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Show .t - 'THE DESERET.NEWS; SATURDAY, APRIL'. 20, 194, Cliurch Deportme' nt , , , , . , .. , ' 'A. , - , t. lir'rent ' '''.4.. -' 3. - ..''' r--- ,i....,,, ,,, - . - '', , tirC , - , el ippings- - , , - ,. ' -------By B. H--r- ---- ', - 4t. . ,. A. 1 , ,41 i - tt , ,. ,1.J 4 . ,, , 't- " -- ;.:,. 1 40) .., :,, ,y'''' ,,..,-.."-- (ot ,4,. , - , , , 4a ' ot ..( 1; ii:, C. - I, ,o,..,0., , ,, , lt,,:t. .,-- .4 ,s,,,,,,, - ,. :. ..., , ,.. .-, , I ... l't (1 ,, , , , -----"'- .: - , ..,,., -.- .,,,,,, 1 I..., ' ry A'y s ,,, ., fit , , -- - - --0., ? :4.1 v, ).,,...1 ',.:-- ... r ,,,,, .., 7.--- -j , ,,"- ( 1,, , , , ii, ' ill . 'tct 1,1 - ' i ap .. ..,..., - , (Continued from Page One.) ,:-s. ; ' ' puzzled over a huge stone implement, 1,..;,' believed to he a prehistoric ax, un., excavation earthed in that city during .77 Work for a new L. D. S. Chapel. ' Investigating further the AP locat- . . a ed Elvin W. Henninger, Dubois geol. a collection sized fair who has oest t of similar specimens and who judged.. ' -. said it and the instrument "genuine" twlceas ivas bad seen. , Covered to a depth of about five . k feet, the ancient ax was found in flood -,debris probably deposited 'thousands ,, ,, of!years ago from the mouth of Beaver -, - ,,, ii,,;',Asia,,okkm.,A,,L04,..4,40.,,,,,, abdve Dubols,now located just Creek, ' -, ' ----, , , f e 1 -- ' it .i-,- ,,, i , , L ,,, ,,.. - , , p ,. - Co , g, , , 'Ir.'''. ,. , r, , ; ,, :,: :,...',.:...,.--...- r. ' ' N 1 -- - 1 k 44,...zo, I ,,,,, ' $ - :. 3 .: , ! I 1 I, - - , i g , ',' ,, - st large-as-an- at-lea- he---- - y , , , lienninger - - 1, Displaying exceptionallyilne work- Inanship, the Implement is so heavy it to ban- 114o doubt required a super-madie it. Two carefully spaced parallel grooves held double handles in place. 7 ' 4, L ?i, n 1 1::1"7" : . Make Changes: Pres. Thomas J. Brough, Counsel- ors John C. Walker and Amber C. 'Davidson sustained as new presiden ty of Lyman Stake., Elder Joseph--Fielding Smith of the Council of the Twelve presented the new presidency and officiated at release of Pres. H. Welson Rawlins and Second Counselor James Eyre. President Walker was retained as first counselor. April 14, ,' ' - ! i r f A o 7 ..-,,,-.- -- ., . ' ,414.1t 4.. - :,1 ., 40 r-...",, it' J I '. t t. Ward Changes: Bishop Clarence Nee ley, Counsel. trs VendeiLll. Godfrey and Ezra W. Nendall neVe- Bishopric at Cornish Ward in Benson Stake. Bishop Neeley succeeds Bishop Harold E. Bergeson. tishop Marvin O. Ashton of the Presiding Bishopric officiated. April 14, - 1940; y - two-yea- e oanIck-breakin- sure-passin- g , s . tv, ,,,,, 4,-- - i,..," i'''.'t ' ' - F1 - - '"' ' ',,,,,, ,.i) .,,,,,,..Z1,.,', , ,,,,,,, 1.7 ',(,),. ,.. k...r :1-41. 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Students of the Hinckley (above) and Weber Seminaries visited interesting spots in Salt Lake City recent; ly. The two groups were photographed as they toured Church centers. "The Latter-day- . Saints are noted - hawking and fast, accurate passing well as utility man for any position. for their athletic ability as well as for have been standout features of play; "Elwood Whitehead; Twin Falls, their methods of providing recreation local member. Idaho; recently transferred to Toronto tor their young folk. In the western "Francis W. Erickson; 24 year old from Ottawa; will figure in all coming part of the States and Canada the native of Brigham City, Utah and, games at the guard position. "Mormons" are