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Show - - A1 - Saturday, April. 20, 1940 1 ' The Deseret News Sadt Lake city, Utah r Babson Pleads- For - - IS1iliFor Natioi's Railroads Business Index Declines On 14th Conseutiv eSetback . - - U. S. Has Financial Interest Iirt- Norse War - -- -- y Hurry Up Their Reorganization Or This 20 Billion Dollar Industry Will Die , :- Buying Of Metals Fairly Hea-v- Page 13 I - -- - t - 1 - win' , Declines in. production and Ow -were Only par,' tribidion,Which' last week were generally I lower, g losses: two advances and one .remaining effect unchanged. In. weighted -Index or dip building awards and a In automobile production were the most drastic. Losses also appeared in the indices of cotton romardings.- steel activity and Coal procrude oil production. duction and commodity carload- in ings showed imprwernent - YORK,- around the edgesof.$41,000,000 invested by Americans. in Norwegian and Danish buiiness enterprises,' 526.000,000- invested in - ' : . 20.--T- he - - - Close to Stavanger, where Brit. 4Stoekholm Is attested by the di. ish and German planes fight over vidends declared on the Swedish . stocic:--193Norway, Is the Llectrieteuritace7 per cent 193b, 8 7 .Products Co., I.Ad., a subsidiary cent; 1936. 111 per cent; 1937, per of Union Carbide - Carbon Corp. 12 per eent!' The Hoyang Works, the A. S. -- April German tide in Scan.dinavia licks .NEW- , - . t t 4, i 1 it- , tially counteraCted In combining wflkI a. lairly.aizable gain in, lit Swedishindustry;---according-1011angvik' 3 t ;1 nanancial activity. brought a fur- RdGER W. BABSON Business ,Week today. IncludKeffEarvik. the biggest Norwe- - Utah Coal t , , 1'1 at a good rate, largely ther loss last week in the weekly Jan I I; tw ing Scandinavian government producers of aluminum, are Declines For Week cause of uncertainty over European index of general business. Based (Special Writer For The Deseret gews.) American-controller ,i bond issues held by Americans. , ' NEW YORK CITY, but as the period on the latest available statistics the United April 20.Only reorganization of the rail- developments, States 'has a- total - "At PRICE, April pro, t least slackened apprecia nearest to April 13'on seventeen ended inquiry set-uduCed tons 37,000 eoonomic net of can of IntiTest coal in and policies road's capital $221,000,000 i Vr nies have consideraole interests prevent the air lines, buses, bly. Domestic topper,- ltati;--- and individual series; the composite thie week which ended March 30, in the three northern more than commercial agents kingdoms. and trucks from eventually --making nearly onehalf the railroad zinc quotations were unchanged, index declined to 78 from 78.6 per a to from iteCOrdIng ThP the '.'.; assembly plants of Ford report Business was re cent of estimated normal, the ). national bituminous coal commis. and General Motors within invest fourteenth - - , ; of their s trends. on 1 range respective guns In the ,,:s1,,, afeok' " li"n1;:nt'h:rit:'1;rp'yv"i:p-tr:t:in Some betterment was noted In i , ,.411 harbor. tcr 1939 the oinfilee.oangegrube.s.selesTs'herrL)arLnaac:srsehaosounld"beueu.inievslieaa that in I the the of crude construction . figures :' from 73.7. ,ttiari euSrne nbLe a4just---- -1 ,ow.arthys- - althoughafter-i Over the shipping situation. .After Since was ment it was N-0-11sricerisnpi9fdieg not sufficient to turn last , ar,e. .; ,t 111;sseietkedt inSta19:2e9s:hriea; The OctoDanish since an ounce $40 at on te reached r holding the trend of the adjusted index, c:9r; 1 4' are The railroads' ber, the price of refined platinum index, with half the death battle carriers. with other f which Is corrected for seasonal -k0 7 size the Swedish or Nor- lowcar.. ,, h. are the nation's second biggest taxpayers, big-- , ways.reduced to $38, effective Mon- tionihas variation and price, and furtith 1 , an agand at er, modified for by moving averages peak 1 gest customers, and biggest investment. If the COPPER ZOOMS, LAGS The International Harvester year. gregate decline of 16.1cpoints, or trend effect. Awards in' the tat. ; 17 per cent. The could on their The back . at nation's coal as feet, bituminous get est they approximately plant Sweden, ,4 ' Norrkoping, compiled by "Engl. period. C0railroads 1 Buying of copper for domestic ac- current index figure of 78 is amount- - l output amounted toof8,4m7011,00Orch n3oet, employed an average of 500 men of new jobs, put