed the United States senate for which Gwere opened with prayer by Judges were Ernest Spencer PocaEllis George Albert Smith tello chairman Miss Thelma Phelps John No restrictions wbre placed on the handed the proposal to' Russian AmBjr Associated Pres 117 although more exciting but less of the city's "Dillinger” squad almost 30 years the senator de- president of the Utah Pioneer Trails Youreneff who promised to Montpelier Idaho Mayor J Wesley DOMESTIC claimed: official reports were numerous They Stege handling of the distressed cattle but bassador her at length and Landmarks’ association acted as Horsley of Brigham City Maurice "If heat wave claims the packing plants found their facili- reply after communicating with Moswould were topped by a reading of 147 on a questioned know the you Prolonged pioneer's of local H the head Purvis Melvin in his in- Holt and Carlyle L Wight of Ogden ties already overtaxed by the glut of cow full stature and grasp the full force master of ceremonies and thermometer in the sun outside a nearly 700 lives Chicago temperrecalled his boy(Continued on Pftsr Seventeen) The Martha society was awarded animals on hand of his geniqs contrast him with the troductory remarks ature sets record (Column One physician's office in Ellis Kan hood days when he visited in Ogden first prize among civic organizations Two commission' houses provided Movie ‘Moral’ Jury cowed whipped CHICAGO — Two women One spine- A grandson of Lorin Farr Ogden's lor the float depicting the “Old Womfodder for some of the stock and the said to have accompanied John (Continued on Pare Two) first mayor Mr Smith said he con- an Who Lived in a Shoe" Second (Column Three) Union Stockyards & Transit comLocked Up Djllinger on fatal theater visit Night sidered the present tabernacle site prize was given the Salt held Dillinger's body sent home pany which operates the yards anas “holy ground sacred to my first chamber of commerce floatgjand the nounced it would attempt to get s paraLOS ANGELES July 24 IP)—After recollections” Japanese society was awarded third sustenance to the government-purchasestrike handlers’ many lyzed by for more The cabin was unveiled by Eliza- prize Honorable mention was given deliberating animals die"! animals beth ghawrft- granddaughteeof- Mi- the Ogden Rotary- - elub float the hi-- -' Trucks weretised’to’eonvey' ani- hours tonight without reaching a verMillard SAN FRANCISCO the jury of eight men and four nerva Ston f- Shaw whose wish to nese society the Red Cross and tha ( mals that expired to rendering works dict of not found Hickman guilty women in the preserve tile Goodyear cabin as a IContinued on Pt Ten) of Og- Although the union men were out morals” trial of Dave “Hollywood Louise Jeppesen sacred-te' Allen and - slaying was reali(Column One) foree piekoteng-th-e ““ deft "Utah” GlofiOlarsh was lockeS up lot the zed during the ceremonies Rosella "This place unfair to organized labor” — thouOne MINNEAPOLIS' Much-Neede- d F Larkin read a brieftribute to Mrs before 10 p m Pacific night signs upon their backs only one In- time shortly sand more militia enter city as The third of a series of Shaw for her work in preserving the stance of violence was reported A Allen and Miss Marsh are accused “final” terms for ending truck his cabin to date and recited a brief nonunion laborer was struck on the of ' y were of accounts are outside ask framed interests for opposed strike livestock apparently Utah having participated in an immoral tory of the Structure resoluhead by an iron water plug as he a 16 adminin disof the mention Farm to WASHINGTON— of haste in the formation grazing last April 26 with June De 1he beginnings of the Traces Cabin’s History stood on a hay dock His assailant party attractive lstration suspends cattle purtricts in Utah in view of the long tion designed to express to the departblonde film extra Long was not known on Frank Francis former mayor of views area in of chases interior their the ment have some drouth of them 20 years ago The best handy collection of battle at least World war in the latter’s apartment A brief Interlude of activity was Ogden-- t made the dedicatory address SAN FRANCISCO — Striking made for the enactment of some form methods of placing the Taylor grazdessert recipes available anytBfe of 12 traced the he on wherein in this state history act submiteffect in actual on DEER MAKES VISIT ballot injected into the otherwise idle day of range control and of the fact that ing appears today page where at a nominal cost is conlongshoremen cabin and linked it with the develop-meri- t (Continued on Page Six) the drouth has brought about range Finally Mr Hooper struck from the tained in the booklet Desserts ting troubles to arbitration GREENSBURG Pa July 24 OP)— A (Column One) west' also a! the Ho of mention resolution all conditions that maybe materially proposed doe1 Pfeggy" which escaped last by Famous women' compiled to the m'emory of the pioneers The scries has been and printed by our WashingVIENNA— One hanged after benefited if the activities of govern- the 16 and the resolution was adoptJanuary from Idlewild park couldn’t and faith noted and their courage ment are directed to the develop- ed unanimously ton Information Bureau for 1200 socialists rounded up in resist the temptation to visit “home” Fred- Colonel by in are prepared “we ceremonies such that keepSessions Held ment of stock watering supplies and the use of our readers Park attendants saw “Peggy" near antiterrorist drive ing them alive with memories and of roads It contains scores of attracprick Palmer famed war the cages hobnobbing with the con The meeting of the stockmen was Hawaii — President KAILUA revived and in are memories being tive recipes for both usual and fined deer but when they called her Roosevelt reaches coast heads Just how that haste is to be made held