providing for the phy"Frank McClure; home town is Salt previous to his mission, a resident of sical and recreational activity of their Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; acting coach of Lake City, Utah; new arrival from .young men and women in a manner the competent squad; fast and smooth Montreal; also plays guard; much is 'similar to that employed by the "Y's" In his play; playing running mate to expected of him id coming games. In the larger cities. They are Davies since the transfer of Bingham; "Saul Clark; hails from Grantsville, stantly engaged in activities ranging has per game average of 5 points; not- - Utah; is a new arrival from the States; over a field which includes sports ed forpot shots' from around the foul plays on the forward line and will see from basketball down. to horse shoe line. plenty of action In the future." "Orson Spencer from 'Out Where pitching." the West Begins' in Yost, Utah; is 21. ,17. S. A. C. Missionaries: The Players: years old and first line reserve for the , "Mormon" missionaries-1- 24 ' of Still another sports section carried center position;-bulwark on defense the following description of the play- and a consistent scorer; has average of themrepresenting 30 different LatterSaint missions, are registered - -day 5 points per game.- -ers: "Verl Clark of Oakley, Idaho, young "Woodrow W. Andersen of Ogden, at the Utah State Agricultural College man of 21; passes, shoots and dribbles Utah; fast and agile on his feet; for the spring quarter, according to a with amazing ease survey conducted recently under the well up among the leading scorers "Joseph F. Cooper; hails from Hol- direction of C. Lester Pocock, head of with an average of 9 points per game; lywood, California; smooth working holds down one forward post. and accurate passer; works well with the college department of public relations. "Ralph Robinson, a native son of any combination. Los Angeles, California; the "Ralph k Chadwich; liative of North According to Mr.,. Pocock's survey, running mate of Clark; is a fast clever Ogden: Utah; Small but fast and clev- the British mission with its 11 repreball handler and hits the hoop with er; makes up in speed for what he sentatives has the largest representi much consistency; also rallks with-th- e lacks In size. B. from leading scorers, having a 6 point avbails "Wynn Fife; Brigham tion at the college. Honors for the erage per game. City, Utah; the "man" of the team; 6 smallest representation go to the New "Farres Nymanlanky center hails feet tall and weighs 210 lbs; turns in England 'States, Hawaiian, Swiss, and from North Logan Utah; youngest some stalwart performances on the Tahitian missions, each having only missionary of the team, being 19 years guard line. one missionary at the college. Other 'Lamont Leavitt; plays a rugged missions with large groups include the old; at present is leading scorer of the league with a per game average and aggressive game at guard; home Eastern States and the North Central of 10.5. town is in Leavitt, Alberta States missions, each having eight "Calbert Bingham; home town is. Of the cities whose .returnmis .,"James Martin Jr.1 the youngest Ogden, Utah; has been a main-stamember of the team and the l'second sionaries are now attending the colthe guard line; although not a high of the two (being a lege, Logan is far in leaCwith 32, of scorer, his'rugged defensive work has local member); formerly from Salt her number at the college. Ogden is been the reason for many