mil- - count thousands ,,J, neering i was in good volume at,,the ! above the level of ed to :1;53,336,000 in valuation, tons in the week . the Swedish assembly Jn ,, 4 i. , dollars in investors' pockets and give beginning of the week, but inter- fractionally lions a4.9:13018f0 last 2, indicating that vir407,000 more than in the preced. the in Sept.' General a with Motors had $59,890,000 compared toward the close, Sales est - I , broad advance folbusiness a tremendous - hypodermic, 500 to 900 workers dur- . ing week and 1,429,000 more thaflTT Today, for - lagged previous week and $53,947,000 a - NEW YORK, April 20.Once the weekamounted to 11;218 tually of the European in the corresponding week of start the 22 fell Public same lowing the awards The success ing ago. C. year. last year C. I. R. W. Babson againas hampered by tons, bringing the total for the war has been erased. Septemberwar regulation, 1929. of the Ford assembly plain per cent under last year, while dominates domestic business, re; labor leaders, and antiquated rate month to date to 23,390 tons. Salescapitalization, short-sighteof rose three the those main for operations NVeek Comparisons private Business 20,The of March ports totaled for the month today. schedules, the railroads .are being battered into a pulp by their 305 tons, according to revised fig- divisions of the general index 94 per cent. A contract let for 4 markets respond not to immedia electric N.O.C.-RECleveland show that production, and distriD power plant ate : NETWORK I relationaggressive competitiors. Pullman traffic is going to the air lines; ures. The domestic quotation held at ,butioa swelled the private total. are above the Sept. 2 lev, the ships but to war neWS and war coach traffic to the buses; lucrative freight and express business 1114c.. ' Valley, 'throughout Steel-mil- l week last is financial while els, operations activity emotions. week. but declined lower. The relationship between to the trucks. A feature early in the last week Industrial activity, as a conseat this distribution and to"Iron. week, according ' DOUBLE AIR LOAD jobs. Final quence, is apt to be jumpy over plans were just an-- I was the buying of copper for ship- production 0'4; TH. 'W241111ESSI to is to rate estimated that last the of similar is Age," have no paritcular love for the flounced, for instance, for the E. ment to Italy. The tonnage was present the next few weeks. Nor should 62 to a full , the shave former item advanced when point VOICE TH September, but I hate to see a 20 neapolis & St. Louis which had large and the bulk of business was held be surprising if the it stock which of 11.5 over of cent Po' a capacity, per points margin billion-dolla- r booked on the basis of 11.50c., fas. the latter. industry die; I hate to been in receivership since 1923 market moves up or down with I more mean a gain of slightly the fast up'THE SATURDAY. APRIL ' see ..a Allied successes or failures- - at American ports. The range in prices swing of theDuring taxpayerinearly 20 years. The seasonal curve in than business P.M. proportion. a. M A. swam. st I hate to see an em - on export sold sethe sandbagged; the Under battlefront such instead of being during copper circumstances, normal seasonal trend usually 1 the final 1939 months, production Night ha Sheepfold. COOESLSaturday to was 11.600c., 11,375c. week 4.4160116-Las, the hard facts J.)ebato A1 in 6 ;15ES1,-Celebri- ty touches its high point guided solely by tue,r a much steeper advance April, 3117etrhaotfisaexaicItliyonwhillaetnishhoagplpieend-. Tune, tonight ederes;1r , hopethrgaatntlizleedir 030t the top figure applying against enjoyed road will of or cornorations' lossts. or firmness 6:30NBCWa3,ne King and i Orehes. profits and on Dec. 2 showed a margin of so that any strength SATURDAY, ATIOL. t Ira. ing every minute. In the last two Hence, they sell their defaulted small tonnages of on the other Commodities, weeks in 36 points Over distribution. In, steel output coming the air lines irAre than eurities at enormous lossesfar be- - copper. New s. with reset hand, are somewhat more realwill have a favorable effect on t v.tit) ,t syiuptunti of Melody by Trends Of the individual comdoubled their of the CopMean- March statistics value. IJIVslets" The their intrinsic istic. Not only do they tend to 6 ;15index. field the in the h adjusted production Blaiti"-witsteadily;now, ponents Col, Itos. SAA'uo.OPLUIS111 I rates are