at the Hotel Utah in the afterwe that live” ABOARD S S MALOLO way correspondent she scampered off into the woods unusual desserts cakes and for fishing banks the stockmencollectively speaking noon with S M Jorgensen president That the Goodyear cabin is linked Ju1n4— The big thing you hear of the Utah Wool Growers presiding are not inclined or able to say pies' and puddings and novel- the side PacHic of the ICemimird nnTazr lcnl aboutjbn ties- of-- every-sor-tJ- - BeerafUof LoSome ere -' the issue of priorrty of range and Professoe-R- (Column Tnfrp) at ’wor'ldTsihe'great exposition and some very rights or privileges which amounts gan secretary following a suggesin Octo- j Melbourne Australia very modern Send for your to about the same thing in the stock tion made at a morning session which ber It's the tourists’ next great copy today enclosing six cents be involved the was conducted by Oscar L Chapman eyes grower’s might it’s where that greatest roundup ii coin to cover cost and “little fellows” were 'inclined to assistant secretary of the United of all air races is to end $50000 handling charge fellows’ ” States interior department A group askance at the glance "big to London from Melbourne prize Use This Coupon plan to indorse acceptance of the of experts from that department i2000 miles We have over aN of the groups already headed by Mr Chapman began in The Salt Lake Tribunefliers our 24 over crack of and V£AN FRANCISCO July dozen Los An- applications for the formation (JP— razors a hone and strop 1 of Lake 16 a Salt series of Information Bureau City Monday presented half the ships in it will be AmerThe package of Shaving equipment geles police said it looked like some- grazing districts in the state which are designed to give Haskin meetings Director Frederic J ican made' one was trying to "kid” the senaKAILUA Hawaii July 24 (—Ap- headed for the Makalawena banks the federal officials an insight into received 'IikLos Anglees today by Washington D C No Hostile Move tor Wiley Post hopes to make It In of administration of the pearing tanned fit and well rest- where the giant swordfish run Pala-kikthe I enclose herewith SIX CENTS problems Senator WillitftsG McAdoo and 50 hours keeping the championSome of the stockmen were not act as it affects the various When the package was received here In another boat were Henry ed after his voyage in coin (carefully wrapped) for grazing from Panama President Roosevelt which Los Angeleig-- j police opened Mr McAdoo's office manager E D in on the formation of these disHawaiian fisherman ship In Oklahoma I would “sho” champion in the semiarid west a copy of the DESSERT BOOK-LEregions I could 16ve to be with Wiley under water on the tnbepy it might Flaherty became suspicious of it and tricts Commander Despite the assurance of Guy The Hooper resolution adopted in arrived today on this historic coast— and Lieutenant be his navigator I have flown contain a bomb yas no nfyery at called detectives They rushed to James A Hqoper secretary o£ Jlje the afternoon in Its final form read: the first president of the United Rothwell veteran angler to direct — all to G R Sullivan the sendiJr the offices took the package kept Utah Wool Growers’ association and that very same route ten thou“1 Name We' the immediate es- States ever to visit Hawaii and then the way to whatever point would A “I’m sand of the twelve from Singafriend of McAdoo and a passengers off the elevators and others that no hostile motive should tablishment suggest went ashore give the president the best chance without coming fishing of for districts grazing good Democrat” said Sullivan who Started for the open spaces of the be placed on such omissions that the pore to London on the Duich Permitting nothing to interfere to land a big one Street preservation of the ranges on all with "An explana-jLoline Hope to see lots of aviation is in business harp his intended recreation and rest Angeles river bed tn douse the the others can come in on the same grazing land Deferring to thV- president’s com " on this trip no chief one fished executive the after that fury letter preceded the package 'suspected- "bomb" in water before! footing at the public hearings reing receiving particular im"2 We urgently request that Ctv He should have read it" Yours opening it ‘They stopped however jquired by the law and that independ mediate improvement of such graz- Territoi Joseph Pnin- - spot during the past week The package opened under water at a large open Tot en route and there ent districts can be proposed and U S S Houston out was The aboard the dexter president starting Slate ing areas be commenced and that in in old trousers and sweater by police in the wilds of the Losinall decided to Apep 'the package make application with exactly the water wnI1' boat aeeompa-dressedevelopment be started im - ish°7 ofuf (Mail to Washington I) C) son John and Captainiana 8 battered hat his customary Angeles river bed was found to con- - hearing no ticks or other ominous same priority as is enjoyed by the 16 imea by vl tain a green glass shavingmtig two sounds the nen who had been left on the (Wilson Brown his naval aide and fishing attire By Associated Press JAPAN SEEKS T CABIN MARKED er ON RAILROAD BY MEMORIAL HEAT DEATHS IDILLINGER GIRL TOP 700 MARK FRIEND NABBED All-Tim- ! in lt t yes-or-n- o All-tim- droUth-strlcke- n - O -- ' 300-00- Russo-Japanes- e All-tim- e The World’s News - for CHICAGO-7-Stockyard- d than-thre- Stockmen Ask for Haste on Grazing Setup in Utah U-SCo- -I- n-htH Trcns-'wH- h Sought for Ranges toUurnisJi Drouth Relief Lake-Ogde- Twelve Days That Wrecked a World n - - hc Tasty Dessert day-by-da- Recipes Given 1 paid-tribut- Will Rogers Says: ‘BomlTf or SenatorMcAdoo Turns Out to Be Shaving Mug From Friend d Roosevelt Reaches Hawaii Coast Delays Landing to Try Fishing Luck 5000-mil- T s ' |