Show m'f ififVq 18 JULY 25 1934 WEDNESDAY MORNING THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE KINGSLEY CAPTURES STATE AMATEUR IRain Halts Davis Cup Zone Match With Wood in Lead BONNY STAR Hhet It LOSES FINAL' History Another Utah golf tournament Ls feistory— and It reads well Ed Kingsley’s remarkable exhlbi tkm of the game stamps it as one of the best meets in the thirty-fivyears of the competition in spite of the fact that the climax came In the sec- - Gordon Giles BY 7 AND 6 Tennis Duels UP TWO SETS e elub on the nineteenth hole in the second round That battle was really for the championship o far as the evenness of the competition was con- - try de- fMi'My bifor three years feated gan its rule and In 1923 the Lamb peace reigned dynasty took the throne" and peace reigned for three years In 1932 the Kingsley dynasty took the throne and peace is stiil reigning Ed Kingsley of Forest Dale entered Utah’s hall of golf fame with F E McGurrin and H B Lamb Tuesday at Fort Douglas by capturing" "the Utah state amateur for the third successive year a feat which has been accomplished by only those two other amateurs in Utah golf history The Dale star playing remarkable subpar golf— which rivaled even that he played in the previous rounds— subdued Juddy Wilcox 7 and 6 over 36 holes Juddy haplsss as Les Jarman was in the quarterfinals Monday when he lost to Ed by an 11 and 9 score played close to par throughout the entire match remarkable putter and apbut proaching ability which rivaled that in putting brought the champion ship to KJngsley with a decisiveness the Illtes SI which lias hot Been seen in Utah golfing history for many n And to mention the 1931 state amateur Implies two things The first one is that the meet was run ft with a smoothness excelled perhaps in no previous tournament in the state The second no is 'that the thanks of the entire golfing fraternity of Utah are given to the Fort Douglaa elub) and to its president Robert B Porter 8r for extending the facilities of the hillside course and for the courteous and accommodating manner In which they offered all possible aid Good Putter 111 Closest Match Ed struck only one rough spot in his climb to tha title In the second round he was forced to the to defeat Owen Covey of the Salt Lake Country club But otherwise he had art easy time He captured the medalist honors with a 70 and the outcomes of his semifinal and final round matches were never in doubt after the first few holes1 Champions in both the consolation and first flights were also declared Tuesday" Ralph Fugifttrf oTthe’Salt Lake' Country club defeated Norm Shultz Bonneville team captain 10 and 9 in tha consolation final and Lew Manning "of Forest Dale won from Larry Summerhays of Nibley 2 and 1 Arnold Goff of Nibley captured aecond flight honora Monday by taking the measure of Boyal JenAH three ensen of Forest Dale counters were played over the route Can you imagine a golfer playing only two strokes over par for 18 holes and being five down? Had you witnessed the opening of the championship encounter at the Fort ur you wouldn’t have had' to Imagination Kingsley shot a 35 on the first nine to take a three-hollead and wound up with a 32 on the second nine for in score of 87 which ls only one stroke from the course record Ed missed a one-for putt on one and a on eighteen for a new mark Wilcox had a He shot par figures on the second nine and threb lost holes! They halved the first hole with par fours On two Ed put his approach nine feet from the pin and sank hla putt for a birdie three while Wilcox was taking a lour within 12 feet of the pin r on Kingsley missed a three to take a four one over par after getting off a remarkable putt over the dip in the green Wilcox in the trap to the left also wound up with a foiy Sink Juddy who had miserable luck with hla putts all through the day on four for e sank a seven-footpar and a win Kingsley’s