dropping Olt 4;00CBS"Sky bond-arreflect 'the. calculated judgments while, the receivers, per Institute showed that stocks Of we Turner aa master of eeraino. Lamm a rout tu St4,of Stew.' s, on even terms with Pullman,holders' committees, lawyers, all suck the refined copper increased 14,402 tons of business men's probable needs ANU111 Atli 44, rates on many a jump. Like the !blood out of the road. el Utah 7;10ESLThe Long and Short of the for goods, but they also reflect 0 .30- -Solvent, during the month. Members of the 4 I: Week in Sports, preeented by Waft ,e ut uute et t mu; tiu railroads, they are soon to segre-ibu- t sick, roads are in the same industry differed in their interprethe general state of confidence; Bantiack. : their and mail, express, pass-boagate to keep tation of the figures, as usual. in buying of commodiThey desperately Youth vs. AreA utw Weir try ;00 expansion 1:45CBSSaturday Night Serenade )o enger business. A year or two more, out of receivership. They are forced Those who are optimistically inSill uur ties usually indicates a willingMary Eastmiin. uuu Jille WU eau& Perry, Gus - ,,, ' -- 1 and we Will see freight trains of! to scrimp orchestra. StAti,S and cut corners to meet clined viewed total stocks of re ness on the part of the business , V 7 :30 smut() Bimber the air! This is the subrosa idea their bond interest. Their locomo- fined of 157.795 tons as still on the and the arty...N.14191i LISESLRichard to take riks. longer community tit ty ut, tut, for using the thousands of military, tives and cars wear i 50 t DrebeFor that reason, the strength in out.They can- low side. Others believe that pro,04's lumuut 0:30CBSKate Smith lour. with Abbott : oo S Oft. t Us airplanes which, after the .Euro- - not afford teti,buy new equipment, duction will have to he curtailed tlit. Wild sou Costello. comedians; is of snecial Snow VB. Unable Wheat As commodity Uncertain Traders prices 1 Stilittit Spring will be ALAS. available for War. capita. Pcan to lege Sketches. cut to meet se rates, The gains immecompetition. unless consumption of domestic significance. ,ott Aillitotiaata commercial purposeS. Anti Critue The best thing in the world for metal increases soon. Busters, 4: -- rreauttut To Make Up Loss To Trade- Effects Witt, et. eptuks CMCBSGang diately following the German inries. with Col. H. Norman Swazis- . at The planes are great the railroadsand that means for DVISIUSattC Cuwe.. tu th IOU of Norway have been'exvasion narrator. keit, 0, I Their safety record gets better every honest person connected With SAWS 4nt.11 10 :00CBSYour Bit Parade. with Barry CHICAGO, April 20.(AP)-- - De. tended,,percbasing NEW YORK, April agents. ap 44k11 a's lane MAUI chla StlitUf0 every year,actually beat the rail- - with themwould be a sane, whole- - Transvial's Gold Bea Mark Warnow. Wood, Wain, rather would I MS Abs. ,be aselkil 'War efloAsts parentiv, long drama, threatening spite spring wheaLialrmers' roads n 1939. They are clean and sale reorganization plan as pro- Orchestra. 10 ;00 The Transvaal production 1.147, Europe's .41 , ae,hteter i'keteuta thy PO. of fighting zones, to increase produetion, a slight cut on inventories than short. Bissell and his Orches. 11:00ast.billy .; s a...out:14 Bill. No 382 oz. of gold during March, a further spread comfortable;, give wonderful ser-- I posed in the Wheeler-Le1444 u1 tra, from the Empire Room. on circles this business ,,er. 10 edge u,,,er Jos vice; every passenger is a King. securities need to be junked. Jun- new monthly high. Production in kept of and his orches- . States' Mallory in United big surplus LthA1 The railroads have improved in ior bonds could be put on an totaled 1,103,000 oz. and week. mar-- 1 bk.; , Witt: oy JuK,1 hU for the is 11 ..45.Ks1,---Rabread February Noble and his Orchestra. expected on a A grain of revival ,war buying ' oz. respect, but are still far be- come' basis. ,Preferred and com- in March last year 1,073,000 11:06CBSPress News. ly out uteuestra. in July. 11 hind the air lines. They need new mon stocks need di, .Ats 11'00CBSIvan Ditmars at the Organ: t r was 3,386, moderate scale was evident in the kcting season which' begins not be NIsiped out. production a. altaand and his Orclaes. teitkl Urk;meati of 11:30CBSMenni certain the new. will Lehas,' The nation blood, younger personnel, Men They could buy new equipment 000 oz., against 2,932,000 oz. In the strength commodity go into 00 Lomb uutm vrebeit A.M. tra. markets, including wheat, rubber season with the largest 'wheat cartrained in public relations. Instead right and left. They would provide same period Diu last year. and sugar. The rise in commodiof disagreeable ticket agents, cold thousands of new jobs in car shops, SLUniverse of Melody 4 Levelatui! 