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Show 1 ChnoNicte Paqe TweIve DISCLAIMER The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4 00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: words $2.75day. $10.00 per week; 16-3- 0 words $4.25day. $17.00 per week. Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. For Classified information call t APARTMENTS. h plus utilities. 949 East 800 South. 1 8-- BEDROON 76 F0R0 LTD. Excellent condition. Not a single problem. $800 or best offer. Kim. 115 73 SUPERBEETLE. Good condition, motor, nice interior. $12,000 or best offer. 0 115 evenings. CJ-S- 3 spd., warn overdrive, . tow bar. Make offer. 120 p. 84 H0N0A CIVIC DX. 3 door. 5 speed, AC, 20.000 miles. Excellent condition. $5300. FOR NEW I mm, THE FROM U. 1 bedroom basement wwindows. Free gas. Single female only. Mo dogs. $150mo. After 8:00 p.m. 7. U. LR6. 1 BEDROOM. Garage. Air, No 10th East $275 petssmokeing. 255 S. 122 or 9 2 bdrm. Heat paid. $300mo. $200 122 deposit 184 Q. St. No pets. ONE BEDROOM BASEMENT APARTMENT. Separate entrance, living room, fireplace, kitchen, bathroom, heat, hot water paid. $250mo. Free thru Jan. No deposit. 1521 E. or Laird Ave. Call Lazlo days.581-889- 0 eves 122 U. BEDROOM A NO By FOR RENT. $200. Close to BATH 4& (Ml Q 122 NEAR Kitchen & laundry shared. Utilities included. Owner works evenings, leave message on answer machine. U. Buddy Hickerson 952 Princeton, quiet 2 bedroom. Wash dryer hookup, covered parking. 120 Must sell 1981 ZEALAND! Camaro. Well maintained. $3750. 2 eves. 121 days. 8 220-42- V0LARE For those nights when party guests never It's time to bring out Ronco's leave Deluxe Power Blower. .... FOR SALE Small. 8, automatic. AC. good rubber, two to choose from, $450 each. Call evenings. 1978 PLYMOUTH --M- 122 TO U. CLOSE 120 LEAVING a ri 122 2 BLOCKS NEAR AUTOMOTIVE Mon-F- 485-777- 0. includes heat. soft-to- 19M 129 Jory. 4. NOTICE hubs, 5, APARTMENT IN OLD VICTORIAN HOUSE. Close to U. Great House. Great People. 131 So 1200 E. Stop by or call BEDROOM THREE 71 JEP 1 Friday, January WAGON. 122 A PAIR OF TOUCH TONE LAMPS. Gas barbeque. two night stands, full size bed. Call ENTERTAINMENT WOLFE TANNING BED. Great opportunity. Call for details. 583- -5528. Rent a mobile hot tub and sauna. Call Splash Transit at PARTY THE ULTIMATE MACHINE) 127 115 business 535-137- 129 $200. Must see. 1466 So. 600 East. 2 BORM S289 very clean, 5 minutes to U. 1168 S. 5th E. Park setting, laundry, LOCKED GARAGE. 122 eves. LARGE CHEAP RENT' One bedroom $200. 2 bedroom, $250. Sign 6 month lease & get a month free. Good security, covered parking, pool, AC, more. Trolley Place, 555 E. 700 So. Call Doug, 6 eves. HARBOR days. 298-485- 8 PLACE MANAGEMENT. 115 REDUCTION. 3 blocks to U. large bedroom apts. heat and other utilities 115 included. LARGE RENT 731 S. 300 E. Nice Condos. 3 bedroom, $295. 2 bedroom, $275. 1 bedroom, $200-$22- 5 Pool, weights, tennis, more. 8 6 (o), (h). Harbor Doug, 115 Place Management. INCLINE TERRACE Large one bedroom condo. Pool, carport, nice. 1032 E. 400 So. 312-6 $275. Includes heat. Doug, (o), 298-485- 8 (h). HARBOR PLACE MANAGEDOWNTOWN ins MENT. APARTMENT at 979 E. Logan Avenue (1600 So.). Includes garage. $190. or $10 discount if paid early. 