rimmed the cup and he wound up with e five They both took fives on five their seconds Just missing the green Kingsley took six with a birdie three by sinking a pest partial stymie It was one of the most brilliant thots of their en- u 443 454 534—36 Kingsley out 434 853 434—35 Wilcox out 444 454 544—38 444 435 344-- 35 Far In T ’Kingsley 114313044-32-5- 8? Wilcox in 844 535 844-35- —73 presiasso- ciation one of the most facile of jokers among Utah golfers "received one Tuesday Someone remarked that this particular stats amateur was breaking’ all precedents because' Dad finally had bis picture taken standing ' ' up Saturday ' Ken Shell who caddied for Kingsley all through the tournament certainly Isn't a forgotten man Ken helped Ed line Up his putts on every green end his edvlce undoubtedly aided the champion In his remarkable shooting on the greens uae-yo- e i Kingsley's 32 on the second nine of morning game ceme within two strokes of the record held by Charles Foley Bonneville professional Ed’s 87 was Just one short of the Fort record held by Thornton D Morris now a member of the club On his round Splde shot 33 on each nine the three-foote- g Women Practice Mrs L Sr Packman president f the Utah Stats Women’s Golf association announces that tha state team matches originally scheduled for July 31 have been postponed to August 14 because of the fact that Bonneville will bo open for practice for the Barnett A Wcisa tournament on the former date The Barnett A Weiss competition a handicap affair la scheduled to bs held over the municl- pal course August 1 1 and 3 g Stopped Yankee Hopes Again Run High GUSTS UPSET By GAYLE TALBOT WIMBLEDON England July 24 (P) The uphill battle of the United States Davis cup Tennis team to escape elimination at the hands of Australia was abruptly halted today by ‘rain’ but not until Sidney B Wood Jr slender New Yorker had gained lead over the an electrifying two-se- t great Jack 'Crawford and inspired American hopes of pulling the interseries out of the fire St Louis Muffs Chance to zone Whether it proves only' to be another rainbow or the real thing in silTighten Race Phils ver linings the fact nevertheless ia that Wood will resume play tomorrow Braves Victors with a great chance to finish his consquare the quest of Crawford and leave the final matches at NATIONAL LEAGUE Team Standing issue to the remaining singles match Won Lout Pet between "Frank" Shields of New York and Vivian McGrath youthful Australian Play will start weather permitting exactly where it left off late this in afternoon with the score in the opening game sets and of the third set in Wood’s favor Chicago 6 Brooklyn 3 The American despite frequent Int Pittsburgh 0 Philadelphia Cincinnati 3 Boston- terruptions because of the rain and the uncertain footing gave an inSehedulf Wednesday’i spired exhibition against a man credChicago at Brooklyn New Bt Louie at York ited with having one of the best Cincinnati at Boston (31 games in the business Wood Pittsburgh at Philadelphia made the big Anzac look feeble with the speed and accuracy of his back- NEW YORK July 24 Parmefee who hasn’t been able to Hand fire besides" otltservifig CrawJack was unsteady ford throughout do much pitching this season ’did a at the start but quickly found himlot in one game today as the Giants self and it was due to no on blasted the St Louis Cardinals’ win- his part that Wood won the first two ning streak to pieces with a 5 to t sets victory in the second game of their Wood broke Crawford's service no senes less than seven times Two of the Parmelee winning his third vic- breaks came on set games The Amertory of the season and his second ican’s sharply angled returns fresince he returned to action after an d quently left Crawford standing appendicitis operation gave Up only in amazement four hits and as many- - walks He Wood started off with t service struck out seven didn’t let a runner