1:N11(1-01el- tio Dreuestra. I't :30KSLThe Concert Master. ties on the present swing started ryover in seven years, a result and impersonal train crews. they textile mills, steel foundries, ore in Europe. :00C :: BeToclay I a har16 oo lutt, Au uoutt , need employees who like makingnOnes, lumber camps. I :lbCBSOutdoors with Sob Edge. immediately after the German in- partly of last year's And they Steel At 60 9 Per Cent io Aehu, si. over Jordan. bustlints of and vasion Denmark I smallest cornfort-vest the and and oo would export on paying taxes! Of passengers Norway. A.A. shippers 11:00CBS-4Thu- rch of the AirDr. Ernst The operating rate of the steel IFLillik .' Serenade.' 15 able and happy. The colored port- - course, keep and shares Problem Number One shipping Kan1416 Pibiblad. tindsborg, ness in three years. for the week beginning onPaper, sugar i vots burnt otcvite. (Dial 1503 Kiloeyeles) ers come closer to filling the bill Regulationmust be attacked at industry Civilisation the stock exchange also emspeaks on "Is Our was estimated at 60.9 per cent on the basis of present However, Change' in program as listed are due Christian f" April sbtual:lutaa,c14.Asui4rs'el.rrom high-paithan the war the theme in the same conductors. The the time. carriers must of to network corrections made too g 10- -- ESLChurch of Chriat, speakers. ; A. which compares with phasized and entirely .. g AfiKSLChristian Scissile late to Incorporate. be given more freedom to run 61.3 capacity, Radio o'er. abroad. STREAMLINERS NEEDED place. These groups appear- poor winter wheat prospects cent in the previous week niarket Prose' am per to- SATURDAY, APRIL IS ice. wheat ed 70 an , situated to yield, as business diversion wise. The roads mist put on more ,their average spring profit by . 9 ..00C SiPrevia News. they think or'ebeit-r-a.50.9 per cent a year ago, the and stream-linetrade to domestic companies tal 1940 harvest may be slightly rfil":00 9 .06C tiM attinataSsion Orchestra. equipmentnot on a Once, when the railroads had a mo- - American Iron and Steel Institute of on .1..-and the rising tendencies in com below annual domestic require- 1:ZNR:4,1EuBeArodnd, I few runsbut on many runs. Pull-- I nopoly on transportation, I. C. C. unul k Apt,. Idau Heads ;lbESLspeaker tor the Gioeoa Gouncs ciety. - reports. toe annuity diswere Tomodities man affected rates must be slashed drastiiregulations necessary. directly by revs by Paul V. McNutt A fair volume of business was Capital Theater .to t :30CBSMajor Bowes' lithe Irle ments. Baru DahM Family from New York City. ith ' cally, perhaps eventually eliminat- iday, however, with airplane, bus, booked by producers of lead dur- ruption of shipping and trade AddirOti of the Air " i NLtrihnal 1 carryover has been 1 Eddie Peabody. Pic b. 10;311CBSKSLPresents the bait Lake in truck comeptition, many of the TheJuly auu ed. Running time must be Tabernacle Choir and Organ. 0144 i th ing the last week, though most of routes. Henry Burr: Hoosier Hot 7 Oi All 299,000,000 C. at C. estimated Stocks ;r:itt$Pat:J Most are busfollowed itsy runs!I. Rev. tentatively regulations harming the activity occurred in the first ually speeded up. Duplicate 11:00C1ibChurch of the AirThe major Wild- 11011141100.OLIO monte;s : IL Kell;vealyMiailiitderbitnet le i Edward J. Rickey. clummllor of the ' must ltfh the public and the shippers. three days of the period. Sales for iness barometers lower. The sea- bushels..,In 1939 the carryover was our .ob ,Kaauuit, stoppedtrains pooled,bci to ;.iv- -N sic -C- iii of Detroit. Archdiocese the roads win their battle, their the week totaled 6,003 tons, which sonal bulge in business this spring 254,000,000 bushels,' which, with a branch lines eliminated. Freight! 