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Show .. : ,, -- - :Church', , "kilo , :' SiEfT6ii---- - - , el , I de . 1 - , . , , si i je N1,- it-, - ;.. , - Al i T,.., , ., . ' lt Church . ' : -7, tie Ill( - $ SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, APRIL ..,,. . , i , i. V Lir- , , , . A 20, 1940 - aronle Priesthood To ob .., -- -- urrent - Anniversary- Of , . .ekt:rc-h- ,, t - ALTHOUGH a 'month still remains before Aaronic Pries6lood mem- berS and the, Church in gefterai cele- brates the 111th anniversary' of the restoration of the Priesthood of Aaron, May 15, 1829, preparations for observ-.;,- '. ancé of the event are rapidly nearing ; - : , - ,.,....... ri,..i,,,..,5,........,,:, , , , ,......... .., Alberta,-Canada,- ...! .....,,.,......... .. ,..,::......,1.,:,.,::,:-:.-',.;'',,:- ,i:,,,,,,:.,'.:;:::::::.::'.,,-.,:- - '.:. T. ,...,,,,',-.- ...:,: 1!':,..,,:!:,:..:.,j..:,:: ".. : i,:,:-',,- 1: '. ....,..:,.:,:: ,',:,.,,, ',, .,.. 'i :::::::::.,:i :...J ,14,:,::Ii:',.'; :!:'.., s ,:;';1 ,',;,,i.,,:;.:,.,' '. , ,' . 1-- .',',,: .,:.'.::,:::,:,,,-::::,:- annual-pilgrimag- - , while between SUM, six and eight.hundredAaronic Priest- : : of the Utah County hood ,1 :(1'.'71 l'':i ; member .... ':':,:::,:;;',1',:'::::7,;i ,.. ,:.;;:1,' Stakes to gather it Sara- .' ' ' .:,;,,':::,:.,,:. '?4 In other places ' By C. B. H toga Springs.' many ,:;:i., ..,,,,.;.,,.,:,,:,,.:-: the pilgrimages will be carried on On. :..:.:c.,,,:.,,:i.:.,.,i1..,:1,4 ' Monument: der plans Suggested by the Presiding I ::.',1:,::::'::::,:;:,:,i':4'....:,1 Erection of a twentytwo foot col- cotnpletion. il4,::';:,I,,I1k' Bishopric under the, theme, "Honor; iii..:. ,H:',, umn commemorating the 2,000 mile Outstandini among the features the Three Witnesses of the Book, trig - overland trek of the Mormon Battalion Mormon.! ---lorthe planned twodaYobservance, '1 Talks will be it,;.:,V,?.1 . from Leavenworth; Kan., to Santa presented at the spct'.. Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, ''::":::ft N. M., to San Diego, Calif., in 1846, will be the mai services to the ii.:::;,:s.;::;i::,..,1:::':i.:',:':;c'"::,..?.:1',::M'i;::::',':,,': during the, pilgrimage on will be completed and dedicated near such topics as "Ilow the Book of Mot''. of Martin sHarris, one of the Z4:.''.':'.:,'.'"..i,..;:':,:,;t1 mon and theAaronic Priesthood are Albuquerque, N: M., on May 30. The three witnesses to the Book of MorAssociated in Church History," "The 18. on in. mon, Clarkston,May Place of Martin Harris In Church Ills- Thousands'of visitors are expected y.,,...:,::::::,::: OA4 i; 0 :';',..,E; to appear at the community cemetery tori,". :"How David Whitmer Lived and ...4y ii:;::i,iiNi2.gR:i,':,::;,;.41,i,i,,i.ii4k,i':::::',41i,,!.,;::,;,1 tOwn', Cache of the Died, True to His Testimony Of the Valley westerti, ..,.. Book of Mormon," "Oliver CoWdery as :',':;''i;:i:.j.i1.'i::;:;,':::':i,1:.::A?,;1,1 are and the day special plans during ir'' 0,l' a Special Witness for ,Joseph Smith," I ' being made to handle the large crowds. , 0" t, i':''::':'::.:''14..:::: t. . ' , and "What the Church Expects of to and Roads town the from leading ' txerohmetvmseva, , ik i - , Members of theAaronic. Priesthood." ,.g.t will be patroled under supervision of , 40,,..,......m,.....,, 'f) .. . cs:'4.,: Oliver Cowdery was a witness to the state highway commission, for iny,, itit the translation ,of the ' Book' of Mor- stance. rians call for Priests frota ;;;;,... one of the Three Witneases, a nrtion, tt,r- Iffe, quorums in Cache County to guide - !tt,.1 ,:i,':;;;;;::'.:i,,.:,:,:,:,,,,......