break in the very first game and reach third base and didn't give his repeated in th£ fifth and nlhth as ho own outfielders a chance to make took the first set rather easily puteut Crawford twice held the lead after The Giants’ triumph squaring the went to in the brilliantly e lead over games Net of 63 VP'ins ' JVIedalist series kept their second set Each time Sidney the Cubs intact and put the Cards ilayed back ought tenaciously and tied it up Honors in Scotch Four- 4 games behind the leaders Rain halted play some 10 or 15 minMel Ott and Gus Mancuso did the utes after the count reached some Test heavy wprk of backing up Parmelee When it was resumed Wood ran at bato Ott smashed his 24th home run of the season in the third In- through two games with the loss of two points breaking Crawford’s Mr and Mrs N O Thompson led ning for the second Giant tally It only service in the sixteenth game with a 100th run batted in of waa his also qualifiers in the open Scotch four- the season spectacular display” of some competition at Forest Dale SunNEW YORK BT LOUIS BHOA BHOA Against such opposition Crawford day turning in a net 63 for the 18 Whitehead 3b 1 6 6 Moore cf 4 10 0 3 0 3 6 naturally welcomed the postponement Rothrock rl A 0 0 O'Orltz 3b holes They Carded a 92 with a 1 13 0 and a chance for rest 3 1 3 JlTerry lb Frisch 3b The Anzac had handicap 4 3 0 0 3 110 3 Ott Pollina rl lb a hard doubles match yesterday Some 4 3 0 0 It 4 0 3 OlO'Doul Helen Hofmann and Mickey Riley Davis o 3 13 critics tonight doubted Wood could 3b 4 0 1 llVergez cf Jr had the low gross count of 3940— Orsatti 3 0 3 If J 1 1 Or Fullis sustain his brilliance overnight 79 which with a seven handicap Darocher as 4 0 0 4 3 3 8 0 against a refreshed Crawford but the p 3 0 0 0 gave them a net 72 and a tie for third Darleton 1 0 0 0 sDelancey Americans feel confident Sidney will position with Geraldine Gorman and 3111 33 capitalize his big advantage 32 4 34 191 Totals Jack Gorman Second place went to Totals (or Carleton In ninth Mrs William Jennings and Earl Ly- StxBatted 000 000 000—0 Louis 011 010 03x— 9 New York man with a net 71 In— Mancuso batted Run Summary: Dates of match play competition Ott Terry e hit — O'Doul Home will be announced later All matches run— Ott Errors—Whitehead Davis Sacrifices— Stolen base— Verges will be played on Sunday afternoons Orlta Ryan to Double plays— Frisch d The sixteen Whitehead to Colllne Durocher to at the Dale course Bases on balls— Parmelee Collins to teams successful in qualifying have 4 Carleton 3 Struck Out— Parmelee 7 SALINA— Salina was victor Tuesday in ' been matched as follows for first Carleton 3 Salt'uk OltlTto 7W“h SUPer N'm °f round play: Mr and Mrs Thompson vs Mrs Cubs Make Good Use Dally of the Neona was compelledManager to use hla enJack Gorman-- J E Bramwell Mrs tire reserve tlabster list in Dokos Lane David Harris-Jerrand Poultm The Balts made 13 hits Olvon Joseph vs Mrs Of Hits Defeat Robins Neon of and the three BlTd brother proved F C Arfnour-FaFraker Mrs J E BROOKLYN July 24 (P) -- The to be the outstanding hitters of the day beW Allen vs Mr and Bramwell-Tuesday's result evened the series of use best the made Cubs tween possible the two elubs Neon having won a Mrs R S Bristol Mrs Pearl previous game and Is tha only team to detheir hits today to defeat the Dodgers feat Henderson vs Geraldine Salina thla year for row a in two 3 it make 6 to and Box Gorman Miss Hofmann-RileNEON SALINA Hill their series vs Mrs W W Allen-Vi- c BHOAl Van off blows six Chicago got only mmont 2b 3 0 3 J Jensen 3b BHOA 9 10 0 Mrs Earl Lyman-WilliaJennings Robins iJoyd If 5 0 O' DL Bird If 5 12 0 vs Mr and Mrs H H Rose Mrs L Mungo while Bill Lee gave the 3 3 8 1IT Sorenson 2b 4 3 7 3 lb JIvon walks Were there but seven eight Smith aa 9 3 3 1 B Oates O Thomsen vs Mrs G Shriver-Clyd4 4 0 0 II B Cushing cf 3 6 0 8 Poulton- F Budd Mr and Mrs A handed the Cubs