4.ruivance 11 :30CB8" Democracy in Action"D. di. Orchestra Symphony soo .04' 14. Worn. and bondholdersper- - compares with 14,564 tons in the was smaller than usual and tradB. rates must be flexiblequick Office Education series exof Arturo Toscanini. tolle of 755,000,000, gave the nation 9 boil:Amin Quill. Ulemployes crop builders la the poses 04 win. unscrupulous News. ers when believe of considered a chances Producers stockholdersmay late week drop 4.75c competition Le- - t, previous. ddit o, 1,1111idel , in sketch titled "The Rouse That JerrY 9 Hail's is now, they are a cinch to that consumers ombeitra. I.50e Differentials in the South must be as some industries a supply of 1,009,000,000 bushels.The have provided for spring Boum 'rams piscineBuilt." estiwas Wheeler-Le5.10c 1 If the Bill is their out. Trucks cannot possiblyllOse. carryover Lou With ang rolu L. Icaus. auu tomJuly for curtail summer. the wiped earning ordinary April requirements 5.75c 12:00C135---Salutto the American Presi: mated by deducting 40,000,000 bushend Sitere b sobusunn ou haul heavy freight as cheaply and just right, government, man- - to the extent of- - 95 per cent cent, SEE END TO SLOWDOWN L 17 dent Roberto Orbs or Argentina. Tem Goodman's Orehestra. 6Pt0,000,000 bushels and els agement, labor and security-hold- exports A the with the May position standing at drama. New York World'e war efficiently as the railroads if the ers 1940 and Want, the Divorce, .'nt, Despite 12 , salutes spring lag Night until 2 o'clock should be able to find some consumed ... .carriers to cent. ,,,,,,, 65 benignant-a-4,.50c want Fairdomestically. IOMOrrOW to 1:..to.....xxit.,nnuroticau.lvenve obstacles ,,,,,, really compete. ' per in trade. ' morning. approximately foreign .., nu 254)e other and rano, . bush Rhythm. nes.uruis iimunenta.ors SUNDAY, APRIL 21 Chief difficulties of the railroads working arrangement-whicIf a 1940 clops of 626,000,000 The price situation remained un- eluding loss of the growing Scan. 1.1000 , News. A could solve , , the ananuuttuu are fourfold: problem. Certain. changed, producers holding out for dinavian markets, there was a els materializes on the basis of (1) I. C. C. regula- ... Or" bowgru'ulaueOlUDIentil we 'ought not to sit by and see tion. (2) New York. conducted cheetra of 5.10c, New York, which was also widespread feeling in financial cir- 426,000,000 winter wheat, accord1:30EUTAAmert fUndliteugt,i,Pija-nd.---capitalization. ly, g, by John Barbirolli witb Ethel Bart.-- , with the railroads a IWO btictillig of the Week. 1 forecast, (3) official the contract settling basis of the cles the to the managements. (4) lall connected of April ing , and Rae Robertson. prolett factory nercusenta. Press News. tax cm collector, Unfair labor unons Of these, American Smelting & Refining duction was approaching bottom.. and 200,000,000 spring wheat, the' ::.00NBCAssociated 4 ur Happiness"-Binvestorget of aulate-i.dLumber t.orad Problem Number Two seems most Unnecessary licking! The time Company, and 4.95c, St. Louis. The Pee Meredith, master of ceremonies. . Recital. eitamausatton en The upturn ih,, such key com- United States supply would totalsawsDouai come when the Golden Rule undertone was firm, but, with the and Mark Warnow's music. Idoods-fia- lon Orches- or only 84,000,urgent. Thirty per cent of the na-- ' has bushels, 925,000,000 as modities wheat ow,- ' Co - Sides"-n- ew I HOMO. should andsugar be binfeS to Joseph all uninterests. tion's less or is Howmore 9:301stivinctite.r dZc(tuion.of applied market earlier. a mileage -! 000 less i, than inreceivership-foreign year 'ports pull. with Henry McLeinorr,.. the belief vi,as organist. i couraged industry 1;eirtegtis is a cardinal sin! some of it has been there for 'An- "Was to made no attempt settled, domestic consumption and' r iou: mretodomMa.tefof headed for a turnaround, ever, if are of Dr. Hunt. City Muni c Hall of.)be raise quotations. ly ten years. Thirty percent more same in the 1910-4i,,658,- the , on of the order baritone. exports Roes, last the La Traviatta. recovery m,,,moomt. has been only One jump ahead of Al In. tikpregnintakimNa'egredioI 2 I Theater. (tweeted by ZINC VERY ACTIVE t summer. 'season, this would leave a car- u : 1,216,- Beet , the sheriff for a similar length of "- - arch Zinc Sales Conrad ernworucalMeeltielinelig. Nagel. Martine - Edna 'Ile. bushels at the . .. The record for the calendar week Continuing its fall from the MAlatneni n; r ryover of 215,000,000 UenillIS ano Tn0Mall seamen UI eh ChurA time. in railroad .. season. Sales of common grades of zinc ended April 13 shows that 21,466 1617,. oemble. receivership IMO." Serviee, direct from Immanuel Bap- peak attained on the autumn lend of the coming A is not my i dea of sales appeal nor as the ihinti" and Melody OM Church of Salt Lake City, Res. .e.is reported by the Prime Western tons of zinc were sold in that pe- lwar boom, the Associated Press While the prospective 1940 win- Autry - his !,319,. 