266-333- 9 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE, 21 277- - 8516. 2 12 BEDROOM DUPLEX at 1807 So. 1700 E. $265 to qualified party. Yard care discount. or 21 APT. $245mo. Security deposit. Utilities not included. or 115 CHARMING t BEDROOM APT. Close to 2 BECROOM 120 WATER BED FOR SALE. Four post waterbed with headboard & footboard. Excellent condition. $150 or offer. Call 5:00 pm. 0 adult$250mo.$150sec. or 115 yer, dep. Renee, 9 120 SKIS- - Olin Mark IV Comp skis with Tyrolia 280D bindings, only $100 for the package. Good condition, recently tuned up. Call SKI BOOTS. DALEBOOT 120 $85. "We'll stop operating on your nose making it grow." TICKETS ANYWHERE IN 3, THE U.S. Good til Jan. '89. Mark. TRIP AIRLINE ROUND 121 115 DORM CONTRACT 584- - FOR SALE. Van Cott Hall. Call ROOMMATES Wonderful, immaculate, two $59,900 bedroom bungalow located on a quiet street close to the University! Plush carpets, elegant fireplace wall, tiffany lamp! Call WOOD or Gerry Johnston, 466-62- 122 REALTORS. Guaranteed lowest prices in Utah. DIAMONDS: Large selection. Men's and women's 63 settings, earrings, wholesale. 23 Bath $350.00 Below Leave Message. 1 9 West-minst- 115 Large newly remodeled studio. all utilities paid. Washerdryer hook-upAVENUES. 25 $275month. I APT. High BDRM, BASEMENT Tirepiace. covered K5mo. ceilings, pamng, taunor 129 MS-1- bta-Ktf- 4 BEDROOM HOME. 2 bath. $750 1202 4th Ave. Dave, mo. LARGE 115 APARTMENT. ONE BEDROOM Separate entrance, kitchen, bathroom. Heat paid. 115 $250moJ521 Laird Ave. APT. FURNISHED. per month. Call 1 BORM. 1300 E. 400 So. $225 115 BARGAINI Exceptional 2 bedroom apt. Aves. 2 or 3 persons. Civered parking. Security door, wd, 115 $320. Dep. $200. 3 BORM NEAR CAMPUS. Heat $580. HOUSE TO SHARE. tub & & hot water incl. 128 plus utilities. Hot References. $250-550- 0 pool. Bountiful. 115 Heat, hot water included. 2 bedrooms, appliances, carport. Close to 115 University. $319. FREE RENTI 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX. New carpeting, linoleum, applianpaint. Levelor, drapes, hook-up- ces. Near University. $325. ml LIBERAL NONSMOKING House Vt blk. to U. $150 2 BLOCKS FROM U. 1 115 bdrm, phone installed. 120 $150month. bath home. New: carpets, linol., paint, kitchen, bath (never lived in). $425 mo. 937 East Pennsylvania eves, (250 So.J.Call Kevin days, .749-910Or see Rick at location after 6:00 NEAR U OF U. 3 bedroom. 1 120 pm. FOR RENT 2) ONE University St. BEDROOM. 128 Apartments. $215 and up. REOUCED RENT FROM $460 to $395 on three bedroom home. .Great east side location. Need renter thru May 15, large yard, Mon-F- ri 0 hookups, 1 car garage. 12 1300 E. 400 So. APT.. FUi.NISHEO. $225 a month. Call. I BEDROOM LARGE DELUX 2 BEDROOM 115. APARTMENT Dishwasher, disposal Lease for $330. Rent for $350. & In carport. 125 to share 3 bdrm. d utll. plui V2 large Eastside home close to resorts, freeway to U. Washerdryer. 