Tony Cuccmello Vic Hill-rf 3 1 1 OlDBird fi- Petersen 4 10 3 p and first in the error bad a made Lee 3b 5 C Mooie vs Mrs Jennmgs-Lyma4 19 LEBird lb Grimm Marlll c 1 0 2 10 Madsen 4 13 0 Manager Charley nally rf 3 0 V Bird as 12 3 4 a homer with two aboard in Dokos p socked 2 8 0 8 Lane LEAGUE CARDS BRUINS ALSO WINNERS ll 3 e ninl-teent- record-breakin- Don Krier Winnetka 64 in a second round match years' ' Kingsley s putter certainly worked a well In the championship encounter it did on the previous three days of the meet On his first 18 Ed o eight greens and used three putts on only one the third Following ert tha cards of the two finalists for that near round: Claud W “Dad” Freed ON CRAWFORD ’Jr favorites before the meet end ran true to form during the competition But In spite of this the interest held up fairly well primarily because of the class of golf which Kingsley waa playing but also because of the plucky battles which Les Jarman of Forest Dale and Juddy Wilcox of Bonnevilla put up against ihe eham-pioin the semifinals and final respectively dent of the Utah Stats Golf MILWAUKEE July 24 (Pi— Gordon Giles of Salt Lake City won and lost in the Milwaukee open tennis tournament here today Young-Gile- s playing in the second round of Hie junior division dropped a match to Jack Byan DaIfr n c°"r“ Rmoti1 at Fort to Take Lead on First 18 -n Far out WOOD ROLLS Wins Loses in A n COACH BARES USC SPENDING Troy Paid Out $10000 to Scout Notre Dame Anderson Claims SOUTH BEND Ind July 24 (UP) —Hartley (Hunk) Anderson former coach of Notre Dame university told an alumni meeting last night that Southern California university spent $10000 las(year to defeat his school Anderson said that Southern California sent scouts to six or seven games in which Notre Dame played and that the California school hot only used scouts but took moving pictures of every play that Notre Dame Top let Ed Kingsley of Forest Dale who captured his third sue-- 1 cessive state amateur golf crown Tuesday at Fort Douglas top right Ralph Pugmire of the Salt Lake Country club consolation champion bottom left Lew Manning of Forest Dale winner in the first flight and bottom right Arnold Goff of Nibley who won the second flight title Trophies presented to the winners and runners-u- p in all flights and to the medalist Kingsley are shown Seattle Star Sets Five Marks to Win Bow Titles Miller Carries Off Men’s Target and Clout Honors Logan Shooter Triumphs 'Continuing his sensational shooting Ralph Miller Seattle marksman wound up the western zone archery championships with two major titles and five new records as the event closed Tuesday at the University of Utah The men's target and clout cham- Dressen Will Pilot Redlegs Avers Report THOMPSON DUO flat-foote- LEADS AT DALE ll two-gam- 2 d shot-makin- g A A pionships were securely tucked under Miller’s belt as he prepared to return had Anderson also told the club that it to Seattle Tuesday night In addiwaa easy for Notre Dame to defeat tion records in the single and douthe Army because the Army players ble American rounds the single and acted strictly on orders double York shoots and the individ"The Army will not shift a tackle ual team round were written next CINCINNATI July 24 (F)— A until ordefs come from the bench” to his name in the scoring records change in the playing managehe said Miller tacked on a 1322 double ment of the Cincinnati Reds "posAnderson a graduate of Notre American record to his 1392 York sibly before the Reds start their Dame now is coach at North Caro-li- mark of Monday to carry off the next home series with Chicago” State men’s championship with a grand next Saturday was forecast by 2714 total A of American the Enquirer tonight single William M ' McCrea who has 874 was record the giving "It Ls reasonably assured that played at Fort Douglas for many bolster necessary to make the Bob O'Farrell will be succeeded year without