'xod Branch. YartetY W. ,:. A. good advertising, either for freight Zinc Producers Committee division. Lyons. of the riod by the Prime Western anti Garry eluert of industrial activity slipped ter wheat crop is by no means cer- P.M. . index ' or passengers. Certainly it does American Zinc Institute totaled World This Week- "thentaira t 70.65: fail4,- - The nor lou. a of news from important centers t i 200,000,000 12 heavy volume of business tain, the estimate of Plays Series pments IRO-- nit not help the bondholder nor the 310 tons during March, ; level. In ,t6 a new low for the year. It has bushels presents the i anannwitgon Europe and America. Ferenc Molnar' e "Lilliom, 7.031, against 27, ed to disturb the price of spring wheat is ' even t declined 13 out of the last 14 Amen. in Circus stockholder. ðers Rhythm. &Angling current of Frank. and 455 tons in February. the three violinist, the first days fact on Edition KSL World .coo-- -. Cuntru,lims RECEIVERSHIP RACKET yielding all the gain of the more nebulous. Thecanonly 1913, , anerigetzhatiures. week the buying has been slow, 'weeks,war . be based is 1,1511crpAul Coverage News. v which this estimate months. a natural development. Sellers re- early of Eller, Queen. Receiverships do, of course, pro-- I ton. 0005e that farmers plan to seed 19,425,000 2 :00--N BC- -N MIMI al Musieale. The with You Think You &now s vide big fat salaries for lawyers, magnetic Mote Mover index, Man's "'milli. as Dr. firm with on component the Vespers the undertone l : to spring wheat compared Music." condocted by Ted Cott and To remove metal fragments such garded 0 insiders and receivers. The latter Barry Emerson Fosdick discussing ,1: basis of 5.75c, St Louis, for Prime groups based on latest figures, cal. acres season. Leonard Leibling. Alum& ot annuthar The Conmest of Fear." levels as 100,l with 17,532,000 acres last more power in run- - as steel filings that lodge In the Western. Shipments of the com- culated on 1929-3-0 have II :55- -C News. I actually Game Or. between Sideucute's Gustave .00. Music; Last year 15,894,000.acres were har, Evening Hour, Sem. S. L. Bees end Pinney Beverage Co. chestr;. ning a road in receivership than eye, General Electric company has mon grades to Consumers during compared as follows: about -D- escribed by Bill Sears phony Orchestra and Chorus. con. Lat. Prey. Year vested at an average yield of as for the president and board of direc- - developed a magnet molded in the the week totaled 3,160 tons, against beitv,irtioi sApbs,,01H4?ourAll.fGiCribarmorc eft by trite Reiner, with Al. Europit by John same from , the 12 acre, bushels . per Wk. Wk. tors had when the road was sold form of a pencil. The new alloy 3.268 tons in the preceding week. bets Spalding. violinist. W.,... Gam': Ago' the , ; Gunther, and ins ..00amo ..ol. the, hoies.!! in- previous season. If. abandonpron. speaker. Blossome. vent. These fellows stall and con- - used is said to permit the concen- - The backlog, or undelivered con- Composite 5 IL ' As Announced. percentagesame to Coneert. ' the amounts Melodiee. ment ' dex nive to prevent reorganization. tration of the entire magnetic force tracts, increased from 31,714 tons (x). 94.8 96.2- 85.3 8 .30KsLItithard ,,, Timber and tan omplet hits juntryritwt.ieuewarNwetuws Gay. organist season and the yield is -this re- - at the When a railroad comes-out-bead of the instru- - of 50.020 tons in the seven-daNews. Automobile Champions. Real Night- be a would slightMaur. the crop Music Lib of unchanged the Haw. (x) 91.0 92.5 68.9 ceivership they naturally lose their ment. output period. WO. bushels. 7 9:00...E8L-Sun- dae cap Yarn. Sookman's Notebook. Evening News. i Steel 81.7 82.3 68.3 ly in excess of 211,000,000 Rich. Drama.3 pL. activity PraYer Was Answered." ---Planning. war The buying enough produced ' M ' ,Progratawith S. Sunder - Eventng Cotton 1162109A Plr(x)11.2.5 mfg. irora City. to , oe, use of Lumber. 7 Cervice. telling all about New 123.1 121.8 112.g 'tolift wheat prices 34 corn t Electricity use bluebell. Newsreel of the Air ,..moimisom while Catholic Hour. conduct.. gained 7:4sNac--spori82.3 82.3 89.6 the past week, - a iuntly, Home building Bill Stern. Parker7: 147 ed by Father Valmore C. Marceau. featuring llAt: 3I,i siONBC---Goo- d to oats rye to 44 conduc Hour Wili Orchestra. Surne Onivetaile Young 68.5 67.6 59.7 Rail loadings. J.