2 fireplaces, kitchens. $260mo. incl. utilities. Call Anna. 115 FEW FEMALES TO SHARE 2 bdrms, 2 bath, pool, $215 plus 12 utils. Kim, FEMALE. NONSMOKING tennis. FOUR DAYS Skiing in Jackson Hole with snowmobiling in Yellowstone accommoda120 tions inc. Students $215 PLANS? Get the best deal in town! ULTIMATE Lowest TRAVEL -- PERSONAL MALE TO SHARE APT. 24 Theresa TRIP TO LONOONI Only $500. Coupon 1 122 8. good until July 4. Call ROUND One block from campus. 120 4. ANYONE CAN BE THE VICTIM OF A SEXUAL ASSAULT. Any age, any gender. Shocked!? Outraged!? Get involved! Attend Rape Crisis Center's Training Session, Jan 22nd - 24th. 122 Call WINTER QUARTER HASSLES GOT YOU DOWN? QUESTIONS ABOUT GRADE POSTING? ANY STUDENT PROBLEM? THEN WRITE IT DOWN & DROP IT OFF AT THE CHRONICLE, UNION 240. IN CARE OF LOREEN ERICKSON. INCLUDE NAME & NUMBER. 115 LOOKING FOR S.D.A. STUDENTS who would enjoy some Christian friendship and fun. (Perfection not required!) Be brave and call Kim, evenings - 649-395115 MAZATLANI beaches of Richelle. Spend Spring Break on the Mazatlan for only $199. Call 115 WINTERTIME. And the Living It Free lor Thirty THIS ONE'S FOR YOU. 4 blocks from U. $125 13 plus utils. Call Rodi, block from U. 120 Own bedroom ROOMMATE. FEMALE & bath. 1 $200 month. Barbara. 120 evenings. Sunny duplex, female to share HIGH AVES. with same. Own bdrm and bath, frplc. garage, washer dryer. $225 mo. plus 12 utils. Leighanne, 120 evenings. spacious 2 bedroom apt. So. 800 E. $140month plus 12 TO SHARE FEMALE vicinity 1700 2 utilities. 120 or SERIOUS NONSMOKING. parking, grounds, more information: utilities.) laundry centers, playetc?! Call us today for "(Not including 115 . low impact High Body sculpting elastic resistance exercises. $25mo. or $3class. 2100 S. 1160 E. AEROBICS AT THE BAY. & SAFE 211 OWE IT TO YOURSELFI Why be embarrassed buying condoms? Purchase condoms cofidentially by mail. Packaged for complete privacy. Mailed directly to you. Feel safe with new double protection latex plus spermicide lubricant. Your protection comes from America's largest maunufac-ture- r of condoms. Individually tested. Bargain at $6.95doz. plus $1.00 shipping. Send check or money order today to: Progressive Ideas. Box 71098 Dept. E, Salt Lake City, UT 84107. Full satisfaction or your 119 money back. KISN 97. Kenny Watanabe & $185 rent. Includes all utilities but phone. 119 Call Mike, 115 Just to let you know how happy I am about the SEXY new you. Can hardly wait till Summer, so I can see and hold you again. VALERIE: WMSW?W.A.E. a? - 115 I experience. 311 WORD PROCESSING. Unfurnished. $275. heat paid. Roommates wanted 415 University Street, 3. 122 $135 per bedroom. Can check TYPING. spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian, Campbell), etc. Mrs. Nelley, 311 EXPERT TYPING. Papers, reports, theses, dissertations. Fast service. Aztec Typing Service. ). Expert word processing. 211 East 300 South. 311 ). PROFESSIONAL TYPING PC w IBM printer or IBM Sel. Wheelwri-te- r 90tpg. double spaced. Fast, accurate. Please call: Sue, II, " 330 WP. Resumes, term papers, manuscripts. Fast. Accurate. Call Dorene, WORD PERFECT 311 TWO BEDROOM. U. NEAR PROFESSIONAL WOROPROCESSING. Fast, accurate. etc. Joanne. WORDS All formats. Check spelling, 211 EXPRESS. Quality word processing, fast service, 20 years experience. Resumes, 210 thesis, term papers. SERVICES 311 Free information session Wednesdays af 12:00. Call Margaret EATING DISORDERS: 219 Thompson for information, CHEER UPI research and clean and tighten your grammar. Call tutoring services at 581 51 53 and ask for Dee Wolfe. 