-;,, ,,,411t. '0 Ne.4.:. - ,:,,,,,, ,witness to .the reAtoratiön of the ,,,c,.. traffic near the famous spot. : :r:4o, ' t ',".' Aaronic., Priesthood and 'Melchizedek Throughout the day there will he . the and at Priesthood, baptisms, the for the first, guides purpose cemetery , 0 . ''.4.442.A...'''' ' ' '' of telling the story of Martin Harris, many of the linportant .,early,' revels, ft , 4111k. tions to ther Church. . the restoration of the Church and of - Monument and 0, , marking the grave - of' that of 'David 'Whitmer aregrave Rich- .1a the Aaronic Priesthood 111 years ago. Martin Harris in Clarkston. " '' , mond, Ray County, Missouri. "' t' ,t1,1,fti, , ' Bishop LeGrand RichPresiding -, !,:, .., rt . Into Carrying Sunday the ohser ards, who as Presiding Bishop presides- Harris when the Book of Mormon wit- i:. Cx over the Aatotirc Priesthood of the ness testified to the truthfulness of ance of the restoration of the Aaronic Church, will be the principal speaker the Gospel on his death .bed. A des- - Priesthood will find all quorum meet- - ., ' r. , .1 : at special services on the grounds of cendant of Martin,' Harris will also ings devoted to the subject and in ' the evening the Aaronic Priesthood. the This Clarkston Chapel. Ward ,-proif i,,. at the ,2 meeting. speak , ' - ''f Pi will have charge of Sacra- It gram will begin at 1:30 p.m.. and is Following the service Bishop,Rich ' quorums 4 ,. 1 f,i nient programs . Meeting 70,;. It . expected to draw an audience of thouan i ards will make official visit to the who sands of those' , Theme of the programs will be participate in the grave of Martin Harris And will place 7.-' :.:' a floral tribute on the monument that "Honoring the priesthood,", and under Sketch of Mormon Battalion Mow pilgrImage. thirsuggested outline ,a Priest and two ument under construction near Al- Carrying one of the strongest tes- has been' erected to his memory. timonies in the Church, Bishop Rich- - ' ' Although the central celebration is assistants will conduct the meeting un.. bugyergite,'1141.,.M. d ' T" what is eipeCted tobe for Clarkston, many other der the direction of thjBishoP; Teaell: on in the pilgrimages will be made throughout ers and Deacons are to act as ushers. ' highly inspirational meeting site of the monument is located - the Church: Bishop Joseph L. Wirth- - doorkeepers and messengers under the .; Othof matter of Santa south miles building testimoniesa, Highway 85;35.. ,.... direction of a Priest. , , Fe; we are told by C. E. Tillotson, ers who will speak will be John E: lin of the Presiding Bishopric Will. be r7 All divisions Of in. was commitwho those program, Godfrey, presthe