- A nthony. , and lard 15 to.. 18 cents. 64 661. Nom. from Bros,. , Ceverage pews Wom - - to (x)1940 low. Newf. News. 404.- Wide Coverage the ADYL hews Amin. corn and oats at one time II :15--N Wheat. oecheatra. M e milers to--With brisk retail demand for of-Enseo,blei fall since the i Myere' Orchestra. on Tempts 1,417f- Paul Carson, oreanuit. Evening cars in the home markets, motor 1937. and his.OrcheeFinkle , hep Square, Notunghsm's Orchestra. makers stepped up assemblies to tra. A.M. McDonald's ortnestra, 3,716; . Spivalee Orchestra.. I ' Good tempt Until 103,275 units compared with 301,- Noble Mid hla Orchestra. ton New mar61514- Strand and his Orebep , 4 a.m. Monday morning. ,940 the previous week and 90,260 the.buYing flurries in futures Gill Pre sents . Ira. 'MONDA1. a on par. they the supposition ket Antil, Orchestra. 6 Myers' ,a year ago. The increase was less IMorning until , 0.40,130,033. frclocia,A.M mould beaffected by Ocularly thanexpected---forthistime--of ... MONDAY. APRIL II . Tomorrow Mom int. Danish .anci.. --of loss re.111. War Bulletms. Norwegian .75,000; 'year, when automobile assemblies Va- trade 1117.P.DAI APK1L n O'clock Club. ' shipping from important ' Bulletin. !usually speed up for the summer routes. Moods. with Inter. Show. )0: 61. riety Edition ESL , World trade. Church in the Bocknational News at 730: time, temlift. News.. HY111116. commodities ' in and music Coverage The advance variety .ies Favorite )50,000; parature , 'STEEL TRADE FALTERS . mrm bers of th e 1500 Club. Morning Almanac. atevue. the highest i Breakfast Steel buying, recently showing ed wheat nad corn to more. -J- osh Higgins of Finchville Tahiti Edition of sandacjes : Ole or Hogs, ,two in ,If Lashes. News. years Vagabonds. 'World-WidSews price of from the signs band. source RBA), cash income. 'Kelly. 1:30NBCOrig1nalitiesDance : SUL. , ' winter's slump, flattered as result another big 1 Page Morning Mews. Revue. I Mare:ed. drama. the ' of the $4 a. ton cut in, prices on for the farm, rose to around and Dashes with Dotty 'n' Tunes. Mews. -nett.le kosemble. : hundred11.1r3n)c...;ivel a --; of $6 Smart." Health Club Your sheets and strip announced the year's top prices Dr. Malone!! !,h 22,Newt. Time. 706KSLPreou I Exercise Van tune. tenor- 1 previous week by producers.. Big weight. from the South. tor Fun Program time ' ! Affairs of Anthony. sast2-01-ANL- : Two busy "war baby" industries 0 I FIRST,- - his judgment is consumers hesitated on the chance the Music Library.. with -- By" Woodbur'y's Orchestra. Newswith' i. and shipdrama. aircraft the alStorm, manufacturing be other reduced, prices might Kidoodlere. r Febfor Yoll.. tihititill Ligot in for more 1o:15NBCThe Gold with Rollethough trade circles. insisted the buildingappeared Smith Sneaky. Moods. ..., 27,970 ,,a RIGHT in choosing 'Cater Senate adopted a big ' wood. New' by Chet Price at 10:45 The stimulus. Berrien... Council. Girl was rolled weakness 10 a in balmy products last the Book ends with of 'Helen Trent sisters. trio.- an isolated area caused by installa. navy spending bill, including . TNI Malone. 4. nfil batTunes. Sonde,. ton tion of huge- mechanized mills in funds to start two 43,000 Spitelny's Orchestra. Bloke.. From AU The World pillar." News. 1 recent years. tleships. Contracts were signed for Can Re Beautiful.. from- the KOYL Neil1000M P.M. numbers Wiley. , Philosophical) . , Martha. Uranus. large I 13. Navy Band presenting "The Iron Age" said the slash-i- sale of additional ; Comments. Varieties. Allies. Music. sheet prices checked "the mild of planes to the . Bernie's Orchestra. turen. of 'Divorce." 1,00....fiR.D.,oroboos EXPORTS STILL HIGH seasonal with in order Time sister. improvement ' of Honeymoon Bill 7 that Whether expansion of dealings Jenny's Real Lift 810- volume that was under way." .. Singin Sam. Tavoritee:-DrOther Wife. Mat- e.