viZtories; Lake City, Utah; is now a resident of second 'Iwith eight Five different srrvices have been lost because of a Toronto; accurate and speedy in his statesUtah, Idaho, Montana, Wyom-transfer to Ottawa. passing and, shooting; plays guard. ing and Wisconsin claim the residence "Pat Davies; only native of Toron"Charles Ackroyd; home town Is of the missionaries. Utah holds high to; has plaYe'd mi. important role in Magrath, Alberta; plays a fast and, aghonors In this division with 105. Idaall previous victories; clever ball gressive game at center; also fills in ho comes second with 12, , a - anda-ccuracy- lever. ;is . ,,. ) ) :, I if,,,Y4e . ',,k, :4;.,,t,.. . 14'5.: e mo , f f 1 $ ;,-- 7) Nkt ,,, ' .7::' ,...,7,) 411 (All 1 , -ttri , v. it .' . - t,1,,, V., ',,- 7,,.., 4.. .',: ' ' ::,, :,: "" , .1 ...., ..: ''k ''" ,, ! , , - .;,.. 4s. , 1 f,?-- ' il :1::::::,, ,.. ,..,., ., , '' ,1,,,- ,, k".:',CFN" ," -- ,, ',:, ' 41 A ,'" ,.. ,- 7 .., -, -- . ''1.,;' , -- '414 .. , ., . , ''i -,- 1,- 1- -, Y -- ,) . :,.." rift z '' .:- '''' 4,--- N) - - I .'"' -- ,,, I , ! , -- -, 'f. 1:'------ ,.,, r7, -", ,,,s. :',.. ,, I : k, ,,,,,,,,-- ,... ',v. '',,- -, ,,,,,,,,. 414, "'-s, --a , ,,, ,1 -,; ..- r ..1 , N.,!1 ' ' 1 , ,, .. :t.,,'"ip-i , ..... , , ,,;--- 414., le:..:474 or -- 7:-- e. , -- r- or r- -- : , -, mli---- ..., , ..............-,.- ,.,,...,,,, , .i : ,.,.., ,,,41 ,,,,,,,,,,4 ,.; - , Letters: From an Elder in the Canadian StiSSIOn comes another story of suc- Saint Mistess achieved by Latter-daSionaries on the basketball floor. So Successful has his team been, he tells us, that leading newspapers in Toronto, Ont., are devoting considerable space to its accomplishments. The following was in the Toronto Evening Telegram for instance: "In first place in the Central tiN.A..'s basketball houseleague, as the play-off- s draw, near, is the Monlaan team, which has won all but one game This season and has victories in the last 12 games to its credit. "This team, the only Mormon sports group In Toronto, is comprised, -- 10th-the exception of two members, r of young 'men engaged in a iTtluhthry missionary service "For their winning streak the Mormons give credit to abstinence from tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks and tobacco. In addition, they have a. fast, system of play." In another large newspaper Is found: - ., .. -- , ''''! 1940. 25, 1940. , ,,N,2,;' t . --.., 41;4 -- U.,1!,il. N, ; 1 ,, '' . .4..;.,:,--,v,-',- t , : 141t ..z. Itit"..,...f, ... ,.. t, i. ,, r..:.,,k",--- I , ..! -1: -. -- ... , t . , 4'."' , l', t, , -- r:,1,,, 1,,,,o i,..0, ,,,,,,,i2':',' 11..,. , , .... " , .,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,.,,i- ...... ,p ,,,,7:77 - tirtit::',1.-,.:-'.cFs..-t-.417---------T,,,- , ', :' ' ' t I - ,t.,:t.., o Franklin J. Murdock sustained as second COUnSelOr in Salt Lake Stake Presidency. Also Benjamin L. Bow-ling, superintendent, and Richard C.. 'Andrew and Conway A. Ashton, assist ants, in new Salt Lake Stake Sunday school superintendency. Edwin Cowley named to high council and Roy M. Hill stake representative of Temple and Genealogical Work. April ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,' ,,,,,,,,,,,.- , , ,:' 4... - L. 1 1 ,, , , ,,,,.k 4, -- 1..... ,, , 1940. Elder Charles A. Callis of the Council of the Twelve officiated as Joseph I. Schmidt was set apart as West Jordan stake clerk to replace Joseph N. Ilutchings, who was released. April 14, i 1....,'' ' 1 ..tc , f . -- , '- ' 1 s said. - c- siIy . y - - , -- - |