principal speaker at a, gathering the, among chairman of the monument ent and took the testimony of Martin of the Aaronic Priesthood in Card- ..', (Continued on Page Six) tee. , Built of stone gathered from all v;s1,,,,vo r".."1"""1""..114...7;7'!':, the monument, New of Mexico, parts beaarinis a bronze plaque, will be six 1 , , ;:7-2feet square at the base. A cast iron -the monument, :',:..:' will wheel top wagon ' clib:179.4., . which rests on a base twelve : feet , ',,,-'''', . '',,,.. .,'?...-, square. '',,.!.., : '7 ' ' .4 ;,'",,: .....', '': '; ' ' ! Organizations throughout -- New .., ; Mexico and neighboring states have '.:'.; :' - i ''' .., ,. 1 contributed to the project of erecting ,, : ''' admin' is which ',, ,,. , the monument ' being ,:' ', It ipptrigs , - - ,t .1 - ' ' e. . - ,. gi-av-e , --, ,,l..::A;,., - ,;,;',.). .. - i'.::',:f:';:':::VINEA:Sf....2:.-4:1;Vii:;',INt,:;i;:'...,::;,;-.;,::,'.- , - l'. ,'....;4;N:-4,11- , , .. , :,.:,:'''..0.'''1':,::;',1:::,:.',':..,,,,4'::,.,, . , '4 1 ',..momPga,A,404,4,,,,. V , , i :. - ,'::::;:,:!,..:;.::F.:',',1:,':'l:',':,':,1 k i . - - - i ,,,r7t....,,,..-...ta..,....-.!".....- ,, ' ,, .,.. ' . :,..:!::,:'7.:. : ' ,,,, :. ,,.'A 8,,-;',- ..'......;.,...;.:-.,?.0.- , , .,...,,.,,,'...::.;;.;.,,,,-,,,-,-,--..---,--- - 04 (' .1 ? , ' ' -- ,- , ,..1 ,...4.1 , . , ' ' 1 -- , - . ' : - s - . - ,f , 1.. ka. .... ,..-- . -- , , : , . ' , ' L.- .. ,.. ,- , . ' ' t -- - ' , , '' - -'- - -- 'Ards-war-lea- .! - ' --- a O. i,.., ' .,4 - , ,. , ., : -- , . , , , ::.'...-'- I .: .,,. ''. ''. ' ''- '' -- '',. -- ..- - -,: ' , .....- -- ', . ', ';' ..''''''. .ci.: . tatted - , - , , ,,, . , , , ,.,,.. , , ,,,t ,, . - --- ' - , r f Connection: As a part of.General Kearny's army which occupied the Southwest in 1846, the,Mormon Battalion entered New Mexico near Clayton, passing Wagon Mound and Las Vegas on the way to the old Santa Fe. Camping- behind - ' , 11Y- -1 After the dedilclabe May 30th, the deeded to the State. monument 1 .;' , - . - , t , , , ,,, o I ,,i, S , 4 - - .., cathedrar in Santa Fe,- the men pre-pared for the arduous trip to Califor- - Ma. The command, under Colonel P, St. George Cooke, left Santa Fe after . a short stay,, passing down the Rio 'Grande to Bernalillo, Albuquerque, Socorro and to a point south of Hatch, 14 where the route led southwest into i , , 4 1 ; - . i - - . , . ---- -. ,. , Sonora,. - . , "Except for the commanding officer and his aides, the Battalion of approximately 500 men was led by elected officers The first wagons to be from the United States to California were those brought by the Mor- mon Battalion." , , - -- -c- - 1 .., Discovery: Associated Press reports tell us that residents of Dubois, Id4ho, are . (Continued on Page Fot4) ! "d11' , f- ...---- -- - ,,,--, - t-- . , - , -: --- -- .- - - - - - ,, , ,,., , -- - , - - , , --- ,,t ..,,,,t, ; , 1, ' - -- 4., , - ' , - L.a 4' .4 - - -- -,- ,,4,. 1 - - . : , .C. - '' -- - - ' -.. 4 ' , - P ' ' , , ,. 1 , - - , ,, . The Susquehanna , i , . , g, , River near Harmony, Pa., where the Aaronic Priesthood was restored to Jose,. Smith and Oliver Cowden. , . . . |