-; Wall Street security markets with the Allies and remaining neu- I Plain Bill. ' T. and Arnold Son Torn- Light of the World Matinee-Vari- ety I as brokers' trals in Europe would be auffGirl. fidgeted uneasily ,Grimees Daughter. Valiant Lads-lo!r cent gram with Garry Moore, master of Department of Pub Ile assort- ident to make up for foreign trade boardrooms an Illmne el all Churches. , harbored cerenwhilet kr ago. PRkrT. linOrtvition a moot p.m. remained elsewhere nal News. ment of rumors and conjectures of News.. Hour with Mary marlin. Second, he will always be RGHT, for we guarantee .........., i for Children. told and what would happen next in Eur- point in financial circles. Trade 3 'rim Sefton' of the Mr. Na Perkina, Pepper Young's yam. sons by Irene Wicker. e, nmnmwmg March showed ATIPM reehro for ,exports Ba , and the ope. Italian bonds, skidding with figures it,. Vic and Side. &nat- ''".". WArehiel. an0 Nerve. Stories of 'Back- of last 3 '31) - ....... 'Scandinavian issues, mirrored the still. running well ahead t complete satisfaction to all "Caterpillar" owners. Den. starring' Wile. Stella Dallas. Boort stage tenor. cotton in a Sears. cut ship!belief of many that it was Mus- yew', despite and Jane. drama. Jofirlsoo. ly Middleman's Orches- - 2 :30- -R D to- 4 ments. $344,000,000 The export romnill 1 solini's move. Reports Inoutring with Sidewalk Interview. ff,ilooro !amis." 4,1321,,T,eTha Norimen',, Quartet. for- tat was 20 per' cent above the like But hazy accounta,of--4arlinArro." Alone, drama.. sews. Press 30NacWri 1939 month. 4:2sserA.pociated tunes ,,in Norway,' where. British roilvw004, Tet 3 Life., of Bartonaerial story , 4:3oMCBud A. Krent 3 , l Retail trade per pp in many troops landed to contest the Gercr4Ii, real boys and their problems. O'Neilts., Shootbalmier Cellt-Tebis man hold, left Wall, Streeters 'Straight Nix end places with the arrival of r-- 4:60.WLFYI.----Werl--e, Ness and War lash , ere." 1 of 31 Rain dampened doubt., fog Co. the LIM. Newsroom. temperatures. InterieW with DOI- 4 IVY'S 1,0111 EQUIPMENT Z -- 11 '1"."Wn." me to Cherish." strain. SCARCITIES SEEN -F-rAAi . shopping ardor in some sections. ' s:00xvr.triglit erg on tonight's ,.. card at hi Willv CITY SALT LA-lit,7 Gifford. baritoue. As scores of Scandinavian ships Dun & Bradstreet said the widest Arena. tonsil's b,teve-.- " a eI.t Rowlett. drama. 4:45N8CRoek7 Fil,r,:tilestra;.'it2 went into port to wait for their gains were made in automobile Worid Wonien. 4 l :00KRYLInterwiting rd were of a D Y Os. from este of Retail to al. Siesta. Illiiope. sales generally !status egoit Diesel clear, commodity traders sales. 15K t of "Caterpilica' Distributor Engines, Trackype Tractors., Road Machinery log 'Paroleto the, Streets." now tr I :15NBCEuropean News Summan.' of the Circus." , 'speculated on prospects .of high. estimated 4 to 9 per cent above, 'coffin. Time.. and Yesterday. :30.E0Y1...Today TA I er shipping costs and possible 1939 figures, with the south show. Newt, Littntte'rnr, n'tioitylewyotdinter- Sews Report& 1 Doubt." of some imported emeem, ing gains of 8 to 13 per cent at views eondorted by Ben Alexander. COONBCTalk by R. S. Butler. ' !scarcity Cocoa, tin and " I the ' (Paid . Adv.) thud .1' hat. Adf:f ) of the head Adv.) . ielt (Paid . regional rubber, ' Early during the last week the 'demand-To- --B- Y e' Meta Ig eontirlued - -- p -7 Sinelter,-ah-dthe-A- Otput ,' , , , I. . - 7 7, - - war--ship- cts.knie7 - :', L - -NV - e,D.e,rs.eepnso;leld,eliu,rit'sglie' 1 17:-!- ' ' , - Dominates e. !, it U. S. Business News-Record,- " , - 7,1 ' - all-th- - z , - top-heav- y r d rit'N contra-seasonall- ' ,Vp LJv , million-dollar-a-da- y ,to I prompt-shipmen- 11 e War Puzzles U.S. gusiiless t. ' - AA Grain Surplus Drop Expected APotMA - Li ,..... - uu N time-saver- , - - to, a ;15-1- a ak; y et. ;30-- First-quarte- 11:30-4,SL- Aka gr'iro.v....,T ' e ute--4.- 45 oo . fair-size- d cts fits'ii '1:30-4B- SV.! d ;41 571 ' ., d e Gum:nittdubm:trai non's. .::i.--A- L, -b .---o. '. SAA if;reerli2i-- :40-,- L - 1 , .t. kr 14111011 set-bac- k ; a e I 1..00-:- , - -- - -- Top-heav- g slow-dow- ni n in LR -- ucal - , row bamitulli..; mid-yea- 1 " rt . ten-yea- . . - ' 140.917-- ....--,-- , - -The I rty tat.,--cca- ..- I ! -One I rese , . ' ,i. 11 y pin-poi- ' ' : S45-E4- L-1n 1 :00-N- - D.-- s 3, ; The Customer Is Always ' 10:00-Esb- -The 5: in . - - RIGHT l'ofee'lniood------ent- ridge KSL-Strin- -Stan , , : i 12:00-CBS- -Ray ifirnTeinnii Inn', GnrILLtin 1 .. -The - 11 l1 .. -- , Mouse-Music- 1 -Six ' lt I" e - 1 inivtozzlzrzli , 4 11:15-ES-L--In "ItIfir - Este - ' , lon:45-4lia- -One - , ortia "Lite ' . , , -Ben , ty:e0.-rBe....'- - 1 -unt, ' sses . - - ., : 11:1s-eus- -vrt 11,-Jui- , 1 I 1 -- i TRACTOR ANe . - m , - t,-;."- et I :15--- .1g , BC-- - ' 1 m.twif,"-Nell- . ' co-ea- 111111101 -- , I' l e N vs-414u- ..... . ., ,. . - . I. . . - , - . 1 |