216 PARENTS OF AGRESSIVE PRESCHOOL CHILDREN (4-YRS.I are invited to participate in a treatment study. There is treatment. For info, call ROCK BEEN your skis, no 122 delivery. For beginning and intermediate students. Have teaching experience. 125 Call Bryan, SPANISH TUTOR. GET A PART TIME WORKFULL TIME PAY. $5.00 to $11.50 per hr. Guaranteed salary. Order Dept. expansion creates 20 openings. 20 to 33 hrs. eves and weekends. Call Scott, WINTER AND START ONE BREAK AT 2ND AVENUE TAN FOR THE FOR SPRING TANNING SALON. 1030 2nd Ave. Call r5 5 fj 9 s TAME YOUR MANE WITH PAULA. Prescision Cutting, Newest Styles. Discount to U. Students. Cal the Mane Tamer at 9 s BUFFET ACCENT MODIFICATION. Programmed instruction on pronunciation of American and efficient. Instruction. Comprehensive 212 Call Beverly at FROID premiere Jan. 11, 12 5:15,7:00,8:45 COMING UP Jan. BREAK AWAY FORM Jan. 18,19 5:15, 7:15 5 S EROTIC FILM Thurs. 10:30 FESTIVAL GRAB. STUDENT needed to manage Write: E. Kelsey,535N. Michigan 2811. 119 Chg., 11.60611. be part-o- f a winning team. Call Erik Farley, collect for an earn money for medical research. 581-50- 127 Ot to learn how you can qualify lor i free trip to Ha will while you earn to $1500 $2000 per month part time? Call to find out how. 121 ARE YOU OPEN MINDED ENOUGH BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE ASSISTANT.Qualified Work Study Student. 10 hrs week, $4.25 6 hour. for appointment. 121 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY: FEMALE PERSONAL AIDEHOUSEKEEPER FOR STUDENT IN WHEELCHAIR. 5 $210 days per week. Room-Boar- 122 per month. i WIN AN IBM PC I Name the MarriottLaw I I Libraries', Online Catalog j a Marriott & Law Libraries STREET TRASH a mm II Creat copies. Great people. 200 University St. 0 ROCKY HORROR Open 24 s is MS & FAR BETTER FRENCH VERS) WEDNESDAY: OAVC THE GRANDMOTHER" J 583-348- A CRADLE THREE MEN (THE ORIGNAL g 9 FriS Sat 1100 ntetimnaiimiiimiDimiinmiairiS5 115 old. in good health, s 5 - interview. M E PACK. Develop Travel, guaranteed income, Company benefits: Insurance, savings program, IRA, Social Secvurity. Give us a call if you want to S Weds. 10:30 HOLLYWOOD THE your personal skills and earn $5,000 to $10,000 We this summer. train you to be the best. i5 NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD 122 negotiable. Call MARRIEO LEDOULOS premiere e only need apply. Pay and dress code ROSES premiere 7 5:15, 7:00, 8:45 7. FOREIGN 100 So. E. 364-347- 1 S S 260 part-tim- RITA. NEED A MAID. Duplex, a fixer-uppe- r, with 4 affable young rogues is crying out for attention. WE NEED A MAID! Females f!!iiiamui!iiiiiaiiiuiuiiiiaiiiiiitt XSf5X STORES need RITA. 122 311 311 BOS WANTED. ARTIST NEEDS INTEREST-IN- G PEOPLE TO MODEL FOR PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS. JERRY, 122 apts. years 122 OLD BABY MODEL 119 0 24 References 122 Experience with finite differential technique of solving partial differential equations and image processing preferable. Contact Dilip MEN WANTED: $5hr. retail help. Pipe and Cigar smokers should apply. Call 355-733-6 for appointment. 