breaking 100 finally double round record His achieveas manager by Charley Dressen" accomplished that feat Tuesday over ments excelled former marks of 650 said the paper Dressen former tha Hillside course He shot a 48 on and 1279 set last year by N E Span-se- l third baseman of the Cincinnati the first nine end a 52 on the second tire tournament of California club for the last two years has for a 98 total r The team event record he set was been manager of the Nashville Ed By JOE GLASS Sinking another the704 two of are Here won and he earlier Tuesday very pictures club of the Southern association J Walcott Thompson state amateur took the next hole with a birdie four accurate Tom Creavy in the process the clout shoot with a soore of 218 champion in 1901 and 1903 captu'red When Wilcox's second was short and of shot a wood Mardee five Robinson young Salt Lake Their drives on making the flag tournament at the Country he took a par note that he is City shooter was second to Miller in club Tuesday on the twentieth hole-pl- unk eight were to the left but Ed got on In the top sketch back his the club left and the men’s leg championship with scores In the cup Second place went in great style leaving himself a two taking has bent at the knee while his right of Trailing him by (Continues on Pollowlna Page) to Bay Peterson who finished eight more than 300 was the veteran TIMPANOGOS leg is straight and braced -feet from the pin on the twentieth 3 4 0 Qiauque c (Continued oil Following Page) In the lower sketch he ls hitting Charles Pace of Payson Besults of the blind bogey held at Yankees Seek down the Totals 36 7 24 11 Totals balk Maggio won into Pace and Now his right LEAGUE the flight shoot with 365 J 36 13 27 10 UTAH Team CENTRAL Standing the Canyon links Tuesday Class A In the Harvey captured first place Score bv Innings Pet Won Lost NEPHI yards 1 fool 8 inches Second was eheckers tournament held at Liberty nark merlon Fork DIVIDEND P A 1 000 —C D Smith Super Neon loo li2 308— 7 0 Buster San Francisco won He same drew BHOA three three H C Salina BHOAl 000 103 0 022 OOx— 10 MacQuarne of Oakland who Tuesday rovo LEFT KNEE 85 8—77 Class B— J A Kahn 3 0 0 ' lost none Second place went to W W Orem Tom 2b 4 3 3 3 Howard rf 000 Colledge 0 Summary Stolen basis— L Bird Lloyd tallied 357 yards 1 foot 8 inches and 8 0 0 Waddle and third to B Walters 4 3 1 I Lunt rf B Oates Lee Sacrifices —B Cushing Clast 001 Berger as BENDS W CUJB 1 Boyd Park Drove Pleasant 3 1 3 4 5 1 3 0IA The Creavy and third was Robinson with 32Q summary: Home runs— Olvon IJ Bird V Sperry ooi Perrv If i plte C-- Bay SAN FRANCISCO July 24 Lehi Van Evera 4 GC£S jJACK t 8 8 SlReeser 3b “ Bird TOBbaae " htt--B Oate 9 feel official denial to the yard T4 1 fra KiV AMERICAN FORK— The local entry in Bleetel-J Harvey 4 1 1 OiWorthington Bird to T Sorenson Charge derf play-Roundy 2 5 4 N W Alton Waddle u Brown of Salt Lake City won lb 4 81081 The qualifying round of the presito Zlto Dokos feat local baseball Circles (hulled out— Struok 5 t Dokos deleated By the league Tuesday S Timpanogos 1 B Waitere n t M 3 8 1 JlBaUey the ladies’ flight event with a ” dent’s cup for the women at tha Coun- - over persistent rumors today the a bitterly lought game Taylor 3b ! S 5 H Ansel i - a Pleasant Drove In Sullivan In the runt d auide ifeor’i 251 liftedtP ot 5 smrr beaUn two Now - Yor 1:‘ I lrd A rally for the yards 4 Jeqt-anIn the Ivans lb 3 Wetfcel Boorer— Jansen Richards p 3 1 1 0 M 8prry Inches ’ other big league club to it in a sixth decided the Issue S R Beck 0 OlChristlson p 3 1 1 10 xPerklns FORK AMERICAN OROVEI PLEASANT The intermediate 1 Proctor Di scramble of Joe services the for championship Matron Takes BHOA BHOA! Frisky 1 33 0 27 82 8 34 8! Totals PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE went to Don Hunter of Logan who OK R Pedersen Totals 6 0 0 0 IHomer ef Magglo and now held an option on