122 PART TIME PROGRAMMING HELP WANTED. at 5 MONTH THE TINOER 115 pm. 4 YR. OLD NAPS IN MY HOME. light housework. Experience necessary. 3 days wk. flexible hours. Sugarhouse - own transportation. 311 x cost for 115 SKIING? I'll professionally tune ONLY $10.00. Free pick up & TEND AIRLINE COUPONS WANTED: United Bonus Tickets, Delta, Western, etc: Up to $350 ea. Details available WANTED Dee will help you fix your essay or paper. Dee will repair your spelling WANTED. POSTAL JOBSIS20.064 START! prepare now! Clerks Carriers! Call for guaranteed exam 1 22 ext. 192. workshop. (916) 944-44- X 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 years experience. $1 a page. Call Diane, Lori Tsuyuki. Clyni. Gim. Kent. Mirk. Blikt. Smith. Syndsrgiird. Ltiry. Dill. Limn. Klin 87 Big 115 Buckt. 90Cpg. 13 years U of correct spelling. JAN, TYPING. STUDENT: close to U. Live at the shade. We're Close to campus, shopping centers, the highways to the slopes. ..AND, qualifying applicants who sign a two bedroom rental agreement during winter quarter get the first 30 days free rent to brighten up winter. Where else in the world can you get a deal like this and off street U Matt. 322-200- University Apartments this winter and you've got it made in the snow or Days. ARTIST NEEDS INTEREST-INPEOPLE TO MODEL FOR DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS. JERRY. 118 after 6 PROFESSIONAL WHILE pm, Wed. & Thurs. required. Ph. FREE RENT ANDOR WAGES FOR STUDENT WHO LOVES CHILDREN IN EXCHANGE FOR 25-3- 0 HOURS SUPERVISION PER WEEK. MUST DRIVE; OWN CAR A BONUS. FLEXIBLE SCHEDULE: DAYS AND EVENINGS. 7 TYPING $150 month, (includes heat) & 12 util. Hardwood floors, sunny. Great location. STUDY 115 120 583-019- 583-040- TRAVEL MODEL 115 -4414, HELPER. Two children. Roomboard plus salary. Flexible hours. NANNYMOTHER'S 122 4266. QUAINT 2 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH FENCED YARD. 734 E. Wilson. $400. R&R Property Manage-men- t. BEDROOM "Francine! Honey! Aren't you taking this 'Just Say No' thing a little too far?" you stop Omni, $1400 or best offer. Also: clothes, or 235 Helm Ave. dishes, etc. Call 265-147- 4 115 2 if LEAVING COUNTRY. 6 piece bookcase-$500- . Rocker $40. New Serta twin, $90. 1981 Dodge APT. New carpet, paint. $230 mo. 255 S. 600 E., SLC. 278- -- s: .n nights. 129 Scott, TWO BEDROOM UPPER AVES. 1 bdrm. Quiet, clean. Washer, dryer included. Lots of charm. Ask for Vic, L i after SKI PACKAGE. Used once. Track skis, Solomon boots (10, 10 12), bindings, poles 0 after 6 and weekends. 120 $90. 6 Westminster College. Heat paid, washerdr- 120 call Trish, CUTE BASEMENT AVENUES - MAN'S BEAUTIFUL 'Tanlur Original" sueded lambskin coat. Never worn. Model 3000 16811. Extra large, cost $650, sell $250. Ladies "Tanfur Original" size 14. Asking FOR RENT COZY 4 Brand new, in the box. Canon 0 EOS with 50 1 .8 lens. Only $350. Call 115 after 2:00. AUTOFOCUS. hours. ui is noo tYNCWS TS.UE VELVET juullmct |