Christiansen Cox xBatted for Sullivan In Bth ’ OIBohn If 410 3b scored 1119 and 944 In double Hereoutthe Francisco star -3 Seals San Seattle at 10J Dividend 3 $00 3 Handicap 4 13 6 Bennett ss Walker 2b 4 SQ0 100 ford and double American rounds Twm Btandittc fielder 4 6 1 Ailngersoll lb 3 0 19 1 Neohi e Kirk ss hit THE BIG SIX Wot Loot Pet Summary Error—Berger Colledge Rich4 0 7 C Chapman for a grand total of Ash c President Charles Graham of the respectively hits— Ma—Reese San Francisco 9 SEATTLE July 24 1 1 3 690 11 1 ah 0 4 I Hardman lb out— Associated Press By Struck 3 2063 Max Cook Syracuse with 1747 Los Angeles Bailey 13 586 3 ards Worthington 6 0 4 c 1 4 Valorlda 0 0 Call tron raced to another convincing Seals in denying the reports said P 8 Bwes otRlls—n Hollywood 17 13 567 3 10 3 Richards 10 Chrlsttson Loran Briggs Bountiful with The standings 3b and a letter some time' 4 1 8 ODurrant had AB R Culllmore H he received cl Pet Wild 2 pitch— 2 KNEE 17 Ohristlson Mission in Boss the Betsy 13 RIGHT 567 Richards cf triumph today OiAnderson 401 II 363 West 4130 143 M 10 Senators shush 431 1626 were intermedithe other Ed manfrom business Barrow 15 Oakland ago Passed 500 only 1 2 0 4 0 0 3 p ’ 386 0A B Culllmore 11 fr 133 349 Chlpman Oehrtnger Tigers handicap at Longaores winning the ager of the Yankees in which the BENDS AS 14 Seattle 483 and Sorensen Scorer — Wood ates to complete the round -234 43 97 373 Voemlk Indians dash from a field of Pa11 Sacramento lft 379 COMES 9 27 17 33 121 24 CU1B 983 Total S3 3 84 137 391 Totals Cook won the intermediate flight FWaner Pirate? - V LEAGUE volunteered the information INTERNATIONAL Portland m 093 r cific coast sprinters finishing three latter Giants soJ 74 m 360 INTO 6AU qmt sfioot with 318 yards I foot 4 Inches perry Otants hii club “was Rochester I Newark 8 00X— 3 001 Interested in 002 73 133 351 American 350 Fork Qtt 13 Albany 10 — Durrant lengths ahead of Georgia Lily in Di Maggio” ’’keenly Result Buffalo 0 e Toedaj’i hit and Briggs the clout event with 98 Barrows wrote the Summary At San Francisco: R H E Montreal 7 Baltimore 3 second place The time was 1:11 Struck out— Chlpman 6 Call 6 Umpires— OOf) Mrs M F Randy Oakland Cal Hollvwood Oil 008—3 10 club’s west coast scout Bill Esslck 3 Toronto 8 Syracuse 3 Nelson and Beers Scorer— Kirk CLUB RUN Quick Flight after trailing Frisky had been HOME 003 Mission 013 OOx— 8 15 8 won the women’s clout with 133 and instructed to follow the p Batteries— Sheehan Densmore Matron most of the way finished Sullivan Associated By the clout The work Osborne and Fltepatrlck and Hershberzef young Philip Richbourg boys' prospect’s closely of Grafton holder and third AthColeman Bonny Home runs yesterday Wrongwith 26 Red Sox Owen Tigers: Yankees letics (3)1 two Longtcres track records and Chicago Cubs and Boston At Oftlcl&ad: R H E Frederick In women’s girls' Gill Senators Ott Oiants also are reported to bfe interested Championship 200 000 11 300--4 Portland 8 sea this her first appearance making Orimm Cubs Hafey Reds ' 1 "each 1 000 001 in Di Maggio an able hitter and 9 Oakland ' and Junior men’s target events were Dodgers: ieti son was fourth BaUerios— Turpin and Cox CONT Ludolph — BGHO — fielderdecided Monday with Mrs Lois Conlan and 33 Raimondi Rrgo and Matron $290 paid Frisky 33 34 Berger Braves Both knees Foster Thayer Salt Lake City Mar- Giants American 437 National League totals: $250 once At Cal Santa Lundahl Barbara 808 total 453) garet Iverr Dickie Gravely and Don Fisher Bountiful respective REILLY BESTS CHEWCHKI Utahn already is on the officials WALKER MEETS CORBETT These classes conducted winners Tommy Fitzpatrick former 111 at Texas Home WACO Texas July 24 m— Pat TTAVE a 1934 Radio 24 list for 17 games this fall FRANCISCO SAN July leg is bent at the knee and the left special shoots Tuesday University of Utah coach now at Reilly 200 Tacoma Wash won fromCormeet Commenting on the professionwill Walker Young installed in were awarded at a banquet and braced Prizes ls Prince Chewchki 220 Oklahoma Inschool leg a straight of thfe pass helm Roosevejt high HOUSTON’ Texas July 24 W al football rula allowing claim to the That's a point to be remembered in the Newhouse hotel Tuesday eve- bett of Fresno withathisstake dian In the main event of a wrestling "Wee Dickie” Kerr 1919 car today at the Shar-tna- n from behind the i spending two world a series Cal in point of from"any Oakland title middleweight ofWhen the left knee Is bending the ning when the election of zone ahow here tonight Marvin Westen-ber- hero is line of Scrimmage Fitzpatrick match in the Seals’ stadium critically iH at hia home weeks with Salt Lake City relaAuto Company and 225 Loa Angeles and Jack right one is straightened and when ficers was left to a special commit- here declared it was a “tough rule for here tives August 14 theSan Francisco is bending the left tee The committee’s choice will nol ’’ knee thb the right enjoy Kogat 220 Montreal wrestled to a must decide who officials the boul an Whep highly touted pitchers of the Tommy now one of the most ' after the national Press club sponsoring he made-un- til draw in the semifinal-- straightened - ' a pass was thrown l not while er offlcials-o' whether rfiicagrWMta sex fizzled ttrth fa- knoftja prominent-footbalnounced yon enjoy the today4"Don't bend them both at the same tournament at Storrs Conn August reaches the a player Sox” world aeries with mous "Black in before race a hot coast expects fresh air BOUT GOES OVER at which time the 1935 U S Kerr a small lefthander time as the duffer is shown doing FERRON1 BEATS RISKO scrimmage line the Pacific Coast- conference this will be awarded NEW YORK July 24 m--An eight Cincinnati There can be no pivot no championship indicate that St went to the hillock and turned lp a below ls Coast team reports 24 Stanford’s CLEVELAND great Patsy year July round match between Kid Chocolate power no accuracy when you do that Pacific coast city of victories lor Chicago Mary’s and Santa Clara may SHARMAN AUTO GO Perrom Boston Italian heavyweight virtually intact while U S C former featherweight champion and pair out of organized sort of thing has been Kerr California to patch up their football breach formidable the decision win his way always slugged Buster Brown of Baltimore at the baseball a number of AMERICAN ASSOCIATION amid which occurred last fall years Your Convenient Chevrolet Dealer Are you having trouble lettlns distance with the best prospeets in years over Johnny Risko Cleveland vetConey Island velodrome was postTuesdav-Kraalti on your iron thots? Write tor Joe Gian' the northern charges of “dirty football" which battle here eran in a and Washington 1 SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION leaflet "Lone Iron Shots” in care ot thli Minneapolis 10 Milwaukee 47 poned tonight becausd of threatening So 2nd East Was "8707 tie game followed a’ riotous will furnish 1 Knoxville 3 The decision gave Perrom two division threat paper and inclose a stamped Louiivllle 3 Columbue 9 weather Tha match will be staged Chattanooga St Paul 34 Kansas City Nashville S Atlanta S said envelope former The Tommy of over "rubber the victories man" opposition plenty tomorrow night Only aamta (Copyright ISM publishers Syndicate) Birmingham 0 New Orleans T four-foote- Seven-Foot- Three-bas- White-hea- er ten-foot- tL n Salina Defeats Super Neon Club chlM MS C4 y Tommy Creavy’s Fine Knee Action y Riley-Russe- ll k y I eight-foote- e Harvey Annexes Checkers Meet Cf-- P n 1 1 1 1 1 cf 1 Pi Pap-wort- h J 6 m-Des- -- f -- eon-trary h-- -- d- - t i nt 'm 4-- 1 E 11 'All Three-bas- 1 Two-ba- WV-Frlsk- Chrls-tlso- ball-Sp- erry Umtdre-Gard- -ner I g Two-bas- 5 Duffs Tommy Fitzpatrick Visitor Expects Hot Coast Grid Race ’ (TV-Mic- key 000-r- H your g programs the--we- 13-1- 7 e 1- ’ n |